Muslim protesting film are defending Human Rights

Unless you revoke the 1st amendment, the courts will never side with you, and that is a good thing.
Amendments can be repealed; it has happened before. :eusa_angel:

And why on earth would we want to repeal basic human rights like religious freedom, Freedom of speech, Freedom of Assembly?

The obvious answer is that we have become so fearful of muslim outrage that it's just easier with less loss of life to just give in to them.

How many people right here on this board think the filmmaker broke some law and should be punished? How many think the arrest warrants issued in Egypt are valid?

The question will be asked "How many people have to die for your principle?"

Egypt was once a Christian country. Lebanon was once a Christian country. How do you think they got to be muslim countries?
Over the past dozen years, the human rights bodies of the United Nations have adopted resolutions to condemn "defamation of religion" as a violation of human rights. The first of these resolutions, introduced in 1999 by Pakistan, specified the "defamation of Islam." More generic language was substituted, but everybody understands that only one religion is meant.

These resolutions are in no way legally binding on anybody. They allow persecution-minded governments and clerics to tell their citizens and adherents that they are not attacking human rights when they pronounce death in the name of religion. They are upholding Human Rights.
I saw the video, it doesn't attack Human Rights in any way.

Try again.
The muslim people all over the world were the innocent victims of a terrible hate crime by the release of this film.

They need to grow a pair then.

Also, thanks for the neg rep and calling me a retard. Right back at ya.

Also to disclose to all, I called Sunni-man a goat-fucker in my neg reply. Let see how butthurt he gets over it.
Also to disclose to all, I called Sunni-man a goat-fucker in my neg reply. Let see how butthurt he gets over it.
Sorry, but I don't own a goat.

So I will have to just go by your person experience when it comes to bestality. :lol:

Then I will just call you a facist asshole and be done with it.

You still shouldn't live here if you want to abolish the 1st amendment.
I have often wondered if anybody in the history of the world has been converted to Christianity by being told they are evil and/or are going to hell. I rather think such would be a major turn off for just about everybody.

And I also doubt that anybody in the history of the world has been converted to Islam due to the murderous tantrums committed by followers of Islam? I also see that as a major turn off for reasonable and thinking people.

If those murderers in Lybia were defending Human Rights, Jews and Christians would have been justified in committing genocide by the billions bynow. And indeed there was a time when both Jews and Christians did sentence heretiics to death. Both of those religions have grown up though and are now true religions of peace.

We can only hope that Islam will eventually do the same.
America, which is a majority Christian nation; and Israel a predominately Jewish nation.

Have been continually waging global and regional wars for decades. :cool:
I have often wondered if anybody in the history of the world has been converted to Christianity by being told they are evil and/or are going to hell. I rather think such would be a major turn off for just about everybody.

And I also doubt that anybody in the history of the world has been converted to Islam due to the murderous tantrums committed by followers of Islam? I also see that as a major turn off for reasonable and thinking people.

If those murderers in Lybia were defending Human Rights, Jews and Christians would have been justified in committing genocide by the billions bynow. And indeed there was a time when both Jews and Christians did sentence heretiics to death. Both of those religions have grown up though and are now true religions of peace.

We can only hope that Islam will eventually do the same.

Unfortunately Islams holy book separates people into believers, and unbelievers in Muhammad and the day of judgement.

It clearly states that Gods curse is on unbelievers, and they will burn in eternal hell.

It is my view that the only way to deal with Islam is to totally undermine it by showing the quran cannot be from God.

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