Must watch: amazing footage of Hong Kong protesters defying communist Chinese controlled police


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Must Watch: Amazing Footage Of Hong Kong Protesters Defying Communist Chinese-Controlled Police
Hong Kongers told Infowars they want freedom from Communist China’s technocratic control and social credit score.

Hernandez also covered the standoff that took place in Tsuen Wan, which resulted in tear gas and rubber bullets being used against protestors. Dozens were left injured and many were arrested during the violent demonstration.

Footage made with no agenda to fool the people is easy to do when you fall for the globalist lies.
Wake up they want want we have and they are losing it. They know freedom how pathetic US AMERICA LEFTIT TRUMP HATING STUPID FK C***TS have n clue how they beg for America to be given up as the freest nation in the world.

As these assholes gather the weak to follow their stupidity & lead you a stupid fks are giving your country away ou ass holes will eave a nation of ENSLAVEMENT if you do not wake up and fight for real freedom you retards!!
Oh God, please tell me PLA didn't open fire on them.

These people are ready to be free or die, and regular Chinese can't do what they do.
Oh, this is so bad. :(
They're going to need lethal weapons if they really want to fight.
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Tell ya what, Americans are not giving up their weapons! :eusa_naughty:

If anything, it needs to be easier for free, law-abiding citizens to arm themselves.
Now the world gets a good look at China...the constant push for global dominance by China must end now....right here...or the US and China will get into it...and that won't be pretty...Trump is doing the right him...tell the tariff fear mongers in the media to pound sand....
What scares China right now is a Trump re election and a closer relationship between Russia and the USA...this is why Trump wants Putin at the next G7 meeting here in America...and all we hear from the dems and the freaks in the media is Trump bashing....enough already...
If past presidents could be held to account over their inaction we would take Obama Bush and Clinton's retirement pensions away and retroactively impeach them all....they would go down in history for bringing us close to another world war by allowing China to advance with our stolen technology and unfair trade practices...Clinton should have been prosecuted and sent to prison for allowing the sale of rocket guidance technology by his donor to China...
What kind of man/leader does that?....
If past presidents could be held to account over their inaction we would take Obama Bush and Clinton's retirement pensions away and retroactively impeach them all....they would go down in history for bringing us close to another world war by allowing China to advance with our stolen technology and unfair trade practices...Clinton should have been prosecuted and sent to prison for allowing the sale of rocket guidance technology by his donor to China...
What kind of man/leader does that?....

That's traitor territory.
You people realize that many of these protestors are getting their marching orders from outside governments right?

That's why they're so serious about it, amirite?
The initial protests were organic. This latest mess has all of the markings of a Color Revolution.
The Chinese have been saying it for weeks. However, the American media is so controlled that their marching orders are to discredit any information emanating from Beijing.
We are at war with China. It is obviously not at the bomb and rifle stage yet but it is slowly creeping toward that.
You people realize that many of these protestors are getting their marching orders from outside governments right?

That's why they're so serious about it, amirite?
The initial protests were organic. This latest mess has all of the markings of a Color Revolution.
The Chinese have been saying it for weeks. However, the American media is so controlled that their marching orders are to discredit any information emanating from Beijing.
We are at war with China. It is obviously not at the bomb and rifle stage yet but it is slowly creeping toward that.

It doesn't have to be all that.
If past presidents could be held to account over their inaction we would take Obama Bush and Clinton's retirement pensions away and retroactively impeach them all....they would go down in history for bringing us close to another world war by allowing China to advance with our stolen technology and unfair trade practices...Clinton should have been prosecuted and sent to prison for allowing the sale of rocket guidance technology by his donor to China...
What kind of man/leader does that?....

Elitist and Corporatist leaders.
Bush I - a first clear globalist President that set the stage for a "one world economy" that began the wide-scale practice of global investors harvesting money from products made with extreme cheap labor.
Clinton - just plain corrupt. Under his Presidency we saw the rise of one of the most corrupt Washington officials in U.S. history - Larry Summers. As well as Robert Rubin.
Bush II - The AWOL President. Cheney was more powerful than he was. He just let whoever around him do whatever they did.
Obama - Elitist/Globalist/Corporatist to the core.
You people realize that many of these protestors are getting their marching orders from outside governments right?

That's why they're so serious about it, amirite?
The initial protests were organic. This latest mess has all of the markings of a Color Revolution.
The Chinese have been saying it for weeks. However, the American media is so controlled that their marching orders are to discredit any information emanating from Beijing.
We are at war with China. It is obviously not at the bomb and rifle stage yet but it is slowly creeping toward that.

It doesn't have to be all that.
But it most likely is. They will leak it all out in a few years, after the fact...just like Ukraine, just like North Africa.

Nothing is organic in the end.
I say the US build an island off the coast of Hong Kong for all those people to flee to, then rebuild their society, and economically challenge and destroy the Chinese Hong Kong economies.
If past presidents could be held to account over their inaction we would take Obama Bush and Clinton's retirement pensions away and retroactively impeach them all....they would go down in history for bringing us close to another world war by allowing China to advance with our stolen technology and unfair trade practices...Clinton should have been prosecuted and sent to prison for allowing the sale of rocket guidance technology by his donor to China...
What kind of man/leader does that?....

Elitist and Corporatist leaders.
Bush I - a first clear globalist President that set the stage for a "one world economy" that began the wide-scale practice of global investors harvesting money from products made with extreme cheap labor.
Clinton - just plain corrupt. Under his Presidency we saw the rise of one of the most corrupt Washington officials in U.S. history - Larry Summers. As well as Robert Rubin.
Bush II - The AWOL President. Cheney was more powerful than he was. He just let whoever around him do whatever they did.
Obama - Elitist/Globalist/Corporatist to the core.
Obama was addicted to being the president...he sided with anyone that could help him win and hold on to the presidency...even if it ultimately hurt the nation...
If past presidents could be held to account over their inaction we would take Obama Bush and Clinton's retirement pensions away and retroactively impeach them all....they would go down in history for bringing us close to another world war by allowing China to advance with our stolen technology and unfair trade practices...Clinton should have been prosecuted and sent to prison for allowing the sale of rocket guidance technology by his donor to China...
What kind of man/leader does that?....

Elitist and Corporatist leaders.
Bush I - a first clear globalist President that set the stage for a "one world economy" that began the wide-scale practice of global investors harvesting money from products made with extreme cheap labor.
Clinton - just plain corrupt. Under his Presidency we saw the rise of one of the most corrupt Washington officials in U.S. history - Larry Summers. As well as Robert Rubin.
Bush II - The AWOL President. Cheney was more powerful than he was. He just let whoever around him do whatever they did.
Obama - Elitist/Globalist/Corporatist to the core.
Obama was addicted to being the president...he sided with anyone that could help him win and hold on to the presidency...even if it ultimately hurt the nation...
Facts you can't get a liberal to comment on...
1) While 100,000's of people lost not only their homes, but their credit and jobs... Obama's admin gave the investment banks 100 cents on the dollar so they would not only not lose money on those mortgages, but keep the profits.
2) After Obama left office, there are more empty homes in America than anytime in our history. There are literally more empty homes till today than homeless.
3) The Obama administration continued to inject $70,000,000,000 PER MONTH into the investment markets despite record earnings and record profits of those who were on the receiving end of that money. The single greatest trickle down economic policy this country has ever seen.
4) China's growth exploded under both Bush's and Obama's Presidencies. For one reason and one reason only. Both administrations provided support to the investment class because there was so much money to be made by the markets off of products made cheaper. FUCK YOU laborers in the U.S. and elsewhere, go fuck yourself. We are making our products by slave labor instead and we will make $trillions doing it. Goodbye
You people realize that many of these protestors are getting their marching orders from outside governments right?

That's why they're so serious about it, amirite?
The initial protests were organic. This latest mess has all of the markings of a Color Revolution.
The Chinese have been saying it for weeks. However, the American media is so controlled that their marching orders are to discredit any information emanating from Beijing.
We are at war with China. It is obviously not at the bomb and rifle stage yet but it is slowly creeping toward that.
China was an ally under Obama. Now it is an enemy under Trump. Because of Trumps stupid ideas.

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