My weight loss Thread

Hello Svetozar.

I am here to express support in your effort to lose weight and create a healthy lifestyle.

To accomplish your goal, you have already taken an important first two steps. Recognizing that you have a weight problem, and enlisting the support to get you through what will be a few tough times ahead.

I would like to offer a bit of advice. If you fall off your plan, do NOT beat yourself up over it. Everyone as moments when it seems impossible and gives into giving up. The key is to say to yourself, "Okay, maybe I needed that, but I need to continue as well!" This means that in order to win the fight, you cannot allow a few setbacks to defeat your entire plan.

In addition to a support group (I would recommend people close to you in your life as well as those here who would support you; you will need a few tools to help you.

Knowledge is power, and your key to a successful program is to use that knowledge to make rational choices. To that end, I have a link that I think can help you. This is a website dedicated to good nutrition and health as well as having an outstanding calorie and activity tracker.

LIVESTRONG.COM - Lose Weight Get Fit with Diet Nutrition Fitness Tools LIVESTRONG.COM

Sign up (its free for the basic tools) and then look around.

The first thing you should to is go to "My Plate" which is their calorie tracker. They have an amazing database of foods and their nutrition content along with calories and other macro nutrient tracking.

From there, click on 'Calorie Goals" and enter your information and how much weight you would like to lose a week, along with your activity level.

This will provide you with a calorie goal for each day, and that will be shown on your "My Plate" page.

Then you can do research on diets (on and off this website) and meal plans, along with other helpful advice.

Keeping a food diary this way has been shown to be one of the best tools for a successful weight-loss program, and I think can help you in your plan.

Understand, you are going to have to make a lifestyle change that will be for the rest of your life. However, its worth it and I'll offer as much support as I can in the limited time I have on these forums.

Good Luck!
8.8 pounds in 9 days , that's pretty good Svetozar . I do similar to ATKINS all the time and I check my weight daily . I eat lots of vegs , meat , fish , protein, some whole grains and little processed food , starch and carbs . No increased exercise for me and i lost 45 pounds in about 6 months . I did the weight loss to get rid of my belly , now i'm a steady 220 at 6 foot 2 and 64 years of age .
I dunno, 8 pounds in 9 days sounds unrealistic.

You have to keep in mind always that weight is going to ebb and flow, even without dieting through the course of a day, and if you are dieting it will always be at best two steps forward, one step back, rinse and repeat. You can't look at short term results and see a big picture.

I think counting calories and all that doesn't hurt but isn't really the point. It has far more to do with what you eat (as regards how the body will process it) and when you do it (ditto).

I've lost 58 pounds since the winter and I've never been unable to lose weight once I decide it's necessary so I think I have a handle on how to do it. My diet was not bad before but I basically increased protein, decreased simple carbs and avoided eating late at night when it wouldn't be burned off. I really don't eat "less" than I used to in terms of portions, and I still get the weight off. It's all about efficient use of fuel.

And giving up wheat (though not entirely) lopped off probably half of that total all by itself with no other dietary changes. We eat way too much wheat, and it ain't the wheat it used to be.
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Eat plenty of fiber, cut out read meat for a few weeks, stay active, Also, water of course, and keep salt to a minimum. Smaller plates, and utensils will perhaps help, and remember you fill too full, tell yourself that. Best to you.

Here's a good point ^^.

It takes about 20 minutes for our brain to get the message that we've had enough. If we're still eating in those 20 minutes, we've overeaten. Plan a stopping point ahead of time with the confidence that in 20 minutes you'll feel fuller than you do right now.
yep , I've gotten off wheat but I eat cooked whole grains [groats , brown rice and others] in small amount and I avoid any food that is white in color like potaotes , white bread except I eat both as a treat . I also eat lots of boiled dry beans and big green salads with avocado and just some vinegar . Also , I only use olive oil and so called healthy margarine . And in reality , I pretty much do as I like anymore and in a week i'll go from 222 to 228 and then I know I should cut back for a day or 2 to get back to 220 and its not hard to do . Also eat canned fish like kippers and I eat plain egg whites . Also , I counted calories when I got started . Now , I eat what I want but I watch the scale .
Eat plenty of fiber, cut out read meat for a few weeks, stay active, Also, water of course, and keep salt to a minimum. Smaller plates, and utensils will perhaps help, and remember you fill too full, tell yourself that. Best to you.

I find that protein and vegetables with lots of water works for me...even if the protein is red meat.

Cutting out carbs and sugar is better than avoiding protein.
Eat plenty of fiber, cut out read meat for a few weeks, stay active, Also, water of course, and keep salt to a minimum. Smaller plates, and utensils will perhaps help, and remember you fill too full, tell yourself that. Best to you.

I find that protein and vegetables with lots of water works for me...even if the protein is red meat.

Cutting out carbs and sugar is better than avoiding protein.

Other than cutting out wheat, which I already knew would work, about the only real change I introduced into my diet was cutting down on cheese. I could eat cheese all day. Though I rationalized it as a protein, I knew cheese had fat in it but what I didn't realize was how much of that fat was saturated. So these days if I use cheese it's more likely feta (which is leaner than most).

I learned that from listening to this program, which I highly recommend for understanding obesity trends. There are two parts; links to both on the page.
I make this thread to support myself loosing weight. Right now i have 155.6kg and i started a diet. I will write comments in this Thread about my weight loss when i feel like and post a picture every 10kg i loose. I start with my current picture and post the next after i lost 10kg that means with 146kg then with 136kg etc.

I hope you can support me too and give some nice comments


good for you

i lost 25 pounds right off the bat by

simply switching from pop to water
i lost 9kg so far 19Ibs, now it is time for a picture.


Have you tried eliminating all grains from your diet? This would include wheat, corn, and rice. Remove all of them and you will likely lose weight rapidly. Not only lose weight, but gain energy, sleep better, and dramatically improve your overall health. Check out two books:
Wheat Belly
Grain Brain

Those two books explain it all.

I did this some years ago and can attest to this working. I was never obese. As I aged I had gained about 30 lbs even though I do not drink soda or consume sugar. I also have always exercised regularly. When I stopped eating grains, I returned to the weight I had in my 20s and felt so much better...and this occurred almost overnight.

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