Muslim Rape: Cultural 'Misunderstandings' Come to Europe


Diamond Member
Apr 1, 2011
If you think this kind of attitude shouldn't be imported into our country, it's because you a racist and an Islamophobe. At least, that's what the liberal apologists for Islam are telling us.

Muslim Rape 'Misunderstandings' Come to Europe

After Muslim terrorist attacks, weā€™re told that the killers just ā€œmisunderstoodā€ their religion. They misunderstood the peaceful nature of Koranic verses such as "Kill them wherever you find them", "They should be murdered or crucified or their hands and their feet should be cut off on opposite sides" and "Strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them".

But the misunderstandings of Islam are just getting started.

Not only are Americans and Europeans being murdered by Muslim terrorists due to these unfortunate misunderstandings, but European girls are being raped because of more misunderstandings.

The principal of Wilhelm-Diess-Gymnasium was concerned about his female students. So he sent a letter warning their parents that the Muslim refugees who had been put up next to the school gym "are marked by their own culture". And now Germans were being ā€œmarkedā€ by their culture.

Girls were told to wear "modest clothing" to avoid "misunderstandings". But rape isnā€™t a ā€œmisunderstandingā€. The only misunderstanding is the politically correct leftist idea that the rapist should be excused on account of his culture and religion.

The Koran states, ā€œO Prophet! Tell your wives and your daughters and the women of the believers to draw their cloaks all over their bodies that they may thus be distinguished and not molested.ā€

The obvious implication is that women who arenā€™t dressed in a Burka may be ā€œmolestedā€.

Or as the commentary states, ā€œIt is more likely that this way they may be recognized (as pious, free women), and may not be hurt (considered by mistake as roving slave girls.)ā€

The Muslim migrants who have invaded Germany just might ā€œmisunderstandā€ and mistake the teen girls going to the gym as ā€œroving slave girlsā€. And under Islamic law, thatā€™s what they are. Islamic law permits Muslim men to rape even married infidel women in the Dar al-Harb. Let alone unaccompanied girls.

Unfortunately the misunderstandings are well underway in Germany. A letter about an asylum camp in Germany warns of a ā€œculture of rape and violenceā€ with ā€œnumerous rapes, sexual assaultsā€ and ā€œforced prostitutionā€. Even though the women in the camp are likely to be mostly fellow Muslims, who are well acquainted with the means of avoiding ā€œmisunderstandingsā€ with a Muslim man (wear a hijab, wear a burka, never make eye contact, never smile), the misunderstandings still keep taking place.

On a large scale.

Because there was never any misunderstanding. As the letter points out, these men ā€œregard women as their inferiors and treat unaccompanied women as ā€˜fair gameā€™ā€.

The degradation of non-Muslims is the essence of Islamic religious practice

January 17, 2016

Daniel Greenfield



If you still think Islam has anything in common with normative religion, think again. There's no religious gloss over this. After having moderately isolated contexts in which rape is acceptable, the reason for it is bluntly nasty. Better Islamic apologists will claim that it was some favor to the women. But she is honest about that at least. The purpose of this Koranic rape, like all rape, is degradation.

Not just of the women, but of a people.

This degradation of non-Muslims is the essence of Islamic religious practice. It takes various forms from imposing yellow and blue badges for Jews and Christians (when Muslims presume to wear yellow stars and crybully as if they're the victims, they're hijacking their own symbol of degradation that the invading conquerors imposed on Jews) to, in its ugliest form, rape.

When Muslims cry, Allahu Akbar, they proclaim their supremacy to non-Muslims because Allah has allowed them to degrade the non-Muslims. When ISIS fighters shout Allahu Akbar and rape Yazidi women, this is what it means.

Islam hasn't been hijacked. Even in its moderate form, it is a theology of degrading non-Muslims.

Islamic Professor: Muslims Can Rape Non-Muslim Women to Humiliate Them
Gee......contrary to their mission, even the members of the Progressive-Islamist Alliance, the Leftist posters who usually show up in these threads to deny,
hide, minimize, and make excuses for, the rapes and barbarism by Muslims....

...even they shied away from these revelations.

Imagine calling that thing a 'Professor,' or something associated with
pederasty, child brides, honor killings, clitorectomies, stonings, wife beatings and blowing up every innocent they can find.....a 'religion.'
12% of the world's population. Summed up by a few retarded pieces of propaganda. Goebbels is alive and well and has a new target.
"Muslim Rape: Cultural 'Misunderstandings' Come to Europe"

While in the United States the ignorance, fear, bigotry and hate common to many on the right continues to flourish.

Do you think they got all the Rape Rings in the UK?
The British Prime Minister recently raised an alarm:

"The British leader wrote the column as part of a drive to counter what he said was, for many British Muslim women, "an alarming picture of forced gender segregation, discrimination and social isolation from mainstream British life." He said that this failure to integrate helped foster extremism."

Cameron says migrants must learn English

The British Prime Minister recently raised an alarm:

"The British leader wrote the column as part of a drive to counter what he said was, for many British Muslim women, "an alarming picture of forced gender segregation, discrimination and social isolation from mainstream British life." He said that this failure to integrate helped foster extremism."

Cameron says migrants must learn English


1."After decades of lavish social spending, much of the Continent was teetering on the brink of fiscal and monetary disaster.Its debt was soaring, its treasuries were empty, and its pampered citizenry was aging and disillusioned. Austerity was the order of the day. In the current climate, no cow was considered too sacred; health care, university tuition, support for the arts, and even pension benefits were all undergoing drastic cuts.

2. Another article of faith lay in tatters that Novemberā€”the belief that Europe could absorb an endless tide of Muslim immigrants from its former colonies while preserving its culture and basic way of life. What had started as a temporary program to relieve a postwar labor shortage had now permanently altered the face of an entire continent.Restive Muslim suburbsringed nearly every city, and several countriesappeared demographically fated to Muslim majoritiesbefore the end of the century.

No one in a position of power had bothered to consult the native population of Europe before throwing open the doors, and now, after years of relative passivity, the natives were beginning to push back. Denmark had imposed draconian restrictions on immigrant marriages. France had banned the wearing of the full facial veil in public. And the Swiss, who barely tolerated one another, had decided they wanted to keep their tidy little cities and towns free of unsightly minarets. The leaders of Britain and Germany had declaredmulticulturalism, the virtual religion of post-Christian Europe,a dead letter. No longer would the majority bend to the will of the minority, they declared. Nor would it turn a blind eye to the extremism that flourished within its midst

3. On that morning in November, he left his apartment in darknessto purify himself at a mosque built with Saudi money and staffed by a Saudi-trained imam who spoke no French.... It was never clearly established whether the act was preceded by the traditional scream ofā€œAllahu Akbar.ā€Several survivors claimed to have heard it; several others swore the bomber detonated his device in silence. As for the sound of the explosion itself, those closest had no memory of it at all, for their eardrums were too badly damaged.To a person, all recalled seeing a blinding white flash of light. It was the light of death, said one. The light one sees at the moment he confronts God for the first time.

4. The bomb itself was a marvel of design and construction. It was not the kind of device built from Internet manuals or the how-to pamphlets floating around the Salafist mosques of Europe. It had been perfected under battle conditions in Palestine and Mesopotamia.Packed with nails soaked in rat poisonā€”a practice borrowed from the suicide bombers of Hamasā€”it carved through the crowd like a circular saw. So powerful was the explosion that the Louvre Pyramid, located a mile and a half to the east, shivered with the blast wave.Those closest to the bomber were blown to pieces, sheared in half, or decapitated, the preferred punishment for unbelievers. Even at forty paces, limbs were lost.At the farthest edge of the kill zone, the dead appeared pristine. Spared outward trauma, they had been killed by the shock wave, which ravaged their internal organs like a tsunami. Providence had granted them the tender mercy of bleeding to death in private.

5. The first gendarmes to arrive were instantly sickened by what they saw.Extremities littered the paving stones,along with shoes, smashed wristwatches frozen at 11:46, and mobile phones that rang unanswered. In one final insult, the murdererā€™s remains were scattered among his victimsā€”everything but the head, which came to rest on a delivery truck more than a hundred feet away, the bomberā€™s expression oddly serene."
From the novel "Portrait of a Spy," by Daniel Silva

From the novel "Portrait of a Spy," by Daniel Silva


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