My Solution to Address North Korea Provocations

What happened to America first? Let China and Japan deal with N.Korea. We fought N.Korea before and was a failure. Why repeat history?

You hypocrites scream America first when it comes to Muslim refugees but love making war and destruction. Typical republican way.

And what right do we have to tell another country what weapon they can have? Who are we? We are still the only country on Earth to actually have nuked another country. No other country has commited such a heinous act.

The fact you called it a heinous act displays your agenda of ignorance. You must be honed to the fine edge of a beach ball!
Before starting any war we should first raise taxes by at least 10% and stock up our military to provide the best chances for our gallant men and women. Lets not go into this like Iraq with a morass of supply shortages. I know many here will say reallocate our spending but be realistic, Congress has no backbone to cut programs. All one has to do is look at Obamacare. With Russia and China on the other side perhaps we should make that a 20% increase? And re-implement the draft. Speaking to a co-workers son on leave from Iraq during its first few years, moral was sort of crappy for the service folks as they heard stories of contract personnel in safer support roles that were hauling in 6 figure incomes.

How do you think those draftees would fare?

This is not the 1960s where you can take a thug off the streets and turn them into a lean, mean fighting machine in a few weeks. That is if that he what he really wants to do.

Most of these potential "draftees" are drug-addled fat kids who spend too much time playing video games.
What happened to America first?

Not a thing. We are pursuing that path.

Let China and Japan deal with N.Korea.

Wishful thinking.

And what right do we have to tell another country what weapon they can have? Who are we?

We are the ones who can back up the demand, should we choose to do so.

We are still the only country on Earth to actually have nuked another country.

A thoroughly justified act.
How do you think those draftees would fare?

This is not the 1960s where you can take a thug off the streets and turn them into a lean, mean fighting machine in a few weeks. That is if that he what he really wants to do.

Most of these potential "draftees" are drug-addled fat kids who spend too much time playing video games.

I'm looking at it from a point of view that before we send anybody else off to fight in a new war that we must be all in this together. We've been at war these past 16 years and the sacrifices are concentrated on those in service and their families. Yes, it'll take longer than a few weeks, but the if the war isn't worth shaping up for then let's not be the one's starting the fight.
We should ignore them unless we are attacked first.
In the meantime our response should be to appease them and decrease military spending, then ask France what we should do............ lol
How silly. I saw that movie. It was sort of entertaining, though not realistic in any sense.

"You cannot invade mainland United States. There would be a rifle behind each blade of grass."
- Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto

There is a dispute as to whether the quote is legitimate, but the gist of it is certainly true.

I think you are overestimating our toughness and I'm sure at one time Romans or Brits or Ottomans said the same thing about their empires.

They may have. The difference is we have the power to destroy the planet in about 20 minutes.

So what? So does Russia and China.

Yes they do. It is equally unlikely they would be invaded.
Now you see why North Korea and Iran want nukes? Have one and no one fucks with you.

So you agree in Obama letting them gain that leverage?

Soon they will wage their own guerrilla warfare against the invading Soviet troops-under the banner of 'Wolverines!'
How silly. I saw that movie. It was sort of entertaining, though not realistic in any sense.
Yeah, but it had Jennifer Grey before her nose job!

I think you are overestimating our toughness and I'm sure at one time Romans or Brits or Ottomans said the same thing about their empires.

They may have. The difference is we have the power to destroy the planet in about 20 minutes.

So what? So does Russia and China.

Yes they do. It is equally unlikely they would be invaded.
Now you see why North Korea and Iran want nukes? Have one and no one fucks with you.

So you agree in Obama letting them gain that leverage?

Sure. Have it. If Russia and China aren't scared why are we?

The young people need to know who took us to war. Democrats are the anti war party
They may have. The difference is we have the power to destroy the planet in about 20 minutes.

So what? So does Russia and China.

Yes they do. It is equally unlikely they would be invaded.
Now you see why North Korea and Iran want nukes? Have one and no one fucks with you.

So you agree in Obama letting them gain that leverage?

Sure. Have it. If Russia and China aren't scared why are we?

The young people need to know who took us to war. Democrats are the anti war party

Please snowflake. Could it be they are on the same side?


They may have. The difference is we have the power to destroy the planet in about 20 minutes.

So what? So does Russia and China.

Yes they do. It is equally unlikely they would be invaded.
Now you see why North Korea and Iran want nukes? Have one and no one fucks with you.

So you agree in Obama letting them gain that leverage?

Sure. Have it. If Russia and China aren't scared why are we?

The young people need to know who took us to war. Democrats are the anti war party

Yes. That's why we're still in the Middle East.
So what? So does Russia and China.

Yes they do. It is equally unlikely they would be invaded.
Now you see why North Korea and Iran want nukes? Have one and no one fucks with you.

So you agree in Obama letting them gain that leverage?

Sure. Have it. If Russia and China aren't scared why are we?

The young people need to know who took us to war. Democrats are the anti war party

Yes. That's why we're still in the Middle East.
We're there because bush got hit on 9-11 and instead of winning that war spread us thin in Iraq.

Do I trust Republicans? Fuck no.

For anti government types you guys sure do trust this government. Shady as it is
So why does North Korea want to nuke the US? Why not Mexico? Why not Australia? Why the US?

Maybe this is a lesson for America to learn, if you don't go around annoying people, then they won't want to nuke you.

Anyway, North Korea almost certainly wants nukes to stop the US having the capabilities to invade North Korea.

Move to NK commie lover. Kim would welcome you

Which countries will go to war with Trump?

China doesn't want war, yet. It's not ready, but it would fight if it had to, and North Korea is right on its border, it's a long way from the US.
There is a little matter that most people are unaware or choose to forget. There is mutual defense treaty that is still in effect between China and North Korea. Article 2 of the treaty declares the two nations guarantee to adopt immediately all necessary measures to oppose any country or coalition of countries that might attack either nation. US options are very limited. In the end, the US and South Korea will have to recognize North Korea officially. Or as our great clown in the white house says, we will play nice with them.

I hate to say it, but there is no other good alternative. Even a surgical strike against NK, would almost certainly be met with a military response that would force us to into a full blown war.

Sino-North Korean Mutual Aid and Cooperation Friendship Treaty - Wikipedia

So Obama and Clinton did the right thing and that was nothing? I thought so. And let Kim Jung have a nuke. He won't dare use it on us. Neither would Iran. So who are we to tell them they can't have nukes?

I think trying to prevent them from having nukes is one day to start ww3. But what if we just gave North Korea a nuke? What would they do with it? NOTHING!!! Just like everyone else that has a nuke does nothing with them for christ sakes.

Anyways, Republicans will lead us to war. How many Trump supporters kids will end up dying on the battle field for this decision?

The US seems to have the arrogant attitude that it can go around the world bombing and invading anyone who doesn't do what the US wants. However, as can be seen, this only affects countries which don't have the ability to cause major problems for the US, that means Russia, China etc, countries which have a patron, like North Korea, or countries (since Vietnam) with enough jungle that they scare the hell out of the US.
Yes they do. It is equally unlikely they would be invaded.
Now you see why North Korea and Iran want nukes? Have one and no one fucks with you.

So you agree in Obama letting them gain that leverage?

Sure. Have it. If Russia and China aren't scared why are we?

The young people need to know who took us to war. Democrats are the anti war party

Yes. That's why we're still in the Middle East.
We're there because bush got hit on 9-11 and instead of winning that war spread us thin in Iraq.

Do I trust Republicans? Fuck no.

For anti government types you guys sure do trust this government. Shady as it is

I don't trust anyone.

All I know is Obama pulled all troops from Iraq, we had to go back, and fear of collateral damage keeps us from finishing in all theaters.
We can't sit on our hands like Obama did for (8) years. Under his watch he allowed Iran and NK to continue their development of nuclear weapons thus putting America in harms way.

I have an idea...

We respond militarily

But first, we must take steps to mitigate loss of life in South Korea.

If NK launches, or conduct other ballistic/nuclear test, our order of progression should be;

1- We officially notify North Korea of our intent to destroy their assets relative to nuclear and ballistic development. Our response will be carried out if they conduct (1) more missile launch or test of any kind

2- We start the immediate evacuation (voluntary) of the South Korea. Yes, this will be a logistic nightmare beyond all compare. Hopefully, other Nations (certainly) our allies will assist in this massive operation.

3- Move our military troops off the Korean peninsula to an area where our rapid response, via airborne paratroopers, can be delivered. Ground invasion to follow

4- Move multiple Naval battle groups to the area for a massive conventional strike

We have to do something. The result of inaction WILL cost more lives than a pre-emptive strike.

We are at the crossroads and history will be our judge


If Dennis Rodman could not get them to calm down, Yao Ming is the next best choice.
It's a real disappointment that China ultimately had this little influence.

That's where you're wrong. What exactly has trump offered to China in exchange for their assistance in solving our problem? Such as a substantial drawdown of our military presence in South Korea. .
It's a real disappointment that China ultimately had this little influence.
That's where you're wrong. What exactly has trump offered to China in exchange for their assistance in solving our problem? Such as a substantial drawdown of our military presence in South Korea. .
I don't know. He's been on the job for six months. What did Obama offer?
It's a real disappointment that China ultimately had this little influence.
That's where you're wrong. What exactly has trump offered to China in exchange for their assistance in solving our problem? Such as a substantial drawdown of our military presence in South Korea. .
I don't know. He's been on the job for six months. What did Obama offer?

Obama offered the Russians something

"I'll have more flexibility after the election" Meaning, I can't do anything now because it will cost me votes. I need to wait until after I'm elected and become a lame duck, then I can do what I want........ dam the people

What happened to America first? Let China and Japan deal with N.Korea. We fought N.Korea before and was a failure. Why repeat history?

You hypocrites scream America first when it comes to Muslim refugees but love making war and destruction. Typical republican way.

And what right do we have to tell another country what weapon they can have? Who are we? We are still the only country on Earth to actually have nuked another country. No other country has commited such a heinous act.

The fact you called it a heinous act displays your agenda of ignorance. You must be honed to the fine edge of a beach ball!

Dropping nukes is heinous. There were plenty of ways US could have retaliated against the Japanese, and the most inhumane one was chosen.
North Korea has developed nuclear capabilities as a deterrent, as has every other country with nukes. What our allies in the area, South Korea and Japan, want is for US to stop provoking THEM further with increased saber rattling on our side of the border.

Lol, the Blame America First crowd didnt take that long to show up even in this topic.

Nutball Kim would use nukes the first time he had the chance, dont be stupid.

This fuels NK's determination to protect itself. NK is not so unreasonable as to carry out a nuclear strike, since it would be suicide.

The development of nukes and ICBMs by Norka is not a reaction to our demands that they stop building them, as any THINKING person would realize.

This is like the libtard argument that the Muslim terrorists would stop attacking us if we would give them everything they demand with warm fuzzy hugs to go with them. Ludicrous idiocy.

US, Russia, China, Great Britain, France, Israel, India and Pakistan all have nuclear weapons. Are we having the vapors over any of them?

No, because they are not led by a man and political establishment that thinks their head of state is literally a GOD, dudette.

Calm your knee jerk anti-America instinct and read up on the topic, hows about that?
The most reasonable answer rests with China forcing North Korea to comply.

On the other hand, China does not want the West on the Yalu River with an anti-China unified Korea.

But that is not an accurate assessment as the DEMOCRATIC government of South Korea, which is already 50-50 between pro-western elements and anti-western, would absorb the Norka population and become solid lefty. That would not bother the Chicoms in the least and Korea would most likely become a neutral state.

If we offered to cooperate with the Chicoms re-absorbing Taiwan under guidelines similar to what Hong Kong has, everybody might end up happy.

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