Muslims Are People too!

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Vladimir Lenin was an atheist jew .

Ah, lying for Allah, how cool.

No, Valdimir Illiach Lenin was not a Jew. He was raised Russian Orthodox.

{born in Simbirsk on 10 April 1870, and baptised in St. Nicholas Cathedral several days later}

Vladimir Lenin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Dumb fucking Muzzie Beasts.

The Zionist had money behind them, and the desert was blooming before they arrived.

No shit fer brains, it was not.

"Hailing from a relatively prosperous background, she was the daughter of an apostate Russian Jewish physician and his German-Swedish wife, and had received a good education, learning Russian, German, English and French, and being well versed in Russian literature"

use to be if mother was a jew, children were, and now its also if at least one grandparent was a jew, then child is a jew.

Now take this up with your Zionist comrades , who love to change the rules as they play the game of "who is a jew". Now you can actually become a jew, since they know most jews do not want to marry another jew.

So take your Zionist brain and learn the Zionist history, I understand its hard to keep up with all the changes, but try.

So Lenin, jew atheist.

Have they yet decided it jew is a race or religion yet?? When they do , let us know. They are so messed up they don't know up from down, or right from left. They fly with the wind.

So he wasnt a Jew then as his grandmother was not a Jew, nor was his mother. Read your cut and paste again pitstop

That makes three losers on here stevie loser, inhumanity loser and now penny loser
No I said he was an atheist Jew.

Yes, but you are a liar for Allah and an ignorant dolt.

Jew is not a race, but what started as a religion has pretty much turned into a "ethnic culture, minus the God part".

Lenin was about as anti-Jew as you are, you ignorant lying sot. The Jew in the movement was Trotsky, the Bolsheviks were nearly as anti-Semitic as you Muzzie Beasts and your Nazi mentors are.

The Zionist sent poor jews there in about 1850 to dig wells and build roads, with Rothschild money, and any other money they could mooch off the rich jews at the time. Muslims are people who practice Islam, otherwise they are the same as most of the jews, Semites, although I think jews minus Judaism are no different than Arabs, only since jews consider themselves as Semites.

1850, huh?

The shit you liars make up...
Then what context are you calling him a Jew. If a Catholic renounces his faith he is no longer a catholic, if a muslims renounces islam he is dead man walking. So how could he be a Jew if he had renounced his religion. For the record he was the son of Catholics and gave up his religion for a short time, only to go back once he had reached the top of the communist party.

Lenin was Russian Orthodox. He never renounced Judaism because he never had anything to do with it in the first place. Like all Marxists, he became Atheist.

The Muslims are fucking insane and tell the most ignorant of lies.

"Hailing from a relatively prosperous background, she was the daughter of an apostate Russian Jewish physician and his German-Swedish wife, and had received a good education, learning Russian, German, English and French, and being well versed in Russian literature"

use to be if mother was a jew, children were, and now its also if at least one grandparent was a jew, then child is a jew.

But the mother wasn't a Jew.

Nor was the grandmother.

Now take this up with your Zionist comrades , who love to change the rules as they play the game of "who is a jew". Now you can actually become a jew, since they know most jews do not want to marry another jew.

So take your Zionist brain and learn the Zionist history, I understand its hard to keep up with all the changes, but try.

So Lenin, jew atheist.

Have they yet decided it jew is a race or religion yet?? When they do , let us know. They are so messed up they don't know up from down, or right from left. They fly with the wind.

What you are is a liar for Allah, a Muzzie Beast.

No, Lenin was not a Jew in any way, shape, form, or otherwise. You are simply a lying scumbag. Lenin was a baptised Christian, Russian Orthodox, liar.
No I said he was an atheist Jew.

Yes, but you are a liar for Allah and an ignorant dolt.

Jew is not a race, but what started as a religion has pretty much turned into a "ethnic culture, minus the God part".

Lenin was about as anti-Jew as you are, you ignorant lying sot. The Jew in the movement was Trotsky, the Bolsheviks were nearly as anti-Semitic as you Muzzie Beasts and your Nazi mentors are.

The Zionist sent poor jews there in about 1850 to dig wells and build roads, with Rothschild money, and any other money they could mooch off the rich jews at the time. Muslims are people who practice Islam, otherwise they are the same as most of the jews, Semites, although I think jews minus Judaism are no different than Arabs, only since jews consider themselves as Semites.

1850, huh?

The shit you liars make up...

Actually the jewish virtual library, and wiki are liars. If you refuse to read my links and post, I have to assume your unable to read, do not be ashamed, many people are unable to comprehend the written Eng. language. Oh yes most of the Bolsheviks were secular jews, who hated religion. They should not of moved to an EO Russia. They did the same in Germany, which was and mainly is a Christian country. If you have an issue, I suggest writing to the Jewish Virtual Library.
Vladimir Lenin was an atheist jew .

Ah, lying for Allah, how cool.

No, Valdimir Illiach Lenin was not a Jew. He was raised Russian Orthodox.

{born in Simbirsk on 10 April 1870, and baptised in St. Nicholas Cathedral several days later}

Vladimir Lenin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Dumb fucking Muzzie Beasts.

The Zionist had money behind them, and the desert was blooming before they arrived.

No shit fer brains, it was not.

"Hailing from a relatively prosperous background, she was the daughter of an apostate Russian Jewish physician and his German-Swedish wife, and had received a good education, learning Russian, German, English and French, and being well versed in Russian literature"

use to be if mother was a jew, children were, and now its also if at least one grandparent was a jew, then child is a jew.

Now take this up with your Zionist comrades , who love to change the rules as they play the game of "who is a jew". Now you can actually become a jew, since they know most jews do not want to marry another jew.

So take your Zionist brain and learn the Zionist history, I understand its hard to keep up with all the changes, but try.

So Lenin, jew atheist.

Have they yet decided it jew is a race or religion yet?? When they do , let us know. They are so messed up they don't know up from down, or right from left. They fly with the wind.

So he wasnt a Jew then as his grandmother was not a Jew, nor was his mother. Read your cut and paste again pitstop

That makes three losers on here stevie loser, inhumanity loser and now penny loser

Lets see his mother's Father was a Jew, so he must of had a parent or both of Jewish origin, and since her father was a Jew, she is a jew and that makes Lenin a what????? ding ding ding, Jew.
Actually the jewish virtual library, and wiki are liars.

Well of course, only what your Mullahs tell you is true.

If you refuse to read my links and post, I have to assume your unable to read, do not be ashamed, many people are unable to comprehend the written Eng. language. Oh yes most of the Bolsheviks were secular jews, who hated religion. They should not of moved to an EO Russia. They did the same in Germany, which was and mainly is a Christian country. If you have an issue, I suggest writing to the Jewish Virtual Library.

Look, you are a scumbag, a liar for Allah. The problem you have is that I am well versed on Marxism and the Bolshevik revolution. The first key to pulling off a successful lie is that the lie must be plausible. The one you are telling on behalf of your Imams is not - it is ignorant and absurd - the babbling of a child. You fucks tell each other these lies and you become convinced that normal people believe your shit. We don't.

You are an idiot, an uneducated baboon spewing mindless Jew hatred as if it had some intellectual foundation. It doesn't.
Lets see his mother's Father was a Jew, so he must of had a parent or both of Jewish origin, and since her father was a Jew, she is a jew and that makes Lenin a what????? ding ding ding, Jew.

Mother's father - that would be "grandfather," stupid. The grandfather was an apostate Jew who converted to Christianity and married a Christian woman, and raised all of his children as Christians, including his second daughter who was the mother of VI Lenin. Lenin was a Christian who became a Communist,

You are incredibly fucking stupid.
Vladimir Lenin was an atheist jew .

Ah, lying for Allah, how cool.

No, Valdimir Illiach Lenin was not a Jew. He was raised Russian Orthodox.

{born in Simbirsk on 10 April 1870, and baptised in St. Nicholas Cathedral several days later}

Vladimir Lenin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Dumb fucking Muzzie Beasts.

The Zionist had money behind them, and the desert was blooming before they arrived.

No shit fer brains, it was not.

"Hailing from a relatively prosperous background, she was the daughter of an apostate Russian Jewish physician and his German-Swedish wife, and had received a good education, learning Russian, German, English and French, and being well versed in Russian literature"

use to be if mother was a jew, children were, and now its also if at least one grandparent was a jew, then child is a jew.

Now take this up with your Zionist comrades , who love to change the rules as they play the game of "who is a jew". Now you can actually become a jew, since they know most jews do not want to marry another jew.

So take your Zionist brain and learn the Zionist history, I understand its hard to keep up with all the changes, but try.

So Lenin, jew atheist.

Have they yet decided it jew is a race or religion yet?? When they do , let us know. They are so messed up they don't know up from down, or right from left. They fly with the wind.

So he wasnt a Jew then as his grandmother was not a Jew, nor was his mother. Read your cut and paste again pitstop

That makes three losers on here stevie loser, inhumanity loser and now penny loser

Lets see his mother's Father was a Jew, so he must of had a parent or both of Jewish origin, and since her father was a Jew, she is a jew and that makes Lenin a what????? ding ding ding, Jew.
Lenin not ethnically a Jew. You're beating a dead horse. Through the mother,not the father.

Birth Name: Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov
Date of Birth: 22 April, 1870
Place of Birth: Simbirsk, Russian Empire
Date of Death: 21 January, 1924
Place of Death: Gorki, Russian SFSR, Soviet Union
*Russian, with possible Chuvash and Kalmyk (father)
*Ashkenazi Jewish (maternal grandfather)
*German, Swedish (maternal grandmother)
Vladimir Lenin was an atheist jew .

Ah, lying for Allah, how cool.

No, Valdimir Illiach Lenin was not a Jew. He was raised Russian Orthodox.

{born in Simbirsk on 10 April 1870, and baptised in St. Nicholas Cathedral several days later}

Vladimir Lenin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Dumb fucking Muzzie Beasts.

The Zionist had money behind them, and the desert was blooming before they arrived.

No shit fer brains, it was not.

"Hailing from a relatively prosperous background, she was the daughter of an apostate Russian Jewish physician and his German-Swedish wife, and had received a good education, learning Russian, German, English and French, and being well versed in Russian literature"

use to be if mother was a jew, children were, and now its also if at least one grandparent was a jew, then child is a jew.

Now take this up with your Zionist comrades , who love to change the rules as they play the game of "who is a jew". Now you can actually become a jew, since they know most jews do not want to marry another jew.

So take your Zionist brain and learn the Zionist history, I understand its hard to keep up with all the changes, but try.

So Lenin, jew atheist.

Have they yet decided it jew is a race or religion yet?? When they do , let us know. They are so messed up they don't know up from down, or right from left. They fly with the wind.

So he wasnt a Jew then as his grandmother was not a Jew, nor was his mother. Read your cut and paste again pitstop

That makes three losers on here stevie loser, inhumanity loser and now penny loser

Lets see his mother's Father was a Jew, so he must of had a parent or both of Jewish origin, and since her father was a Jew, she is a jew and that makes Lenin a what????? ding ding ding, Jew.
Lenin not ethnically a Jew. You're beating a dead horse. Through the mother,not the father.

Birth Name: Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov
Date of Birth: 22 April, 1870
Place of Birth: Simbirsk, Russian Empire
Date of Death: 21 January, 1924
Place of Death: Gorki, Russian SFSR, Soviet Union
*Russian, with possible Chuvash and Kalmyk (father)
*Ashkenazi Jewish (maternal grandfather)
*German, Swedish (maternal grandmother)

Which makes him "jewish".
Ah, lying for Allah, how cool.

No, Valdimir Illiach Lenin was not a Jew. He was raised Russian Orthodox.

{born in Simbirsk on 10 April 1870, and baptised in St. Nicholas Cathedral several days later}

Vladimir Lenin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Dumb fucking Muzzie Beasts.

No shit fer brains, it was not.

"Hailing from a relatively prosperous background, she was the daughter of an apostate Russian Jewish physician and his German-Swedish wife, and had received a good education, learning Russian, German, English and French, and being well versed in Russian literature"

use to be if mother was a jew, children were, and now its also if at least one grandparent was a jew, then child is a jew.

Now take this up with your Zionist comrades , who love to change the rules as they play the game of "who is a jew". Now you can actually become a jew, since they know most jews do not want to marry another jew.

So take your Zionist brain and learn the Zionist history, I understand its hard to keep up with all the changes, but try.

So Lenin, jew atheist.

Have they yet decided it jew is a race or religion yet?? When they do , let us know. They are so messed up they don't know up from down, or right from left. They fly with the wind.

So he wasnt a Jew then as his grandmother was not a Jew, nor was his mother. Read your cut and paste again pitstop

That makes three losers on here stevie loser, inhumanity loser and now penny loser

Lets see his mother's Father was a Jew, so he must of had a parent or both of Jewish origin, and since her father was a Jew, she is a jew and that makes Lenin a what????? ding ding ding, Jew.
Lenin not ethnically a Jew. You're beating a dead horse. Through the mother,not the father.

Birth Name: Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov
Date of Birth: 22 April, 1870
Place of Birth: Simbirsk, Russian Empire
Date of Death: 21 January, 1924
Place of Death: Gorki, Russian SFSR, Soviet Union
*Russian, with possible Chuvash and Kalmyk (father)
*Ashkenazi Jewish (maternal grandfather)
*German, Swedish (maternal grandmother)

Which makes him "jewish".
Seems to me that the past few posts clearly establish that the Palestinians were an established people in the area in question and had an identity of their own. Where are all those Zionists shouting foul because the Palestinians never were a nation and never were and identifiable group of people who existed independent of addled mines of people who are incapable of understanding of how much good Israel does for the other nations of the world.

What a stupid jew woman, promised to us by God, Oh Israel makes me sick. No wonder they hate Obama, he see right through the jew lies.
Vladimir Lenin was an atheist jew .

Ah, lying for Allah, how cool.

No, Valdimir Illiach Lenin was not a Jew. He was raised Russian Orthodox.

{born in Simbirsk on 10 April 1870, and baptised in St. Nicholas Cathedral several days later}

Vladimir Lenin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Dumb fucking Muzzie Beasts.

The Zionist had money behind them, and the desert was blooming before they arrived.

No shit fer brains, it was not.

"Hailing from a relatively prosperous background, she was the daughter of an apostate Russian Jewish physician and his German-Swedish wife, and had received a good education, learning Russian, German, English and French, and being well versed in Russian literature"

use to be if mother was a jew, children were, and now its also if at least one grandparent was a jew, then child is a jew.

Now take this up with your Zionist comrades , who love to change the rules as they play the game of "who is a jew". Now you can actually become a jew, since they know most jews do not want to marry another jew.

So take your Zionist brain and learn the Zionist history, I understand its hard to keep up with all the changes, but try.

So Lenin, jew atheist.

Have they yet decided it jew is a race or religion yet?? When they do , let us know. They are so messed up they don't know up from down, or right from left. They fly with the wind.

So he wasnt a Jew then as his grandmother was not a Jew, nor was his mother. Read your cut and paste again pitstop

That makes three losers on here stevie loser, inhumanity loser and now penny loser

Lets see his mother's Father was a Jew, so he must of had a parent or both of Jewish origin, and since her father was a Jew, she is a jew and that makes Lenin a what????? ding ding ding, Jew.
Vladimir Lenin was an atheist jew .

Ah, lying for Allah, how cool.

No, Valdimir Illiach Lenin was not a Jew. He was raised Russian Orthodox.

{born in Simbirsk on 10 April 1870, and baptised in St. Nicholas Cathedral several days later}

Vladimir Lenin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Dumb fucking Muzzie Beasts.

The Zionist had money behind them, and the desert was blooming before they arrived.

No shit fer brains, it was not.

"Hailing from a relatively prosperous background, she was the daughter of an apostate Russian Jewish physician and his German-Swedish wife, and had received a good education, learning Russian, German, English and French, and being well versed in Russian literature"

use to be if mother was a jew, children were, and now its also if at least one grandparent was a jew, then child is a jew.

Now take this up with your Zionist comrades , who love to change the rules as they play the game of "who is a jew". Now you can actually become a jew, since they know most jews do not want to marry another jew.

So take your Zionist brain and learn the Zionist history, I understand its hard to keep up with all the changes, but try.

So Lenin, jew atheist.

Have they yet decided it jew is a race or religion yet?? When they do , let us know. They are so messed up they don't know up from down, or right from left. They fly with the wind.

So he wasnt a Jew then as his grandmother was not a Jew, nor was his mother. Read your cut and paste again pitstop

That makes three losers on here stevie loser, inhumanity loser and now penny loser

Lets see his mother's Father was a Jew, so he must of had a parent or both of Jewish origin, and since her father was a Jew, she is a jew and that makes Lenin a what????? ding ding ding, Jew.

Vladimir Lenin was an atheist jew .

Ah, lying for Allah, how cool.

No, Valdimir Illiach Lenin was not a Jew. He was raised Russian Orthodox.

{born in Simbirsk on 10 April 1870, and baptised in St. Nicholas Cathedral several days later}

Vladimir Lenin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Dumb fucking Muzzie Beasts.

The Zionist had money behind them, and the desert was blooming before they arrived.

No shit fer brains, it was not.

"Hailing from a relatively prosperous background, she was the daughter of an apostate Russian Jewish physician and his German-Swedish wife, and had received a good education, learning Russian, German, English and French, and being well versed in Russian literature"

use to be if mother was a jew, children were, and now its also if at least one grandparent was a jew, then child is a jew.

Now take this up with your Zionist comrades , who love to change the rules as they play the game of "who is a jew". Now you can actually become a jew, since they know most jews do not want to marry another jew.

So take your Zionist brain and learn the Zionist history, I understand its hard to keep up with all the changes, but try.

So Lenin, jew atheist.

Have they yet decided it jew is a race or religion yet?? When they do , let us know. They are so messed up they don't know up from down, or right from left. They fly with the wind.

So he wasnt a Jew then as his grandmother was not a Jew, nor was his mother. Read your cut and paste again pitstop

That makes three losers on here stevie loser, inhumanity loser and now penny loser

Lets see his mother's Father was a Jew, so he must of had a parent or both of Jewish origin, and since her father was a Jew, she is a jew and that makes Lenin a what????? ding ding ding, Jew.
The yellow guy is an IDF guy and the cow is a 5 year old Palestinian child.
Ah, lying for Allah, how cool.

No, Valdimir Illiach Lenin was not a Jew. He was raised Russian Orthodox.

{born in Simbirsk on 10 April 1870, and baptised in St. Nicholas Cathedral several days later}

Vladimir Lenin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Dumb fucking Muzzie Beasts.

No shit fer brains, it was not.

"Hailing from a relatively prosperous background, she was the daughter of an apostate Russian Jewish physician and his German-Swedish wife, and had received a good education, learning Russian, German, English and French, and being well versed in Russian literature"

use to be if mother was a jew, children were, and now its also if at least one grandparent was a jew, then child is a jew.

Now take this up with your Zionist comrades , who love to change the rules as they play the game of "who is a jew". Now you can actually become a jew, since they know most jews do not want to marry another jew.

So take your Zionist brain and learn the Zionist history, I understand its hard to keep up with all the changes, but try.

So Lenin, jew atheist.

Have they yet decided it jew is a race or religion yet?? When they do , let us know. They are so messed up they don't know up from down, or right from left. They fly with the wind.

So he wasnt a Jew then as his grandmother was not a Jew, nor was his mother. Read your cut and paste again pitstop

That makes three losers on here stevie loser, inhumanity loser and now penny loser

Lets see his mother's Father was a Jew, so he must of had a parent or both of Jewish origin, and since her father was a Jew, she is a jew and that makes Lenin a what????? ding ding ding, Jew.

Ah, lying for Allah, how cool.

No, Valdimir Illiach Lenin was not a Jew. He was raised Russian Orthodox.

{born in Simbirsk on 10 April 1870, and baptised in St. Nicholas Cathedral several days later}

Vladimir Lenin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Dumb fucking Muzzie Beasts.

No shit fer brains, it was not.

"Hailing from a relatively prosperous background, she was the daughter of an apostate Russian Jewish physician and his German-Swedish wife, and had received a good education, learning Russian, German, English and French, and being well versed in Russian literature"

use to be if mother was a jew, children were, and now its also if at least one grandparent was a jew, then child is a jew.

Now take this up with your Zionist comrades , who love to change the rules as they play the game of "who is a jew". Now you can actually become a jew, since they know most jews do not want to marry another jew.

So take your Zionist brain and learn the Zionist history, I understand its hard to keep up with all the changes, but try.

So Lenin, jew atheist.

Have they yet decided it jew is a race or religion yet?? When they do , let us know. They are so messed up they don't know up from down, or right from left. They fly with the wind.

So he wasnt a Jew then as his grandmother was not a Jew, nor was his mother. Read your cut and paste again pitstop

That makes three losers on here stevie loser, inhumanity loser and now penny loser

Lets see his mother's Father was a Jew, so he must of had a parent or both of Jewish origin, and since her father was a Jew, she is a jew and that makes Lenin a what????? ding ding ding, Jew.
The yellow guy is an IDF guy and the cow is a 5 year old Palestinian child.

Is the 5 year old married yet? I hear the muzzies like 'em young.
Seems to me that the past few posts clearly establish that the Palestinians were an established people in the area in question and had an identity of their own. Where are all those Zionists shouting foul because the Palestinians never were a nation and never were and identifiable group of people who existed independent of addled mines of people who are incapable of understanding of how much good Israel does for the other nations of the world.

And once again Iranian TV is used as evidence of Israeli atrocities when there was no such thing. This is just another pallywood production.

You see what you want to see and hear what you want to hear. In the meantime thousands of people are suffering and dying in the same manner that millions of Jews died in Nazi Germany. Are you so blind that you cannot see this or are you a Zionist working to ensure that nobody sees this. If the former, then you are stupid and if your are the latter then you a pathetic.
Seems to me that the past few posts clearly establish that the Palestinians were an established people in the area in question and had an identity of their own. Where are all those Zionists shouting foul because the Palestinians never were a nation and never were and identifiable group of people who existed independent of addled mines of people who are incapable of understanding of how much good Israel does for the other nations of the world.

And once again Iranian TV is used as evidence of Israeli atrocities when there was no such thing. This is just another pallywood production.

You see what you want to see and hear what you want to hear. In the meantime thousands of people are suffering and dying in the same manner that millions of Jews died in Nazi Germany. Are you so blind that you cannot see this or are you a Zionist working to ensure that nobody sees this. If the former, then you are stupid and if your are the latter then you a pathetic.

Is the UN investigating this massacre?
Seems to me that the past few posts clearly establish that the Palestinians were an established people in the area in question and had an identity of their own. Where are all those Zionists shouting foul because the Palestinians never were a nation and never were and identifiable group of people who existed independent of addled mines of people who are incapable of understanding of how much good Israel does for the other nations of the world.

And once again Iranian TV is used as evidence of Israeli atrocities when there was no such thing. This is just another pallywood production.

You see what you want to see and hear what you want to hear. In the meantime thousands of people are suffering and dying in the same manner that millions of Jews died in Nazi Germany. Are you so blind that you cannot see this or are you a Zionist working to ensure that nobody sees this. If the former, then you are stupid and if your are the latter then you a pathetic.

Is the UN investigating this massacre?

They need an investigator to put his head up citizeanal's ass, to record what citizenanal sees up there.
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