Nader to Ryan: Time to Debate


Diamond Member
Dec 27, 2009
Los Angeles, California
Ralph Nader has sent Paul Ryan three letters requesting a debate on the Ryan Budget.
Paul's "too busy" to defend his budget in front of millions interested American voters on national television.

Heeeere's Ralph:

"Very well, Mr. Ryan, then why have you refused to civilly debate your proposals and their consequences with any of your critics inside and outside the Congress before a national television audience?

"I requested that you have this important exchange in three letters (first,second,third). Finally, your office demurred on the grounds that you were too busy.

"Are you really too busy to debate your plan which has passed the Republican-controlled House of Representatives and has been generally endorsed by Mitt Romney?

"Or are you too fearful of trying to defend your numbers and their plutocratic values to the likes of Princeton professor and Nobel Laureate Paul Krugman, who has called the Ryan budget 'the most fraudulent in American history'”?

I don't like Nader but he has a point. Lyin' and Hidin' Ryan won't answer questions from the press or respond to Nader and others. Typical.
I don't like Nader but he has a point. Lyin' and Hidin' Ryan won't answer questions from the press or respond to Nader and others. Typical.
Ryan probably can't defend (or even find) the numbers in his budget.
No insults in CDZ.
"His plan for social security is social insecurity. Make people work longer before receiving curtailed benefits, invest trillions of dollars of these funds in the volatile stock market and make sure that rich people only have to pay social security taxes on a fraction of their earned income.

"He would open the floodgates on future Medicare to the rapacious health insurance companies through a voucher system whereby the elderly are fed to these sharks with ever-higher co-pays.

"His 'block grant plan alone would lead states to drop between 14 and 27 million people (the poor and those with disabilities) from Medicaid by 2021,' according to the Urban Institute."


Ryan's about as likely to accept Ralph's challenge as he is to follow in Pat Tillman's footsteps.
Why are the debates limited to the candidates of the two party coup d'état?
Who in their right mind would want to waste their time debating Ralph Nader!

Is he still alive????
Why are the debates limited to the candidates of the two party coup d'état?

The debates are between the two who top the polls. If you want someone else, support them, if enough people do, that person will be in the debate and one of the others will be out.
Ryan should take Nader up on it and offer to pick him up in a Corvair
Was the Corvair was made in Ryan's hometown?

"His (Ryan's) hometown has been devastated by pull-down trade agreements yet he supports NAFTA and the World Trade Organization. He sees himself as a fiscal hawk while being an armchair warrior and military hawk (he wants to stay and win in Afghanistan).

"He offers 'to restore the dreams and greatness of America' but opposes both public works projects to repair America and environmental health standards so Americans can breathe, drink, eat and work more safely.

Who in their right mind would want to waste their time debating Ralph Nader!

Is he still alive????
Are you?

"Nader is a six-time candidate for President of the United States, having run as a write-in candidate in the 1992 New Hampshire Democratic primary, as the Green Party nominee in 1996 and 2000, and as an independent candidate in 2004 and 2008."

Ralph Nader - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Why are the debates limited to the candidates of the two party coup d'état?

Why would anyone care how someone not running for President debates?
What about others who are running for President?

"Jill Stein, the Green Party's 2012 presidential candidate, was arrested in Philadelphia Wednesday afternoon during a bank protest sit-in."

Green Party Presidential Candidate Jill Stein Arrested at Bank Protest | Common Dreams

Would you care to share who you'll be voting for?
Who in their right mind would want to waste their time debating Ralph Nader!

Is he still alive????
Are you?

"Nader is a six-time candidate for President of the United States, having run as a write-in candidate in the 1992 New Hampshire Democratic primary, as the Green Party nominee in 1996 and 2000, and as an independent candidate in 2004 and 2008."

Ralph Nader - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I remember him in 1992, he was not particularly memorable or relevant since then.
Ralph Nader has sent Paul Ryan three letters requesting a debate on the Ryan Budget.
Paul's "too busy" to defend his budget in front of millions interested American voters on national television.

Heeeere's Ralph:

"Very well, Mr. Ryan, then why have you refused to civilly debate your proposals and their consequences with any of your critics inside and outside the Congress before a national television audience?

"I requested that you have this important exchange in three letters (first,second,third). Finally, your office demurred on the grounds that you were too busy.

"Are you really too busy to debate your plan which has passed the Republican-controlled House of Representatives and has been generally endorsed by Mitt Romney?

"Or are you too fearful of trying to defend your numbers and their plutocratic values to the likes of Princeton professor and Nobel Laureate Paul Krugman, who has called the Ryan budget 'the most fraudulent in American history'”?


Maybe Ryan doesn't want to make Nader look even dumber than he already does.
Nader???? You mean the communist so fucking ignorant even the progressives don't want him? Why should Ryan a American have to answer anything to that failure? Its not like nader would vote for anyone who believes in the USA
Who in their right mind would want to waste their time debating Ralph Nader!

Is he still alive????
Are you?

"Nader is a six-time candidate for President of the United States, having run as a write-in candidate in the 1992 New Hampshire Democratic primary, as the Green Party nominee in 1996 and 2000, and as an independent candidate in 2004 and 2008."

Ralph Nader - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I see you really havent answered the question.

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