Zone1 My problem with Jesus...turning the other cheek for years has caused me more suffering

On whose authority do you proceed? What fraudulent deity do you represent?


the heavenly religion of antiquity - taught by those that gave their lives during the trials and tribulations of the heavenly 1st century.

- who will see what they were where they are claimed to be - - the sinner who crucifies jesus or who in triumph, sins no more.

your choice, christian.
provide the stone tables w/ 10 commandments - etched in the heavens - as claimed by the liar moses or remove the false personifications from all three desert religions ... that which never existed.
Provided Ad nauseam. Moses still living rent free in your head? :blues:
In court, a common practice was to allow a person who was wronged to slap the guilty person with the back of his right hand. It was meant to shame the guilty one, and made the recipient lower than the one slapping. Turning the other cheek was a sign of strength and showed the court that you were an equal to the one slapping. It is not an act of submission. It is standing your ground with dignity, not asking for more abuse.

Have someone stand in front of you. Pretend to slap their right cheek with the back of your right hand. Now try to slap their other cheek with the back of your right hand.
I've considered that yes,.like Job. The problem is that I have experienced the suffering far !onger than Job and at my age this shouldn't occur. Ontario is evil.

If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek also. And if anyone wants to sue you and take your shirt, hand over your coat as well.

Under Roman law a master was entitled to reprimand his slave by slapping him once on the cheek. However under law to do so twice was to grant him freedom.
Jun 16, 2020
the heavenly religion of antiquity - taught by those that gave their lives during the trials and tribulations of the heavenly 1st century.

your choice, christian.

Christian by spirit before my body was created. I have the marks to prove my being. Do you?

Although I am warmed by your concept of reality - it is not based on reality and simply a deception of reality.

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