Zone1 My problem with Jesus...turning the other cheek for years has caused me more suffering

That is the problem, for years I didn't call the poloce because se threatened that if I did it would be ME that would get screwed over. Here we are... She punched her own face before when I needed an ambulance after she struck me and even suggested that she almost told the doctor that the injury she had on her leg was caused by me! That was just a threat but it woke me up. How nice of her to NOT lie in that instance. Now imagine the position I was in? I've been abused all of my life in this country and only in one case did that a abuser get some (minor) consequences when our teacher plead guilty to molesting us students. That was a very long time ago.
There are some people that just need turmoil in their life to exist. Even when they get out of it for time, they go back to it. It's weird.
I've been abused all of my life

I could have written this myself.

I guess those who try to obey Jesus always find themselves in this place.. of feeling that all human relationships are abusive, which actually, they are. You can rest assured, yours isn't the only one. Catholics believe in offering sufferings up for others, so that they will repent. The sad thing is, I don't see many repenting after much prayer! But does that mean we stop praying? No, our connection with Jesus is the best thing in life. It gets a little discouraging but.. sigh.. se la vie

Again, our connection with Jesus (prayer/Scripture) is the best thing in life. I have often been very angry at the Father, but I rarely, if ever get angry with Jesus.. I think there was one time that happened but it didn't last long... (just being human and all) :uhoh3::eusa_think:
Do you think God intended you to become a victim?
maybe God wants everyone to be a victim

like Jesus was

We are to walk in His footsteps.. which is not to say He wants us abused and trampled upon endlessly throughout our lives in every way imaginable.

It just means that doing what Jesus said is going to bring us grief (persecution, ostracization, etc)
Jesus' didn't say anything for all we know. We only know what his biographers said. Nothing more
shows what you know. You may want to read Scripture.

Those who don't know the Bible are ignorant, not well educated
There are some people that just need turmoil in their life to exist. Even when they get out of it for time, they go back to it. It's weird.
Yes, there are people like that and a lot of them.

I used to be a totally different person.. somewhat self-destructive (long story why.. I finally found out why..) but in any case, the thing that changed me was the Catholic faith, meaning the TRUE Catholic faith, not the fake nonsense that emanates from the Vatican, which was taken over by anti-Christs in 1958.
You already got nexted. Your central incisors should be pulled by court order to denote your ignorance
You obviouisly need Jesus... Everyone does but you seem ... uh... the most deprived of any poster I can recall
maybe God wants everyone to be a victim

like Jesus was

We are to walk in His footsteps.. which is not to say He wants us abused and trampled upon endlessly throughout our lives in every way imaginable.

It just means that doing what Jesus said is going to bring us grief (persecution, ostracization, etc)
Persecution for belief is not the same as attention whoring for being a noble victim.
Yes, there are people like that and a lot of them.

I used to be a totally different person.. somewhat self-destructive (long story why.. I finally found out why..) but in any case, the thing that changed me was the Catholic faith, meaning the TRUE Catholic faith, not the fake nonsense that emanates from the Vatican, which was taken over by anti-Christs in 1958.
And, the turmoil continues. You are still that same person. Looking for turmoil in your life doesn't mean you are self-destructive. God has brought you part of the way but there's a long path to go I'm afraid for you.
The divorces that I have done between violent abuser and willing, but noble victim, have had female victims. They married in God's eyes and would not leave the crazed SOB. One man crucified his wife to the garage door with a nail gun.

Very seldom have I come across a willing male victim taking a kind of perverse pride in how much they can endure.
I believe that if a person hits you that you have the right to hit him back with enough force so as to deter all future attempt at assault.
Never good to build a life around one line in scripture, especially if one plans to use that verse out of context. In Jesus' day, there were specific instances, and specific people who might be struck on the cheek. Usually, it involved humiliation. Turning the other cheek was basically offering the other person an opportunity to humiliate himself.

Jesus never said, "If someone is abusing you, let 'em!"

If you are angry when someone abuses you, that emotion is instructing you to act. No, that does not mean you have permission to do something abusive in return. You make it clear you will not permit abuse.
I heard an interesting interpretation once. Jesus was actually saying that if someone backhands you like you would a slave you offer the other cheek where they would have to strike you openhanded like an equal. Make your enemies respect you. Not an entirely pacifist philosophy.
I try to keep the Faith but wonder if God views me as the fool.

GOD may not, but...

Look man, shit happens. Sometimes you can control it, sometimes you can't. Pull up your big boy pants and quit wallowing in your sorrow. Just stop it. The sooner you do that, the sooner she stops winning and the sooner you can start to move on.
I heard an interesting interpretation once. Jesus was actually saying that if someone backhands you like you would a slave you offer the other cheek where they would have to strike you openhanded like an equal. Make your enemies respect you. Not an entirely pacifist philosophy.
Exactly. Slapping the other cheek has the one doing the slapping gives the servant/slave equal status.

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