NAACP Leader "The epidemic is truly black on black crime"


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2011
Chastises Sharpton and Jackson for diverting attention from the real problem, and exploiting Traynor's death:

But Bryant, who explores the topic of black-on-black crime in his new film “Runaway Slave,” said people like Jackson and Sharpton are being misleading to suggest there is an epidemic of “white men killing black young men.”
“The epidemic is truly black on black crime,” Bryant said. “The greatest danger to the lives of young black men are young black men.”

Bryant said he wishes civil rights leaders were protesting those problems.
“Why not be angry about the wholesale murder that goes on in the streets of Newark and Chicago?” he asked. “Why isn’t somebody angry about that six-year-old girl who was killed on her steps last weekend in a cross fire when two gang members in Chicago start shooting at each other? Why is there no outrage about that?”

Read more: Trayvon Martin | Jesse Jackson | Al Sharpton | The Daily Caller

You will, I expect, soon realize that the person whose words you are citing here, is a fucking opportunist with dollar signs dancing before his eyes. But, sadly, I also expect that you will never return here to admit as much.

The pride that you must feel.
Last weekend 49 black people in Chicago were killed by other black people. This includes a six year old girl on her own front steps. 49 sons and daughters had their lives snuffed out. No one cares. One city, 49 people dead in two days. This is worse than Afghanistan and Iraq put together. Why doesn't anyone give a damn?

Oh that's right, liberal democrats really don't care about the body count. That's why they kill all initiative in the black community. Feed them and encourge them to kill one another. They would rather be transfixed by a hispanic who killed a black kid in self defense in Florida where there is a law that the democrats don't like.
What does it matter whether the person who said it is an opportunist or not? Is Al Sharpton not an opportunist? Is what he is saying untrue? Of course it is not.


You will, I expect, soon realize that the person whose words you are citing here, is a fucking opportunist with dollar signs dancing before his eyes. But, sadly, I also expect that you will never return here to admit as much.

The pride that you must feel.

You will, I expect, soon realize that the person whose words you are citing here, is a fucking opportunist with dollar signs dancing before his eyes. But, sadly, I also expect that you will never return here to admit as much.

The pride that you must feel.

What's wrong about what he said?

Or are you just pissed that it doesn't fit the narrative dictated by white liberals?

I have explained that the dude is an opportunist. What he says is designed to illicit a response from nutters like you. He got it.

Everything he said is bullshit.
"This is an obvious example of something, but I'm not going to tell you what it's an example of, and I am much too important to be bothered with confirming it! You must take my word because I say so!"
Last weekend 49 black people in Chicago were killed by other black people. This includes a six year old girl on her own front steps. 49 sons and daughters had their lives snuffed out. No one cares. One city, 49 people dead in two days. This is worse than Afghanistan and Iraq put together. Why doesn't anyone give a damn?

Oh that's right, liberal democrats really don't care about the body count. That's why they kill all initiative in the black community. Feed them and encourge them to kill one another. They would rather be transfixed by a hispanic who killed a black kid in self defense in Florida where there is a law that the democrats don't like.

This is a lie and it's poetic that Daveman thanked you for this lying post.Since Daveman is a lying fat piece of shit. Post a link to the "49 black people in Chicago were killed by other black people, in Chicago, last weekend.

I know you can't, but I can post the truth. Note the race of the 6 year old killed.

"Aliyah's shooting was the most shocking of a particularly violent weekend in Chicago. According to an analysis by the Tribune, 49 people were shot — 10 of them fatally — from late Friday afternoon through early Monday, mostly on the South and Southwest sides. Chicago police, excluding Monday morning from the calculation, said nine homicides took place over the weekend."

Murder of 6-year-old girl caps violent weekend in Chicago - Chicago Tribune

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