Muhammed vs. Jesus

Nope, Jesus can't lie. You're confused. Very confused. The devil has you. Your only hope is Jesus.

Now where have I heard that before??

Oh ya, Obama............:lol:

Yes, Barak Hussein Obama was a false hope. He had no hope to offer, just lies. That is what happens when you look to a man for your hope rather than God.
If you notice; it is always the Christians attacking Muhammad and not the other way around.
Because we Muslims reverence Jesus and behold him as a great Prophet of God. :cool:

So this, "There is no god but Allah, and Muhammad is the messenger of Allah", isn't true and Jesus is also a messenger?
Do you want your head buried with your body? :lol:
We believe that Jesus was a Prophet just the same as Muhammad.

So was Abraham, Moses, Noah, Adam, etc.

There is only ONE God, but there has been many Prophets.

and Muhammed contradicted all of the other prophets so he had to change what they said to fit his message from Satan.
The dying words of Muhammed

"May Allah curse the Jews and Christians for they built the places of worship at the graves of the prophets." Bukhari, Vol. 1, #427

The dying words of Jesus

Then said Jesus, Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do.... -Luke 23:34

That says it all. End of story
That is 100% a lie that those were the last words of Muhammad.

Islamophobic Christian sites have spread that nonsense all over the internet. :evil:
Two months after performing the Hajj (Farewell Pilgrimage), Prophet Muhammad fell ill. He continued to lead the congregation prayers. After one of these prayers he invoked special blessings on the martyrs of Uhud, and then addressed the Muslims:

“There is a slave among the slaves of Allah (The One God) to whom God has offered the choice between this world and that which is with Him, and the slave has chosen that which is with God.”

Upon hearing this Abu Bakr (ra) wept as he understood that the Prophet was talking about himself and that the choice meant his imminent death. The Prophet continued:

“I warn you O Muslims to be good to the Ansar (the Helpers, i.e., those residents of Medina who helped the Emigrants from Mecca). They have performed their duty well. Muslims will increase in number but Ansar will dwindle and be as salt in a meal.

“Woe to the nations before you who worshiped the tombs of their prophets. I forbid you to do that. O people, the most unselfish of men to me in his companionship is Abu Bakr, and if I were to take from mankind an inseparable friend he would be Abu Bakr - but the brotherhood of faith is ours until God unite us in His presence. O my dear daughter Fatimah and O my dear aunt Safiyah, spend your efforts in the way of the hereafter for I will not be able to help you against the Will of Allah.

“I go before you and I am your witness. Your meeting with me is at the pool (a lake fed by the celestial river Kawthar where believers will quench their thirst on their entry into paradise.). I fear not for you that you will set up gods beside Allah (The One God); but I fear for you that you will rival one another in worldly gains.”

Soon after this sermon, his last in the mosque, the Prophet became so weak that he could not move. He then appointed Abu Bakr (ra) to lead the prayers. The Prophet spent the rest of his illness in the apartment of his beloved wife A’ishah (ra). On the early morning of twelfth of Rabi’ al-Awwal, the prophet’s fever abated and he went to the mosque, assisted by Fadl and Thawban, when Abu Bakr was already leading the prayer. Realizing that the prophet was approaching, Abu Bakr stepped back without turning his head, but the prophet pressed his hand on his shoulder to let him know to continue. The Prophet sat on the right of Abu Bakr and completed the prayer while seated. The apparent recovery of the Prophet overjoyed the Muslims. Anas (ra) is reported to have said that I never saw the Prophet’s face more beautiful than it was at that hour.

Within hours, the Prophet lost his consciousness. He opened his eyes again an hour later saying to A’ishah (ra): “No Prophet is taken by death until he has been shown his place in Paradise and then offered the choice to live or to die.” Among the last words he said were:

“With the supreme communion in Paradise, with those upon whom God has showered his favor, the prophets and the saints and the martyrs and the righteous, most excellent for communion are they.”

The Prophet’s last words were “O Allah, with the supreme communion.” He died in the evening of the twelfth of Rabi’ al-Awwal (June 8, 632 A.D.) at the age of sixty-three.
The dying words of Muhammed

"May Allah curse the Jews and Christians for they built the places of worship at the graves of the prophets." Bukhari, Vol. 1, #427

The dying words of Jesus

Then said Jesus, Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do.... -Luke 23:34

That says it all. End of story.:clap2::clap2::clap2:

Nobody knows what Jesus' last words were, the bible was written a minimum of something like 350 years after the facts, so they're mostly made up stories, not actual recording of facts.
The dying words of Muhammed

"May Allah curse the Jews and Christians for they built the places of worship at the graves of the prophets." Bukhari, Vol. 1, #427

The dying words of Jesus

Then said Jesus, Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do.... -Luke 23:34

That says it all. End of story
That is 100% a lie that those were the last words of Muhammad.

Islamophobic Christian sites have spread that nonsense all over the internet. :evil:

Oh my! It really doesn't matter what his last words were. Even if he agreed with Jesus once in a while, Hiw whole life contradicted the life of Jesus. Nuff said!
The dying words of Muhammed

"May Allah curse the Jews and Christians for they built the places of worship at the graves of the prophets." Bukhari, Vol. 1, #427

The dying words of Jesus

Then said Jesus, Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do.... -Luke 23:34

That says it all. End of story.:clap2::clap2::clap2:

Nobody knows what Jesus' last words were, the bible was written a minimum of something like 350 years after the facts, so they're mostly made up stories, not actual recording of facts.

My advice, you need to check out what you are saying. I won'r call you stupid here, just ignorant.
While you want to focus on all the "terrible things" in the OT, you ignore all the "terrible things" being done in the name of islam, TODAY. Comparing what is happening today with what was happening over two THOUSAND years ago, simply, shows, your intellectual dishonesty.

You miss the point.

Did you now that in the South, segregation was preached as being right and moral in the Church because Jesus was white and blacks didn't have souls? This was in the 20th century. Today, Ugandan Christians want to outlaw homosexuality by death. There is a law before the Uganda Parliament to do so. It is very popular. The sponsors of the bill are using Scripture as their justification. It says in the OT that homosexuals are to be put to death. You can go throughout history and see similar examples, such as the Crusades or the Inquisition.

People selectively use passages in the holy books to reinforce their own biases and beliefs, amongst other things. Christians brush aside the OT when it conveniently suits them to do so. That doesn't bother me because I don't believe the Bible is the literal word of God and societies evolve. But it bothers me when the same people then selectively pull out passages of other holy books to suit their own agendas. That's hypocrisy.

Was slavery continued in "the name of Yeshua"? You miss the point. BTW, how many Christians do you think fought to end slavery in the USA? Most terrible things done by Christians are because they are crimminals or near crimminals. The things done "in the name of islam" are specifically because of islam.

There is a spiritual side to islam that most followers use, peacefully. There is a political side to islam, that is all about conquest and subjugation, this is used by about 1% of the islam population (if you believe what 'moderates' say). That is 30 million people (the population equal to or greater than many countries in the world,

While you continue to have a bigoted view on Christianity (that everyday Christians are somehow a threat to freedom, but notice, any dictatorship or communist regime that takes power, quickly gets rid of Christians or control Christian leadership), you are ignoring a very real threat of extremist muslims that would love to kill you and your family (or just subjugate you if you are highly productive).

Just why are you afraid to state facts, and truth?
Here's something for you to think about.

Christians do not follow the OT laws. A lot of bad things happened in the OT, but how does that translate to what is happening today? Christians are not responsible for what happened thousands of years ago and they certainly are not living under OT laws and rituals.

Well, first of all, that's not entirely true. As I mentioned, in Uganda, the Christian government wants to put homosexuals to death, which comes right out of the Old Testament. Now, you might think "Its just Uganda, and it doesn't represent all Christianity," to which the retort would be "You are selectively dismissing a minority within Christianity as being representative of the entire religion but you are applying a double standard by arguing that a minority within Islam is representative of the entire religion." That is why I am saying you exhibiting confirmation bias and your argument is hypocritical.

Now that we have that cleared up, how do you accout for the barbaric inhumane terrorism that is happening today in the name of Allah all over the planet?

I agree that elements of Islam are barbaric. And that minority within Islam is much much larger than the Christian minority represented by the Ugandans above. The answer to your question is that all religions evolve within their societies. That's why we don't stone adulterers anymore, like we used to, whereas they still do in places like Iran. Our society has evolved to place human rights above religious edicts in the West whereas they still have not to the same degree in much of the Middle East. The reasons for this are vast and complex, far beyond the scope of anything here. But the West has evolved into a more compassionate and humane society than the Middle East, and religion has played only a minor role in this evolution.

Can you demonstrate "where" islam has "evolved"?
Right. But that's not the issue, is it? Jesus said we should follow the Old Testament. Yet the Old Testament is full of awful stuff. So Muhammed said some bad stuff and Jesus said we should pay heed to the book with awful stuff in it. What's the difference?

You say I take things out of context? You're wrong, but let's pretend you're right. We have a thread with a scholar arguing that the Bible is a more violent book than the Koran because the violence ascribed in the Koran is self-defense. Well, how is quoting single bits of scripture from Muhammed out of context and using that to slam Islam any different?

I say, we let it slide and try to understand the central message of religions rather than nitpicking how awful the other is. There is an awful lot of bad stuff in the Bible just like there's bad stuff in the Koran.

Yeshua said that He was here to fullfill the law, not replace it.
When the men of 'faith' wanted to stone the adulteress, did Yeshua join them (as would have been required in the OT)?
At every turn when the 'religious leaders' tried to use the law to trap Him or others, He called them on their falsehood, and basically told them they were missing the forest because they were focusing on the trees.
Trying to hold Christians to Leviticus is ridiculous. It is like insisting that peole do not use motorized vehicles because "tradition" dictates.
Yeshua took the entire OT (a book of great teachings) and narrowed it down to two statements:
Love your Lord before all else.
Love your neighbor(that don't necessarily mean you know them) as yourself.

While you want to focus on all the "terrible things" in the OT, you ignore all the "terrible things" being done in the name of islam, TODAY. Comparing what is happening today with what was happening over two THOUSAND years ago, simply, shows, your intellectual dishonesty.

Christ, for somebody who says they are logical, it sure seems like you are missing the logic here. You do realise your last sentence to Toro is more or less the same as his to you, but just said in a different way?

"A lot of bad stuff in the OT" is for "teaching". It is not practiced by Christians (it might be practiced by crimminals that want to use it and therefore blame Chistianity, but it is not an example followed, today). The "bad stuff" in the Quran IS followed, today, by millions of muslims (extremists). It is not stopped by millions of muslims (not extremists). You might say the sentences are similar, but the meaning could not be more different.
So heaven and earth have passed away??

Nope. You're still confused. I would love to help you out. Try this.

The law was fulfilled in Jesus and all those who have faith in him have fulfilled the law. Jesus did it for us and by faith in him we are no longer condemned by the law. The punishment for sin is still death for all those who will not have faith in Jesus.

YOU are going to have to fulfill the law in order to be saved. Not me. I'm in Christ. Good luck.
So Jesus's word's were false?

Cause NOT one jot or title has been changed in the Torah.

Why does the Quran use a different version of the events, did Mohammed lie?
Nope. You're still confused. I would love to help you out. Try this.

The law was fulfilled in Jesus and all those who have faith in him have fulfilled the law. Jesus did it for us and by faith in him we are no longer condemned by the law. The punishment for sin is still death for all those who will not have faith in Jesus.

YOU are going to have to fulfill the law in order to be saved. Not me. I'm in Christ. Good luck.
So Jesus's word's were false?

Cause NOT one jot or title has been changed in the Torah.

Why does the Quran use a different version of the events, did Mohammed lie?
The reason why the OT is not followed today is because secular society has decided that the OT is antiquated.

The idea that the OT is just a book of parables and lessons is false. It is the underlying reason why many Christians reject evolution. This argument is merely one of convenience to explain away the bad stuff in the OT, including the actions of God.
So heaven and earth have passed away??

Nope. You're still confused. I would love to help you out. Try this.

The law was fulfilled in Jesus and all those who have faith in him have fulfilled the law. Jesus did it for us and by faith in him we are no longer condemned by the law. The punishment for sin is still death for all those who will not have faith in Jesus.

YOU are going to have to fulfill the law in order to be saved. Not me. I'm in Christ. Good luck.

Explain Matthew 5:18:

"Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled. By logic, the law is not fulfilled until earth passes away. Earth is still here. Therefore, we are under the law. Besides, there are many rules laid out after Jesus went to heaven.

"All" in this sentence implies that "everything" in the Lord's plan will be finished (and that, will be an eternity). When Yeshua was here, He taught that the leaders had twisted the laws for their own purposes instead of using their hearts to know the Lord. Many of the "laws" were written for specific periods in Hebrew history. The ten Commandments were given to fullfill the pleas of the freed Hebrew slaves that had lived in Egypt, and were not sure of how they should act/worship the Lord.
You really need to understand the "New Covenant" to understand why the harsh punishments are no longer done. Your sins can be forgiven. The Lord is the judge. Yeshua taught us that we should call out evil for what it is, but we, not the holy men (that His apostles passed this power onto others) are commanded not to judge others (sentence them to hell). He is a "just Lord", we will pay for our sins. That judgement will come from the Lord.
Comparing Muhammad to Jesus in an attempt to invalidate Islam is so immature, AND VICE VERSA: Comparing Jesus to Muhammad in an attempt to invalidate or insult Christianity is just immature.

Are you really playing 'My god is better than your god?' Are you neanderthals? Have you gotten out of the stone-age?
If you notice; it is always the Christians attacking Muhammad and not the other way around.

Because we Muslims reverence Jesus and behold him as a great Prophet of God. :cool:

Then, why don't muslims follow His teachings??????????
We believe that Jesus was a Prophet just the same as Muhammad.

So was Abraham, Moses, Noah, Adam, etc.

There is only ONE God, but there has been many Prophets.

So Mo is just another random prophet of the same stature as Noah?

I think now they'll want your body eaten by jackals, what should we do with the turds?
Muhammad was the last of the Prophets.

Besides that, all of the Prophets are just humans and are equals.

Then, why don't muslims protest in the streets when cartoon disrespect Yeshua, Noah, Abraham, Issac, Jacob or David?
Two months after performing the Hajj (Farewell Pilgrimage), Prophet Muhammad fell ill. He continued to lead the congregation prayers. After one of these prayers he invoked special blessings on the martyrs of Uhud, and then addressed the Muslims:

“There is a slave among the slaves of Allah (The One God) to whom God has offered the choice between this world and that which is with Him, and the slave has chosen that which is with God.”

Upon hearing this Abu Bakr (ra) wept as he understood that the Prophet was talking about himself and that the choice meant his imminent death. The Prophet continued:

“I warn you O Muslims to be good to the Ansar (the Helpers, i.e., those residents of Medina who helped the Emigrants from Mecca). They have performed their duty well. Muslims will increase in number but Ansar will dwindle and be as salt in a meal.

“Woe to the nations before you who worshiped the tombs of their prophets. I forbid you to do that. O people, the most unselfish of men to me in his companionship is Abu Bakr, and if I were to take from mankind an inseparable friend he would be Abu Bakr - but the brotherhood of faith is ours until God unite us in His presence. O my dear daughter Fatimah and O my dear aunt Safiyah, spend your efforts in the way of the hereafter for I will not be able to help you against the Will of Allah.

“I go before you and I am your witness. Your meeting with me is at the pool (a lake fed by the celestial river Kawthar where believers will quench their thirst on their entry into paradise.). I fear not for you that you will set up gods beside Allah (The One God); but I fear for you that you will rival one another in worldly gains.”

Soon after this sermon, his last in the mosque, the Prophet became so weak that he could not move. He then appointed Abu Bakr (ra) to lead the prayers. The Prophet spent the rest of his illness in the apartment of his beloved wife A’ishah (ra). On the early morning of twelfth of Rabi’ al-Awwal, the prophet’s fever abated and he went to the mosque, assisted by Fadl and Thawban, when Abu Bakr was already leading the prayer. Realizing that the prophet was approaching, Abu Bakr stepped back without turning his head, but the prophet pressed his hand on his shoulder to let him know to continue. The Prophet sat on the right of Abu Bakr and completed the prayer while seated. The apparent recovery of the Prophet overjoyed the Muslims. Anas (ra) is reported to have said that I never saw the Prophet’s face more beautiful than it was at that hour.

Within hours, the Prophet lost his consciousness. He opened his eyes again an hour later saying to A’ishah (ra): “No Prophet is taken by death until he has been shown his place in Paradise and then offered the choice to live or to die.” Among the last words he said were:

“With the supreme communion in Paradise, with those upon whom God has showered his favor, the prophets and the saints and the martyrs and the righteous, most excellent for communion are they.”

The Prophet’s last words were “O Allah, with the supreme communion.” He died in the evening of the twelfth of Rabi’ al-Awwal (June 8, 632 A.D.) at the age of sixty-three.

So... it was all about him??? The prophets of the OT and Yeshua spent their last moments praising the Lord or praying for others. This guy is telling everyone, yeah, I got the reward, I am going, I will have it better than you.???:doubt:
Yeshua said that He was here to fullfill the law, not replace it.
When the men of 'faith' wanted to stone the adulteress, did Yeshua join them (as would have been required in the OT)?
At every turn when the 'religious leaders' tried to use the law to trap Him or others, He called them on their falsehood, and basically told them they were missing the forest because they were focusing on the trees.
Trying to hold Christians to Leviticus is ridiculous. It is like insisting that peole do not use motorized vehicles because "tradition" dictates.
Yeshua took the entire OT (a book of great teachings) and narrowed it down to two statements:
Love your Lord before all else.
Love your neighbor(that don't necessarily mean you know them) as yourself.

While you want to focus on all the "terrible things" in the OT, you ignore all the "terrible things" being done in the name of islam, TODAY. Comparing what is happening today with what was happening over two THOUSAND years ago, simply, shows, your intellectual dishonesty.

Christ, for somebody who says they are logical, it sure seems like you are missing the logic here. You do realise your last sentence to Toro is more or less the same as his to you, but just said in a different way?

"A lot of bad stuff in the OT" is for "teaching". It is not practiced by Christians (it might be practiced by crimminals that want to use it and therefore blame Chistianity, but it is not an example followed, today). The "bad stuff" in the Quran IS followed, today, by millions of muslims (extremists). It is not stopped by millions of muslims (not extremists). You might say the sentences are similar, but the meaning could not be more different.
Christians and muslims have just done a lot of bad stuff.
Christ, for somebody who says they are logical, it sure seems like you are missing the logic here. You do realise your last sentence to Toro is more or less the same as his to you, but just said in a different way?

"A lot of bad stuff in the OT" is for "teaching". It is not practiced by Christians (it might be practiced by crimminals that want to use it and therefore blame Chistianity, but it is not an example followed, today). The "bad stuff" in the Quran IS followed, today, by millions of muslims (extremists). It is not stopped by millions of muslims (not extremists). You might say the sentences are similar, but the meaning could not be more different.
Christians and muslims have just done a lot of bad stuff.

Would you care to make a statement in the present tense, about the present?
So... it was all about him??? The prophets of the OT and Yeshua spent their last moments praising the Lord or praying for others.
Again, it is soo pathetic that a Muslim has to teach you retarded Christians about your own religion and the Bible.

Maybe you guys need to spend more time learning about YOUR religion instead of lying about other peoples beliefs.

No, Jesus didn't spend his last moments "praising the Lord or praying for others" as you claim.

Here is exactly what he said according to your own Bible:

Matthew 27:45–46

45 aNow from the 1sixth hour darkness 2fell upon all the land until the 3ninth hour.

46 About the ninth hour Jesus cried out with a loud voice, saying, “aEli, Eli, lama sabachthani?” that is, “My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?”
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