NAACP Claims that Building Earthquake Standards are Product of White Supremacy


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
No one ever elected the NAACP's officer, etc, so they do not speak for the black community, they only speak for the leftwing Identity Politics wack j obs that are their membership.

But even so, their are lowest thresholds one might expect from thinking human beings. That floor has now been absolutely disintegrated with this Negative IQ stupidity.

NAACP blames ‘white supremacy’ for Portland earthquake signs

A new city policy requiring public signs on brick buildings warning they might collapse in an earthquake is part of a long history of white supremacy aimed at forcing black people to move out of neighborhoods, the NAACP of Portland, Oregon, says.

The group on Thursday decried the policy affecting some 1,600 unreinforced masonry buildings that are on average 90 years old, many in areas with a predominantly black population, The Oregonian/OregonLive reports .

The policy “exacerbates a long history of systemic and structural betrayals of trust and policies of displacement, demolition, and dispossession predicated on classism, racism, and white supremacy,” the group said.

The NAACP said the policy will make it tougher for owners of brick buildings to get loans and will discourage investment. It says that means buildings will have to be sold, and that developers will demolish and redevelop, increasing the cost to live there and forcing current residents out.
1) This sounds like a shakedown to me.
2) Even a stopped clock is right twice a day, given the strength of anti-Christian wiccan/TM/Satanism/tantric yoga on the left coast this dust up could very easily be about poor black Christians being an easy target and playing the race card might just be strategy.
No one ever elected the NAACP's officer, etc, so they do not speak for the black community, they only speak for the leftwing Identity Politics wack j obs that are their membership.

But even so, their are lowest thresholds one might expect from thinking human beings. That floor has now been absolutely disintegrated with this Negative IQ stupidity.

NAACP blames ‘white supremacy’ for Portland earthquake signs

A new city policy requiring public signs on brick buildings warning they might collapse in an earthquake is part of a long history of white supremacy aimed at forcing black people to move out of neighborhoods, the NAACP of Portland, Oregon, says.

The group on Thursday decried the policy affecting some 1,600 unreinforced masonry buildings that are on average 90 years old, many in areas with a predominantly black population, The Oregonian/OregonLive reports .

The policy “exacerbates a long history of systemic and structural betrayals of trust and policies of displacement, demolition, and dispossession predicated on classism, racism, and white supremacy,” the group said.

The NAACP said the policy will make it tougher for owners of brick buildings to get loans and will discourage investment. It says that means buildings will have to be sold, and that developers will demolish and redevelop, increasing the cost to live there and forcing current residents out.
It wouldn't be the first time existing laws were used in discriminatory ways. Particularly when there is money to be made, such as removing low rent tenants in gentrifying areas.

I don't know the situation in Portland well enough to know if that's the case here, but it isn't the boondoggle the OP wants to pretend it is.
The left coast from San Francisco to Alaska are subject to floods, landslides Tsunamis and quakes so no single building code makes sense
This is even more stupid that AOC claiming Trump is a racist for using harsh language.

It wouldn't be the first time existing laws were used in discriminatory ways. Particularly when there is money to be made, such as removing low rent tenants in gentrifying areas.

The alternative would have been to provide help to reinforce the buildings. How about that?

BTW, are buildings in the tsunami zone required to have a warning affixed, saying "This building lies in the tsunami zone and may be submerged and swept away in case of an earthquake?" For the sake of fairness, or something:

On average, a major quake uncorks in this area every 243 years, the last one on January 26, 1700—318 years ago.

Right. We’re overdue.

When the next Big One does happen, a 700-mile chunk of tectonic plate known as the Juan de Fuca, stretching from British Columbia to Northern California, will slide beneath the North American plate, causing the entire Northwest coastline to sink by up to 6.6 feet. The resulting quake won’t be a California-style short blast of energy along a fault line in the earth’s upper crustal zone. It will be bigger, deeper, and longer: 3–6 minutes, with potentially dozens of aftershocks, some very powerful, for days, even months, later. [...]

The Japanese earthquake in 2011 generated tsunami waves up to 33 feet high, washing over roughly 217 square miles. The Northwest’s wave could reach heights of up [to] 85 feet in the case of a 9.1 magnitude quake.
It seems the odds are fairly good a brick building could collaspe during an earthquake and I'm not sure how saying that forces anyone to move out. Another interesting bit of building information there is a good chance a wood building will burn to the ground if it catches on fire.
It seems the odds are fairly good a brick building could collaspe during an earthquake and I'm not sure how saying that forces anyone to move out. Another interesting bit of building information there is a good chance a wood building will burn to the ground if it catches on fire.
Living in a temperate zone rain forest is just plain crazy no matter how well built the structure.
Naturally if there were no warnings it would be white supremacists are forcing black people to live in unsafe buildings.
It wouldn't be the first time existing laws were used in discriminatory ways. Particularly when there is money to be made, such as removing low rent tenants in gentrifying areas.

The alternative would have been to provide help to reinforce the buildings. How about that?

BTW, are buildings in the tsunami zone required to have a warning affixed, saying "This building lies in the tsunami zone and may be submerged and swept away in case of an earthquake?" For the sake of fairness, or something:

On average, a major quake uncorks in this area every 243 years, the last one on January 26, 1700—318 years ago.

Right. We’re overdue.

When the next Big One does happen, a 700-mile chunk of tectonic plate known as the Juan de Fuca, stretching from British Columbia to Northern California, will slide beneath the North American plate, causing the entire Northwest coastline to sink by up to 6.6 feet. The resulting quake won’t be a California-style short blast of energy along a fault line in the earth’s upper crustal zone. It will be bigger, deeper, and longer: 3–6 minutes, with potentially dozens of aftershocks, some very powerful, for days, even months, later. [...]

The Japanese earthquake in 2011 generated tsunami waves up to 33 feet high, washing over roughly 217 square miles. The Northwest’s wave could reach heights of up [to] 85 feet in the case of a 9.1 magnitude quake.

In Marina Del Rey, California there are signs everywhere that you are in a Tsunami zone. The area is subject to being submerged with little or no warning.
Now why do you decide to only talk about the NAACP?

"In related action, a nonprofit coalition of Portland brick building owners recently filed a lawsuit seeking to block the ordinance, arguing it’s unconstitutional under free-speech and due-process rights.

“The government is forcing private property owners to basically broadcast the government’s message instead of their own,” said John DiLorenzo, an attorney for the group.

Also, a coalition of music venues called MusicPortland has sided with the NAACP, saying the ordinance threatens some 30 of its music venues."
Now why do you decide to only talk about the NAACP?

"In related action, a nonprofit coalition of Portland brick building owners recently filed a lawsuit seeking to block the ordinance, arguing it’s unconstitutional under free-speech and due-process rights.

“The government is forcing private property owners to basically broadcast the government’s message instead of their own,” said John DiLorenzo, an attorney for the group.

Also, a coalition of music venues called MusicPortland has sided with the NAACP, saying the ordinance threatens some 30 of its music venues."
Because none of the other goofball groups are claiming it is due to White Supremacy, that is why, lol.

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