Mueller Investigation Is Hillary And Obama's Donors Investigating Trump Plain And Simple


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

The Mueller investigation took on another Obama and Hillary donor this week. It's looking like the Mueller investigation is really just the former administration conducting a witch-hunt on the current administration.

Notice how quick the DoJ was to appoint Mueller to investigate Trump over perjuries by former FBI Director James Comey, but AG Jeff Sessions can't bring himself to appoint one to investigate Hillary or Former President Obama.

Another Obama, Clinton donor joins Mueller's legal team investigating Trump campaign

The newest lawyer to join Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into possible Trump campaign team collusion with Russia gained notoriety for her conduct in defending former President Obama's immigration orders, Politico reported Saturday.

Besides her work for Obama, Kyle Freeny, now the 16th member of Mueller’s legal team, Federal Election Commission records show she donated in each of the past three presidential elections to Democratic nominees, Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton.

Another Obama, Clinton donor joins Mueller's legal team investigating Trump campaign

Fact: The Hillary email investigation was fake.​

Fact: Supporters of Hillary are currently conducting investigations of the criminal activities that took place in the DNC and trying to blame it on candidate Trump. They are doing this to deflect away from the real crimes that we're discovering concerning the Clinton Foundation.​

Newly disclosed emails expose fresh examples of "pay to play" at the Clinton State Department, a conservative watchdog group said Thursday.

The emails, from Clinton aide Huma Abedin's account, were among 1,600 documents turned over by the State Department in connection with Judicial Watch's Freedom of Information Act lawsuit.

Judicial Watch said the documents reveal Clinton Foundation friends requesting and receiving favors from the State Department.

“The emails show ‘what happened’ was that Hillary Clinton and Huma Abedin obviously violated laws about the handling of classified information and turned the State Department into a pay for play tool for the corrupt Clinton Foundation,” Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton said, in a swipe at Clinton's newly released campaign memoir "What Happened." “The clear and mounting evidence of pay for play and mishandling of classified information warrant a serious criminal investigation by an independent Trump Justice Department.”

In May 2010, Clinton Foundation donor and developer Eddie Trump wrote to Doug Band, a Clinton Foundation official and former top aide to President Bill Clinton, forwarding a request for help getting the Russian American Foundation involved in a State Department program. Band forwarded the request to Abedin, asking if they can “get this done/mtg set.” Judicial Watch previously reported that the State Department paid more than $260,000 to the Russian American Foundation for “public diplomacy.”

In July 2009, Zachary Schwartz, an associate for donor Steve Bing, contacted Band requesting help on visas for Cuba for a film production crew from Bing's Shangri La Entertainment. Band forwarded the request to Abedin asking her to call Schwartz "asap." Abedin said she would. Bing reportedly donated between $10 million and $25 million to the Clinton Foundation.

Another instance was in September 2009, when chairman of futures brokerage firm CME Group and Clinton Foundation donor Terrence Duffy asked Clinton to help arrange “government appointments” in Singapore and Hong Kong. Clinton forwarded the request to Abedin, who said she would “follow up” with his secretary.

“Would like to get some more information and details so we can try to help,” Abedin wrote to Duffy’s secretary.

Duffy’s secretary replied, “We would also like some help in arranging meetings with some key govt officials in both locations, such as the Prime Minister of Singapore, and would appreciate any help you may be able to provide.”

Abedin responded on Sept. 29, 2009 that they were “happy to assist with any and all meetings” and that she had “discussed you and your trip with our assistant secretary of state for east Asia and pacific affairs.”

Duffy reportedly gave $4,600 to Clinton’s 2008 presidential campaign, and his company reportedly paid Clinton $225,000 for a speaking fee.

Trump made a campaign promise to prosecute Hillary if elected, so is this gonna happen under his new DOJ or not ?? Multiple investigations can be handled by the dept. so what's up ? Where is the appointed special council to revisit Hillary's alledged criminal behaviors ? Can Trump not call for an official special council to investigate Hillary, Comey, Lynch, Bill, and others who covered up, lied, and obstructed ?
Trump made a campaign promise to prosecute Hillary if elected, so is this gonna happen under his new DOJ or not ?? Multiple investigations can be handled by the dept. so what's up ? Where is the appointed special council to revisit Hillary's alledged criminal behaviors ? Can Trump not call for an official special council to investigate Hillary, Comey, Lynch, Bill, and others who covered up, lied, and obstructed ?
Well, the only problem is Trump can't order Sessions to appoint a special prosecutor without being accused of misconduct.

The Mueller investigation took on another Obama and Hillary donor this week. It's looking like the Mueller investigation is really just the former administration conducting a witch-hunt on the current administration.

Notice how quick the DoJ was to appoint Mueller to investigate Trump over perjuries by former FBI Director James Comey, but AG Jeff Sessions can't bring himself to appoint one to investigate Hillary or Former President Obama.

Another Obama, Clinton donor joins Mueller's legal team investigating Trump campaign

The newest lawyer to join Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into possible Trump campaign team collusion with Russia gained notoriety for her conduct in defending former President Obama's immigration orders, Politico reported Saturday.

Besides her work for Obama, Kyle Freeny, now the 16th member of Mueller’s legal team, Federal Election Commission records show she donated in each of the past three presidential elections to Democratic nominees, Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton.

Another Obama, Clinton donor joins Mueller's legal team investigating Trump campaign

Fact: The Hillary email investigation was fake.​

Fact: Supporters of Hillary are currently conducting investigations of the criminal activities that took place in the DNC and trying to blame it on candidate Trump. They are doing this to deflect away from the real crimes that we're discovering concerning the Clinton Foundation.​

Newly disclosed emails expose fresh examples of "pay to play" at the Clinton State Department, a conservative watchdog group said Thursday.

The emails, from Clinton aide Huma Abedin's account, were among 1,600 documents turned over by the State Department in connection with Judicial Watch's Freedom of Information Act lawsuit.

Judicial Watch said the documents reveal Clinton Foundation friends requesting and receiving favors from the State Department.

“The emails show ‘what happened’ was that Hillary Clinton and Huma Abedin obviously violated laws about the handling of classified information and turned the State Department into a pay for play tool for the corrupt Clinton Foundation,” Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton said, in a swipe at Clinton's newly released campaign memoir "What Happened." “The clear and mounting evidence of pay for play and mishandling of classified information warrant a serious criminal investigation by an independent Trump Justice Department.”

In May 2010, Clinton Foundation donor and developer Eddie Trump wrote to Doug Band, a Clinton Foundation official and former top aide to President Bill Clinton, forwarding a request for help getting the Russian American Foundation involved in a State Department program. Band forwarded the request to Abedin, asking if they can “get this done/mtg set.” Judicial Watch previously reported that the State Department paid more than $260,000 to the Russian American Foundation for “public diplomacy.”

In July 2009, Zachary Schwartz, an associate for donor Steve Bing, contacted Band requesting help on visas for Cuba for a film production crew from Bing's Shangri La Entertainment. Band forwarded the request to Abedin asking her to call Schwartz "asap." Abedin said she would. Bing reportedly donated between $10 million and $25 million to the Clinton Foundation.

Another instance was in September 2009, when chairman of futures brokerage firm CME Group and Clinton Foundation donor Terrence Duffy asked Clinton to help arrange “government appointments” in Singapore and Hong Kong. Clinton forwarded the request to Abedin, who said she would “follow up” with his secretary.

“Would like to get some more information and details so we can try to help,” Abedin wrote to Duffy’s secretary.

Duffy’s secretary replied, “We would also like some help in arranging meetings with some key govt officials in both locations, such as the Prime Minister of Singapore, and would appreciate any help you may be able to provide.”

Abedin responded on Sept. 29, 2009 that they were “happy to assist with any and all meetings” and that she had “discussed you and your trip with our assistant secretary of state for east Asia and pacific affairs.”

Duffy reportedly gave $4,600 to Clinton’s 2008 presidential campaign, and his company reportedly paid Clinton $225,000 for a speaking fee.

So that's why he was appointed by Republicans, right?

The Mueller investigation took on another Obama and Hillary donor this week. It's looking like the Mueller investigation is really just the former administration conducting a witch-hunt on the current administration.

Notice how quick the DoJ was to appoint Mueller to investigate Trump over perjuries by former FBI Director James Comey, but AG Jeff Sessions can't bring himself to appoint one to investigate Hillary or Former President Obama.

Another Obama, Clinton donor joins Mueller's legal team investigating Trump campaign

The newest lawyer to join Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into possible Trump campaign team collusion with Russia gained notoriety for her conduct in defending former President Obama's immigration orders, Politico reported Saturday.

Besides her work for Obama, Kyle Freeny, now the 16th member of Mueller’s legal team, Federal Election Commission records show she donated in each of the past three presidential elections to Democratic nominees, Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton.

Another Obama, Clinton donor joins Mueller's legal team investigating Trump campaign

Fact: The Hillary email investigation was fake.​

Fact: Supporters of Hillary are currently conducting investigations of the criminal activities that took place in the DNC and trying to blame it on candidate Trump. They are doing this to deflect away from the real crimes that we're discovering concerning the Clinton Foundation.​

Newly disclosed emails expose fresh examples of "pay to play" at the Clinton State Department, a conservative watchdog group said Thursday.

The emails, from Clinton aide Huma Abedin's account, were among 1,600 documents turned over by the State Department in connection with Judicial Watch's Freedom of Information Act lawsuit.

Judicial Watch said the documents reveal Clinton Foundation friends requesting and receiving favors from the State Department.

“The emails show ‘what happened’ was that Hillary Clinton and Huma Abedin obviously violated laws about the handling of classified information and turned the State Department into a pay for play tool for the corrupt Clinton Foundation,” Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton said, in a swipe at Clinton's newly released campaign memoir "What Happened." “The clear and mounting evidence of pay for play and mishandling of classified information warrant a serious criminal investigation by an independent Trump Justice Department.”

In May 2010, Clinton Foundation donor and developer Eddie Trump wrote to Doug Band, a Clinton Foundation official and former top aide to President Bill Clinton, forwarding a request for help getting the Russian American Foundation involved in a State Department program. Band forwarded the request to Abedin, asking if they can “get this done/mtg set.” Judicial Watch previously reported that the State Department paid more than $260,000 to the Russian American Foundation for “public diplomacy.”

In July 2009, Zachary Schwartz, an associate for donor Steve Bing, contacted Band requesting help on visas for Cuba for a film production crew from Bing's Shangri La Entertainment. Band forwarded the request to Abedin asking her to call Schwartz "asap." Abedin said she would. Bing reportedly donated between $10 million and $25 million to the Clinton Foundation.

Another instance was in September 2009, when chairman of futures brokerage firm CME Group and Clinton Foundation donor Terrence Duffy asked Clinton to help arrange “government appointments” in Singapore and Hong Kong. Clinton forwarded the request to Abedin, who said she would “follow up” with his secretary.

“Would like to get some more information and details so we can try to help,” Abedin wrote to Duffy’s secretary.

Duffy’s secretary replied, “We would also like some help in arranging meetings with some key govt officials in both locations, such as the Prime Minister of Singapore, and would appreciate any help you may be able to provide.”

Abedin responded on Sept. 29, 2009 that they were “happy to assist with any and all meetings” and that she had “discussed you and your trip with our assistant secretary of state for east Asia and pacific affairs.”

Duffy reportedly gave $4,600 to Clinton’s 2008 presidential campaign, and his company reportedly paid Clinton $225,000 for a speaking fee.

So that's why he was appointed by Republicans, right?

Oh, you must mean a former Clinton & Obama Administration official who worked for Mueller.

Department of Justice[edit]
After his clerkship, Rosenstein joined the U.S. Department of Justice through the Attorney General’s Honors Program. From 1990 to 1993, he prosecuted public corruption cases as a trial attorney with the Public Integrity Section of the Criminal Division, then led by Assistant Attorney General Robert Mueller.[11][13]

During the Clinton Administration, Rosenstein served as Counsel to Deputy Attorney General Philip B. Heymann (1993–1994) and Special Assistant to Criminal Division Assistant Attorney General Jo Ann Harris (1994–1995). As an Associate Independent Counsel from 1995 to 1997, he was co-counsel in the trial of three defendants who were convicted of fraud, and he supervised the investigation that found no basis for criminal prosecution of White House officials who had obtained FBI background reports.[11] Rosenstein was chosen to work in the United States Office of the Independent Counsel under Ken Starr on the Whitewater investigation into President Bill Clinton.[14]

From 2001 to 2005, Rosenstein served as Principal Deputy Assistant Attorney General for the Tax Division of the U.S. Department of Justice. He coordinated the tax enforcement activities of the Tax Division, the U.S. Attorneys’ Offices and the IRS, and he supervised 90 attorneys and 30 support employees. He also oversaw civil litigation and served as the acting head of the Tax Division when Assistant Attorney General Eileen J. O'Connor was unavailable, and he personally briefed and argued civil appeals in several federal appellate courts.

Attorney General Eric Holder appointed Rosenstein to prosecute General James Cartwright, a former Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, for leaking to reporters.[14] Rosenstein’s aggressive prosecution secured a guilty plea from Cartwright, who was ultimately pardoned by President Barack Obama.[14]

Rosenstein served as the U.S. Attorney in Maryland at a time when murders in the state dropped by about a third, which was double the decline at the national level. Robberies and aggravated assaults also fell faster than the national average. According to Thiru Vignarajah, the former deputy attorney general of Maryland, "Collaboration between prosecutors, police, and the community combined with a dogged focus on violent repeat offenders was the anchor of Rosenstein’s approach." Rosenstein regarded the heroin and opioid epidemic as a public health crisis, hired a re-entry specialist to help ex-offenders adjust to life outside of prison, and prosecuted several individual cases of corrupt police officers.[2]

Rod Rosenstein - Wikipedia
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The Mueller investigation took on another Obama and Hillary donor this week. It's looking like the Mueller investigation is really just the former administration conducting a witch-hunt on the current administration.

Notice how quick the DoJ was to appoint Mueller to investigate Trump over perjuries by former FBI Director James Comey, but AG Jeff Sessions can't bring himself to appoint one to investigate Hillary or Former President Obama.

Another Obama, Clinton donor joins Mueller's legal team investigating Trump campaign

The newest lawyer to join Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into possible Trump campaign team collusion with Russia gained notoriety for her conduct in defending former President Obama's immigration orders, Politico reported Saturday.

Besides her work for Obama, Kyle Freeny, now the 16th member of Mueller’s legal team, Federal Election Commission records show she donated in each of the past three presidential elections to Democratic nominees, Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton.

Another Obama, Clinton donor joins Mueller's legal team investigating Trump campaign

Fact: The Hillary email investigation was fake.​

Fact: Supporters of Hillary are currently conducting investigations of the criminal activities that took place in the DNC and trying to blame it on candidate Trump. They are doing this to deflect away from the real crimes that we're discovering concerning the Clinton Foundation.​

Newly disclosed emails expose fresh examples of "pay to play" at the Clinton State Department, a conservative watchdog group said Thursday.

The emails, from Clinton aide Huma Abedin's account, were among 1,600 documents turned over by the State Department in connection with Judicial Watch's Freedom of Information Act lawsuit.

Judicial Watch said the documents reveal Clinton Foundation friends requesting and receiving favors from the State Department.

“The emails show ‘what happened’ was that Hillary Clinton and Huma Abedin obviously violated laws about the handling of classified information and turned the State Department into a pay for play tool for the corrupt Clinton Foundation,” Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton said, in a swipe at Clinton's newly released campaign memoir "What Happened." “The clear and mounting evidence of pay for play and mishandling of classified information warrant a serious criminal investigation by an independent Trump Justice Department.”

In May 2010, Clinton Foundation donor and developer Eddie Trump wrote to Doug Band, a Clinton Foundation official and former top aide to President Bill Clinton, forwarding a request for help getting the Russian American Foundation involved in a State Department program. Band forwarded the request to Abedin, asking if they can “get this done/mtg set.” Judicial Watch previously reported that the State Department paid more than $260,000 to the Russian American Foundation for “public diplomacy.”

In July 2009, Zachary Schwartz, an associate for donor Steve Bing, contacted Band requesting help on visas for Cuba for a film production crew from Bing's Shangri La Entertainment. Band forwarded the request to Abedin asking her to call Schwartz "asap." Abedin said she would. Bing reportedly donated between $10 million and $25 million to the Clinton Foundation.

Another instance was in September 2009, when chairman of futures brokerage firm CME Group and Clinton Foundation donor Terrence Duffy asked Clinton to help arrange “government appointments” in Singapore and Hong Kong. Clinton forwarded the request to Abedin, who said she would “follow up” with his secretary.

“Would like to get some more information and details so we can try to help,” Abedin wrote to Duffy’s secretary.

Duffy’s secretary replied, “We would also like some help in arranging meetings with some key govt officials in both locations, such as the Prime Minister of Singapore, and would appreciate any help you may be able to provide.”

Abedin responded on Sept. 29, 2009 that they were “happy to assist with any and all meetings” and that she had “discussed you and your trip with our assistant secretary of state for east Asia and pacific affairs.”

Duffy reportedly gave $4,600 to Clinton’s 2008 presidential campaign, and his company reportedly paid Clinton $225,000 for a speaking fee.

It's going to be hard to find intelligent people who didn't support Hillary, since Trump is such an ignorant fool. Only idiots supported him, and I don't think they will hire any idiots for the investigation.

The Mueller investigation took on another Obama and Hillary donor this week. It's looking like the Mueller investigation is really just the former administration conducting a witch-hunt on the current administration.

Notice how quick the DoJ was to appoint Mueller to investigate Trump over perjuries by former FBI Director James Comey, but AG Jeff Sessions can't bring himself to appoint one to investigate Hillary or Former President Obama.

Another Obama, Clinton donor joins Mueller's legal team investigating Trump campaign

The newest lawyer to join Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into possible Trump campaign team collusion with Russia gained notoriety for her conduct in defending former President Obama's immigration orders, Politico reported Saturday.

Besides her work for Obama, Kyle Freeny, now the 16th member of Mueller’s legal team, Federal Election Commission records show she donated in each of the past three presidential elections to Democratic nominees, Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton.

Another Obama, Clinton donor joins Mueller's legal team investigating Trump campaign

Fact: The Hillary email investigation was fake.​

Fact: Supporters of Hillary are currently conducting investigations of the criminal activities that took place in the DNC and trying to blame it on candidate Trump. They are doing this to deflect away from the real crimes that we're discovering concerning the Clinton Foundation.​

Newly disclosed emails expose fresh examples of "pay to play" at the Clinton State Department, a conservative watchdog group said Thursday.

The emails, from Clinton aide Huma Abedin's account, were among 1,600 documents turned over by the State Department in connection with Judicial Watch's Freedom of Information Act lawsuit.

Judicial Watch said the documents reveal Clinton Foundation friends requesting and receiving favors from the State Department.

“The emails show ‘what happened’ was that Hillary Clinton and Huma Abedin obviously violated laws about the handling of classified information and turned the State Department into a pay for play tool for the corrupt Clinton Foundation,” Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton said, in a swipe at Clinton's newly released campaign memoir "What Happened." “The clear and mounting evidence of pay for play and mishandling of classified information warrant a serious criminal investigation by an independent Trump Justice Department.”

In May 2010, Clinton Foundation donor and developer Eddie Trump wrote to Doug Band, a Clinton Foundation official and former top aide to President Bill Clinton, forwarding a request for help getting the Russian American Foundation involved in a State Department program. Band forwarded the request to Abedin, asking if they can “get this done/mtg set.” Judicial Watch previously reported that the State Department paid more than $260,000 to the Russian American Foundation for “public diplomacy.”

In July 2009, Zachary Schwartz, an associate for donor Steve Bing, contacted Band requesting help on visas for Cuba for a film production crew from Bing's Shangri La Entertainment. Band forwarded the request to Abedin asking her to call Schwartz "asap." Abedin said she would. Bing reportedly donated between $10 million and $25 million to the Clinton Foundation.

Another instance was in September 2009, when chairman of futures brokerage firm CME Group and Clinton Foundation donor Terrence Duffy asked Clinton to help arrange “government appointments” in Singapore and Hong Kong. Clinton forwarded the request to Abedin, who said she would “follow up” with his secretary.

“Would like to get some more information and details so we can try to help,” Abedin wrote to Duffy’s secretary.

Duffy’s secretary replied, “We would also like some help in arranging meetings with some key govt officials in both locations, such as the Prime Minister of Singapore, and would appreciate any help you may be able to provide.”

Abedin responded on Sept. 29, 2009 that they were “happy to assist with any and all meetings” and that she had “discussed you and your trip with our assistant secretary of state for east Asia and pacific affairs.”

Duffy reportedly gave $4,600 to Clinton’s 2008 presidential campaign, and his company reportedly paid Clinton $225,000 for a speaking fee.

Mean ol democrats, forced just about everybody associated with Donald Trump to meet a Russian, lie about the shit and then try to cover it up.....get the fuck outta here,
Mean ol democrats, forced just about everybody associated with Donald Trump to meet a Russian, lie about the shit and then try to cover it up.....get the fuck outta here,
Actually yes.
Do you mean to tell us that you didn't know Obama scheduled Sessions meeting with the Russian Ambassador?
Or that the same Ambassador set up Kushner's meeting with the Russian banker that Kushner never took the bait from?
Fact is Obama met the Ambassador at least 21 times at the WH according to WH visitors logs. Obama could have easily used the Ambassador as his agent to get Kushner to do something unknowingly off limits. Hillary's team also met with the same Ambassador, once again easily utilizing the Ambassador.
We also see the Russian adoption lobbyist met with both sides of the isle and the British tabloid guy Rob Goldstone, who set up Trumps son's meeting, used to be friends with Gores press core and hung out at the Clintons press room.(shown in pic below).
So yes, all set ups lead and point to the liars (Obama and Susan Rice)claiming they knew of no surveillance when indeed they set up that cheat tactic as an edge on opponents just as they did with the debate questions.
Rob Goldstone wh press room.jpeg

So why don't you kbow these facts?
Because MSM as they admitted
control what you think is the story and don't want you to know reality from the painted narrative they wish to portray to you the dupe, who they insult by questioning your intellect in doing so.

The Mueller investigation took on another Obama and Hillary donor this week. It's looking like the Mueller investigation is really just the former administration conducting a witch-hunt on the current administration.

Notice how quick the DoJ was to appoint Mueller to investigate Trump over perjuries by former FBI Director James Comey, but AG Jeff Sessions can't bring himself to appoint one to investigate Hillary or Former President Obama.

Another Obama, Clinton donor joins Mueller's legal team investigating Trump campaign

The newest lawyer to join Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into possible Trump campaign team collusion with Russia gained notoriety for her conduct in defending former President Obama's immigration orders, Politico reported Saturday.

Besides her work for Obama, Kyle Freeny, now the 16th member of Mueller’s legal team, Federal Election Commission records show she donated in each of the past three presidential elections to Democratic nominees, Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton.

Another Obama, Clinton donor joins Mueller's legal team investigating Trump campaign

Fact: The Hillary email investigation was fake.​

Fact: Supporters of Hillary are currently conducting investigations of the criminal activities that took place in the DNC and trying to blame it on candidate Trump. They are doing this to deflect away from the real crimes that we're discovering concerning the Clinton Foundation.​

Newly disclosed emails expose fresh examples of "pay to play" at the Clinton State Department, a conservative watchdog group said Thursday.

The emails, from Clinton aide Huma Abedin's account, were among 1,600 documents turned over by the State Department in connection with Judicial Watch's Freedom of Information Act lawsuit.

Judicial Watch said the documents reveal Clinton Foundation friends requesting and receiving favors from the State Department.

“The emails show ‘what happened’ was that Hillary Clinton and Huma Abedin obviously violated laws about the handling of classified information and turned the State Department into a pay for play tool for the corrupt Clinton Foundation,” Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton said, in a swipe at Clinton's newly released campaign memoir "What Happened." “The clear and mounting evidence of pay for play and mishandling of classified information warrant a serious criminal investigation by an independent Trump Justice Department.”

In May 2010, Clinton Foundation donor and developer Eddie Trump wrote to Doug Band, a Clinton Foundation official and former top aide to President Bill Clinton, forwarding a request for help getting the Russian American Foundation involved in a State Department program. Band forwarded the request to Abedin, asking if they can “get this done/mtg set.” Judicial Watch previously reported that the State Department paid more than $260,000 to the Russian American Foundation for “public diplomacy.”

In July 2009, Zachary Schwartz, an associate for donor Steve Bing, contacted Band requesting help on visas for Cuba for a film production crew from Bing's Shangri La Entertainment. Band forwarded the request to Abedin asking her to call Schwartz "asap." Abedin said she would. Bing reportedly donated between $10 million and $25 million to the Clinton Foundation.

Another instance was in September 2009, when chairman of futures brokerage firm CME Group and Clinton Foundation donor Terrence Duffy asked Clinton to help arrange “government appointments” in Singapore and Hong Kong. Clinton forwarded the request to Abedin, who said she would “follow up” with his secretary.

“Would like to get some more information and details so we can try to help,” Abedin wrote to Duffy’s secretary.

Duffy’s secretary replied, “We would also like some help in arranging meetings with some key govt officials in both locations, such as the Prime Minister of Singapore, and would appreciate any help you may be able to provide.”

Abedin responded on Sept. 29, 2009 that they were “happy to assist with any and all meetings” and that she had “discussed you and your trip with our assistant secretary of state for east Asia and pacific affairs.”

Duffy reportedly gave $4,600 to Clinton’s 2008 presidential campaign, and his company reportedly paid Clinton $225,000 for a speaking fee.

Mean ol democrats, forced just about everybody associated with Donald Trump to meet a Russian, lie about the shit and then try to cover it up.....get the fuck outta here,

And yet Hillary took millions in donations from the Russians after giving up 20% of US uranium reserves to them...... And you have to wonder who was colluding with the Russian's? Fucking leftard..

The Mueller investigation took on another Obama and Hillary donor this week. It's looking like the Mueller investigation is really just the former administration conducting a witch-hunt on the current administration.

Notice how quick the DoJ was to appoint Mueller to investigate Trump over perjuries by former FBI Director James Comey, but AG Jeff Sessions can't bring himself to appoint one to investigate Hillary or Former President Obama.

Another Obama, Clinton donor joins Mueller's legal team investigating Trump campaign

The newest lawyer to join Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into possible Trump campaign team collusion with Russia gained notoriety for her conduct in defending former President Obama's immigration orders, Politico reported Saturday.

Besides her work for Obama, Kyle Freeny, now the 16th member of Mueller’s legal team, Federal Election Commission records show she donated in each of the past three presidential elections to Democratic nominees, Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton.

Another Obama, Clinton donor joins Mueller's legal team investigating Trump campaign

Fact: The Hillary email investigation was fake.​

Fact: Supporters of Hillary are currently conducting investigations of the criminal activities that took place in the DNC and trying to blame it on candidate Trump. They are doing this to deflect away from the real crimes that we're discovering concerning the Clinton Foundation.​

Newly disclosed emails expose fresh examples of "pay to play" at the Clinton State Department, a conservative watchdog group said Thursday.

The emails, from Clinton aide Huma Abedin's account, were among 1,600 documents turned over by the State Department in connection with Judicial Watch's Freedom of Information Act lawsuit.

Judicial Watch said the documents reveal Clinton Foundation friends requesting and receiving favors from the State Department.

“The emails show ‘what happened’ was that Hillary Clinton and Huma Abedin obviously violated laws about the handling of classified information and turned the State Department into a pay for play tool for the corrupt Clinton Foundation,” Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton said, in a swipe at Clinton's newly released campaign memoir "What Happened." “The clear and mounting evidence of pay for play and mishandling of classified information warrant a serious criminal investigation by an independent Trump Justice Department.”

In May 2010, Clinton Foundation donor and developer Eddie Trump wrote to Doug Band, a Clinton Foundation official and former top aide to President Bill Clinton, forwarding a request for help getting the Russian American Foundation involved in a State Department program. Band forwarded the request to Abedin, asking if they can “get this done/mtg set.” Judicial Watch previously reported that the State Department paid more than $260,000 to the Russian American Foundation for “public diplomacy.”

In July 2009, Zachary Schwartz, an associate for donor Steve Bing, contacted Band requesting help on visas for Cuba for a film production crew from Bing's Shangri La Entertainment. Band forwarded the request to Abedin asking her to call Schwartz "asap." Abedin said she would. Bing reportedly donated between $10 million and $25 million to the Clinton Foundation.

Another instance was in September 2009, when chairman of futures brokerage firm CME Group and Clinton Foundation donor Terrence Duffy asked Clinton to help arrange “government appointments” in Singapore and Hong Kong. Clinton forwarded the request to Abedin, who said she would “follow up” with his secretary.

“Would like to get some more information and details so we can try to help,” Abedin wrote to Duffy’s secretary.

Duffy’s secretary replied, “We would also like some help in arranging meetings with some key govt officials in both locations, such as the Prime Minister of Singapore, and would appreciate any help you may be able to provide.”

Abedin responded on Sept. 29, 2009 that they were “happy to assist with any and all meetings” and that she had “discussed you and your trip with our assistant secretary of state for east Asia and pacific affairs.”

Duffy reportedly gave $4,600 to Clinton’s 2008 presidential campaign, and his company reportedly paid Clinton $225,000 for a speaking fee.

It's going to be hard to find intelligent people who didn't support Hillary, since Trump is such an ignorant fool. Only idiots supported him, and I don't think they will hire any idiots for the investigation.

I don't think hiring people that have obvious conflicts of interest are a good choice.
Normally anything they come up with could be thrown out on repeal because of these conflicts.
But this is purely a political witch-hunt, nothing more.

The Mueller investigation took on another Obama and Hillary donor this week. It's looking like the Mueller investigation is really just the former administration conducting a witch-hunt on the current administration.

Notice how quick the DoJ was to appoint Mueller to investigate Trump over perjuries by former FBI Director James Comey, but AG Jeff Sessions can't bring himself to appoint one to investigate Hillary or Former President Obama.

Another Obama, Clinton donor joins Mueller's legal team investigating Trump campaign

The newest lawyer to join Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into possible Trump campaign team collusion with Russia gained notoriety for her conduct in defending former President Obama's immigration orders, Politico reported Saturday.

Besides her work for Obama, Kyle Freeny, now the 16th member of Mueller’s legal team, Federal Election Commission records show she donated in each of the past three presidential elections to Democratic nominees, Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton.

Another Obama, Clinton donor joins Mueller's legal team investigating Trump campaign

Fact: The Hillary email investigation was fake.​

Fact: Supporters of Hillary are currently conducting investigations of the criminal activities that took place in the DNC and trying to blame it on candidate Trump. They are doing this to deflect away from the real crimes that we're discovering concerning the Clinton Foundation.​

Newly disclosed emails expose fresh examples of "pay to play" at the Clinton State Department, a conservative watchdog group said Thursday.

The emails, from Clinton aide Huma Abedin's account, were among 1,600 documents turned over by the State Department in connection with Judicial Watch's Freedom of Information Act lawsuit.

Judicial Watch said the documents reveal Clinton Foundation friends requesting and receiving favors from the State Department.

“The emails show ‘what happened’ was that Hillary Clinton and Huma Abedin obviously violated laws about the handling of classified information and turned the State Department into a pay for play tool for the corrupt Clinton Foundation,” Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton said, in a swipe at Clinton's newly released campaign memoir "What Happened." “The clear and mounting evidence of pay for play and mishandling of classified information warrant a serious criminal investigation by an independent Trump Justice Department.”

In May 2010, Clinton Foundation donor and developer Eddie Trump wrote to Doug Band, a Clinton Foundation official and former top aide to President Bill Clinton, forwarding a request for help getting the Russian American Foundation involved in a State Department program. Band forwarded the request to Abedin, asking if they can “get this done/mtg set.” Judicial Watch previously reported that the State Department paid more than $260,000 to the Russian American Foundation for “public diplomacy.”

In July 2009, Zachary Schwartz, an associate for donor Steve Bing, contacted Band requesting help on visas for Cuba for a film production crew from Bing's Shangri La Entertainment. Band forwarded the request to Abedin asking her to call Schwartz "asap." Abedin said she would. Bing reportedly donated between $10 million and $25 million to the Clinton Foundation.

Another instance was in September 2009, when chairman of futures brokerage firm CME Group and Clinton Foundation donor Terrence Duffy asked Clinton to help arrange “government appointments” in Singapore and Hong Kong. Clinton forwarded the request to Abedin, who said she would “follow up” with his secretary.

“Would like to get some more information and details so we can try to help,” Abedin wrote to Duffy’s secretary.

Duffy’s secretary replied, “We would also like some help in arranging meetings with some key govt officials in both locations, such as the Prime Minister of Singapore, and would appreciate any help you may be able to provide.”

Abedin responded on Sept. 29, 2009 that they were “happy to assist with any and all meetings” and that she had “discussed you and your trip with our assistant secretary of state for east Asia and pacific affairs.”

Duffy reportedly gave $4,600 to Clinton’s 2008 presidential campaign, and his company reportedly paid Clinton $225,000 for a speaking fee.

It's going to be hard to find intelligent people who didn't support Hillary, since Trump is such an ignorant fool. Only idiots supported him, and I don't think they will hire any idiots for the investigation.

I don't think hiring people that have obvious conflicts of interest are a good choice.
Normally anything they come up with could be thrown out on repeal because of these conflicts.
But this is purely a political witch-hunt, nothing more.

I guess you can hope for that conflict of interest thing, since that's all you got, but it will be hard to find a smart person who didn't support Hillary over that obese orange clown.

The Mueller investigation took on another Obama and Hillary donor this week. It's looking like the Mueller investigation is really just the former administration conducting a witch-hunt on the current administration.

Notice how quick the DoJ was to appoint Mueller to investigate Trump over perjuries by former FBI Director James Comey, but AG Jeff Sessions can't bring himself to appoint one to investigate Hillary or Former President Obama.

Another Obama, Clinton donor joins Mueller's legal team investigating Trump campaign

The newest lawyer to join Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into possible Trump campaign team collusion with Russia gained notoriety for her conduct in defending former President Obama's immigration orders, Politico reported Saturday.

Besides her work for Obama, Kyle Freeny, now the 16th member of Mueller’s legal team, Federal Election Commission records show she donated in each of the past three presidential elections to Democratic nominees, Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton.

Another Obama, Clinton donor joins Mueller's legal team investigating Trump campaign

Fact: The Hillary email investigation was fake.​

Fact: Supporters of Hillary are currently conducting investigations of the criminal activities that took place in the DNC and trying to blame it on candidate Trump. They are doing this to deflect away from the real crimes that we're discovering concerning the Clinton Foundation.​

Newly disclosed emails expose fresh examples of "pay to play" at the Clinton State Department, a conservative watchdog group said Thursday.

The emails, from Clinton aide Huma Abedin's account, were among 1,600 documents turned over by the State Department in connection with Judicial Watch's Freedom of Information Act lawsuit.

Judicial Watch said the documents reveal Clinton Foundation friends requesting and receiving favors from the State Department.

“The emails show ‘what happened’ was that Hillary Clinton and Huma Abedin obviously violated laws about the handling of classified information and turned the State Department into a pay for play tool for the corrupt Clinton Foundation,” Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton said, in a swipe at Clinton's newly released campaign memoir "What Happened." “The clear and mounting evidence of pay for play and mishandling of classified information warrant a serious criminal investigation by an independent Trump Justice Department.”

In May 2010, Clinton Foundation donor and developer Eddie Trump wrote to Doug Band, a Clinton Foundation official and former top aide to President Bill Clinton, forwarding a request for help getting the Russian American Foundation involved in a State Department program. Band forwarded the request to Abedin, asking if they can “get this done/mtg set.” Judicial Watch previously reported that the State Department paid more than $260,000 to the Russian American Foundation for “public diplomacy.”

In July 2009, Zachary Schwartz, an associate for donor Steve Bing, contacted Band requesting help on visas for Cuba for a film production crew from Bing's Shangri La Entertainment. Band forwarded the request to Abedin asking her to call Schwartz "asap." Abedin said she would. Bing reportedly donated between $10 million and $25 million to the Clinton Foundation.

Another instance was in September 2009, when chairman of futures brokerage firm CME Group and Clinton Foundation donor Terrence Duffy asked Clinton to help arrange “government appointments” in Singapore and Hong Kong. Clinton forwarded the request to Abedin, who said she would “follow up” with his secretary.

“Would like to get some more information and details so we can try to help,” Abedin wrote to Duffy’s secretary.

Duffy’s secretary replied, “We would also like some help in arranging meetings with some key govt officials in both locations, such as the Prime Minister of Singapore, and would appreciate any help you may be able to provide.”

Abedin responded on Sept. 29, 2009 that they were “happy to assist with any and all meetings” and that she had “discussed you and your trip with our assistant secretary of state for east Asia and pacific affairs.”

Duffy reportedly gave $4,600 to Clinton’s 2008 presidential campaign, and his company reportedly paid Clinton $225,000 for a speaking fee.

Mean ol democrats, forced just about everybody associated with Donald Trump to meet a Russian, lie about the shit and then try to cover it up.....get the fuck outta here,

And yet Hillary took millions in donations from the Russians after giving up 20% of US uranium reserves to them...... And you have to wonder who was colluding with the Russian's? Fucking leftard..

That's the most obvious problem here.
This is what they should be investigating......not going on some political vendetta because Democrats are pissed they lost.


The Mueller investigation took on another Obama and Hillary donor this week. It's looking like the Mueller investigation is really just the former administration conducting a witch-hunt on the current administration.

Notice how quick the DoJ was to appoint Mueller to investigate Trump over perjuries by former FBI Director James Comey, but AG Jeff Sessions can't bring himself to appoint one to investigate Hillary or Former President Obama.

Another Obama, Clinton donor joins Mueller's legal team investigating Trump campaign

The newest lawyer to join Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into possible Trump campaign team collusion with Russia gained notoriety for her conduct in defending former President Obama's immigration orders, Politico reported Saturday.

Besides her work for Obama, Kyle Freeny, now the 16th member of Mueller’s legal team, Federal Election Commission records show she donated in each of the past three presidential elections to Democratic nominees, Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton.

Another Obama, Clinton donor joins Mueller's legal team investigating Trump campaign

Fact: The Hillary email investigation was fake.​

Fact: Supporters of Hillary are currently conducting investigations of the criminal activities that took place in the DNC and trying to blame it on candidate Trump. They are doing this to deflect away from the real crimes that we're discovering concerning the Clinton Foundation.​

Newly disclosed emails expose fresh examples of "pay to play" at the Clinton State Department, a conservative watchdog group said Thursday.

The emails, from Clinton aide Huma Abedin's account, were among 1,600 documents turned over by the State Department in connection with Judicial Watch's Freedom of Information Act lawsuit.

Judicial Watch said the documents reveal Clinton Foundation friends requesting and receiving favors from the State Department.

“The emails show ‘what happened’ was that Hillary Clinton and Huma Abedin obviously violated laws about the handling of classified information and turned the State Department into a pay for play tool for the corrupt Clinton Foundation,” Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton said, in a swipe at Clinton's newly released campaign memoir "What Happened." “The clear and mounting evidence of pay for play and mishandling of classified information warrant a serious criminal investigation by an independent Trump Justice Department.”

In May 2010, Clinton Foundation donor and developer Eddie Trump wrote to Doug Band, a Clinton Foundation official and former top aide to President Bill Clinton, forwarding a request for help getting the Russian American Foundation involved in a State Department program. Band forwarded the request to Abedin, asking if they can “get this done/mtg set.” Judicial Watch previously reported that the State Department paid more than $260,000 to the Russian American Foundation for “public diplomacy.”

In July 2009, Zachary Schwartz, an associate for donor Steve Bing, contacted Band requesting help on visas for Cuba for a film production crew from Bing's Shangri La Entertainment. Band forwarded the request to Abedin asking her to call Schwartz "asap." Abedin said she would. Bing reportedly donated between $10 million and $25 million to the Clinton Foundation.

Another instance was in September 2009, when chairman of futures brokerage firm CME Group and Clinton Foundation donor Terrence Duffy asked Clinton to help arrange “government appointments” in Singapore and Hong Kong. Clinton forwarded the request to Abedin, who said she would “follow up” with his secretary.

“Would like to get some more information and details so we can try to help,” Abedin wrote to Duffy’s secretary.

Duffy’s secretary replied, “We would also like some help in arranging meetings with some key govt officials in both locations, such as the Prime Minister of Singapore, and would appreciate any help you may be able to provide.”

Abedin responded on Sept. 29, 2009 that they were “happy to assist with any and all meetings” and that she had “discussed you and your trip with our assistant secretary of state for east Asia and pacific affairs.”

Duffy reportedly gave $4,600 to Clinton’s 2008 presidential campaign, and his company reportedly paid Clinton $225,000 for a speaking fee.

It's going to be hard to find intelligent people who didn't support Hillary, since Trump is such an ignorant fool. Only idiots supported him, and I don't think they will hire any idiots for the investigation.

I don't think hiring people that have obvious conflicts of interest are a good choice.
Normally anything they come up with could be thrown out on repeal because of these conflicts.
But this is purely a political witch-hunt, nothing more.

I guess you can hope for that conflict of interest thing, since that's all you got, but it will be hard to find a smart person who didn't support Hillary over that obese orange clown.

It's one thing to support her.....quite another to be a donor.
That shows commitment.
Anyone who gave money to Hillary or Obama should be disqualified and recuse themselves.
Because in court even an appearance of wrongdoing is grounds for recusal.
Trump made a campaign promise to prosecute Hillary if elected, so is this gonna happen under his new DOJ or not ?? Multiple investigations can be handled by the dept. so what's up ? Where is the appointed special council to revisit Hillary's alledged criminal behaviors ? Can Trump not call for an official special council to investigate Hillary, Comey, Lynch, Bill, and others who covered up, lied, and obstructed ?
Maybe Trump can call it from prison

The Mueller investigation took on another Obama and Hillary donor this week. It's looking like the Mueller investigation is really just the former administration conducting a witch-hunt on the current administration.

Notice how quick the DoJ was to appoint Mueller to investigate Trump over perjuries by former FBI Director James Comey, but AG Jeff Sessions can't bring himself to appoint one to investigate Hillary or Former President Obama.

Another Obama, Clinton donor joins Mueller's legal team investigating Trump campaign

The newest lawyer to join Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into possible Trump campaign team collusion with Russia gained notoriety for her conduct in defending former President Obama's immigration orders, Politico reported Saturday.

Besides her work for Obama, Kyle Freeny, now the 16th member of Mueller’s legal team, Federal Election Commission records show she donated in each of the past three presidential elections to Democratic nominees, Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton.

Another Obama, Clinton donor joins Mueller's legal team investigating Trump campaign

Fact: The Hillary email investigation was fake.​

Fact: Supporters of Hillary are currently conducting investigations of the criminal activities that took place in the DNC and trying to blame it on candidate Trump. They are doing this to deflect away from the real crimes that we're discovering concerning the Clinton Foundation.​

Newly disclosed emails expose fresh examples of "pay to play" at the Clinton State Department, a conservative watchdog group said Thursday.

The emails, from Clinton aide Huma Abedin's account, were among 1,600 documents turned over by the State Department in connection with Judicial Watch's Freedom of Information Act lawsuit.

Judicial Watch said the documents reveal Clinton Foundation friends requesting and receiving favors from the State Department.

“The emails show ‘what happened’ was that Hillary Clinton and Huma Abedin obviously violated laws about the handling of classified information and turned the State Department into a pay for play tool for the corrupt Clinton Foundation,” Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton said, in a swipe at Clinton's newly released campaign memoir "What Happened." “The clear and mounting evidence of pay for play and mishandling of classified information warrant a serious criminal investigation by an independent Trump Justice Department.”

In May 2010, Clinton Foundation donor and developer Eddie Trump wrote to Doug Band, a Clinton Foundation official and former top aide to President Bill Clinton, forwarding a request for help getting the Russian American Foundation involved in a State Department program. Band forwarded the request to Abedin, asking if they can “get this done/mtg set.” Judicial Watch previously reported that the State Department paid more than $260,000 to the Russian American Foundation for “public diplomacy.”

In July 2009, Zachary Schwartz, an associate for donor Steve Bing, contacted Band requesting help on visas for Cuba for a film production crew from Bing's Shangri La Entertainment. Band forwarded the request to Abedin asking her to call Schwartz "asap." Abedin said she would. Bing reportedly donated between $10 million and $25 million to the Clinton Foundation.

Another instance was in September 2009, when chairman of futures brokerage firm CME Group and Clinton Foundation donor Terrence Duffy asked Clinton to help arrange “government appointments” in Singapore and Hong Kong. Clinton forwarded the request to Abedin, who said she would “follow up” with his secretary.

“Would like to get some more information and details so we can try to help,” Abedin wrote to Duffy’s secretary.

Duffy’s secretary replied, “We would also like some help in arranging meetings with some key govt officials in both locations, such as the Prime Minister of Singapore, and would appreciate any help you may be able to provide.”

Abedin responded on Sept. 29, 2009 that they were “happy to assist with any and all meetings” and that she had “discussed you and your trip with our assistant secretary of state for east Asia and pacific affairs.”

Duffy reportedly gave $4,600 to Clinton’s 2008 presidential campaign, and his company reportedly paid Clinton $225,000 for a speaking fee.

So that's why he was appointed by Republicans, right?

Oh, you must mean a former Clinton & Obama Administration official who worked for Mueller.

Department of Justice[edit]
After his clerkship, Rosenstein joined the U.S. Department of Justice through the Attorney General’s Honors Program. From 1990 to 1993, he prosecuted public corruption cases as a trial attorney with the Public Integrity Section of the Criminal Division, then led by Assistant Attorney General Robert Mueller.[11][13]

During the Clinton Administration, Rosenstein served as Counsel to Deputy Attorney General Philip B. Heymann (1993–1994) and Special Assistant to Criminal Division Assistant Attorney General Jo Ann Harris (1994–1995). As an Associate Independent Counsel from 1995 to 1997, he was co-counsel in the trial of three defendants who were convicted of fraud, and he supervised the investigation that found no basis for criminal prosecution of White House officials who had obtained FBI background reports.[11] Rosenstein was chosen to work in the United States Office of the Independent Counsel under Ken Starr on the Whitewater investigation into President Bill Clinton.[14]

From 2001 to 2005, Rosenstein served as Principal Deputy Assistant Attorney General for the Tax Division of the U.S. Department of Justice. He coordinated the tax enforcement activities of the Tax Division, the U.S. Attorneys’ Offices and the IRS, and he supervised 90 attorneys and 30 support employees. He also oversaw civil litigation and served as the acting head of the Tax Division when Assistant Attorney General Eileen J. O'Connor was unavailable, and he personally briefed and argued civil appeals in several federal appellate courts.

Attorney General Eric Holder appointed Rosenstein to prosecute General James Cartwright, a former Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, for leaking to reporters.[14] Rosenstein’s aggressive prosecution secured a guilty plea from Cartwright, who was ultimately pardoned by President Barack Obama.[14]

Rosenstein served as the U.S. Attorney in Maryland at a time when murders in the state dropped by about a third, which was double the decline at the national level. Robberies and aggravated assaults also fell faster than the national average. According to Thiru Vignarajah, the former deputy attorney general of Maryland, "Collaboration between prosecutors, police, and the community combined with a dogged focus on violent repeat offenders was the anchor of Rosenstein’s approach." Rosenstein regarded the heroin and opioid epidemic as a public health crisis, hired a re-entry specialist to help ex-offenders adjust to life outside of prison, and prosecuted several individual cases of corrupt police officers.[2]

Rod Rosenstein - Wikipedia

WOW! What an incredible resume! Looks like he's been a good public servant for both Republican and Democratic administrations.... couldn't have anyone cleaner! Trump made a good pick as acting attrny general! :)
Trump made a campaign promise to prosecute Hillary if elected, so is this gonna happen under his new DOJ or not ?? Multiple investigations can be handled by the dept. so what's up ? Where is the appointed special council to revisit Hillary's alledged criminal behaviors ? Can Trump not call for an official special council to investigate Hillary, Comey, Lynch, Bill, and others who covered up, lied, and obstructed ?
And Sessions in his hearings in the Senate before the vote on him as Attorney general, promised he would recuse himself on anything Hillary due to being involved in the Trump campaign....

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