MTG: Satan is controlling the Catholic Church for helping people at the border

So, in a desperate attempt to grab the thread back, I'll point out that MTG has issued the following statement:

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This kind of thing used to be funny and easily dismissed. Now it's at the very core of the Republican Party. Disagree with them, or do something they don't like, and you are literally of Satan. You are not just the opposition. You are evil. You are a willing minion of the Devil himself.

This appears to be metastasizing quickly throughout the party. The Catholic League president below thinks that complaining to McCarthy about it will matter. It won't. It's the base of the party now. This is dangerous and reminiscent of a certain radical group in the Middle East.

Catholic League president Bill Donohue released a statement on Wednesday regarding Greene’s interview.

“Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene gave an interview on April 21 to Michael Voris, the head of Church Militant, wherein they discussed the role of Catholic Charities assisting illegal aliens,” the statement sent to Mediaite read. “She had plenty of opportunities to make rational criticisms of the agency, but instead she slandered the entire Catholic Church.”

“Satan is controlling the Catholic Church? She needs to apologize to Catholics immediately. She is a disgrace,” Donohue insisted and added, “We are contacting House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy about this matter. He’s got a loose cannon on his hands.”
This kind of thing used to be funny and easily dismissed. Now it's at the very core of the SCUM demonRAT Party. Disagree with them, or do something they don't like, and you are literally of Satan. You are not just the opposition. You are evil. You are a willing minion of the Devil himself.

This appears to be metastasizing quickly throughout the party.
their mentality to ruin AMERICA isn't good enough....any1 that disagrees w/ the SCUM demonRATS is a racsist, and belongs out of society.
so, what shit are you spreading?---all LYING PROPAGANDA of the SCUM demonRATS....wake the fuck up RETARD
None of this has been about one person. None of it. As I've said, so many times. I even made it clear in the OP.

Why is this is so difficult for you people to understand is a mystery. Kind of.
YOU are saying this isn't about one person???
The dude that made 187 Trump threads a day for 4 years??

Trump is like crack to you. And you are one major Trump addict.
I doubt there is more than maybe one or two people on this whole forum that posts as much as you do about Trump.
This kind of thing used to be funny and easily dismissed. Now it's at the very core of the SCUM demonRAT Party. Disagree with them, or do something they don't like, and you are literally of Satan. You are not just the opposition. You are evil. You are a willing minion of the Devil himself.

This appears to be metastasizing quickly throughout the party.
their mentality to ruin AMERICA isn't good enough....any1 that disagrees w/ the SCUM demonRATS is a racsist, and belongs out of society.
so, what shit are you spreading?---all LYING PROPAGANDA of the SCUM demonRATS....wake the fuck up RETARD
And there ya go. Good stuff.
YOU are saying this isn't about one person???
The dude that made 187 Trump threads a day for 4 years??

Trump is like crack to you. And you are one major Trump addict.
I doubt there is more than maybe one or two people on this whole forum that posts as much as you do about Trump.
Yes, I've said it many times. You're so hyper-sensitive that you get too emotional and don't see it.

And again, just for you (although I know you'll pretend not to believe me):

Yes, I've said it many times. You're so hyper-sensitive that you get too emotional and don't see it.

And again, just for you (although I know you'll pretend not to believe me):

This kind of thing used to be funny and easily dismissed. Now it's at the very core of the Republican Party. Disagree with them, or do something they don't like, and you are literally of Satan. You are not just the opposition. You are evil. You are a willing minion of the Devil himself.

This appears to be metastasizing quickly throughout the party. The Catholic League president below thinks that complaining to McCarthy about it will matter. It won't. It's the base of the party now. This is dangerous and reminiscent of a certain radical group in the Middle East.

Catholic League president Bill Donohue released a statement on Wednesday regarding Greene’s interview.

“Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene gave an interview on April 21 to Michael Voris, the head of Church Militant, wherein they discussed the role of Catholic Charities assisting illegal aliens,” the statement sent to Mediaite read. “She had plenty of opportunities to make rational criticisms of the agency, but instead she slandered the entire Catholic Church.”

“Satan is controlling the Catholic Church? She needs to apologize to Catholics immediately. She is a disgrace,” Donohue insisted and added, “We are contacting House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy about this matter. He’s got a loose cannon on his hands.”
Liberals routinely attack Catholics for the crimes of a few homosexual pedophile priests

She is merely saying that the Devil made them do it

I dont think the entite church is satanic, and certainly not the rank and file, but the pope is a little flaky

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