My war with Paul supporters is over

You had a war with his supporters? I haven't. We disagree on some aspects, but I have no war with them. Never did. Cant tell you how they feel though.
I do not compromise the truth no. I just told you the truth. What you do with that is up to you. Maybe it isnt a big deal to you and thats fine....Frankly it isnt my concern or business. I want get past the old man and start to deal with congress......Paul will lose and romney will be the nominee so now lets concentration on congress the real fight for the country begins there.

Oh, so that's why you've ended your War on Ron Paul supporters. I misunderstood. I really thought you were reaching out. My bad. Good luck with that whole Liberal/Big Government/Mormon Romney thing. You're gonna need all the luck you can get.

comprehend what I wrote. Just because I wanted to end my war with Paul supporters did not means I was becoming a Paulbot.....As this thread had proven to me I was mistaken even to try cause you are all to wrapped up in your own delusion of victim hood that you refuse to put the country first. I am not asking you to vote Romney. Hell I couldn't fucking care less! I know I am voting for him cause the alternative is far far worse. I was trying to to use reason and cool head to pull us together to change congress for the better....What did I get? Insults and childish behavior cause I dont worship at the alter of Paul and have made it abundantly clear my distaste for the man.

When I was a child I spake as a child but when I was a man I put childish things away....I mistakenly thought Paul supporters were ready to grow up.

Well, your approach has been seriously flawed. You catch more flies with honey than you do with vinegar. Reaching out requires humility and forgiveness. And i'm not just slamming you when i say that. Ron Paul supporters need to do better welcoming others to the Revolution. It's a two-way street for sure.
Oh, so that's why you've ended your War on Ron Paul supporters. I misunderstood. I really thought you were reaching out. My bad. Good luck with that whole Liberal/Big Government/Mormon Romney thing. You're gonna need all the luck you can get.

comprehend what I wrote. Just because I wanted to end my war with Paul supporters did not means I was becoming a Paulbot.....As this thread had proven to me I was mistaken even to try cause you are all to wrapped up in your own delusion of victim hood that you refuse to put the country first. I am not asking you to vote Romney. Hell I couldn't fucking care less! I know I am voting for him cause the alternative is far far worse. I was trying to to use reason and cool head to pull us together to change congress for the better....What did I get? Insults and childish behavior cause I dont worship at the alter of Paul and have made it abundantly clear my distaste for the man.

When I was a child I spake as a child but when I was a man I put childish things away....I mistakenly thought Paul supporters were ready to grow up.

Well, your approach has been seriously flawed. You catch more flies with honey than you do with vinegar. Reaching out requires humility and forgiveness. And i'm not just slamming you when i say that. Ron Paul supporters need to do better welcoming others to the Revolution. It's a two-way street for sure.
I dont want to be part of any revolution....I dont wish to over throw my government I wish to bring it back to what it was....That is a huge difference.
comprehend what I wrote. Just because I wanted to end my war with Paul supporters did not means I was becoming a Paulbot.....As this thread had proven to me I was mistaken even to try cause you are all to wrapped up in your own delusion of victim hood that you refuse to put the country first. I am not asking you to vote Romney. Hell I couldn't fucking care less! I know I am voting for him cause the alternative is far far worse. I was trying to to use reason and cool head to pull us together to change congress for the better....What did I get? Insults and childish behavior cause I dont worship at the alter of Paul and have made it abundantly clear my distaste for the man.

When I was a child I spake as a child but when I was a man I put childish things away....I mistakenly thought Paul supporters were ready to grow up.

Well, your approach has been seriously flawed. You catch more flies with honey than you do with vinegar. Reaching out requires humility and forgiveness. And i'm not just slamming you when i say that. Ron Paul supporters need to do better welcoming others to the Revolution. It's a two-way street for sure.
I dont want to be part of any revolution....I dont wish to over throw my government I wish to bring it back to what it was....That is a huge difference.

That will require a Revolution. And it's already underway. So like said, i truly welcome you to join. The past is the past. The present is all that counts.
I have to agree with paulitician here. We need to have a revolution to restore the Republic. Not a violent revolution, a spiritual one. One that changes our hearts and minds at a fundamental level. We need the Spirit of 76. It persuaded alot of people to join in the cause of liberty.
I have to agree with paulitician here. We need to have a revolution to restore the Republic. Not a violent revolution, a spiritual one. One that changes our hearts and minds at a fundamental level. We need the Spirit of 76. It persuaded alot of people to join in the cause of liberty.

Bingo!! :clap2::clap2: case you didn't know, Glenn Beck is a libertarian!
Hardly call two men, one you don't know from Adam...ME, and another who you only know from his public persona...BECK...liars with a few flicks of the finger and no explanation. Brilliant!

Beck calls himself a libertarian...or, as he puts it, as close to as anything else you can label him and somehow you know he's a liar. That IS impressive.
You're an idiot that would rather let Obaminaiton destroy this country than help Romney because of your demented view that Republicans need to pay for not supporting your messiah. :cuckoo:

You'd rather let the country rot in hell than let Romney try to fix the mess.

Too bad we can't ship you nuts to some deserted island once Romney wins. You don't deserve to live here helping the liberals try to destroy this fucking scumbag.

We Conservatives haven't gone anywhere, it's the paulbots that are the ones making threats of not voting or voting for some 3rd party person which is support for Obamination.

Romney is what we have, deal with it.

If you don't support Romney, you are supporting the idiot sitting in the White House. He would love for you to stay home on voting day or pick some random person that can't even win a county.

Well Romney's not good enough, deal with it.
Lets just straighten it up. The "war" against constitutional and fiscal conversatives is being suspended until the the psuedo-conservative, a true LOLberal, Romney loses to the Marxist. then we will se several threads claiming that it is the "Paulbots" that have cost the psuedo-conservatives the GE against Obama.

That sounds like politics as usual to me.

For what it is worth, the Tea Party was started by Paul supporters and they still work to put true conservatives into the congressional body. Forgive us if we will not lockstep with you guys on this regarding Romney. He is not a conservative. A registered republican? I believe so. But that does not signal conservatism. Conservatism is based on actions and principles, not political party affiliation.

Case in point - G. W. Bush. The man was a serious LOLberal moron. Republicans voted hiim in - Twice. Talk about a self cock slap.
Anyone that calls Bush Jr a liberal is a fucking idiot, but you've established the idiot moniker awhile back.

Romney is a moderate-conservative which is better than a socialist in Obamination and a losertarian in Ron Paul that couldn't win most districts in Texas.

As for the Tea Party not supporting Romney, you're full of shit. Most Tea Party people are average people not nutjobs like you and their main goal in life is to remove the Democraps from Washington DC.

Lets just straighten it up. The "war" against constitutional and fiscal conversatives is being suspended until the the psuedo-conservative, a true LOLberal, Romney loses to the Marxist. then we will se several threads claiming that it is the "Paulbots" that have cost the psuedo-conservatives the GE against Obama.

That sounds like politics as usual to me.

For what it is worth, the Tea Party was started by Paul supporters and they still work to put true conservatives into the congressional body. Forgive us if we will not lockstep with you guys on this regarding Romney. He is not a conservative. A registered republican? I believe so. But that does not signal conservatism. Conservatism is based on actions and principles, not political party affiliation.

Case in point - G. W. Bush. The man was a serious LOLberal moron. Republicans voted hiim in - Twice. Talk about a self cock slap. case you didn't know, Glenn Beck is a libertarian!
Hardly call two men, one you don't know from Adam...ME, and another who you only know from his public persona...BECK...liars with a few flicks of the finger and no explanation. Brilliant!

Beck calls himself a libertarian...or, as he puts it, as close to as anything else you can label him and somehow you know he's a liar. That IS impressive.
I can call myself a Mercury Astronaut, doesn't make it so.
Lets just straighten it up. The "war" against constitutional and fiscal conversatives is being suspended until the the psuedo-conservative, a true LOLberal, Romney loses to the Marxist. then we will se several threads claiming that it is the "Paulbots" that have cost the psuedo-conservatives the GE against Obama.

That sounds like politics as usual to me.

For what it is worth, the Tea Party was started by Paul supporters and they still work to put true conservatives into the congressional body. Forgive us if we will not lockstep with you guys on this regarding Romney. He is not a conservative. A registered republican? I believe so. But that does not signal conservatism. Conservatism is based on actions and principles, not political party affiliation.

Case in point - G. W. Bush. The man was a serious LOLberal moron. Republicans voted hiim in - Twice. Talk about a self cock slap.

Well, you did nail it there. The Liberal/Big Government/Mormon doesn't stand a chance in my opinion. And after his brutal defeat, there will be much handwringing and gnashing of teeth. He was an awful Nominee. And it really is that simple.

That being said, i do believe Ron Paul supporters need to be more willing to forgive and forget. They're hanging onto these grudges, and that's bad for the cause overall. I truly do understand their anger & frustration though. I deal with it on this Board daily. But we do have to become more welcoming to the cause. We have to look ahead. It's a 'Big Picture' scenario. Change will come from within, once we have the numbers. But your assessment was accurate. Thanks.
All are welcome to join the Ron Paul Revolution. Glad to have ya onboard. Dr. Paul is the only Politician even worth listening to at this point. The rest are miserable liars & cheats. John Roberts a "Conservative?" Yeah right. Dr. Paul is honest & brave. You can count on him. Constitutional Conservatism is this Nation's only hope. This fight is very difficult though, and we're definitely vastly outnumbered. But we are making progress. So thank you for joining the fight. Welcome. :)

Never make the mistake....I am not part of the Paul machine. I am willing to work for the betterment of the country. I would have only voted for Paul if he won the nominee cause like Romney the choice is all I had. While he is fiscally correct he is very much wrong on certain things....Truth is he doesn't matter anymore. He is going to retire and live out his life wherever in Texas he lives and thats fine....After 30+ years in his seat he deserves his retirement. What I am getting at is I am not going to waste my time fighting libertarians to the detriment of the country....While we bicker over small stupid shit the progressives grab more and more power.....We have to much important things in common to allow the country to fail cause some of the small shit.

Wise reasoning. They all lie. It's as simple as that. Republicans & Democrats really just play on the same team in the end. We were told George Bush & John Roberts were "Staunch Conservatives." Boy, Bamboozled again. Dr. Paul is an honorable Hero. When he speaks i listen. When the others speak, i change the channel or go watch paint dry instead. They're miserable liars, not worth my time.

At least there is one person here that understands there is not an atom of difference between the Dembos and Repugs both of which are big governement warmongering liberals like 95% of US voters. We have what we deserve. Sad but true.
I hope Ron Paul supporters will throw their support behind House and Senate races at least.I love the majority of RP supporters.

Yes they have their loons too like any other political group; but on the whole, I find them refreshingly honest, not sly in the least, intelligent and smart (and yes there's a difference) and acutely aware of political history and current events.

And they never mince words or play a game. One may not agree with all their convictions, but you know where they stand. Their fierce loyalty to Dr. Paul is to be commended in this day and age where political persuasions shift with the wind.

One day though, I would like to know if Ron Paul really does like chocolate milk.:D

Support who?
The bill wasnt a fucking tax! Why is that so hard for you to grasp?

In fact, conservative leaders are pointing out it is the largest tax increase in history.

$95 a year on those who don't pick up health insurance is the "largest tax hike in history"???? LOL and I'll bet you're buying into that spin too

Is that a real number? Where did you get that from? What do they get if they pay that $95? That amount can always go up and that's the danger of it as well. I also wonder how many people will truly be subject to that tax. If someone has a job, they may have a group policy already, if they are 26 and under they may be on their parents insurance plan, if they are broke and jobless, they may qualify to be on Medicaid, if they are retired they may already be on Medicare.
Never make the mistake....I am not part of the Paul machine. I am willing to work for the betterment of the country. I would have only voted for Paul if he won the nominee cause like Romney the choice is all I had. While he is fiscally correct he is very much wrong on certain things....Truth is he doesn't matter anymore. He is going to retire and live out his life wherever in Texas he lives and thats fine....After 30+ years in his seat he deserves his retirement. What I am getting at is I am not going to waste my time fighting libertarians to the detriment of the country....While we bicker over small stupid shit the progressives grab more and more power.....We have to much important things in common to allow the country to fail cause some of the small shit.

Wise reasoning. They all lie. It's as simple as that. Republicans & Democrats really just play on the same team in the end. We were told George Bush & John Roberts were "Staunch Conservatives." Boy, Bamboozled again. Dr. Paul is an honorable Hero. When he speaks i listen. When the others speak, i change the channel or go watch paint dry instead. They're miserable liars, not worth my time.

At least there is one person here that understands there is not an atom of difference between the Dembos and Repugs both of which are big governement warmongering liberals like 95% of US voters. We have what we deserve. Sad but true.

The thing is if you want the support of Ron Paul supporters then all you have to do is run constitutional conservatives. If you do that then we will knock down their doors to vote for them. Stop running warmongering chickenhawks who could care less about the budget and we can come to some common ground. We could probably even come to a compromise on foreign policy if you would let us have a seat at the table. The problem is you don't and then you expect us to take your hand and vote for who you say. NO, listen first and earn our votes!
Other than the fact that he looks perpetually stoned?

It's mind-boggling how Republicans believe libertarians are all stoners just because we believe government shouldn't be involved in what substances people ingest.

I don't smoke weed and if weed was legal I still wouldn't smoke weed.

It's not like people who don't do drugs will run out and start doing drugs if they were legal.

Ann Rand hit the nail on the head about libertarians. I considered myself one until last year. The more I personally got involved with the libertarian party the more I disliked them.

Q: What do you think of the Libertarian movement? [FHF: “The Moratorium on Brains,” 1971]

AR: All kinds of people today call themselves “libertarians,” especially something calling itself the New Right, which consists of hippies, except that they’re anarchists instead of collectivists. But of course, anarchists are collectivists. Capitalism is the one system that requires absolute objective law, yet they want to combine capitalism and anarchism. That is worse than anything the New Left has proposed. It’s a mockery of philosophy and ideology. They sling slogans and try to ride on two bandwagons. They want to be hippies, but don’t want to preach collectivism, because those jobs are already taken. But anarchism is a logical outgrowth of the anti-intellectual side of collectivism. I could deal with a Marxist with a greater chance of reaching some kind of understanding, and with much greater respect. The anarchist is the scum of the intellectual world of the left, which has given them up. So the right picks up another leftist discard. That’s the Libertarian movement.

Q: What do you think of the Libertarian Party? [FHF: “A Nation’s Unity,” 1972]

AR: I’d rather vote for Bob Hope, the Marx Brothers, or Jerry Lewis. I don’t think they’re as funny as Professor Hospers and the Libertarian Party. If, at a time like this, John Hospers takes ten votes away from Nixon (which I doubt he’ll do), it would be a moral crime. I don’t care about Nixon, and I care even less about Hospers. But this is no time to engage in publicity seeking, which all these crank political parties are doing. If you want to spread your ideas, do it through education. But don’t run for President—or even dogcatcher—if you’re going to help McGovern.

Q: What is your position on the Libertarian Party? [FHF: “Censorship: Local and Express,” 1973]

AR: I don’t want to waste too much time on it. It’s a cheap attempt at publicity, which Libertarians won’t get. Today’s events, particularly Watergate, should teach anyone with amateur political notions that they cannot rush into politics in order to get publicity. The issue is so serious today, that to form a new party based in part on half-baked ideas, and in part on borrowed ideas—I won’t say from whom—is irresponsible, and in today’s context, nearly immoral.

Q: Libertarians advocate the politics you advocate. So why are you opposed to the Libertarian Party? [FHF: “Egalitarianism and Inflation,” 1974]

AR:They are not defenders of capitalism. They’re a group of publicity seekers who rush into politics prematurely, because they allegedly want to educate people through a political campaign, which can’t be done. Further, their leadership consists of men of every of persuasion, from religious conservatives to anarchists. Moreover, most of them are my enemies: they spend their time denouncing me, while plagiarizing my ideas. Now, I think it’s a bad beginning for an allegedly pro-capitalist party to start by stealing ideas.

Is that the same Ayn Rand aka Ann O'Connor who eventually went on to collect government benefits herself?

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