Muslims Are People too!

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Needless to say, this thread has stirred up a lot of interest and controversy. However, as things progress and more and more posts are made, the fundamental message of this thread tends to get lost in the shuffle. For this reason, as the author of this thread, I am stepping in to restate my position.

Before proceeding I wish to clarify who I am. First of all, I am none of the terrible things some of you have accused me of being. Sure of this, none of your accusations bother me because I know they are said out of desperation and ignorance; the desperation and ignorance of those who know they are wrong and resort to disparagement and name calling to discredit an argument they are at a loss to counter.

First and foremost, I am a Christian. And because I am a Christian, I also am an American. Not an American as exemplified by being a “citizen” of this Nation, but an American because the government bequeathed us by the founders is a reflection of Christian values and thinking. And to clear up a grave misconception in this regard, there is nothing Judeo about the government we lost. Christianity is a religion of principles and ideals foreign to Judaism and the two do not mix.

We live in terrible times. The world is on a slippery slope and sliding into chaos at an every increasing rate. Our civilization reached its peak when man walked on the moon in 1969, but unbeknownst at the time, the actual downhill slide began in 1913, concurrent with passage of the Federal Reserve act. Today we look at the world and see that it is at the end of its rope financially, morally, militarily, and environmentally. The question is what can be done to reverse this situation and save ourselves? The answer to this question should be obvious. First and foremost, we must put an end to war. This is very easy to say, but in consideration of the fact that the world has been at war for the past 100 years, it is difficult to do.

The prime thing which must be done to rid the world of war is to reintroduce truth and justice into the affairs of man. Wars are fought on lies and a prime motivation for them is the perpetuation of injustice. This being true, it also should be obvious that if we are going to put an end to war, the best solution which can be found is Jesus. Oops! Most of you thought I sounded good up to now, but have just tipped my hand as being a religious screwball. Nothing is further from the truth, because I am not asking anyone to accept the divinity of Jesus. However, what I am asking is that people realize that our salvation as human beings on planet earth depends upon subscribing to the principles Jesus taught in his ministry; all men are created equal and to do unto others as we wish them do unto us. I do not think anyone who is honest and cares about their fellow men would disagree with this.

There are three major religions in the world; Christianity, Judaism, and Islam. While many practicing Christians pay lip service to Christian principles, they have put them aside because of the wars we are fighting. Christianity stands apart from both Judaism and Islam because of the same reasons. They both believe God demands adherents to obey the rules (God’s laws). They also hold that non-believers are something less than believers. This being the case, non-believers are afforded none of benefits and protections which God offers those who believe. Where does this leave us? The answer is that it leaves us with the world within which we present live.

We cannot rid the world of religion based governments and this being so; we cannot rid the world of the terrible things that some Jews and Muslims hold to be true because of the respective writings of their religions. However, what we should do is not support the establishment of countries with religion based governments. However, because the reality of our situation is that the Zionist bankers control our government, this Nation has been fighting wars for Israel’s benefit and there is no end in sight to these wars.

At this point it is important to grasp and understand the true nature of our monetary system. In two words, it is a scam and fraud. It is a scam and fraud because it allows the criminals who own it to siphon and take huge amounts of money from the people of this Nation while giving us nothing in return. When someone robs a bank, they take people’s money and do nothing to earn it. The Federal Reserve does exactly the same thing. They take people’s money and do nothing to earn it. However there is a difference. Robbing banks is illegal. Robbing the wealth of Nation should also be illegal. However, it is not because our corrupt and compromised Congress made this fraud legal through passage of the Federal Reserve Act in 1913.

It should now be clear what must be done to save our world from the greed and hate which drive world events. First and foremost, Congress must repeal and repudiate the fraudulent and unconstitutional Federal Reserve Act. Secondly, those responsible for perpetuating these crimes against humanity should be arrested and brought to justice. Once accomplished, the world powers and governing bodies should un-create the rogue monster nation we forced upon the Muslim world. This can be accomplished by bringing sanctions against Israel, until they grant full and equal citizenship to all the peoples within its borders and extend the right of return to all those who were wrongfully forced from the homes and lands of their forefathers.

To many Americans and citizens of Israel, my proposals are difficult to swallow. However, swallow them they must if we are going to put an end to war and have a peaceful planet where justice and good will toward men is the order of the day.

First and foremost, I am a Christian. And because I am a Christian, I also am an American.

Christian Americans can spread error filled conspiracy theories, just like anyone else.

The Federal Reserve does exactly the same thing. They take people’s money and do nothing to earn it.

How do they take people's money? What do they do with their ill-gotten gains?

First and foremost, I am a Christian. And because I am a Christian, I also am an American.

Christian Americans can spread error filled conspiracy theories, just like anyone else.

The Federal Reserve does exactly the same thing. They take people’s money and do nothing to earn it.

How do they take people's money? What do they do with their ill-gotten gains?[/QUOTE]

Dear Toddstool:

I am going to answer to show what I mean by "crap". In your first answer, you state, "Christian Americans can spread error filled conspiracy theories, just like everyone else". So what? You are wasting your time and the time of everyone else by writing such trivia. Everybody knows and agrees this is true, the point being if you think that this what I am doing, the tell us how and why. Making such a statement without explain anything is not discussing things in good faith, but instead, venting and obscuring issues for no good purpose. A teacher of mine once said, "People are like empty garbage cans, the make a lot of noise but contain nothing." Sir you exemplify this statement as much as anyone I have ever met.

The you ask now the Fed takes peoples money? They way they take it is they create money out of thin air with the stroke of a pen and then loan it back to our government at interest, with the American people obligated to pay them back with real money through income taxes earned by working. Where have you been for the past twenty years? On the moon! This information is all over the internet and I even wrote an article on this subject, entitled "The Trap of Debt Economics", which can be found by clicking on the following: The Trap of Debt Economics

Next you ask me what they do with their ill-gotten gains. Who cares? What did Al Capone or Charles Ponzi do with their Ill-gotten gains? The issue isn't how they spend it, but how they got it. In any case I'll venture a guess as to what they have done with this money. The use it to corrupt the institutions of society, they use it to buy governments and government leaders, they use it to finance and start wars, they use it to create the State of Israel, they use to buy mansions, airplanes, and yachts, and the also probably use it on drugs, sex, and rock-n-roll. What would you use it for?

I know you just love seeing your name and posts appear on this board, but do us all a favor and think before you write and don't bore us with trivia and stupidities.

First and foremost, I am a Christian. And because I am a Christian, I also am an American.

Christian Americans can spread error filled conspiracy theories, just like anyone else.

The Federal Reserve does exactly the same thing. They take people’s money and do nothing to earn it.

How do they take people's money? What do they do with their ill-gotten gains?

Dear Toddstool:

I am going to answer to show what I mean by "crap". In your first answer, you state, "Christian Americans can spread error filled conspiracy theories, just like everyone else". So what? You are wasting your time and the time of everyone else by writing such trivia. Everybody knows and agrees this is true, the point being if you think that this what I am doing, the tell us how and why. Making such a statement without explain anything is not discussing things in good faith, but instead, venting and obscuring issues for no good purpose. A teacher of mine once said, "People are like empty garbage cans, the make a lot of noise but contain nothing." Sir you exemplify this statement as much as anyone I have ever met.

The you ask now the Fed takes peoples money? They way they take it is they create money out of thin air with the stroke of a pen and then loan it back to our government at interest, with the American people obligated to pay them back with real money through income taxes earned by working. Where have you been for the past twenty years? On the moon! This information is all over the internet and I even wrote an article on this subject, entitled "The Trap of Debt Economics", which can be found by clicking on the following: The Trap of Debt Economics

Next you ask me what they do with their ill-gotten gains. Who cares? What did Al Capone or Charles Ponzi do with their Ill-gotten gains? The issue isn't how they spend it, but how they got it. In any case I'll venture a guess as to what they have done with this money. The use it to corrupt the institutions of society, they use it to buy governments and government leaders, they use it to finance and start wars, they use it to create the State of Israel, they use to buy mansions, airplanes, and yachts, and the also probably use it on drugs, sex, and rock-n-roll. What would you use it for?

I know you just love seeing your name and posts appear on this board, but do us all a favor and think before you write and don't bore us with trivia and stupidities.

The you ask now the Fed takes peoples money? They way they take it is they create money out of thin air with the stroke of a pen and then loan it back to our government at interest

Well, citizenanal, the Fed does not lend money to the US government.
That being said, when the government borrows money, they pay interest. And?
If you don't like the government paying interest, you should be pushing for balanced budgets.

with the American people obligated to pay them back with real money through income taxes earned by working.

Yes, the American people are obligated for all the debt the government has run up.
Everybody knows and agrees this is true. And?

Next you ask me what they do with their ill-gotten gains. Who cares?

I do, so tell me.

In any case I'll venture a guess as to what they have done with this money

You'll venture a guess? Why don't you learn the truth. It's easier and more accurate than guessing.

don't bore us with trivia and stupidities.

Correcting your silly errors and lies is neither trivial nor stupid.

First and foremost, I am a Christian. And because I am a Christian, I also am an American.

Christian Americans can spread error filled conspiracy theories, just like anyone else.

The Federal Reserve does exactly the same thing. They take people’s money and do nothing to earn it.

How do they take people's money? What do they do with their ill-gotten gains?

Dear Toddstool:

I am going to answer to show what I mean by "crap". In your first answer, you state, "Christian Americans can spread error filled conspiracy theories, just like everyone else". So what? You are wasting your time and the time of everyone else by writing such trivia. Everybody knows and agrees this is true, the point being if you think that this what I am doing, the tell us how and why. Making such a statement without explain anything is not discussing things in good faith, but instead, venting and obscuring issues for no good purpose. A teacher of mine once said, "People are like empty garbage cans, the make a lot of noise but contain nothing." Sir you exemplify this statement as much as anyone I have ever met.

The you ask now the Fed takes peoples money? They way they take it is they create money out of thin air with the stroke of a pen and then loan it back to our government at interest, with the American people obligated to pay them back with real money through income taxes earned by working. Where have you been for the past twenty years? On the moon! This information is all over the internet and I even wrote an article on this subject, entitled "The Trap of Debt Economics", which can be found by clicking on the following: The Trap of Debt Economics

Next you ask me what they do with their ill-gotten gains. Who cares? What did Al Capone or Charles Ponzi do with their Ill-gotten gains? The issue isn't how they spend it, but how they got it. In any case I'll venture a guess as to what they have done with this money. The use it to corrupt the institutions of society, they use it to buy governments and government leaders, they use it to finance and start wars, they use it to create the State of Israel, they use to buy mansions, airplanes, and yachts, and the also probably use it on drugs, sex, and rock-n-roll. What would you use it for?

I know you just love seeing your name and posts appear on this board, but do us all a favor and think before you write and don't bore us with trivia and stupidities.

The you ask now the Fed takes peoples money? They way they take it is they create money out of thin air with the stroke of a pen and then loan it back to our government at interest

Well, citizenanal, the Fed does not lend money to the US government.
That being said, when the government borrows money, they pay interest. And?
If you don't like the government paying interest, you should be pushing for balanced budgets.

with the American people obligated to pay them back with real money through income taxes earned by working.

Yes, the American people are obligated for all the debt the government has run up.
Everybody knows and agrees this is true. And?

Next you ask me what they do with their ill-gotten gains. Who cares?

I do, so tell me.

In any case I'll venture a guess as to what they have done with this money

You'll venture a guess? Why don't you learn the truth. It's easier and more accurate than guessing.

don't bore us with trivia and stupidities.

Correcting your silly errors and lies is neither trivial nor stupid.

Poppycock.......and my discussions with you are permanently at and end.

First and foremost, I am a Christian. And because I am a Christian, I also am an American.

Christian Americans can spread error filled conspiracy theories, just like anyone else.

The Federal Reserve does exactly the same thing. They take people’s money and do nothing to earn it.

How do they take people's money? What do they do with their ill-gotten gains?

Dear Toddstool:

I am going to answer to show what I mean by "crap". In your first answer, you state, "Christian Americans can spread error filled conspiracy theories, just like everyone else". So what? You are wasting your time and the time of everyone else by writing such trivia. Everybody knows and agrees this is true, the point being if you think that this what I am doing, the tell us how and why. Making such a statement without explain anything is not discussing things in good faith, but instead, venting and obscuring issues for no good purpose. A teacher of mine once said, "People are like empty garbage cans, the make a lot of noise but contain nothing." Sir you exemplify this statement as much as anyone I have ever met.

The you ask now the Fed takes peoples money? They way they take it is they create money out of thin air with the stroke of a pen and then loan it back to our government at interest, with the American people obligated to pay them back with real money through income taxes earned by working. Where have you been for the past twenty years? On the moon! This information is all over the internet and I even wrote an article on this subject, entitled "The Trap of Debt Economics", which can be found by clicking on the following: The Trap of Debt Economics

Next you ask me what they do with their ill-gotten gains. Who cares? What did Al Capone or Charles Ponzi do with their Ill-gotten gains? The issue isn't how they spend it, but how they got it. In any case I'll venture a guess as to what they have done with this money. The use it to corrupt the institutions of society, they use it to buy governments and government leaders, they use it to finance and start wars, they use it to create the State of Israel, they use to buy mansions, airplanes, and yachts, and the also probably use it on drugs, sex, and rock-n-roll. What would you use it for?

I know you just love seeing your name and posts appear on this board, but do us all a favor and think before you write and don't bore us with trivia and stupidities.

The you ask now the Fed takes peoples money? They way they take it is they create money out of thin air with the stroke of a pen and then loan it back to our government at interest

Well, citizenanal, the Fed does not lend money to the US government.
That being said, when the government borrows money, they pay interest. And?
If you don't like the government paying interest, you should be pushing for balanced budgets.

with the American people obligated to pay them back with real money through income taxes earned by working.

Yes, the American people are obligated for all the debt the government has run up.
Everybody knows and agrees this is true. And?

Next you ask me what they do with their ill-gotten gains. Who cares?

I do, so tell me.

In any case I'll venture a guess as to what they have done with this money

You'll venture a guess? Why don't you learn the truth. It's easier and more accurate than guessing.

don't bore us with trivia and stupidities.

Correcting your silly errors and lies is neither trivial nor stupid.

Poppycock.......and my discussions with you are permanently at and end.

I agree, your silly conspiracy screeds are poppycock.
Feel free to post more, I enjoy pointing out your errors.
In the meantime, watch out fer dem pesky Jews, I hear they're out ta git ya.
We live in terrible times. The world is on a slippery slope and sliding into chaos at an every increasing rate. Our civilization reached its peak when man walked on the moon in 1969, but unbeknownst at the time, the actual downhill slide began in 1913, concurrent with passage of the Federal Reserve act. Today we look at the world and see that it is at the end of its rope financially, morally, militarily, and environmentally. The question is what can be done to reverse this situation and save ourselves? The answer to this question should be obvious. First and foremost, we must put an end to war. This is very easy to say, but in consideration of the fact that the world has been at war for the past 100 years, it is difficult to do.

The prime thing which must be done to rid the world of war is to reintroduce truth and justice into the affairs of man. Wars are fought on lies and a prime motivation for them is the perpetuation of injustice. This being true, it also should be obvious that if we are going to put an end to war, the best solution which can be found is Jesus. Oops! Most of you thought I sounded good up to now, but have just tipped my hand as being a religious screwball. Nothing is further from the truth, because I am not asking anyone to accept the divinity of Jesus. However, what I am asking is that people realize that our salvation as human beings on planet earth depends upon subscribing to the principles Jesus taught in his ministry; all men are created equal and to do unto others as we wish them do unto us. I do not think anyone who is honest and cares about their fellow men would disagree with this.

There are three major religions in the world; Christianity, Judaism, and Islam. While many practicing Christians pay lip service to Christian principles, they have put them aside because of the wars we are fighting. Christianity stands apart from both Judaism and Islam because of the same reasons. They both believe God demands adherents to obey the rules (God’s laws). They also hold that non-believers are something less than believers. This being the case, non-believers are afforded none of benefits and protections which God offers those who believe. Where does this leave us? The answer is that it leaves us with the world within which we present live.

We cannot rid the world of religion based governments and this being so; we cannot rid the world of the terrible things that some Jews and Muslims hold to be true because of the respective writings of their religions. However, what we should do is not support the establishment of countries with religion based governments. However, because the reality of our situation is that the Zionist bankers control our government, this Nation has been fighting wars for Israel’s benefit and there is no end in sight to these wars.

At this point it is important to grasp and understand the true nature of our monetary system. In two words, it is a scam and fraud. It is a scam and fraud because it allows the criminals who own it to siphon and take huge amounts of money from the people of this Nation while giving us nothing in return. When someone robs a bank, they take people’s money and do nothing to earn it. The Federal Reserve does exactly the same thing. They take people’s money and do nothing to earn it. However there is a difference. Robbing banks is illegal. Robbing the wealth of Nation should also be illegal. However, it is not because our corrupt and compromised Congress made this fraud legal through passage of the Federal Reserve Act in 1913.

It should now be clear what must be done to save our world from the greed and hate which drive world events. First and foremost, Congress must repeal and repudiate the fraudulent and unconstitutional Federal Reserve Act. Secondly, those responsible for perpetuating these crimes against humanity should be arrested and brought to justice. Once accomplished, the world powers and governing bodies should un-create the rogue monster nation we forced upon the Muslim world. This can be accomplished by bringing sanctions against Israel, until they grant full and equal citizenship to all the peoples within its borders and extend the right of return to all those who were wrongfully forced from the homes and lands of their forefathers.

To many Americans and citizens of Israel, my proposals are difficult to swallow. However, swallow them they must if we are going to put an end to war and have a peaceful planet where justice and good will toward men is the order of the day.
For hundreds of years, during Ottoman rule, Muslims, Christians, and Jews lived in Palestine with very little animosity between them.

The Zionists show up and there has been death and destruction ever since.

Perhaps you could shed some light on that phenomenon.
Ya don't say? :eusa_whistle:

Look, that really doesn't help your argument lol. As soon as the ottomans started becoming politically unstable and losing power, the Palestinians started revolting. I mean, lets be real here.. they were under control.
Revolting against whom and why?
For hundreds of years, during Ottoman rule, Muslims, Christians, and Jews lived in Palestine with very little animosity between them.

The Zionists show up and there has been death and destruction ever since.

Perhaps you could shed some light on that phenomenon.
Ya don't say? :eusa_whistle:

Look, that really doesn't help your argument lol. As soon as the ottomans started becoming politically unstable and losing power, the Palestinians started revolting. I mean, lets be real here.. they were under control.
Revolting against whom and why?

Actually, the so-called Palestinians never revolted against the Ottoman Turks. I saw old footage of the Palestinians hoisting a Turkish flag, while the Jews hoisted an Israeli flag. The Jews were more of a people with their own national identity. Tinmore is right, for once.
For hundreds of years, during Ottoman rule, Muslims, Christians, and Jews lived in Palestine with very little animosity between them.

The Zionists show up and there has been death and destruction ever since.

Perhaps you could shed some light on that phenomenon.
Ya don't say? :eusa_whistle:

Look, that really doesn't help your argument lol. As soon as the ottomans started becoming politically unstable and losing power, the Palestinians started revolting. I mean, lets be real here.. they were under control.
Revolting against whom and why?

Actually, the so-called Palestinians never revolted against the Ottoman Turks. I saw old footage of the Palestinians hoisting a Turkish flag, while the Jews hoisted an Israeli flag. The Jews were more of a people with their own national identity. Tinmore is right, for once.
PF said there wasn't any beef between the Palestinians and the Ottomans; which is bullshit. Over a span of about 100 years, the ottomans were slowly losing power in the region. The "Palestinians" took advantage of that. There were many cases of small revolts, peasant attacks on superiority etc.
In fact, I remember a fairly big revolt called the "peasants revolt" or something back in the early 19th century..
For hundreds of years, during Ottoman rule, Muslims, Christians, and Jews lived in Palestine with very little animosity between them.

The Zionists show up and there has been death and destruction ever since.

Perhaps you could shed some light on that phenomenon.
Ya don't say? :eusa_whistle:

Look, that really doesn't help your argument lol. As soon as the ottomans started becoming politically unstable and losing power, the Palestinians started revolting. I mean, lets be real here.. they were under control.
Revolting against whom and why?

Against everyone so they could be the start of the world domination, or at least a part of it. Read your koran and hadiths for the commands that all muslims must follow
We live in terrible times. The world is on a slippery slope and sliding into chaos at an every increasing rate. Our civilization reached its peak when man walked on the moon in 1969, but unbeknownst at the time, the actual downhill slide began in 1913, concurrent with passage of the Federal Reserve act. Today we look at the world and see that it is at the end of its rope financially, morally, militarily, and environmentally. The question is what can be done to reverse this situation and save ourselves? The answer to this question should be obvious. First and foremost, we must put an end to war. This is very easy to say, but in consideration of the fact that the world has been at war for the past 100 years, it is difficult to do.

The prime thing which must be done to rid the world of war is to reintroduce truth and justice into the affairs of man. Wars are fought on lies and a prime motivation for them is the perpetuation of injustice. This being true, it also should be obvious that if we are going to put an end to war, the best solution which can be found is Jesus. Oops! Most of you thought I sounded good up to now, but have just tipped my hand as being a religious screwball. Nothing is further from the truth, because I am not asking anyone to accept the divinity of Jesus. However, what I am asking is that people realize that our salvation as human beings on planet earth depends upon subscribing to the principles Jesus taught in his ministry; all men are created equal and to do unto others as we wish them do unto us. I do not think anyone who is honest and cares about their fellow men would disagree with this.

There are three major religions in the world; Christianity, Judaism, and Islam. While many practicing Christians pay lip service to Christian principles, they have put them aside because of the wars we are fighting. Christianity stands apart from both Judaism and Islam because of the same reasons. They both believe God demands adherents to obey the rules (God’s laws). They also hold that non-believers are something less than believers. This being the case, non-believers are afforded none of benefits and protections which God offers those who believe. Where does this leave us? The answer is that it leaves us with the world within which we present live.

We cannot rid the world of religion based governments and this being so; we cannot rid the world of the terrible things that some Jews and Muslims hold to be true because of the respective writings of their religions. However, what we should do is not support the establishment of countries with religion based governments. However, because the reality of our situation is that the Zionist bankers control our government, this Nation has been fighting wars for Israel’s benefit and there is no end in sight to these wars.

At this point it is important to grasp and understand the true nature of our monetary system. In two words, it is a scam and fraud. It is a scam and fraud because it allows the criminals who own it to siphon and take huge amounts of money from the people of this Nation while giving us nothing in return. When someone robs a bank, they take people’s money and do nothing to earn it. The Federal Reserve does exactly the same thing. They take people’s money and do nothing to earn it. However there is a difference. Robbing banks is illegal. Robbing the wealth of Nation should also be illegal. However, it is not because our corrupt and compromised Congress made this fraud legal through passage of the Federal Reserve Act in 1913.

It should now be clear what must be done to save our world from the greed and hate which drive world events. First and foremost, Congress must repeal and repudiate the fraudulent and unconstitutional Federal Reserve Act. Secondly, those responsible for perpetuating these crimes against humanity should be arrested and brought to justice. Once accomplished, the world powers and governing bodies should un-create the rogue monster nation we forced upon the Muslim world. This can be accomplished by bringing sanctions against Israel, until they grant full and equal citizenship to all the peoples within its borders and extend the right of return to all those who were wrongfully forced from the homes and lands of their forefathers.

To many Americans and citizens of Israel, my proposals are difficult to swallow. However, swallow them they must if we are going to put an end to war and have a peaceful planet where justice and good will toward men is the order of the day.

First and foremost, we must put an end to war.

Dude, don't bogart that joint.

This is very easy to say, but in consideration of the fact that the world has been at war for the past 100 years, it is difficult to do.

100 years? What about the 2000 years of war before that?

When someone robs a bank, they take people’s money and do nothing to earn it. The Federal Reserve does exactly the same thing. They take people’s money and do nothing to earn it.

Nothing to earn it? They buy bonds. I do the same thing. So what?
You never did tell us what they do with the money they earn. Is it because you're ignorant?
For hundreds of years, during Ottoman rule, Muslims, Christians, and Jews lived in Palestine with very little animosity between them.

The Zionists show up and there has been death and destruction ever since.

Perhaps you could shed some light on that phenomenon.
Ya don't say? :eusa_whistle:

Look, that really doesn't help your argument lol. As soon as the ottomans started becoming politically unstable and losing power, the Palestinians started revolting. I mean, lets be real here.. they were under control.
Revolting against whom and why?

Actually, the so-called Palestinians never revolted against the Ottoman Turks. I saw old footage of the Palestinians hoisting a Turkish flag, while the Jews hoisted an Israeli flag. The Jews were more of a people with their own national identity. Tinmore is right, for once.
PF said there wasn't any beef between the Palestinians and the Ottomans; which is bullshit. Over a span of about 100 years, the ottomans were slowly losing power in the region. The "Palestinians" took advantage of that. There were many cases of small revolts, peasant attacks on superiority etc.
In fact, I remember a fairly big revolt called the "peasants revolt" or something back in the early 19th century..
There was some nationalism there but that is not what I meant. I said that Muslims, Christians, and Jews were living together with little problem.

When the idea of a Jewish state started floating around the local Jews were opposed to it.
Seems to me that the past few posts clearly establish that the Palestinians were an established people in the area in question and had an identity of their own. Where are all those Zionists shouting foul because the Palestinians never were a nation and never were and identifiable group of people who existed independent of addled mines of people who are incapable of understanding of how much good Israel does for the other nations of the world.

The very first hostile naval action taken by U.S. of A. after the American Revolution was in the late 1790's against Muslim pirates along the north west coast of Africa . . The line "To the shores of Tripoli" refers to the First Barbary War

That's because the Muzzie Beasts were kidnapping and murdering American citizens. President Jefferson knew how to deal with Muslims, he had them hung from the yard arm of American ships.
Vladimir Lenin was an atheist jew .

Ah, lying for Allah, how cool.

No, Valdimir Illiach Lenin was not a Jew. He was raised Russian Orthodox.

{born in Simbirsk on 10 April 1870, and baptised in St. Nicholas Cathedral several days later}

Vladimir Lenin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Dumb fucking Muzzie Beasts.

The Zionist had money behind them, and the desert was blooming before they arrived.

No shit fer brains, it was not.

"Hailing from a relatively prosperous background, she was the daughter of an apostate Russian Jewish physician and his German-Swedish wife, and had received a good education, learning Russian, German, English and French, and being well versed in Russian literature"

use to be if mother was a jew, children were, and now its also if at least one grandparent was a jew, then child is a jew.

Now take this up with your Zionist comrades , who love to change the rules as they play the game of "who is a jew". Now you can actually become a jew, since they know most jews do not want to marry another jew.

So take your Zionist brain and learn the Zionist history, I understand its hard to keep up with all the changes, but try.

So Lenin, jew atheist.

Have they yet decided it jew is a race or religion yet?? When they do , let us know. They are so messed up they don't know up from down, or right from left. They fly with the wind.
For hundreds of years, during Ottoman rule, Muslims, Christians, and Jews lived in Palestine with very little animosity between them.

The Zionists show up and there has been death and destruction ever since.

Perhaps you could shed some light on that phenomenon.
Ya don't say? :eusa_whistle:

Look, that really doesn't help your argument lol. As soon as the ottomans started becoming politically unstable and losing power, the Palestinians started revolting. I mean, lets be real here.. they were under control.
Revolting against whom and why?

Actually, the so-called Palestinians never revolted against the Ottoman Turks. I saw old footage of the Palestinians hoisting a Turkish flag, while the Jews hoisted an Israeli flag. The Jews were more of a people with their own national identity. Tinmore is right, for once.
PF said there wasn't any beef between the Palestinians and the Ottomans; which is bullshit. Over a span of about 100 years, the ottomans were slowly losing power in the region. The "Palestinians" took advantage of that. There were many cases of small revolts, peasant attacks on superiority etc.
In fact, I remember a fairly big revolt called the "peasants revolt" or something back in the early 19th century..
There was some nationalism there but that is not what I meant. I said that Muslims, Christians, and Jews were living together with little problem.

When the idea of a Jewish state started floating around the local Jews were opposed to it.

And your post is baqsed on the LIES of the islamonazi terrorists that have brainwashed you. The evidence shows that throughout history the muslims have attacked and murdered the Jews as commanded by the koran and hadiths. How many times have the arab muslims invaded Hebron and forcibly taken the houses and crops before evicting the Jews that owned them.
Seems to me that the past few posts clearly establish that the Palestinians were an established people in the area in question and had an identity of their own. Where are all those Zionists shouting foul because the Palestinians never were a nation and never were and identifiable group of people who existed independent of addled mines of people who are incapable of understanding of how much good Israel does for the other nations of the world.

And once again Iranian TV is used as evidence of Israeli atrocities when there was no such thing. This is just another pallywood production.
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