MTG should have someone in her staff really good at science


Diamond Member
Apr 5, 2021
Don't get me wrong. I am not a Christian, I do not want abortion made illegal although like Newt Gingrich I want it safe, legal, and rare, but definitely want it for drug addicted whores aka unfit mothers...

MTG has a lot of fight and spirit and the rest of the GOP doesn't. I kinda like MTG, think she is HOT.

If MTG could just have someone to "go over" what she says regarding science related issues, it would help her a great deal.

For example, MTG said recently that climate change is a scam

Once again, she is on the right track but whiffed in wording it.

Climate change is real. Co2 has nothing to do with it. The position of land near the poles and tectonic plate movement is the cause of Earth climate change.

If MTG had said that.... wow... the media would be REALLY REALLY SCARED instead of mocking her...

They might not even report it...


And we know about "Jewish space lasers..." If that idiotic comment had been EDITED OUT by someone with a clue before it popped up, MTG would be taken more seriously than she is...

MTG has a staff of all or mostly Christians. Christianity used to install quality values and social skills in young people works really well. I just have a very serious problem when "Christianity" (certainly not all or less than half) says we the United States must use the military to wipe out Muslims in the Middle East etc... and instead of opposing abortion, expanding and empowering BIG GOVERNMENT to ENFORE A BAN ON IT...

I am a libertarian. I understand the motives of government, and they are not good ones... Most people in government are not altruistic selfless underpaid people. Just the opposite... DO NOT GIVE THEM MORE POWER INTO YOUR PERSONAL LIFE!!!

MTG, if you have a science related point to make, come here and summon THE DOCTOR - what Captain Janeway called EMH. THE DOCTOR is IN here. Listen to the DOCTOR before publicly opining on science, and everyone will be better off... especially you.
Don't get me wrong. I am not a Christian, I do not want abortion made illegal although like Newt Gingrich I want it safe, legal, and rare, but definitely want it for drug addicted whores aka unfit mothers...

MTG has a lot of fight and spirit and the rest of the GOP doesn't. I kinda like MTG, think she is HOT.

If MTG could just have someone to "go over" what she says regarding science related issues, it would help her a great deal.

For example, MTG said recently that climate change is a scam

Once again, she is on the right track but whiffed in wording it.

Climate change is real. Co2 has nothing to do with it. The position of land near the poles and tectonic plate movement is the cause of Earth climate change.

If MTG had said that.... wow... the media would be REALLY REALLY SCARED instead of mocking her...

They might not even report it...


And we know about "Jewish space lasers..." If that idiotic comment had been EDITED OUT by someone with a clue before it popped up, MTG would be taken more seriously than she is...

MTG has a staff of all or mostly Christians. Christianity used to install quality values and social skills in young people works really well. I just have a very serious problem when "Christianity" (certainly not all or less than half) says we the United States must use the military to wipe out Muslims in the Middle East etc... and instead of opposing abortion, expanding and empowering BIG GOVERNMENT to ENFORE A BAN ON IT...

I am a libertarian. I understand the motives of government, and they are not good ones... Most people in government are not altruistic selfless underpaid people. Just the opposite... DO NOT GIVE THEM MORE POWER INTO YOUR PERSONAL LIFE!!!

MTG, if you have a science related point to make, come here and summon THE DOCTOR - what Captain Janeway called EMH. THE DOCTOR is IN here. Listen to the DOCTOR before publicly opining on science, and everyone will be better off... especially you.

Climate change is real. Co2 has nothing to do with it. The position of land near the poles and tectonic plate movement is the cause of Earth climate change.

If it were tectonic plate movement, then the sum would remain constant, just in different places.
That is NOT the case.
The whole planet is greatly accumulating heat.
And the heat accumulation is not in like with the past 12 natural climate cycles that took about 110k years each.
This is happening now at least 100 times faster than normal.

If you want to understand it better, just remember vast amounts of solar energy is hitting the planet.
It is did not leave and it instead always accumulated, then the whole planet would be a molten mass.
So how does it leave, since it can't conduct away in the vacuum of space?
Obviously it has to be converted back to photons, as it was when it entered the Earth's atmosphere.
So why is carbon then important?
Because carbon converts photonic energy into vibratory energy, which then can not leave.
And the reason carbon is important, even though water is 17 times more of a "greenhouse gas", is because water can not exist on the edge of space.
Its too cold.
Water all condenses out as snow.
Only carbon can act as a trap to prevent energy from leaving the upper atmosphere, into space.
The whole planet is greatly accumulating heat.

That is total BULLSHIT

This is happening now at least 100 times faster than normal.

The only thing that parroting ever proves is that the individual doing the parroting has a beak and a BIRDBRAIN

Trending: Parrot may be called to testify in murder trial - CityNews ...

How did Co2 melt North America and freeze Greenland at the same time???

Don't get me wrong. I am not a Christian, I do not want abortion made illegal although like Newt Gingrich I want it safe, legal, and rare, but definitely want it for drug addicted whores aka unfit mothers...

MTG has a lot of fight and spirit and the rest of the GOP doesn't. I kinda like MTG, think she is HOT.

If MTG could just have someone to "go over" what she says regarding science related issues, it would help her a great deal.

For example, MTG said recently that climate change is a scam

Once again, she is on the right track but whiffed in wording it.

Climate change is real. Co2 has nothing to do with it. The position of land near the poles and tectonic plate movement is the cause of Earth climate change.

If MTG had said that.... wow... the media would be REALLY REALLY SCARED instead of mocking her...

They might not even report it...


And we know about "Jewish space lasers..." If that idiotic comment had been EDITED OUT by someone with a clue before it popped up, MTG would be taken more seriously than she is...

MTG has a staff of all or mostly Christians. Christianity used to install quality values and social skills in young people works really well. I just have a very serious problem when "Christianity" (certainly not all or less than half) says we the United States must use the military to wipe out Muslims in the Middle East etc... and instead of opposing abortion, expanding and empowering BIG GOVERNMENT to ENFORE A BAN ON IT...

I am a libertarian. I understand the motives of government, and they are not good ones... Most people in government are not altruistic selfless underpaid people. Just the opposite... DO NOT GIVE THEM MORE POWER INTO YOUR PERSONAL LIFE!!!

MTG, if you have a science related point to make, come here and summon THE DOCTOR - what Captain Janeway called EMH. THE DOCTOR is IN here. Listen to the DOCTOR before publicly opining on science, and everyone will be better off... especially you.

MTG is a certifiable loon. She doesn't have the brains God gave a goose. She is so poisoned by hate and racism, that she is irrational. Who in their right mind believes in "Jewish space lasers"??????

Every time she speaks in public, it's like a bad Saturday Night Live parody. Her questions in Committee are cringeworthy, they're so stupid. Asking the Budget Director how much covid money went to Drag Queen Story Hour. And then claiming one public school in Virginia received more than $1 billion in funding for diversity programs.

When questioned about some of her more hillarious tweets, she claimed her staff posted that stuff, and she doesn't always know what they post. She didn't HAVE staff when she tweeted that shit.
She is vastly more intelligent than you since she has figured out Algore is full of shit... which takes an IQ over 10...

Well since Al Gore isn't full of shit, you've just proven that you're too stupid to opine on anyone's level of intelligence.

Just defending MTG on ANY score, proves that you're too stupid to opine on anyone's level of intelligence.

You don't believe Democrats are pedophiles do you?

Yes, yes they are.
Well since Al Gore isn't full of shit, you've just proven that you're too stupid to opine on anyone's level of intelligence.

Just defending MTG on ANY score, proves that you're too stupid to opine on anyone's level of intelligence.

You don't believe Democrats are pedophiles do you?

Yes, yes they are.

The ability to parrot MSNBC and CNN does not make you intelligent.

And, yes, the Democrats very VERY MUCH support homosexual public education employees raping America's kids to initialize their sexuality as homo/trans, because a homo/trans becomes a voter/slave of the Democrats for life with better than 90% probability...
The ability to parrot MSNBC and CNN does not make you intelligent.

And, yes, the Democrats very VERY MUCH support homosexual public education employees raping America's kids to initialize their sexuality as homo/trans, because a homo/trans becomes a voter/slave of the Democrats for life with better than 90% probability...

No wonder you admire MTG. You're just as stupid and crazy as she is.

People vote for the Democratic Party because they have policies and pass laws which improve their lives, their health and their communities. They don't vote Republican ever, because the Republican Party just want to force extremist white nationalist voting laws and positions.

They don't vote for crazy people who attack and threaten teenage school shooting victims, think forest fire are caused by Jewish space lasers, threaten their co-workers, and want to ban abortions.
No wonder you admire MTG. You're just as stupid and crazy as she is.

People vote for the Democratic Party because they have policies and pass laws which improve their lives, their health and their communities. They don't vote Republican ever, because the Republican Party just want to force extremist white nationalist voting laws and positions.

They don't vote for crazy people who attack and threaten teenage school shooting victims, think forest fire are caused by Jewish space lasers, threaten their co-workers, and want to ban abortions.

People despise the Democrat Party because the Democrat Party is full of taxpayer funded MORONS who also do not understand basic math. Because Democrat voters like you get government checks it is OK for homos in public education to rape America's kids, it is OK to hate hoax, it is OK to riot as long as your government check continues. It is OK to sell out America's troops, it is OK to bankrupt America, because in the end

you are a completely treasonous full of shit moron who cares about one and only one thing


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