N***R Sensor!! Why??


May 10, 2015
I would like some feedback. I recently started employment as a manger at a company. I currently train at one location and then will be working at another location in a couple weeks. I am half African American and half Puerto Rican. I noticed some alarming things at work with one of the employees and wanted to know if I am overreacting, which I don't think I am. The manager hired her sibling (Hispanic) against the advice of the company. This sibling likes to make racist comments like black people are lazy, ghetto, and she hopes that they don't hire anymore of them to work at the store. Now keep in mind she said this to me with the assumption that I am not African American because I am very light toned with curly hair and don't appear to be African American at all. This is what truly appalled me though. She thinks it's funny to reenact a part of a movie. See the clip here.


She actually has an African American employee pulled back to go back through the front door, as if the door has a sensor to detect African American people, and then when the employee walks through she says "Niggah", just like in the clip. For one, why is she even using that word? Second, why is this movie clip so funny that she has to reenact it at work?

Now I found this really offensive and disturbing and I don't find it funny at all. Other employees says that she makes all kinds of jokes and has made this joke before. I brought it up to the manager, the sibling, in an e-mail and I never received a response. Since I didn't get a response after repeated follow up attempts, (we worked different shifts) I brought it up to my manager who is the manager of us both. I felt that is was unacceptable workplace behavior and no African American person should ever have to enter the store and be recognized by a fake sensor just so that they can be called a "Niggah"!
From your description your feeling is entirely reasonable.
Your feedback score: positive. :thup:

Welcome to USMB!
Just get it on tape and have her racist ass canned
The store has cameras everywhere!! She is on camera. My concern was that I had only been there for a week and didn't want to start drama so early but I felt I had no choice. I will not let someone be racist like this on my watch.
I'm plain ole **white bread and I find it offensive.

What's so bad about this is that you're in an impossible position. As a white person, I can complain about her. As a person of color, anything you say can be considered suspect by other racists in your company.

But Dot is right. Try to document it, with video if possible. That's what's saving a lot of Blacks these days.

BTW, about racist (sexist, homophobic, etc) "jokes" - if we don't speak out against them, its as bad as if we had told them in the first place.

Welcome to the board but prepare yourself for some really racist scum who post here. Just remember that most people are decent and despise racism.

**and a smattering of Native American
Just get it on tape and have her racist ass canned
The store has cameras everywhere!! She is on camera. My concern was that I had only been there for a week and didn't want to start drama so early but I felt I had no choice. I will not let someone be racist like this on my watch.

Gather some allies before you go on offense.
Just get it on tape and have her racist ass canned
The store has cameras everywhere!! She is on camera. My concern was that I had only been there for a week and didn't want to start drama so early but I felt I had no choice. I will not let someone be racist like this on my watch.

Gather some allies before you go on offense.

I gathered one ally. The store is small and they're in the midst of hiring so there is really no other staff. I am going to a new store where there is going to be new staff that is yet to be hired, or just being hired. I just feel like if we sit back and do nothing, people like her continue to do this crap. I don't think this is type of joke that should ever be made at work. What if it was a customer and they were called a "Niggah" when they walked in? Totally unacceptable.
I'm plain ole **white bread and I find it offensive.

What's so bad about this is that you're in an impossible position. As a white person, I can complain about her. As a person of color, anything you say can be considered suspect by other racists in your company.

But Dot is right. Try to document it, with video if possible. That's what's saving a lot of Blacks these days.

BTW, about racist (sexist, homophobic, etc) "jokes" - if we don't speak out against them, its as bad as if we had told them in the first place.

Welcome to the board but prepare yourself for some really racist scum who post here. Just remember that most people are decent and despise racism.

**and a smattering of Native American

Thanks! I can only imagine who comes on here. I agree that it is hard when you bring up a race issue and if you are African American it affects how people react to it. When a White person says something, they are taken very seriously and given great credibility because if they are offended and they are not African American then it must be offensive. It can sometimes come off as complaining when an African American does it.
I would like some feedback. I recently started employment as a manger at a company. I currently train at one location and then will be working at another location in a couple weeks. I am half African American and half Puerto Rican. I noticed some alarming things at work with one of the employees and wanted to know if I am overreacting, which I don't think I am. The manager hired her sibling (Hispanic) against the advice of the company. This sibling likes to make racist comments like black people are lazy, ghetto, and she hopes that they don't hire anymore of them to work at the store. Now keep in mind she said this to me with the assumption that I am not African American because I am very light toned with curly hair and don't appear to be African American at all. This is what truly appalled me though. She thinks it's funny to reenact a part of a movie. See the clip here.


She actually has an African American employee pulled back to go back through the front door, as if the door has a sensor to detect African American people, and then when the employee walks through she says "Niggah", just like in the clip. For one, why is she even using that word? Second, why is this movie clip so funny that she has to reenact it at work?

Now I found this really offensive and disturbing and I don't find it funny at all. Other employees says that she makes all kinds of jokes and has made this joke before. I brought it up to the manager, the sibling, in an e-mail and I never received a response. Since I didn't get a response after repeated follow up attempts, (we worked different shifts) I brought it up to my manager who is the manager of us both. I felt that is was unacceptable workplace behavior and no African American person should ever have to enter the store and be recognized by a fake sensor just so that they can be called a "Niggah"!

go through your HR department- work with them- they know how to deal with this issue.
I would like some feedback. I recently started employment as a manger at a company. I currently train at one location and then will be working at another location in a couple weeks. I am half African American and half Puerto Rican. I noticed some alarming things at work with one of the employees and wanted to know if I am overreacting, which I don't think I am. The manager hired her sibling (Hispanic) against the advice of the company. This sibling likes to make racist comments like black people are lazy, ghetto, and she hopes that they don't hire anymore of them to work at the store. Now keep in mind she said this to me with the assumption that I am not African American because I am very light toned with curly hair and don't appear to be African American at all. This is what truly appalled me though. She thinks it's funny to reenact a part of a movie. See the clip here.


She actually has an African American employee pulled back to go back through the front door, as if the door has a sensor to detect African American people, and then when the employee walks through she says "Niggah", just like in the clip. For one, why is she even using that word? Second, why is this movie clip so funny that she has to reenact it at work?

Now I found this really offensive and disturbing and I don't find it funny at all. Other employees says that she makes all kinds of jokes and has made this joke before. I brought it up to the manager, the sibling, in an e-mail and I never received a response. Since I didn't get a response after repeated follow up attempts, (we worked different shifts) I brought it up to my manager who is the manager of us both. I felt that is was unacceptable workplace behavior and no African American person should ever have to enter the store and be recognized by a fake sensor just so that they can be called a "Niggah"!

go through your HR department- work with them- they know how to deal with this issue.

We are a chain so there is no HR department in our area, going to HR would mean going to Corporate. I did go to my manager who is the manager of the entire state.
No one should have to put up with this.

I hope your boss stands with you.

Keep us posted, wouldja?
No one should have to put up with this.

I hope your boss stands with you.

Keep us posted, wouldja?

That's what I was thinking. I hope my boss stands with me and doesn't think that I am trying to cause trouble. He did send out a company wide e-mail reminding everyone of their zero tolerance policy. He told me he would speak to the store manager about it. The first time I go back to work and see everyone is tomorrow. I mean, if she had said one or two things it would be one thing, but she says so many comments and then to make this joke just topped the cake. I will probably he isolated now by them or whoever else in in their click, but I don't care. Racist people are who they are and we shouldn't let things like this slide or chuckle it off.
I would like some feedback. I recently started employment as a manger at a company. I currently train at one location and then will be working at another location in a couple weeks. I am half African American and half Puerto Rican. I noticed some alarming things at work with one of the employees and wanted to know if I am overreacting, which I don't think I am. The manager hired her sibling (Hispanic) against the advice of the company. This sibling likes to make racist comments like black people are lazy, ghetto, and she hopes that they don't hire anymore of them to work at the store. Now keep in mind she said this to me with the assumption that I am not African American because I am very light toned with curly hair and don't appear to be African American at all. This is what truly appalled me though. She thinks it's funny to reenact a part of a movie. See the clip here.


She actually has an African American employee pulled back to go back through the front door, as if the door has a sensor to detect African American people, and then when the employee walks through she says "Niggah", just like in the clip. For one, why is she even using that word? Second, why is this movie clip so funny that she has to reenact it at work?

Now I found this really offensive and disturbing and I don't find it funny at all. Other employees says that she makes all kinds of jokes and has made this joke before. I brought it up to the manager, the sibling, in an e-mail and I never received a response. Since I didn't get a response after repeated follow up attempts, (we worked different shifts) I brought it up to my manager who is the manager of us both. I felt that is was unacceptable workplace behavior and no African American person should ever have to enter the store and be recognized by a fake sensor just so that they can be called a "Niggah"!

go through your HR department- work with them- they know how to deal with this issue.

We are a chain so there is no HR department in our area, going to HR would mean going to Corporate. I did go to my manager who is the manager of the entire state.

Most bigger corporations HR departments are fairly fanatical about these kinds of things- this is a law suit waiting to happen if the company ignores it. If your boss doesn't do anything about it, drop an anonymous dime on the racist worker to your HR(check your workers handbook or go online to your chain's website- yes your boss will probably suspect you did it- but good chance that he or she just wants the problem to go away.
I would like some feedback. I recently started employment as a manger at a company. I currently train at one location and then will be working at another location in a couple weeks. I am half African American and half Puerto Rican. I noticed some alarming things at work with one of the employees and wanted to know if I am overreacting, which I don't think I am. The manager hired her sibling (Hispanic) against the advice of the company. This sibling likes to make racist comments like black people are lazy, ghetto, and she hopes that they don't hire anymore of them to work at the store. Now keep in mind she said this to me with the assumption that I am not African American because I am very light toned with curly hair and don't appear to be African American at all. This is what truly appalled me though. She thinks it's funny to reenact a part of a movie. See the clip here.


She actually has an African American employee pulled back to go back through the front door, as if the door has a sensor to detect African American people, and then when the employee walks through she says "Niggah", just like in the clip. For one, why is she even using that word? Second, why is this movie clip so funny that she has to reenact it at work?

Now I found this really offensive and disturbing and I don't find it funny at all. Other employees says that she makes all kinds of jokes and has made this joke before. I brought it up to the manager, the sibling, in an e-mail and I never received a response. Since I didn't get a response after repeated follow up attempts, (we worked different shifts) I brought it up to my manager who is the manager of us both. I felt that is was unacceptable workplace behavior and no African American person should ever have to enter the store and be recognized by a fake sensor just so that they can be called a "Niggah"!

You have an HR dept? You need to go to them right away before your company gets a discrimination lawsuit and you,go down with her for being a manager and letting it go.

Sorry read some of the other posts, tell your manager and also ask him to involve HR before your company gets sued. This is a serious issue and should not be tolerated.
I would like some feedback. I recently started employment as a manger at a company. I currently train at one location and then will be working at another location in a couple weeks. I am half African American and half Puerto Rican. I noticed some alarming things at work with one of the employees and wanted to know if I am overreacting, which I don't think I am. The manager hired her sibling (Hispanic) against the advice of the company. This sibling likes to make racist comments like black people are lazy, ghetto, and she hopes that they don't hire anymore of them to work at the store. Now keep in mind she said this to me with the assumption that I am not African American because I am very light toned with curly hair and don't appear to be African American at all. This is what truly appalled me though. She thinks it's funny to reenact a part of a movie. See the clip here.


She actually has an African American employee pulled back to go back through the front door, as if the door has a sensor to detect African American people, and then when the employee walks through she says "Niggah", just like in the clip. For one, why is she even using that word? Second, why is this movie clip so funny that she has to reenact it at work?

Now I found this really offensive and disturbing and I don't find it funny at all. Other employees says that she makes all kinds of jokes and has made this joke before. I brought it up to the manager, the sibling, in an e-mail and I never received a response. Since I didn't get a response after repeated follow up attempts, (we worked different shifts) I brought it up to my manager who is the manager of us both. I felt that is was unacceptable workplace behavior and no African American person should ever have to enter the store and be recognized by a fake sensor just so that they can be called a "Niggah"!

Man up and grow a pair and don't let silly a word get the best of you.

You claim to be a manager and can't even spell the word manager. SMH
I would like some feedback. I recently started employment as a manger at a company. I currently train at one location and then will be working at another location in a couple weeks. I am half African American and half Puerto Rican. I noticed some alarming things at work with one of the employees and wanted to know if I am overreacting, which I don't think I am. The manager hired her sibling (Hispanic) against the advice of the company. This sibling likes to make racist comments like black people are lazy, ghetto, and she hopes that they don't hire anymore of them to work at the store. Now keep in mind she said this to me with the assumption that I am not African American because I am very light toned with curly hair and don't appear to be African American at all. This is what truly appalled me though. She thinks it's funny to reenact a part of a movie. See the clip here.


She actually has an African American employee pulled back to go back through the front door, as if the door has a sensor to detect African American people, and then when the employee walks through she says "Niggah", just like in the clip. For one, why is she even using that word? Second, why is this movie clip so funny that she has to reenact it at work?

Now I found this really offensive and disturbing and I don't find it funny at all. Other employees says that she makes all kinds of jokes and has made this joke before. I brought it up to the manager, the sibling, in an e-mail and I never received a response. Since I didn't get a response after repeated follow up attempts, (we worked different shifts) I brought it up to my manager who is the manager of us both. I felt that is was unacceptable workplace behavior and no African American person should ever have to enter the store and be recognized by a fake sensor just so that they can be called a "Niggah"!

This is a hostile work environment. If the management of the business has not corrected the problem, contact the EEOC. Filing a Formal Complaint
So my manager decided to address the issue by sending out a company wide e-mail reinforcing the policy and speaking directly with the parties involved that their behavior is unacceptable. He also addressed it in our company conference call that management sits through everyday. He talked about other complaints he had received and stated that the company would not tolerate this type of behavior and would fire anyone who engaged in this type of behavior. Apparently the company takes this seriously and he was not happy to hear about this at all.
So the employee that made the joke and comments, she was very upset that she was approached about this and didn't think it was that big of a deal. She now ignores me at work, of course, and treats me like I'm nothing. It's amazing how racist individuals can go on to treat you badly, just because you called them out on their racist behavior. She said, "I guess I have to watch what I do and say now". I'm like, you should have been watching yourself in the first place. If the manager of that location wants to allow this type of behavior, so be it. I will be transferring to another store and will not stand for these types of jokes or comments to be made at the workplace.

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