Nancy Pelosi: Obamacare Was ‘Bipartisan’ Legislation

The bill itself was worked on by both Republicans and Democrats.

The Republicans in the Senate alone had 160 amendments introduced to the Bill that passed.

Just because R's decided for political posturing, in unison not vote yea on the bill, does not in any ways diminish the fact that the Republicans introduced and passed well over a hundred amendments to the ACA bill.
You do know that an amendment is something that is added to a bill after it is passed, right.
So name the Republicans in the bipartisanship! List them.
Many republican Senators and Congressmen were present and contributed when the ACA was being written. Nvm that much of it drew inspiration from a healthcare law enacted by a republican Presidential nominee.
Name the Republicans who participated in writing Obamacare!
The bill at time of vote had over 160 amendments proposed by republicans. The committee that passed the bill with those amendments in place on to the next step had such notable names as Orrin Hatch, John McCain, Tom Coburn and several other republicans.
So, Republicans had 161 amendments accepted and all Republicans voted against their own amendments? Is this correct? Do you know what amendments were accepted? I cannot find this information.
Pg. 32848

Congressional Record
Unreadable. If you have namesname them.
The bill itself was worked on by both Republicans and Democrats.

The Republicans in the Senate alone had 160 amendments introduced to the Bill that passed.

Just because R's decided for political posturing, in unison not vote yea on the bill, does not in any ways diminish the fact that the Republicans introduced and passed well over a hundred amendments to the ACA bill.
You do know that an amendment is something that is added to a bill after it is passed, right.

No, no he doesn't.

I guess snowflakes believe the Super Bowl championship is a bipartisan effort because both teams are on the field at the same both were it's bipartisan...EVERYONE GETS A TROPHY!
I am watching a bipartisan effort by Alabama and Clemson to win the National Championship.
The House voted 219 to 212 in favor of Obamacare with ever Republican voting no the Senate voted 60 to 39 for Obamacare again with no Republican votes. In fact 34 House Democrats voted with the Republicans against Obamacare these no votes were the only bipartisan votes cast.
Obama says health plan incorporates the ideas of Democrats and Republicans

Earlier in the day, in a conference call with the media, Obama's deputy communications director, Dan Pfeiffer, argued that while the health bills in the House and Senate have not gotten Republican votes, the process was bipartisan because dozens of Republican amendments were adopted.

And that's technically true. But it's a stretch to characterize it as bipartisan.

The Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions adopted 159 amendments offered by Republicans, but only two of them were significant or controversial enough to merit roll call votes. One of those two affected the manufacture of biologics medication and another required members of Congress and congressional staff to enroll in the government-run option.

Don Stewart, a spokesman for Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell, said 132 of the 159 were for "technical amendments" and that it was a misnomer to call them proof of bipartisanship.

None of the Republicans' priorities have gotten any traction, he said: Tort reform, equalizing the tax code, reducing the proposed cuts to Medicare spending, and scrapping the proposed "public option."

In fact, he said, only one big-picture Republican issue seems to have gotten the attention of the Democratic majority: creating incentives for wellness, such as cutting insurance costs for people who exercise or don't smoke.

Over in the House, several versions of health care bills have passed various committees. Here's how Republican amendments fared there:

In the Energy and Commerce Committee, 16 Republican amendments were adopted. With the exception of one that would create a pathway for nonpioneer drug companies to manufacture "follow-on" biologics, said Lisa Miller, a spokeswoman for Republicans on the committee, none of the Republican amendments could be considered major, and none change the core of the legislation.
So Pelosi and obummer and media matters and salon lie again!

If it's bipartisan, why didn't the Dems who ran on Obamacare give Republicans any "credit" for it?

Here is a quote from Hillary's website on what she would have done if she won POTUS.

  • Defend and expand the Affordable Care Act, which covers 20 million people. Hillary will stand up to Republican-led attacks on this landmark law—and build on its success to bring the promise of affordable health care to more people and make a “public option” possible. She will also support letting people over 55 years old buy into Medicare.
Hillary on health care
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  1. of or involving the agreement or cooperation of two political parties that usually oppose each other's policies.
    "educational reform received considerable bipartisan approval"

Fucking delusional old bat - This crazy biatch is 2nd in line to the Presidency.. That's frightening shit right there.

Edit to add: Thanks to someone, I forgot.. Dimwits aren't in control of the House.. That fuckwad Paul Ryan is 2nd in line which is nearly just as bad.
No, Biden is second in line. Paul Ryan is third.
I meant under Trump.
Just shows how mindless and total the GOP obstruction of Obama was, since this was very close to the Nixon/Heritage /Dole GOP plans. There was a gang of six GOPers who were supposedly interested in voting for it. All bs and hypocrisy in the end. The New BS GOP is a disgrace.
The bill itself was worked on by both Republicans and Democrats.

The Republicans in the Senate alone had 160 amendments introduced to the Bill that passed.

Just because R's decided for political posturing, in unison not vote yea on the bill, does not in any way diminish the fact that the Republicans introduced and passed well over a hundred amendments to the ACA bill.

Nancy?? NOT ONE DAMN REPUBLICAN had shit to do with this PUKEBURGER of a bill.. NOT ONE.. You're as fucked in the head as Pelosi which is pretty sick.
ACA was bipartisan. It would have been a lot better without republican input.

Link the proof dummy.. You damn revisionist liars on the left actually believe people are going to buy your horse shit.. Those days are over.. you fucks no longer control the media.
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So name the Republicans in the bipartisanship! List them.
Many republican Senators and Congressmen were present and contributed when the ACA was being written. Nvm that much of it drew inspiration from a healthcare law enacted by a republican Presidential nominee.
Name the Republicans who participated in writing Obamacare!
The bill at time of vote had over 160 amendments proposed by republicans. The committee that passed the bill with those amendments in place on to the next step had such notable names as Orrin Hatch, John McCain, Tom Coburn and several other republicans.
So, Republicans had 161 amendments accepted and all Republicans voted against their own amendments? Is this correct? Do you know what amendments were accepted? I cannot find this information.
Pg. 32848

Congressional Record
What you linked to is a speech on the floor - not amendments. He could have said the sky is green - that does not mean that it is. The amendments, how and what they are, matter in the context that she is trying to make this a bi-partisan bill. Considering that there were a grand total of zero republicans that voted for the ACA, it is more than a stretch to claim it was bi-partisan. Further, over the last several years I have yet to hear anyone, and I mean anyone at all, give the republicans one iota of credit for all the wonderful things that the left has claimed the ACA accomplished. Now it is bi-partisan?

This is spin at a level that is just asinine.
If it wasn't bipartisan we'd have single payer and none of the bullshit attacks and changes republicans have used to sabotage it would have been enacted.
The democrats did not support single payer, end of story. Single payer was not scrapped because the republicans would not pass it - it was scrapped because the dems did not have the support in their own party to pass such a bill let alone get it past the republicans.

Obama made some nice comments about single payer and then abandoned it as soon as he could.
Not one fucking republican vote, NOT ONE and this lunatic hag says it was a bi-partisan bill. OMG
And 34 Democrats voted against also!
The House passed the Senate bill with a 219–212 vote on March 21, 2010, with 34 Democrats and all 178 Republicans voting against it. The next day, Republicans introduced legislation to repeal the bill. Obama signed ACA into law on March 23, 2010.
Many republican Senators and Congressmen were present and contributed when the ACA was being written. Nvm that much of it drew inspiration from a healthcare law enacted by a republican Presidential nominee.
Name the Republicans who participated in writing Obamacare!
The bill at time of vote had over 160 amendments proposed by republicans. The committee that passed the bill with those amendments in place on to the next step had such notable names as Orrin Hatch, John McCain, Tom Coburn and several other republicans.
So, Republicans had 161 amendments accepted and all Republicans voted against their own amendments? Is this correct? Do you know what amendments were accepted? I cannot find this information.
Pg. 32848

Congressional Record
Unreadable. If you have namesname them.
If you don't want to click the link and go to that page, which takes seconds, then you don't care. There are hundreds of thousands of congressional records. Finding the specific one took me a while and if you want to shit on it by not taking a few seconds then go ahead. I went to the source because I figured you'd call articles derived from the source bullshit. So there you have it.
Here is how the demented minds of liberals work. They are always so sure but always so wrong. So Pelosi knows that what they did was the right thing no matter the result. So in her echo chamber of a head she thinks that the Republicans even voting on the bill made it bi-partisan, that somehow them voting no 100 percent, with 34 democrats also voting no, actually means they participated thus they supported the bill.

That is how F'ed up the thinking on the left really is and why they get repeatedly punished. How she keeps getting returned to Congress is a testimony to how corrupt and bi-partisan is our system.

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