Nancy Pelosi: Obamacare Was ‘Bipartisan’ Legislation

Well, I just looked. Not all the senators nor all the representatives were Democrats. Thus bipartisan. Bipartisan is a binary thing like "all or none." Was it hugely bipartisan? Hell, no. But was bipartisan.

U.S. Senate: Roll Call Vote
What are you trying to say, that the independents that caucus with the democrats makes the vote bi-partisan, really? Do you really believe that is what Pelosi was talking about?

I am impressed when people come up with such lame ass justifications.
Name the Republicans who participated in writing Obamacare!
The bill at time of vote had over 160 amendments proposed by republicans. The committee that passed the bill with those amendments in place on to the next step had such notable names as Orrin Hatch, John McCain, Tom Coburn and several other republicans.
So, Republicans had 161 amendments accepted and all Republicans voted against their own amendments? Is this correct? Do you know what amendments were accepted? I cannot find this information.
Pg. 32848

Congressional Record
Unreadable. If you have namesname them.
If you don't want to click the link and go to that page, which takes seconds, then you don't care. There are hundreds of thousands of congressional records. Finding the specific one took me a while and if you want to shit on it by not taking a few seconds then go ahead. I went to the source because I figured you'd call articles derived from the source bullshit. So there you have it.
I clicked your link the print is so small it is unreadable! Got it now? I shat on nothing.
The bill at time of vote had over 160 amendments proposed by republicans. The committee that passed the bill with those amendments in place on to the next step had such notable names as Orrin Hatch, John McCain, Tom Coburn and several other republicans.
So, Republicans had 161 amendments accepted and all Republicans voted against their own amendments? Is this correct? Do you know what amendments were accepted? I cannot find this information.
Pg. 32848

Congressional Record
Unreadable. If you have namesname them.
If you don't want to click the link and go to that page, which takes seconds, then you don't care. There are hundreds of thousands of congressional records. Finding the specific one took me a while and if you want to shit on it by not taking a few seconds then go ahead. I went to the source because I figured you'd call articles derived from the source bullshit. So there you have it.
I clicked your link the print is so small it is unreadable! Got it now? I shat on nothing.
There's a zoom function
Well, I just looked. Not all the senators nor all the representatives were Democrats. Thus bipartisan. Bipartisan is a binary thing like "all or none." Was it hugely bipartisan? Hell, no. But was bipartisan.

U.S. Senate: Roll Call Vote
What are you trying to say, that the independents that caucus with the democrats makes the vote bi-partisan, really? Do you really believe that is what Pelosi was talking about?

I am impressed when people come up with such lame ass justifications.

I'm not trying to say anything. I said what I intended to say, neither more nor less. The data speak for themselves.
Pelosi is such a lying skank, the bi@tch who declared Americans had no right to know what was in their edict before it was passed and imposed.
Well, I just looked. Not all the senators nor all the representatives were Democrats. Thus bipartisan. Bipartisan is a binary thing like "all or none." Was it hugely bipartisan? Hell, no. But was bipartisan.

U.S. Senate: Roll Call Vote

You get the award for the being the thread dumbazz.. So an Independent, ie BERNIE FUCKING COMMUNIST SANDERS , left of left makes it bi-partisan??? LMAO You can't make this shit up.. You shit for brains libtards are a waste of brain cells.
Well, I just looked. Not all the senators nor all the representatives were Democrats. Thus bipartisan. Bipartisan is a binary thing like "all or none." Was it hugely bipartisan? Hell, no. But was bipartisan.

U.S. Senate: Roll Call Vote
What are you trying to say, that the independents that caucus with the democrats makes the vote bi-partisan, really? Do you really believe that is what Pelosi was talking about?

I am impressed when people come up with such lame ass justifications.

I'm not trying to say anything. I said what I intended to say, neither more nor less. The data speak for themselves.
BRAIN DAMAGE OR JUST STUPID’: Pelosi claims 3 deaths represent ‘a clear pattern’ of racist cops

'BRAIN DAMAGE OR JUST STUPID': Pelosi claims 3 deaths represent 'a clear pattern' of racist cops

I vote brain damaged.. In fact, I'd wager this fruitbat does have brain damage..
Well, I just looked. Not all the senators nor all the representatives were Democrats. Thus bipartisan. Bipartisan is a binary thing like "all or none." Was it hugely bipartisan? Hell, no. But was bipartisan.

U.S. Senate: Roll Call Vote

Well, I just looked. Not all the senators nor all the representatives were Democrats. Thus bipartisan. Bipartisan is a binary thing like "all or none." Was it hugely bipartisan? Hell, no. But was bipartisan.

U.S. Senate: Roll Call Vote
What are you trying to say, that the independents that caucus with the democrats makes the vote bi-partisan, really? Do you really believe that is what Pelosi was talking about?

I am impressed when people come up with such lame ass justifications.

I'm not trying to say anything. I said what I intended to say, neither more nor less. The data speak for themselves.


You get the award for the being the thread dumbazz.. So an Independent, ie BERNIE FUCKING COMMUNIST SANDERS , left of left makes it bi-partisan??? LMAO You can't make this shit up.. You shit for brains libtards are a waste of brain cells.

And marshal me to knavery....
For ’tis the sport to have the engineer
Hoist with his own petard.
- William Shakespeare, Hamlet

You are so lazy and stupid I bet it takes you two hours to watch 60 Minutes!

You are so certain that you know what you are talking about and yet you do not, you goddamned temerarious "shit for brains" bitch!! I provided you with two links. All you had to do was click on them and look at the data. You didn't have to go get the data yourself. It was laid out for you - in summary and in detail - at the links I provided. The links I provided were directly from the U.S. Senate and U.S. House of Representatives. Here they are again, you waste of skin!
"Away, you scullion! You rampallian! You fustilarian!" Consider now your catastrophe tickled! Away with your wit "thick as Tewksbury mustard"
Last edited:
Are you leftists ever embarrassed at having a leadership that is clearly brain dead, psychotic? WTF is wrong with you people.. Honest to God, the whole lot of you are loathsome.. seriously, just get the fack out already.. go start your own country.

Nancy Pelosi: Obamacare Was ‘Bipartisan’ Legislation - Breitbart

Breitbart? Please provide "credible" proof that Nancy Pelosi ever said Obamacare was bipartisan legislation.

Pelosi: Obamacare Was ‘Bipartisan,’ Only Final ‘Tweaks’ Made in Reconciliation

Oh, that attack the source because you disagree with it argument? Damn you lefties never tried that one before.
Only 25% of Americans want the ACA repealed. That's the GOP 'mandate'.

Does that 75% you claim that want it to stay include the freeloaders getting a subsidy in order to have coverage? They don't count. That's like asking the fox with feathers in his mouth if he raided the chicken house and thinking it the answer has any validity.
Only 25% of Americans want the ACA repealed. That's the GOP 'mandate'.

Does that 75% you claim that want it to stay include the freeloaders getting a subsidy in order to have coverage? They don't count. That's like asking the fox with feathers in his mouth if he raided the chicken house and thinking it the answer has any validity.

So if Trump wants to pass a tax cut, the polls asking who supports or opposes that should only be of those who won't get the tax cut?
Only 25% of Americans want the ACA repealed. That's the GOP 'mandate'.

Does that 75% you claim that want it to stay include the freeloaders getting a subsidy in order to have coverage? They don't count. That's like asking the fox with feathers in his mouth if he raided the chicken house and thinking it the answer has any validity.

That would depend on the fox's answer. A fox has more integrity than Trump and his Turmpkins, so odds are it'll say, "Yes."

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