My Ah Ha moment to why Dems really hate & demonize the Maga slogan and hat

The Soviet Union was started by the globalists. The genocide deaths are what you are trying to bring here. And frankly we need it. The cleansing will do us all good. But none of us wants to be cleansed.

Okay, again, please take your medications like the nice doctor says to.

So now you admitted you don’t know history. Jews are only 3% LOL. Math is also not your strong suit. See, if you went to a real school you would be a lot brighter.

You miss the point entirely. You want to throw out Mexicans because you don't like them. There are people who don't like the Jews. You clearly learned nothing from History.

Trump could have easily pandered to Democrats visiting sanctuary cities, thanking illegals for breaking our laws and promising them free (__________) and picked up several million votes from the Democrat base, and then he could have put "Make America Suck More" on his hats, garnering $ support equalling or surpassing Hillary's.

Fortunately for America, he instead won the election.

Um, no, he stole the election... and it's becoming increasingly clear that he has to create fake crisis after fake crisis to distract the dummies who voted for him.

Where did I say I want to Throw anyone out? LOL. I just Said border security is important. And if I were to throw people out, it would not be Mexicans. I d Start with the Alt Right and the SJWs. Bye Joe.
The Soviet Union was started by the globalists. The genocide deaths are what you are trying to bring here. And frankly we need it. The cleansing will do us all good. But none of us wants to be cleansed.

Okay, again, please take your medications like the nice doctor says to.

So now you admitted you don’t know history. Jews are only 3% LOL. Math is also not your strong suit. See, if you went to a real school you would be a lot brighter.

You miss the point entirely. You want to throw out Mexicans because you don't like them. There are people who don't like the Jews. You clearly learned nothing from History.

Trump could have easily pandered to Democrats visiting sanctuary cities, thanking illegals for breaking our laws and promising them free (__________) and picked up several million votes from the Democrat base, and then he could have put "Make America Suck More" on his hats, garnering $ support equalling or surpassing Hillary's.

Fortunately for America, he instead won the election.

Um, no, he stole the election... and it's becoming increasingly clear that he has to create fake crisis after fake crisis to distract the dummies who voted for him.

If you don’t agree there is a crisis at the border then you have to explain why because the evidence says otherwise.
Stole it? We are amused.

3 million more people voted against him.

He stole it.

Yes, yes, we're all familiar with Hillary's consolation prize. It's totally irrelevant to winning the presidency, however. Trump played by the rules and won by the rules. He no more stole the presidency than the winner of a Super Bowl steals a win if they score more points but the losing team holds the ball longer.

It would be healthier for you to accept reality and learn to cope with it than to continue denying it.
Where did I say I want to Throw anyone out? LOL. I just Said border security is important. And if I were to throw people out, it would not be Mexicans. I d Start with the Alt Right and the SJWs. Bye Joe.

YOu guys don't want to just "Secure the border", you want to deport the undocumented who are already here.

Yes, yes, we're all familiar with Hillary's consolation prize. It's totally irrelevant to winning the presidency, however. Trump played by the rules and won by the rules. He no more stole the presidency than the winner of a Super Bowl steals a win if they score more points but the losing team holds the ball longer.

No, he stole the presidency. The People Said No.

Deal with it.
If you don’t agree there is a crisis at the border then you have to explain why because the evidence says otherwise.

Nope, "A Mexican might date my daughter" is not a crisis.

Illegal immigration is at 20% of what it was in 2000. We've had undocumented immigrants for as long as I have been alive and frankly, it's just not a big deal.
Where did I say I want to Throw anyone out? LOL. I just Said border security is important. And if I were to throw people out, it would not be Mexicans. I d Start with the Alt Right and the SJWs. Bye Joe.

YOu guys don't want to just "Secure the border", you want to deport the undocumented who are already here.

Yes, yes, we're all familiar with Hillary's consolation prize. It's totally irrelevant to winning the presidency, however. Trump played by the rules and won by the rules. He no more stole the presidency than the winner of a Super Bowl steals a win if they score more points but the losing team holds the ball longer.

No, he stole the presidency. The People Said No.

Deal with it.

While I'm sure believing that helps you sleep at night, it's a fantasy. As has been pointed out, "the people" don't really elect the president, never have. It would be healthier for you to cope with reality instead of denying it.
Where did I say I want to Throw anyone out? LOL. I just Said border security is important. And if I were to throw people out, it would not be Mexicans. I d Start with the Alt Right and the SJWs. Bye Joe.

YOu guys don't want to just "Secure the border", you want to deport the undocumented who are already here.

Yes, yes, we're all familiar with Hillary's consolation prize. It's totally irrelevant to winning the presidency, however. Trump played by the rules and won by the rules. He no more stole the presidency than the winner of a Super Bowl steals a win if they score more points but the losing team holds the ball longer.

No, he stole the presidency. The People Said No.

Deal with it.

Now you can read minds and know what I want? I am a Jew so as you already know, superior to you in every way. So don’t tell me what I want. Border security is critical.
If you don’t agree there is a crisis at the border then you have to explain why because the evidence says otherwise.

Nope, "A Mexican might date my daughter" is not a crisis.

Illegal immigration is at 20% of what it was in 2000. We've had undocumented immigrants for as long as I have been alive and frankly, it's just not a big deal.

Wrong answer. Just because there are fewer people trying to get in does not mean it is not a crisis. They come in, get a hearing then get a work Visa and never come back. They overstay their Visa and bam they are here for good and their kids are citizens. I get it but that process is broken.

By your analogy if death due to cancer is 20% of what it once was and they number is closer to 50% not 20% then we should stop finding a cure? No.

Your illogic is humorous
If you don’t agree there is a crisis at the border then you have to explain why because the evidence says otherwise.

Nope, "A Mexican might date my daughter" is not a crisis.

Illegal immigration is at 20% of what it was in 2000. We've had undocumented immigrants for as long as I have been alive and frankly, it's just not a big deal.
All we have to do is deny any thing from the taxpayer to them. Would you agree to that?
If you don’t agree there is a crisis at the border then you have to explain why because the evidence says otherwise.

Nope, "A Mexican might date my daughter" is not a crisis.

Illegal immigration is at 20% of what it was in 2000. We've had undocumented immigrants for as long as I have been alive and frankly, it's just not a big deal.

No, but "A mexican right rape or kill her" is.

Mexicans aren't coming here to date American women. You really are a stupid son of a bitch.
If you don’t agree there is a crisis at the border then you have to explain why because the evidence says otherwise.

Nope, "A Mexican might date my daughter" is not a crisis.

Illegal immigration is at 20% of what it was in 2000. We've had undocumented immigrants for as long as I have been alive and frankly, it's just not a big deal.

No, but "A mexican right rape or kill her" is.

Mexicans aren't coming here to date American women. You really are a stupid son of a bitch.

IDC if they come in but they need to do so legally and not abuse our currently broken system. JoeB is an uneducated Jew hating moron. I laugh at his expense.
While I'm sure believing that helps you sleep at night, it's a fantasy. As has been pointed out, "the people" don't really elect the president, never have. It would be healthier for you to cope with reality instead of denying it.

Again, trying to pretend you done a good thing by supporting "The system", when it becomes increasingly obvious that this if fucked up, is a cop out.

Can you honestly look at Trump's behavior and say, "Yup, this is perfectly acceptable from a President."

The people had this right.
While I'm sure believing that helps you sleep at night, it's a fantasy. As has been pointed out, "the people" don't really elect the president, never have. It would be healthier for you to cope with reality instead of denying it.

Again, trying to pretend you done a good thing by supporting "The system", when it becomes increasingly obvious that this if fucked up, is a cop out.

Can you honestly look at Trump's behavior and say, "Yup, this is perfectly acceptable from a President."

The people had this right.
Again, irrelevant. Trump understood the rules in place, played the game by those rules, and defeated a terrible candidate who tried to play by a different set of rules. You don't like the outcome, I get it, but pretending you were cheated out of a win is no more useful than complaining that the Super Bowl loser should have won because they held the ball longer. So now you've moved from "he stole it" to "I don't like his behavior". Any more goal post moves you want to make?
My Ah Ha moment to why Dems really hate & demonize the Maga slogan and hat.

It's because they can't ever compete with, nor explain, how the goal to make America better was achieved with their known resistance, sabotage, and obstruction.=That it was done without them, and in spite of them tying the govt's hands and feet.
It also equates that the last administration failed therefore needing the improvements to get better aka great again.
In political arguments it's in likeness to religious ones, whereby you'll notice that shaking up the status quo and fake mythologies while making the world a better place is fought against tooth and nail by those in claimed religious authority who failed humanity.
So we see this same fight in politics against those who find challenging & changing of the guards and making the country better a knock on their inadequacies. Therefore, personal pride is at stake and they can never admit they failed in the same way established religious authority failed and displaced blame and demonized opponents. Only in a Bizarro world do you see people opposing making
The Country and The World a better place, thus opposing statements of such. Never mind the fact that making the U.S. better makes the World better, as our success is their success they feed from. That's to obvious for the left to grasp.
America First is still World's (best interest) First because of this over looked fact.- signed Captain Obvious

The commies already trademarked the color red.
Again, irrelevant. Trump understood the rules in place, played the game by those rules, and defeated a terrible candidate who tried to play by a different set of rules. You don't like the outcome, I get it, but pretending you were cheated out of a win is no more useful than complaining that the Super Bowl loser should have won because they held the ball longer. So now you've moved from "he stole it" to "I don't like his behavior". Any more goal post moves you want to make?

Oh, I see... It's okay that we have a crazy person in the White House who betrays us to the Russians and Saudis and violates the human rights of people because, hey, even though the people have LOUDLY said No to him, he won according to obscure rules that some slave rapists came up with 200 years ago.

Trump is unfit for office. You know it. I know it. Most of the country knows it. We've kind of lost the right to criticize ancient Rome for Caligula, at least they got rid of that guy at a certain point.
Oh, I see... It's okay that we have a crazy person in the White House who betrays us to the Russians and Saudis and violates the human rights of people because, hey, even though the people have LOUDLY said No to him, he won according to obscure rules that some slave rapists came up with 200 years ago.

Trump is unfit for office. You know it. I know it. Most of the country knows it. We've kind of lost the right to criticize ancient Rome for Caligula, at least they got rid of that guy at a certain point.
That repeated angry demonizing ad hominen commentary only validates the concern for your group Trump syndrome.
You are being Nurse Rached (who was angry, cruel, & crazy in One Flew Over the Cuckoos nest)calling crazy
( like a Fox) Randle McMurphy
(Played by Jack Nicholson).

McMurphy wanted to fix the disorderly nature of the ward (the crazy farm=which is our D.C.)
but angry ward keeper would not let him, especially when he was sucessful, the Ward's keeper got more intensely bitter over the
changes and tied down and controlled McMurphy, so McMurphy tried to escape Nurse Racheds nut house (that she helped create so she could control).
IN OTHER WORDS, THE nutty nut house leaders can't call an outsider insane for wanting to fix the
broken system, that's called a double negative and is actually a compliment. IF you guys were capable of discerning sanity you would not be upset over fixing broken dreams and spending 24/7 creating false narrative & bashing what you deem a disabled man. Sane people talk about other things and other people, they don't focus and target one person especially if they claim that person is ill. Only evil people kick Cripples right Nurse Rached?
Please get help for your
Trump derrangement syndrome.
or Maybe Elizabeth Warren can help you open a window to escape.
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You never stop lying. I've so many liberals on the net ask when it was ever great. Scum like you are a boil on the ass.
No you stupid fucker...they asked when YOU thought it was great.

We always thought it was.

When was this magical time for you?

You morons never say
Excellent twist.
I asked YOU..when YOU think America was great. I think it has ALWAYS been great

And again you failed to answer.

Why is that?
Ya know why this question never gets answered?

Because the answer would be pretty disgusting

They want to return us to the worst possible time this country has had.

Jim Crow years...pre-civil war years...
Still no response . But they’ll be glad to talk about hat colors
Why respond to you? All you do is lie and spin.

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