Murray Gell-Mann Dies At The Age of 89


Tungsten/Glass Member
Apr 29, 2017
On The Way Home To Earth
Murray Gell-Mann, one of the last living great pioneers in particle physics has passed away yesterday. Winner of the Nobel Prize (back when it really meant something before they gave one to Obama for "peace"), who was pivotal in the discovery and defining of quarks (not the guy on Deep Space Nine) and also helped discover and define the weak interaction of atomic particles, the force carrier for nuclear radioactive decay.

Other major contributions were in pion research and quark chromodynamics among other things.


Quarks are the building blocks of all hadrons, which include the proton and neutron, the weak force carrier includes the w and z high mass gauge bosons. Pions are another form of hadron and chromodynamics is the study of the flavors and spin of quarks.


Murray Gell-Mann - Wikipedia
Murray Gell-Mann, one of the last living great pioneers in particle physics has passed away yesterday. Winner of the Nobel Prize (back when it really meant something before they gave one to Obama for "peace"), who was pivotal in the discovery and defining of quarks (not the guy on Deep Space Nine) and also helped discover and define the weak interaction of atomic particles, the force carrier for nuclear radioactive decay.

Other major contributions were in pion research and quark chromodynamics among other things.

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Quarks are the building blocks of all hadrons, which include the proton and neutron, the weak force carrier includes the w and z high mass gauge bosons. Pions are another form of hadron and chromodynamics is the study of the flavors and spin of quarks.


Murray Gell-Mann - Wikipedia

Nobel Prizes in physics have always been a big deal.
Peace.....not so much.
What a brilliant man he was. I would recommend videos of his talks to everyone.

Famously atheist, and he tried to help people understand climate science and AGW:


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