MTG: Satan is controlling the Catholic Church for helping people at the border

Liberals routinely attack Catholics for the crimes of a few homosexual pedophile priests
Maybe because of the systemic, top to bottom, decades long coverup of those crimes in the catholic church.

Mac, you are not retarded enough not to figure that out. You just don't give a shit and happily say dumb shit for attention.
RONNA McDANIEL: Okay, in order to win elections we have so far managed to piss off the negroes, kikes, homos, Hispanics, and ragheads. Who else can we go after?

MTG: Satanic Catholics!

McDANIEL: Excellent!

MATT GAETZ: And Disney child molesters!

(awkward silence)

McDANIEL: Um...maybe we should let someone else be our voice on that. Let me call DeSantis.
Maybe because of the systemic, top to bottom, decades long coverup of those crimes in the catholic church.

Mac, you are not retarded enough not to figure that out. You just don't give a shit and happily say dumb shit for attention.
You’re correct

the higher ups did try to cover up the crimes of their priests

which was shameful
Catholic Church is a Pedo ring on steroids. What other corporation on this planet has this many accusations and charges
Liberals routinely attack Catholics for the crimes of a few homosexual pedophile priests

No, they are attacked for having moved them around as opposed to having them arrested.

Sattan's ass has nothing to do with it because satan does not exist. POSPOTUS as a cattholic-CIA puppet does exist and is the cause of the debauch over the border.
She is them. She's the base.
Yeah, more and more appears that way. Most especially, if one just uses internet gossipboards like this one as one's window into their hideyhole.....Planet QAnon.

A lot of lefties ...... seem to have a thing for her. Go figure, right
Well, I cannot speak for these so called 'lefties', poster Welfare.....but I suspect most folks who watch for MTG's antics are doing it in the same vibe that they gawk at car wrecks along the highway. No real harm in looking. It's sort of a weird and macabre voyeurism, with the self-satisfaction of believing, "Man, glad I ain't like that."

MTG.... the new Trump fix for liberals.
Well, I don't know about "new", poster 'Iam'.
Rather, I'd say it is just an extension of the same vibe mentioned above.....a Schadenfreude Voyeurism.

And for that, I'm sure you will agree good poster WTF19....... we must all be grateful.
Rather he be rent-free in that head.......than in the White House.
MTG is looking to increase donations to her campaign…
Yes, I've said it many times. You're so hyper-sensitive that you get too emotional and don't see it.

And again, just for you (although I know you'll pretend not to believe me):

Consider the alternative.
Yes, I've said it many times. You're so hyper-sensitive that you get too emotional and don't see it.

And again, just for you (although I know you'll pretend not to believe me):


Mac, ah....Trump isn't President anymore. Maybe it's time to move on little buddy. :)
You know, Jesus (yeah, the dude that so many Conservatives like to refer to), once was asked what the greatest Commandment was, and He said.........................

Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?” Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”

Jesus told us all to love one another like we love ourselves. Race, religion, gender, legal status, etc. were NOT specified.

Sorry, but MTG is wrong, and anyone who believes her bullshit is wrong as well.
You know, Jesus (yeah, the dude that so many Conservatives like to refer to), once was asked what the greatest Commandment was, and He said.........................

Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?” Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”

Jesus told us all to love one another like we love ourselves. Race, religion, gender, legal status, etc. were NOT specified.

Sorry, but MTG is wrong, and anyone who believes her bullshit is wrong as well.
I am Norse Pagan, so why should I care what Jesus said?

Woden and Thor only require that I kill my enemies or die trying, so get that charity virtue signaling the fuck outta here.

That said, the Catholic Church has been infiltrated by the globalist commies who are also, coincidentally, pedophiles (who knew, right?). Thus, in my mind, if there were a "Satan" (there's not) it would be global commies.
Well she may not be wrong. I mean they did rape a lot of kids
again, there is more pedophilia in NON Catholic "churches" than in the RCC

I have heard this from mor than one source

and I only pay attn to reliable sources (no fake news for me)

The devil just loves people attacking the true, the one and only CHURCH Christ founded...

sure, it is full of sinners. What place where humans congregate is NOT?

so we're all sinners...

This kind of thing used to be funny and easily dismissed. Now it's at the very core of the Republican Party. Disagree with them, or do something they don't like, and you are literally of Satan. You are not just the opposition. You are evil. You are a willing minion of the Devil himself.

This appears to be metastasizing quickly throughout the party. The Catholic League president below thinks that complaining to McCarthy about it will matter. It won't. It's the base of the party now. This is dangerous and reminiscent of a certain radical group in the Middle East.

Catholic League president Bill Donohue released a statement on Wednesday regarding Greene’s interview.

“Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene gave an interview on April 21 to Michael Voris, the head of Church Militant, wherein they discussed the role of Catholic Charities assisting illegal aliens,” the statement sent to Mediaite read. “She had plenty of opportunities to make rational criticisms of the agency, but instead she slandered the entire Catholic Church.”

“Satan is controlling the Catholic Church? She needs to apologize to Catholics immediately. She is a disgrace,” Donohue insisted and added, “We are contacting House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy about this matter. He’s got a loose cannon on his hands.”
I am going to read what she said later

If she did attack the entire Church... sounds like it...

I have mixed feelings. And I am a practicing Catholic and have been for decades, so I feel my view is important on this topic.

In a way she is correct.. that S atan is controlling the Church... I have seen priests who are FAR from what they are supposed to be... FAR from it.. I've never met a pedophile one, that I knew of... but there are plenty of priests who do NOT put Jesus first... Yes, it is not easy for any of us to do that 24/7/365... but good grief... (long stories)

The pope himself is not even Catholic

Yeah, more and more appears that way. Most especially, if one just uses internet gossipboards like this one as one's window into their hideyhole.....Planet QAnon.

Well, I cannot speak for these so called 'lefties', poster Welfare.....but I suspect most folks who watch for MTG's antics are doing it in the same vibe that they gawk at car wrecks along the highway. No real harm in looking. It's sort of a weird and macabre voyeurism, with the self-satisfaction of believing, "Man, glad I ain't like that."

Well, I don't know about "new", poster 'Iam'.
Rather, I'd say it is just an extension of the same vibe mentioned above.....a Schadenfreude Voyeurism.

And for that, I'm sure you will agree good poster WTF19....... we must all be grateful.
Rather he be rent-free in that head.......than in the White House.
This kind of thing used to be funny and easily dismissed. Now it's at the very core of the Republican Party. Disagree with them, or do something they don't like, and you are literally of Satan. You are not just the opposition. You are evil. You are a willing minion of the Devil himself.

This appears to be metastasizing quickly throughout the party. The Catholic League president below thinks that complaining to McCarthy about it will matter. It won't. It's the base of the party now. This is dangerous and reminiscent of a certain radical group in the Middle East.

Catholic League president Bill Donohue released a statement on Wednesday regarding Greene’s interview.

“Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene gave an interview on April 21 to Michael Voris, the head of Church Militant, wherein they discussed the role of Catholic Charities assisting illegal aliens,” the statement sent to Mediaite read. “She had plenty of opportunities to make rational criticisms of the agency, but instead she slandered the entire Catholic Church.”

“Satan is controlling the Catholic Church? She needs to apologize to Catholics immediately. She is a disgrace,” Donohue insisted and added, “We are contacting House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy about this matter. He’s got a loose cannon on his hands.”
No, Catholics need to stop supporting illegal aliens and human trafficking.

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