NAACP admits to being snookered


Diamond Member
Feb 27, 2008
Hating Hatters
WASHINGTON (AP) -- NAACP leaders are calling on the Obama administration to reconsider its ousting of a black Agriculture Department worker who was pushed out of her job over racially tinged remarks, reversing their previous criticism of the employee.

NAACP President Benjamin Todd Jealous said in a statement that the group was "snookered" into believing that USDA employee Shirley Sherrod expressed racist sentiments at a local NAACP meeting in Georgia earlier this year. Jealous said conservative activist Andrew Breitbart, whose website posted video of Sherrod's remarks, deceived millions of people by releasing only partial clips. He said the full video makes clear that Sherrod was telling a story of racial unity.

WEAR ABC 3 :: National News


President Obama should fire Vilsack who claims she was fired because someone might claim she is a racist. Fucktard.
Well, the NAACP is now one up on Ravi, who will NEVER admit to being wrong about anything. Even if 38 lies by her in a 5 page thread are proven.
Yep. Right on cue.

This incident is classic example of why the Leftwing Power Structure loathes the alternate media (especially the blogosphere). Breitbart posted video clips of the woman saying what she said. The NAACP, the MSM, and the Obama Administration can all circle the wagons and blame Breitbart until their vocal chords bleed - but they can't change the fact that rational people across the country understand the racist/statist agenda being promoted by Progressives.
What's funnier then the NAACP being snookered, is that the White House was mega-snookered, cause their representative called Sherrod, according to her, 3x on her way home from work to resign; because this White House is intimidated by Fox news.
What a hoot and another 'total lameness badge' gets pinned on this administration's chest.
Andrew Breitbart, you prankster you.
Oh well, what goes down, comes round.
Hey Ravi, I have a serious question for you.

Why oh why are you ready to forgive a black woman for her racism from 22 years ago, yet you have several times, like 15 at last count, trashed ME for something that I did 18 years ago? Four years makes a difference?

I bet you don't have the fucking guts to answer that question.
WASHINGTON (AP) -- NAACP leaders are calling on the Obama administration to reconsider its ousting of a black Agriculture Department worker who was pushed out of her job over racially tinged remarks, reversing their previous criticism of the employee.

NAACP President Benjamin Todd Jealous said in a statement that the group was "snookered" into believing that USDA employee Shirley Sherrod expressed racist sentiments at a local NAACP meeting in Georgia earlier this year. Jealous said conservative activist Andrew Breitbart, whose website posted video of Sherrod's remarks, deceived millions of people by releasing only partial clips. He said the full video makes clear that Sherrod was telling a story of racial unity.

WEAR ABC 3 :: National News


President Obama should fire Vilsack who claims she was fired because someone might claim she is a racist. Fucktard.

I saw her on CNN earlier ravi. She said she got 3 phone calls from the white house on her way home asking her to resign.

The 3rd call told her to pull over and resign immediately.

Glenn Beck was on today giving the administration a TON OF CRAP over forcing her resignation...he said they didn't look at the context and shouldn't have asked for the resignation.

Wild were right earlier today when we were talking about this and you said we need the whole context.

you want the links to the lady's interview on CNN where she said that and the Beck show segment where he said it? I'll grab em up if you want.
Yep. Right on cue.

This incident is classic example of why the Leftwing Power Structure loathes the alternate media (especially the blogosphere). Breitbart posted video clips of the woman saying what she said. The NAACP, the MSM, and the Obama Administration can all circle the wagons and blame Breitbart until their vocal chords bleed - but they can't change the fact that rational people across the country understand the racist/statist agenda being promoted by Progressives.

I totally agree

Way to go Brietbart!
WASHINGTON (AP) -- NAACP leaders are calling on the Obama administration to reconsider its ousting of a black Agriculture Department worker who was pushed out of her job over racially tinged remarks, reversing their previous criticism of the employee.

NAACP President Benjamin Todd Jealous said in a statement that the group was "snookered" into believing that USDA employee Shirley Sherrod expressed racist sentiments at a local NAACP meeting in Georgia earlier this year. Jealous said conservative activist Andrew Breitbart, whose website posted video of Sherrod's remarks, deceived millions of people by releasing only partial clips. He said the full video makes clear that Sherrod was telling a story of racial unity.

WEAR ABC 3 :: National News


President Obama should fire Vilsack who claims she was fired because someone might claim she is a racist. Fucktard.

I saw her on CNN earlier ravi. She said she got 3 phone calls from the white house on her way home asking her to resign.

The 3rd call told her to pull over and resign immediately.

Glenn Beck was on today giving the administration a TON OF CRAP over forcing her resignation...he said they didn't look at the context and shouldn't have asked for the resignation.

Wild were right earlier today when we were talking about this and you said we need the whole context.

you want the links to the lady's interview on CNN where she said that and the Beck show segment where he said it? I'll grab em up if you want.

Oh the WH is fucked!!:lol: Now if they backtrack, Beck rather than the NAACP, can take credit.:lol:
Oh the WH is fucked!!:lol: Now if they backtrack, Beck rather than the NAACP, can take credit.:lol:

Do you mean to imply that the Right Wing media presented something out of context to support their agenda?

I'm shocked.....shocked I say!
I think Ravi will be gone from this thread, because she defiantly has no answer for why she forgives a black woman for something she did 22 years ago while berating me for something I did 18 years ago. I could say the same about other liberals to, but I'm going to limit my inquiry to Mrs Bunker for now.

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