*Muslims Waiting To Kill Christians Here Too*


Dec 9, 2007
Fort Worth, Texas
Sorry bout that,

1. In Iraq the muslims are attempting to kill off or scare off the remaining Christians.
2. Synchronized Bombings no less.:eek::eek::eek:
3. You think that won't be happening here, you're the crazy one.
4. Give it three years, and it will.
5. islam is not a peaceful way of life, its death around every corner, day in day out death, blood guts innocent people being killed, mostly focused at Christians.
6. This must be stopped!!!!!

"There has been no let-up, however, in the campaign against his religion. On Wednesday, synchronized bombings struck at least 11 Christian locations across in Baghdad, killing at least six people and wounding more than 30. The strikes appear to be directly connected to a vicious October 31 church invasion that left at least 50 people dead after gunmen overran Sunday services, shooting down the attending priest and acolyte at the altar before spraying automatic gunfire on the congregation and detonating explosives vest. The Halloween murders at Our Lady of Salvation in Baghdad's middle class, mixed Karada neighborhood were followed by an announcement by the Islamic State of Iraq, an al-Qaeda proxy, promising "We will open upon [the Christians] the doors of destruction and rivers of blood."

7. islam is a crime agianst humanity.
8. Where is the lame ass UN??????

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Sorry bout that,

1. Don't worry Tom, they will take you out first, so you will never even know what happened.

If they want to kill me. Let them. The worst they can do is what they did to Christ. And if they do that, then I will be stronger than ever, because God will take me to the next phase of my life.

Better that I die, then we both die. Maybe they will come to a knowledge of their sins and repent.

And if they don't want to kill me. Great too! Because then we can discuss things and work together for our mutual benefit.
Sorry bout that,

1. The question is, *Does God want you to be murdered*?
2. And if you allow islam to kill you are you just being a loser, in life?
3. Who does it bennefit to allow your head to be cut off by some evil muslim or blown up?
4. These questions can not be answered by you, or anyone in here.

Seems like Christians had it better in Iraq with Sadam in control.

And as to them killing Christians in America.

Be afraid be very afraid and express your patriotism.
god bless our guns.
Sorry bout that,

1. Don't worry Tom, they will take you out first, so you will never even know what happened.


Not sorry bout that,

1. Well hey! I guess we'll find out right?
2. Mind explaining me how they're gonna take me out first? Do they have me on their Hit list? Do all muslims here in America want to kill the worst Infidel of them all? Well?
3. Need a cig or a joint to calm you down? :lol:

If God wants me to be murdered, there really isn't any point worrying about it. Nothing I do is going to be able to stop it. May as well use the time I have wisely and do some good in the world.
Christians have been warned about the false religions,

and we are instructed to express righteous anger at what we know to be against God,

so although I'm down with my time and way to die being left in God's hands,

imho, none of us is expected to just stand idly by while Christians are murdered for not bowing ourselves down to the fakirs.
Sorry bout that,

1. The problem with some Christians is thier thoughts on dying for Christ, as if its okay to roll over and allow your life to be taken.
2. Its not okay to allow it.
3. Muslims agree with you just let it be Gods will and allow us to murder you they believe.
4. Its never been Gods will for anyone to have to be murdered, God hates murder, and *ALL* murderer's.
5. And eternal hell awaits *EVERY* murderer.
6. There are some exceptions, sometimes a life taken was justified, depends on just how it went down.
7. But that has to be weighed by the utlimate judge, who will one day judge the world.
8. You can bet that when that day comes, murder will be the most common reason people will end in eternal hell.

Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

1. Don't worry Tom, they will take you out first, so you will never even know what happened.


Not sorry bout that,

1. Well hey! I guess we'll find out right?
2. Mind explaining me how they're gonna take me out first? Do they have me on their Hit list? Do all muslims here in America want to kill the worst Infidel of them all? Well?
3. Need a cig or a joint to calm you down? :lol:


1. Yeah, but don't count on it, I was just kidding you.:lol:
2. If they do take you out, lemme see, I think it will be a car bomb that gets you.
3. I don't think there are levels of infidels, either you are a muslim to them or not, meaning you're full of death and murder or you're not.
4. Tom I don't smoke, does smoking make a person calm?:cool:

Sorry bout that,

If God wants me to be murdered, there really isn't any point worrying about it. Nothing I do is going to be able to stop it. May as well use the time I have wisely and do some good in the world.

1. Oh God, God does not want you murdered.
2. God wants you to live and live a full life in and for Christ.
3. All this come and cut my head off is God's will is crazy talk.
4. Evil people kill for evil reasons, not as God's sword.
5. This will never change.

Sorry bout that,

Christians have been warned about the false religions,

and we are instructed to express righteous anger at what we know to be against God,

so although I'm down with my time and way to die being left in God's hands,

imho, none of us is expected to just stand idly by while Christians are murdered for not bowing ourselves down to the fakirs.

1. Best post of the thread, other than mine.
2. Has a firm understanding of truth in this matter.
3. False religion is islam if anything, good point many don't see.

Sorry bout that,

If God wants me to be murdered, there really isn't any point worrying about it. Nothing I do is going to be able to stop it. May as well use the time I have wisely and do some good in the world.

1. Oh God, God does not want you murdered.
2. God wants you to live and live a full life in and for Christ.
3. All this come and cut my head off is God's will is crazy talk.
4. Evil people kill for evil reasons, not as God's sword.
5. This will never change.


If God doesn't want me murdered, then I have no doubt that I'll live a long life. If God wants me to live, then no man will be able to take my life. My days are numbered. God knows when I will die. If its because someone wants to take my life or because of old age, I will die. There is no getting around that. My life is in God's hand.

Change is the only thing that's constant in the world. If you don't believe in change, then you don't believe in the Gospel. Because the Gospel is that things will change through Jesus Christ. His Atonement and Resurrection ensure that change will occur. The only question is when we will let it.
Sorry bout that,

1. Apparently the *POPE* believes the same way I do.
2. Wise man.
3. Link and sample:Pope condemns violence 'in the name of God'

"The 83-year-old pontiff also praised Christians who stood up to their persecutors.

"I express my gratitude to all the Christian Churches who do not capitulate before obstacles and persecutions because of the Gospel," he said. "


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