Muslim Immigrants Five Times More Likely to Commit Crimes than Australians


Diamond Member
Apr 1, 2011
Muslim Immigrants Five Times More Likely to Commit Crimes than Australians | FrontPage Magazine

According to the Victorial Police Commissioner...

Sudanese and Somali-born Victorians are about five times more likely to commit crimes than the wider community, a trend that must be addressed to prevent Cronulla-style social unrest, police warn. The most common crimes committed by Somali and Sudanese-born Victorians are assault and robbery illustrating the trend towards increasingly violent robberies by disaffected African youths.

Are they mugging Australians because they are “disaffected” or because they make money that way?

‘Property is one of the issues, so they’re stealing iPhones or money or things of value,” Mr Cartwright said.

Apparently their disaffection takes the specific form of stealing iPhones. How oddly specific.

‘We’ve got to fix this now and make sure it doesn’t continue, so the kids who are now 10 years old aren’t in this offender bracket in five years’ time. So we don’t get the Cronullas happening,” Victoria Police Deputy Commissioner Tim Cartwright said.

There is a slightly simpler fix, stop admitting Sudanese and Somali Muslims into Australia and let their crime statistics be a problem for back home. And while we’re at it, why not retune the immigration system so that it admits those categories of immigrants from groups with the lowest violent crime rates?

The police statistics show the rate of offending among the Sudanese community is 7109.1 per 100,000, while for Somali people it is 6141.8 per 100,000. The figure for the wider community is 1301.0 per 100,000.

That’s a 5-10 percent rate of crime in those communities alone. Why would you go on admitting people who are 5-10 percent likely to mug you as soon as they get off the plane?

Would you allow someone who is 5-10 percent statistically likely to assault you into your house, and if you wouldn’t, then why would you let him into your country?

Naturally this sort of honesty wouldn’t pass and Cartwright is already apologizing for having mentioned that there is even a problem.
Muslim Immigrants Five Times More Likely to Commit Crimes than Australians

So why the fuck let them into the country in the first place?

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