Muslim students at Catholic university complain Christmas gets too much attention

Maybe they should attend a Muslim university.....oh wait

Or maybe they should go back to their own Muslim nations, this is just another reason why Islam is not compatible with Western Civilisation.

Pretty much. They are incapable of assimilating.

Why they remain the darlings of the left is baffling

The Muslims are the darlings of the Left because like the Left they hate Western Civilisation and Western values, the Left think by having this love-in with the Kebabs that together they can destroy all Western values, this is the only logical explanation I have because apart from the above the Muslims have views that are the polar opposite to what the Left champion eg. the Muslims hate Homos and LGBTQ, the Muslims are anti-Women's Rights considering they treat women like pieces of meat who serve no other purpose than to be slaves of the men and baby making machines.
I guess it's just a part of life that Muslims are permanently unhappy, angry, and bigoted...

After a lifetime of listening to their complaints it's falling on death ears...

If you don't like Christians don't go to Christian schools...Muslims go to these schools to attempt to infect them...the same reason Muslims flee to the western world to try and infect it...
"I guess it's just a part of life that Muslims are permanently unhappy, angry, and bigoted..."

The problem in America is that Muslims get too much attention.

The other problem and it's the same in every Western nation they are in, the Muslims are getting Special Protected Status meaning that nobody is even allowed to publicly criticise them because that would be Hate Speech or whatever, it's a dangerous slippery slope that needs reversing. However Christians can be bashed 24/7 and that's okay.
The problem in America is that Muslims get too much attention.

The other problem and it's the same in every Western nation they are in, the Muslims are getting Special Protected Status meaning that nobody is even allowed to publicly criticise them because that would be Hate Speech or whatever, it's a dangerous slippery slope that needs reversing. However Christians can be bashed 24/7 and that's okay.

That's exactly what it comes down to.
As a holder of both an undergraduate degree and an advanced professional degree from a distinguished Christia-linked university, of over a hundred years running, I will have to rate this thread as bullshit.
Yours, B.A. and J.D.
I get that the people who rated my comment as "funny" cannot defend their opinions. Good grief, the world is so full of chickens.
Maybe they should attend a Muslim university.....oh wait

Or maybe they should go back to their own Muslim nations, this is just another reason why Islam is not compatible with Western Civilisation.

Pretty much. They are incapable of assimilating.

Why they remain the darlings of the left is baffling

The Muslims are the darlings of the Left because like the Left they hate Western Civilisation and Western values, the Left think by having this love-in with the Kebabs that together they can destroy all Western values, this is the only logical explanation I have because apart from the above the Muslims have views that are the polar opposite to what the Left champion eg. the Muslims hate Homos and LGBTQ, the Muslims are anti-Women's Rights considering they treat women like pieces of meat who serve no other purpose than to be slaves of the men and baby making machines.
So how come there are so-called "Christians" here in the U.S. who treat women like pieces of meat who serve no other purpose than to be slaves of the men and baby making machines? Please explain the evangelical so-called "Christians" in the U.S., the Duggars, this moore who signed on to a declaration that female Americans are unfit to service in public office? The filth "Christians" are after female Americans right here at home. Pursue people like the Southern Baptists please. They, too, are spreading this anti-woman crap, big "males" that they laughingly think themselves to be.
Maybe they should attend a Muslim university.....oh wait

Or maybe they should go back to their own Muslim nations, this is just another reason why Islam is not compatible with Western Civilisation.

Pretty much. They are incapable of assimilating.

Why they remain the darlings of the left is baffling

The Muslims are the darlings of the Left because like the Left they hate Western Civilisation and Western values, the Left think by having this love-in with the Kebabs that together they can destroy all Western values, this is the only logical explanation I have because apart from the above the Muslims have views that are the polar opposite to what the Left champion eg. the Muslims hate Homos and LGBTQ, the Muslims are anti-Women's Rights considering they treat women like pieces of meat who serve no other purpose than to be slaves of the men and baby making machines.
So how come there are so-called "Christians" here in the U.S. who treat women like pieces of meat who serve no other purpose than to be slaves of the men and baby making machines? Please explain the evangelical so-called "Christians" in the U.S., the Duggars, this moore who signed on to a declaration that female Americans are unfit to service in public office? The filth "Christians" are after female Americans right here at home. Pursue people like the Southern Baptists please. They, too, are spreading this anti-woman crap, big "males" that they laughingly think themselves to be.

They are being taught false BS that's why. Gawd dam we have a pope who wants to change the line where it starts out " OUR FATHER" ..... don't you get it.
Will is right. And half the people in this country support Muslims and their beliefs while throwing Christians to the lions...

ram it has become the AVANT GUARDE way to go. "pope"
Frances has decided to SUPPORT IT.. Pope Frances cited
the VIRGIN MARY somehow. The explanation was lost on me-------I read your bible-----She seems to have gone out of her way to PILGRIMAGE to the holy city, capital of Israel/Judea----
just to engage in a post partum ritual at the TEMPLE MOUNT.
Sheesh----Frances called her a JERK (ess) There is a new fad--------you gotta admit that the same "angel" that
conversed with Mary-----also had conversation with the rapist murderer of Mecca--------YOU GUYS ARE BROTHERS 'in Christ" <<<<I got that phrase from little notes I had to pass between the priests that worked in a hospital in which I worked as a college student
If you don't think that what you care about is getting enough attention, get off of your butt and get to work on the word spreading. That is what I do with the late beautiful precious at the top of this picture...I love him so much.


God bless you and his family always!!!

Muslim students who knew they were enrolling into a Catholic university are now expressing dismay that come Christmas time, the campus is decorated for the holiday season. They want Islamic holidays to receive the same attention even though they represent just a small fraction of the entire student population.
Muslim Students at Catholic University Complain Christmas Gets Too Much Attention

Oh well isn't that too freaking bad, deal with it it's our country , our rights and if you don't like it GTF out and go back to your sh*** hole you ran away from if it is so great why the hell did you leave it if you love your bs so much.
2nd off, don't try turning our Country into your full blow shit hole either. We are America practice what you want but don't take away what others desire you pukes..................... that's goes for anybody who keeps taking away everything and anything that doesn't fit their snowflake pos ways. get the fk over it let everyone celebrate whatever , IF YOU DO NOT LIKE IT LEAVE!! DON'T GO, DON'T WATCH, IT'S NOT HARD TO DO.....


MERRY CHRISTMAS..........................

What the hell are a bunch of Muzzies doing in a Catholic university in the first place?! Kick 'em out and send them to a Muzzie school - if there is one.

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