Muslim to be Put to Sleep like the Dog he is for Beltway Snipping Conviction

...that it wasn't a Muslim thing. That it wasn't Jihad motivated. That the BS with his wife was the cause, but I won't be blind to his writing and true intent! Maybe Dogshit as a coward would! I mean he doesn't believe anything unless its 9/11 truther theories, holocaust denial and everything and anything the Jews do!


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I looked at your so called proof.

People pervert religion all the time. Bernie Madoff perverted the fact he was a Jew to gain the trust and rob people in the Jewish community. Does that mean I should suddenly not trust Jewish people with my money because of one person?

You're basing an entire religion's belief off of two sick individuals. So that tells me you just really want to attack the Muslims. Racist.

As for me believing about the so called "9/11 truth theories" I mock people like Terral and Eots constantly. I'm also not a Holocaust denier, liar.
no, loser. he wasn't.

What is with the Name Calling?... You and Ravi are both Liberal Women...

It's Assumed that you are to be Treated Differently on these Forums because you are Girls, and that's been Established, yet neither of you Act in a Way that Demands the Respect that a Lady Deserves.

Grow the Fuck up.


Who assumes that besides you and a few other fucktards on this forum?

Only someone with a fucked up brain such as yours would try to tell "ladies" how to act.


btw, it had nothing to do with his religion you stupid hater.
I agree... but why isn't anyone else pointing out that it wasn't a "muslim" thing... and he's a racist pig?

He was doing this for Allah, was he Not?...



He was doing it for money. There is no need to disparage a religion to make capital out of this scumbag.

Money? Do tell where he got money! The story that "mainstream media" tells is he fell off the deep end because of his wife! Put look at his writings that were ceased and put into evidence!
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Is that the media was so hell bend on not pinning these terrorist acts on Muslisms that they completely ignored the fact that Muhammed was driven by Jihad! He was a Jihadi! They cooked up some small issues with his wife and say he fell off the deep-end. BULL SHIT, he was motivated by the same hatred that drives Islamofacists!

Check out the site I attached, it shows all the drawings and proof of his Jihadi motivation! Mainstream media ignored this to protect the ultra sensitive Muslims!

Michelle Malkin » Jihadi sniper Lee Malvo pulls media stunt with ABC News

DC sniper Muhammad set to die by lethal injection

^Eat Shit and Enjoy your Virgins, you Fucking Stain!

It's too Bad he gets Off EASY by going Nighty-Night after Terrorizing the East Coast on his Murderous Rampage.

Probably a Fucking Pedo like his Master too.

:clap2: Only 7 Years... McVeigh was Quicker, wasn't he?...



He's being put to death. What more do you want...that his body be put on display and covered in faces?

Would it be too much to ask to urinate on him? Just checking!
Money? Do tell where he got money! The story that "mainstream media" tells is he fell off the deep end because of his wife! Put look at his writings that were ceased and put into evidence!

John Allen Muhammad - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

One of Malvo's psychiatric witnesses testified in his trial that Muhammad had indoctrinated him into believing that the proceeds of the extortion attempt would be used to begin a new nation of only young, "pure" black people somewhere in Canada.

And yes, they were doing this for money you dumb motherfucker.

John Allen Muhammad - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The last phase was to take place very shortly after, if not during, Phase Two. The third phase was to extort several million dollars from the United States government. This money would be used to finance a larger plan. The plan was to travel north into Canada. Along the way they would stop in YMCAs and orphanages recruiting other impressionable young boys with no parents or guidance. John Allen Muhammad thought he could act as their father figure as he did with Lee Boyd Malvo. Once he recruited a large number of young boys and made his way up to Canada, he would begin their training. Malvo described how John Allen Muhammad intended to train all these boys with weapons and stealth, as he had been taught. Finally, after their training was complete, John Allen Muhammad would send them out across the United States to carry out mass shootings in many different cities, just as he had done in Washington, D.C. and Baltimore.[10][11][12]
Is that the media was so hell bend on not pinning these terrorist acts on Muslisms that they completely ignored the fact that Muhammed was driven by Jihad! He was a Jihadi! They cooked up some small issues with his wife and say he fell off the deep-end. BULL SHIT, he was motivated by the same hatred that drives Islamofacists!

Check out the site I attached, it shows all the drawings and proof of his Jihadi motivation! Mainstream media ignored this to protect the ultra sensitive Muslims!

Michelle Malkin » Jihadi sniper Lee Malvo pulls media stunt with ABC News

He's being put to death. What more do you want...that his body be put on display and covered in faces?

Would it be too much to ask to urinate on him? Just checking!

he could also be shot in the neck as a special event in the half time show of a redskin game, or hanged from a crane on dupont circle. or concerned citizens could select their own stones and let fly near the lincoln memorial.
He was doing this for Allah, was he Not?...



He was doing it for money. There is no need to disparage a religion to make capital out of this scumbag.

Money? Do tell where he got money! The story that "mainstream media" tells is he fell off the deep end because of his wife! Put look at his writings that were ceased and put into evidence!


Some People are Afraid of Islam... Mainly Liberals.

They will Twist and Contort and Defend and Deflect while Islamists Execute Women because their Husbands Claimed they Cheated...

You can't Reach some People.


Given the effectiveness with which two unfunded, low budget, terrorists shut down the DC area, perhaps we should be glad that al Quaeda doesn't go for the 'illa' in guerrilla. Think how horrible it would be to face dozens of groups around the country using the "Quicksilver Sniper" Tactics, particularly if they did not give themselves away with phone calls claiming credit.
As I recall, these two were murderous criminals - they robbed a store and shot a clerk prior to commencing their sniping attacks. It is sad that the boy was drawn in by a father figure and if he could be reformed I might be willing to forgo the death penalty for him.
On the other hand, letting the main culprit rot in prison for decades might also have a certain appeal. I contend that if they do get a better life after death then imprisonment would make a more fitting punishment.
I looked at your so called proof.

People pervert religion all the time. Bernie Madoff perverted the fact he was a Jew to gain the trust and rob people in the Jewish community. Does that mean I should suddenly not trust Jewish people with my money because of one person?
Wow it took you record time to get to Madoff, and I'm the bigot! Funny how the biggest leftist antisemites hide behind a computer screen. Oh how I wished I met you in highschool, man I would have had fun with ya :eusa_drool:!

You're basing an entire religion's belief off of two sick individuals. So that tells me you just really want to attack the Muslims. Racist.
WRONG against asshat! I am pointing out from his writing, which you probably didn't looks at, THAT WERE CEASED AND PUT INTO EVIDENCE! I am bashing a Jihad. Anti-Muslims who can differentiate between Muslims and Islamofascists are ignorant and dangerous people! But so are leftard like yourself that don't realize that Islamofascist are real and a huge threat to us, but 9/11 deniers like you still don't believe Al Qaeda exists, rather you think they were made up by Zionist plot!

As for me believing about the so called "9/11 truth theories" I mock people like Terral and Eots constantly. I'm also not a Holocaust denier, liar.

When you share their beliefs? LOL, sure you mock them!
Wow it took you record time to get to Madoff, and I'm the bigot! Funny how the biggest leftist antisemites hide behind a computer screen. Oh how I wished I met you in highschool, man I would have had fun with ya :eusa_drool:!

Madoff is the best well-known example to perhaps and try to connect some reality into your delusional beliefs.

And sorry there Ghook, I wouldn't fuck you if you gave me a billion dollars. Though I would suggest you keep your sexual fantasies to yourself.
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Right from your wikipedia source, you cowardly piece of shit!

Drawings by Malvo describe the murders as part of a "jihad" (Arabic for "struggle").[2] At Muhammad's trial, the prosecutor claimed that the rampage was part of a plot to kill his ex-wife and regain custody of his children, but the judge ruled that there was insufficient evidence to support this argument

authorities also claimed that Muhammad admitted that he admired and modeled himself after Osama bin Laden and Al Qaeda, and approved of the September 11, 2001, attacks.

Money? Do tell where he got money! The story that "mainstream media" tells is he fell off the deep end because of his wife! Put look at his writings that were ceased and put into evidence!

John Allen Muhammad - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

One of Malvo's psychiatric witnesses testified in his trial that Muhammad had indoctrinated him into believing that the proceeds of the extortion attempt would be used to begin a new nation of only young, "pure" black people somewhere in Canada.

And yes, they were doing this for money you dumb motherfucker.

John Allen Muhammad - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The last phase was to take place very shortly after, if not during, Phase Two. The third phase was to extort several million dollars from the United States government. This money would be used to finance a larger plan. The plan was to travel north into Canada. Along the way they would stop in YMCAs and orphanages recruiting other impressionable young boys with no parents or guidance. John Allen Muhammad thought he could act as their father figure as he did with Lee Boyd Malvo. Once he recruited a large number of young boys and made his way up to Canada, he would begin their training. Malvo described how John Allen Muhammad intended to train all these boys with weapons and stealth, as he had been taught. Finally, after their training was complete, John Allen Muhammad would send them out across the United States to carry out mass shootings in many different cities, just as he had done in Washington, D.C. and Baltimore.[10][11][12]
...that it wasn't a Muslim thing. That it was Jihad motivated. That the BS with his wife was the cause, but I won't be blind to his writing and true intent! Maybe Dogshit as a coward would! I mean he doesn't believe anything unless its 9/11 truther theories, holocaust denial and everything and anything the Jews do!

You're just a hateful piece of shit that squeals very loudly every time the tables turn. If you think you can dish it out like this, you should be equally prepared to take it.


Besides calling this asswipe what he is, I'd like to point out that at the end, it really doesn't matter whatever the perpetrator's motivations and reasons were. What matters is that another danger to society has been prevented from continuing his psycho bullshit.
Right from your wikipedia source, you cowardly piece of shit!

Drawings by Malvo describe the murders as part of a "jihad" (Arabic for "struggle").[2] At Muhammad's trial, the prosecutor claimed that the rampage was part of a plot to kill his ex-wife and regain custody of his children, but the judge ruled that there was insufficient evidence to support this argument

authorities also claimed that Muhammad admitted that he admired and modeled himself after Osama bin Laden and Al Qaeda, and approved of the September 11, 2001, attacks.

Except their three phrase plan had nothing to do with Islam, Jihad, or any sort of religion. If anything, it had to do with skin color.
He's being put to death. What more do you want...that his body be put on display and covered in faces?

Would it be too much to ask to urinate on him? Just checking!

he could also be shot in the neck as a special event in the half time show of a redskin game, or hanged from a crane on dupont circle. or concerned citizens could select their own stones and let fly near the lincoln memorial.

Make it a bears game, closer to home for me! I would pay to see that as long as I could still urinate on him!:lol:
I'd like to point out that at the end, it really doesn't matter whatever the perpetrator's motivations and reasons were. What matters is that another danger to society has been prevented from continuing his psycho bullshit.
I will ignore you long-winded personal attack, but YES it matters why these attacks occurred if they were (as they were) Jihad inspired! Heck with your same hippie thinking, it didn't matter why the 9/11 terrorist attacked us (for Dogshit that was the 19 Muslim Al Qaeda members, not the Jews or the US government like you think)!
I will ignore you long-winded personal attack, but YES it matters why these attacks occurred if they were (as they were) Jihad inspired! Heck with your same hippie thinking, it didn't matter why the 9/11 terrorist attacked us (for Dogshit that was the 19 Muslim Al Qaeda members, not the Jews or the US government like you think)!

So now anyone who accuses you of racism is now saying that the Jews and US Government were behind 9/11? That's a new one pond scum.
John Allen Muhammad - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

One of Malvo's psychiatric witnesses testified in his trial that Muhammad had indoctrinated him into believing that the proceeds of the extortion attempt would be used to begin a new nation of only young, "pure" black people somewhere in Canada.

And yes, they were doing this for money you dumb motherfucker.

John Allen Muhammad - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The last phase was to take place very shortly after, if not during, Phase Two. The third phase was to extort several million dollars from the United States government. This money would be used to finance a larger plan. The plan was to travel north into Canada. Along the way they would stop in YMCAs and orphanages recruiting other impressionable young boys with no parents or guidance. John Allen Muhammad thought he could act as their father figure as he did with Lee Boyd Malvo. Once he recruited a large number of young boys and made his way up to Canada, he would begin their training. Malvo described how John Allen Muhammad intended to train all these boys with weapons and stealth, as he had been taught. Finally, after their training was complete, John Allen Muhammad would send them out across the United States to carry out mass shootings in many different cities, just as he had done in Washington, D.C. and Baltimore.[10][11][12]

Hey stupid this was the child your were talking about not the MAN who planned and carried out the attacks! He didn't do this for money, nor did he do it because of his ex-wife, rather he did it because of hopelessness and Jihad!
Hey stupid this was the child your were talking about not the MAN who planned and carried out the attacks! He didn't do this for money, nor did he do it because of his ex-wife, rather he did it because of hopelessness and Jihad!

Except that was THEIR plan. This was not because of Jihad and some drawings don't prove that. This was because of money and to a lesser extent race. So keep on trying to attack Muslims at any chance there Ghook.

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