Muslim Bakeries Refuse To Make Gay Wedding Cake...& No Rabid Protests From Liberals?

So...your version of the Constitution doesn't have the 14th Amendment?

Of course it does, faghadist marriage was illegal at the time it was ratified and more than a hundred years after, nothing changed. Men are still men and women are still women, they all had the same access to marriage at the time the court ruled for the faghadist. There was no discrimination.
And we worked thru the legal system to have laws we considered unjust repealed or struck down in court. We worked long and hard for that victory. If gay people in America had just sat at our computers and whined about unfair laws instead of actually working to get the laws changed, gay sex would probably still be illegal and we'd probably still get fired for being gay everywhere. The power of Political Action! :clap:

You mean the power of perversion and bad conduct. Like I said there was no discrimination in the laws.
I get that you don't like to think that Gay Americans are equal citizens with you. Bummer for you.

BS, they've always been equal, equal wasn't good enough. I'm getting tired of nudist being discriminated against, after all, weren't we all born that way? So come on and try to lecture me on social norms, I dare ya.
Oh we were equal when we could be fired for being gay?
We were equal when we couldn't serve openly in the military?
We were equal when we couldn't marry the one we love?
We were equal when we could legally have our children taken from us or we could not adopt?
If it's a set up, I think it's wrong. As I said in the original case - they had dealt with this baker many times before and had a reasonable expectation that this time would be no different. But I think other cases have been deliberately seeking out someone who would refuse them - it's like baiting. If you want to get married, it should be a joyous and love filled affair - you do not want someone involved who does not support it.

Set up or not, the Muslims bakeries did the same exact thing that got a Christian bakery heavily fined and bashed by the left. Either bakeries can refuse based on religious beliefs or not. No exceptions. We can't let Muslims off the hook because they are a minority.

What if bakeries made it clear that they are religious? When libs talk about Muslims, they ask why anyone would go there knowing their views on gays. Why can't Christians get the same considerations?

You want to let Muslims off the hook because they were "baited" and because people should know they'll refuse. In other words, they are given a pass for discriminating because of their religion, but Christians will be heavily fined and bashed. You don't think Christian bakeries will be baited at every turn?

The Christian bakery paid a hefty fine and will go out of business. The Muslim bakeries who refused service should get the same. Either that or allow religious freedom and find another place since many are happy to cater to same sex weddings.

I would never want to force someone to serve me against their will. Bad karma!!!
The Muslim bakeries were in a state (Michigan) where it is NOT against the law to refuse service based on sexual orientation. How do you propose that a Muslim baker by fined when they didn't break the law?

I swear, doesn't anybody read anymore?

I missed that because there are no protests from the left the way there is in SC. Are liberal artists cancelling their shows in states that don't force religious people to do things?
Why would there be protests? You know that it's not against the law there....Right?
The easiest example is this. The liberal reaction to Chick-fil-A. They attempted boycotts because the som of the late Truett S. Kathy stated that he supported traditional marriage and opposed gay marriage. Those boycotts backfired and turned into a veritable financial gold mine for the restaurant. Even in the midst of all that, they still bought the gasoline which powered their cars from a country who makes homosexuality a crime punishable by death.

The big difference is that as Christians, we won't kill you because you're gay (and those that do don't belong Christianity to begin with).

It simply is not a good idea to get between a RW and their junk food.
If a paramedic refuses to treat a black that what you call "doing nothing" ?

twisting.., twisting the night away.

the patient is "black", right?

the "paramedic is "______"??????

i bet you thought no one would detect this obvious trap?

you are a slick one there ol Yote
Ok, everyone knows the story of the Christian-owned bakery whose owners refused to make a wedding cake for a same-sex wedding. They argued businesses should / do have the right to refuse to support certain events when those events are against their religious or moral beliefs.

Liberals saw things differently, people lost their minds, Christians were demonized, the govt got involved, and they wanted to force the owners to make the cake or be punished.

So, did / are they getting fair and equal treatment?

Didja hear about the Muslim bakarieS (yes, plural) that refuse to make same-Sex wedding cakes? Of course you didn't! My phone won't allow me to post the specific link, but - if you aren't lazy - go to and watch the video of this guy going into numerous Muslim bakeries and getting rejected everytime he asked them to make a same-sex wedding cake.

Funny, you would think this would be all over the news and that Obama & his DOJ would be all over this, right? :p

The libs & govt aren't all over this because they believe in appeasing Muslims while targeting Christians unfairly. Why? Maybe 1 reason is they know, unlike with Christians, Muslims (Islamic Extremists) will cut your head off or blow your ass up if you mess with them

This isn't a major problem anyway because hardly any homosexuals go into Muslim bakeries. Why? Because they know these same people burn, behead, and hang gays in their country where they came from. So if they don't want to serve gays, no problem - just stay the hell away from them, leave them alone, and 'pick' on the Christians. They are easier targets...

How many cases of Muslim cake bakers beheading gays can you list?

They don't behead them ... they throw them off buildings.

Can you cite the cases of American Muslim cake bakers throwing gays off buildings?

It's a stupid question intended to cover up your prejudice against the truth ... and, frankly, not even worth an answer.
Of course it does, faghadist marriage was illegal at the time it was ratified and more than a hundred years after, nothing changed. Men are still men and women are still women, they all had the same access to marriage at the time the court ruled for the faghadist. There was no discrimination.
And we worked thru the legal system to have laws we considered unjust repealed or struck down in court. We worked long and hard for that victory. If gay people in America had just sat at our computers and whined about unfair laws instead of actually working to get the laws changed, gay sex would probably still be illegal and we'd probably still get fired for being gay everywhere. The power of Political Action! :clap:

You mean the power of perversion and bad conduct. Like I said there was no discrimination in the laws.
I get that you don't like to think that Gay Americans are equal citizens with you. Bummer for you.

BS, they've always been equal, equal wasn't good enough. I'm getting tired of nudist being discriminated against, after all, weren't we all born that way? So come on and try to lecture me on social norms, I dare ya.
Oh we were equal when we could be fired for being gay?
We were equal when we couldn't serve openly in the military?
We were equal when we couldn't marry the one we love?
We were equal when we could legally have our children taken from us or we could not adopt?

Your perception of "equal" is seriously flawed. Maybe you need to go back to junior high.
And we worked thru the legal system to have laws we considered unjust repealed or struck down in court. We worked long and hard for that victory. If gay people in America had just sat at our computers and whined about unfair laws instead of actually working to get the laws changed, gay sex would probably still be illegal and we'd probably still get fired for being gay everywhere. The power of Political Action! :clap:

You mean the power of perversion and bad conduct. Like I said there was no discrimination in the laws.
I get that you don't like to think that Gay Americans are equal citizens with you. Bummer for you.

BS, they've always been equal, equal wasn't good enough. I'm getting tired of nudist being discriminated against, after all, weren't we all born that way? So come on and try to lecture me on social norms, I dare ya.
Oh we were equal when we could be fired for being gay?
We were equal when we couldn't serve openly in the military?
We were equal when we couldn't marry the one we love?
We were equal when we could legally have our children taken from us or we could not adopt?

Your perception of "equal" is seriously flawed. Maybe you need to go back to junior high.
Nope...I'm spot on. And the courts and legislation concur. :clap:
Of course it does, faghadist marriage was illegal at the time it was ratified and more than a hundred years after, nothing changed. Men are still men and women are still women, they all had the same access to marriage at the time the court ruled for the faghadist. There was no discrimination.
And we worked thru the legal system to have laws we considered unjust repealed or struck down in court. We worked long and hard for that victory. If gay people in America had just sat at our computers and whined about unfair laws instead of actually working to get the laws changed, gay sex would probably still be illegal and we'd probably still get fired for being gay everywhere. The power of Political Action! :clap:

You mean the power of perversion and bad conduct. Like I said there was no discrimination in the laws.
I get that you don't like to think that Gay Americans are equal citizens with you. Bummer for you.

BS, they've always been equal, equal wasn't good enough. I'm getting tired of nudist being discriminated against, after all, weren't we all born that way? So come on and try to lecture me on social norms, I dare ya.
Oh we were equal when we could be fired for being gay?
We were equal when we couldn't serve openly in the military?
We were equal when we couldn't marry the one we love?
We were equal when we could legally have our children taken from us or we could not adopt?

Conduct has consequences, if you keep your conduct private, guess what, no consequences. Gay or straight is conduct, a conscious choice, and we discriminate against undesirable conduct all the time. BTW why did you not address my concern, are you afraid any thing you say will undermine your own positions?
You mean the power of perversion and bad conduct. Like I said there was no discrimination in the laws.
I get that you don't like to think that Gay Americans are equal citizens with you. Bummer for you.

BS, they've always been equal, equal wasn't good enough. I'm getting tired of nudist being discriminated against, after all, weren't we all born that way? So come on and try to lecture me on social norms, I dare ya.
Oh we were equal when we could be fired for being gay?
We were equal when we couldn't serve openly in the military?
We were equal when we couldn't marry the one we love?
We were equal when we could legally have our children taken from us or we could not adopt?

Your perception of "equal" is seriously flawed. Maybe you need to go back to junior high.
Nope...I'm spot on. And the courts and legislation concur. :clap:

Feel free to intentionally misinterpret the law in order to further a disingenuous agenda.
They demand that they endorse their fake weddings by creatjng special cakes.for them. That is unconstitutional. If the fags want a cake from Christians, they can pick one from the case. Nust like satanists can. Or NAMBLA. Or any of the other freaks.

They aren't demanding special cakes - they are only demanding a wedding cake, something that the bakery is known for providing.

They are demanding a special cake, created specifically for a particular event. An artistic creation. Have you ever planned a wedding?? I have. One of the things you do is meet with the baker to see if they can create what you want..and to see if they are willing to do it. I am so si k of lazy ass, stupid entitlement whores going to the mat to force people to serve them.

Sounds like we are in agreement here. They are purchasing a WEDDING CAKE - something that company is know to provide. They're asking for the same sort of service a heterosexual couple asks for. They're not asking for a wedding pie, or a crown roast.

You people are so inutterably lazy and stupid it makes me despair. You use the feds as your personal bank and your goon squad...apparently completely oblivious to the fact that when they have enough authority, they will come for you first. Once the feeder class has served its purpose, it is slaughtered. This has happened time and time again with fas ist regimes....and you're still too stupid to see it. If you spent even half the time you spend on this site actually researching history (and not history from ideologues), you would know this. If you spent any time researching our COUNTRY'S history, you would know this.

But you're so stupid, lazy, and brainwashed that you can't. Which pisses me off because it puts me in the uncomfortable position of wishing the feds would just go ahead and start culling. You're such a moron you will (and have) defend the rightness of such action.


No, they want a special weddi g cake, made specifically for this event.

You're so stupid it gives me a headache.


They want a service routinely provided to weddings by that company. You're trying very hard to split hairs on this aren't you?
Which has nothing to do with public accomkodation laws.
When a state law is enacted, the state is responsible for enforcing it.

Then why can NC enforce theirs? When any law is passed, whether it be one you like or don't, the state is obligated to enforce it, correct?
I believe NC will be enforcing theirs. I look forward to someone like this....


walking into the womens' room in NC because he was born female and has that on his birth certificate.

Let them enforce.....until action is taken to get the law repealed........WHICH IS...what I've been telling posters all along is what they should do with PA laws they don't like.

That is exactly what we're trying to do.
Well, good then. If you are actively working to repeal laws thru petitions, protests, letters to your Congressman, $ to the appropriate lobby groups, then you are doing it the right way. I wish you luck.

Who put you in charge of what the "right way" is, and why should I give a flying fuck?
Why would there be protests? You know that it's not against the law there....Right?

Which is why the left should be on the march. NC recently said people had religious freedom and the left is having a shit fit. All because they say men go to men's restrooms and women use the women's restroom. Many places have had restrooms that allow family members to use when they need to help members of the opposite sex.

The transgenders need to give up the bathroom fight. When choosing between men's and women's restroom, choose by how you look. I don't want to share a restroom or locker room with some burly guy and I damn sure don't want my daughter having to deal with that.
Why would there be protests? You know that it's not against the law there....Right?

Which is why the left should be on the march. NC recently said people had religious freedom and the left is having a shit fit. All because they say men go to men's restrooms and women use the women's restroom. Many places have had restrooms that allow family members to use when they need to help members of the opposite sex.

The transgenders need to give up the bathroom fight. When choosing between men's and women's restroom, choose by how you look. I don't want to share a restroom or locker room with some burly guy and I damn sure don't want my daughter having to deal with that.

Burly guys built this country and should have their own shit house that says Burly Guy on the door. Have another restroom that says Sissy Girl on the door. Have one restroom that says Pistol Pack'in Mama on the door, etc. Gender and mental problems thus solved.
Yes, I oppose them. I'm assuming you support them, then? What is your justification for why a person should not be allowed to decline engaging in trade for whatever reason they choose?

You can assume nothing. I'm asking you, and you keep ignoring the question, what YOU are personally doing to get rid of PA laws beyond bitching about state and local laws on a message board. You oppose PA laws, but have you called your Senator and Congresscritter and demanded they repeal Title II of the CRA? That's the law that requires that I, a gay person, serve a Christian in all 50 states.

I will continue to ignore any questions about my personal life. What I do is none of your business. So stop asking me or I'll report you to the mods, asshole.

So if you don't want me assuming, I'll ask you. Do you support laws that punish a person for choosing not to engage in trade with someone?

But how do you know if you're doing the right things in life if you don't tell Seawytch so she can determine that and inform you if what you are doing is adequate or not? I mean she is the standard, she says so

Well, you're obviously doing it wrong. Gays are getting married just like straight folks (despite your "educating them) and in some places you have to serve them, just like you have to serve black folks. (Oh and a majority of Americans support adding gay folks to PA laws, not getting rid of all of them) oopsie!

You really suck at this educating thing I reckon. :lol:

Swish, complete evasion. You asked me why I haven't personally changed the PA law. I asked you for an example of how you met your standard. What laws have you personally changed, the standard you hold me to.

Man up, Charlie. Your standard, you demonstrate how you've done it

I don't expect you do it all by yourself Kazzie, but I would think you'd do something beyond whining on an internet message board, but that's all you've got.

I mean, sure, you could call your congressman, but you know you'd get laughed at for suggesting a repeal of Title II of the CRA. We already know what happened to Rand when he suggested in on Rachel Maddow...he now pretends he never suggested it.

Kind of like how gays felt when they called their congresscritters demanding that DOMA or DADT be repealed back in the day... but we didn't give up and just whine about it on a message board. We went out and fought for it. We raised money, we made phone calls, we even went door to door.

But how are those opposed to PA laws fighting them? Are they going after the granddaddy of all PA laws? No, they bitch and moan about "Christian persecution" because 50 year old laws also include "the gheys" in some places.

Whine away Kaz old boy, it's as effective as...

When choosing between men's and women's restroom, choose by how you look.

Choose by how you look? So "manly looking" women have to use the men's room?

North Carolina took away the ability to "choose by how you look" and now require (by law) that this guy use the women's restroom because 1) He has a vagina and 2) It says "girl" on his birth certificate.

They aren't demanding special cakes - they are only demanding a wedding cake, something that the bakery is known for providing.

They are demanding a special cake, created specifically for a particular event. An artistic creation. Have you ever planned a wedding?? I have. One of the things you do is meet with the baker to see if they can create what you want..and to see if they are willing to do it. I am so si k of lazy ass, stupid entitlement whores going to the mat to force people to serve them.

Sounds like we are in agreement here. They are purchasing a WEDDING CAKE - something that company is know to provide. They're asking for the same sort of service a heterosexual couple asks for. They're not asking for a wedding pie, or a crown roast.

You people are so inutterably lazy and stupid it makes me despair. You use the feds as your personal bank and your goon squad...apparently completely oblivious to the fact that when they have enough authority, they will come for you first. Once the feeder class has served its purpose, it is slaughtered. This has happened time and time again with fas ist regimes....and you're still too stupid to see it. If you spent even half the time you spend on this site actually researching history (and not history from ideologues), you would know this. If you spent any time researching our COUNTRY'S history, you would know this.

But you're so stupid, lazy, and brainwashed that you can't. Which pisses me off because it puts me in the uncomfortable position of wishing the feds would just go ahead and start culling. You're such a moron you will (and have) defend the rightness of such action.


No, they want a special weddi g cake, made specifically for this event.

You're so stupid it gives me a headache.


They want a service routinely provided to weddings by that company. You're trying very hard to split hairs on this aren't you?
Which has nothing to do with public accomkodation laws.

I notice a few of the loons keep harping about Michigan having no PA laws....that's great so any state that doesn't have PA laws can tell the homos to pound sand and when they do we don't want to hear one fucking syllable of whines...oh wait Indiana doesn't have PA laws and they lost their minds over the pizza place refusing an accommodation. Perhaps they should just shut their pie holes and cease digging the hole they are

I've also noticed they haven't condemned the Muslims for refusing...this thread didn't bode well for the Islamapologists

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