MSNBC Ratings Crater To All-Time Lows, Fox News Tops Q1 Results, CNN Up


Intensity Factor 4-Fold
May 31, 2009
ontrast that to the fate of the NBCUniversal-owned MSNBC, which not only saw a 39% drop in the demo compared to Q1 2014 but its worst quarterly result in the category since Q2 2005. If that almost decade-old result wasn’t enough of a blow, and rising CNN’s fourth consecutive win over MSNBC in prime didn’t cut deep enough, take a look at the gutting the cabler newser’s nighttime offerings are suffering.

With just 145,000 viewers among the 25-54s on average over the December 29, 2014 – March 29, 2105 period, the once-proud flagship The Rachel Maddow Show hit an all-time quarter low with the worst result since its September 8, 2008 launch. Not only is Maddow down 46% in the demo, but her 9 PM show is also down 19% in total viewers. Fellow primetime show All In With Chris Hayes and Last Word With Lawrence O’Donnell fell to their worst quarterly demo ratings since their respective 2013 and 2010 debuts. O’Donnell’s show also had its lowest total quarterly viewership results. And 7 PM’s Hardball With Chris Matthews had its lowest-rated quarter in the demo since 2Q 2005 with an average viewership of 126,000.

MSNBC Ratings Hit All-Time Lows In Q1 2015 Deadline
Explanation's simple enough:

"The truth is always an insult or a joke, lies are generally tastier. We love them. The nature of lies is to please. Truth has no concern for anyones comfort" - Arturo Binewski

Highest ratings go to those who tell us what we want to hear.
Explanation's simple enough:

"The truth is always an insult or a joke, lies are generally tastier. We love them. The nature of lies is to please. Truth has no concern for anyones comfort" - Arturo Binewski

Highest ratings go to those who tell us what we want to hear.

Eh- sort of. Highest ratings go to the most entertaining. Whether it has anything to do with reality or not. Nothing sells like fear, so if you can tap into what skeers people you can touch a nerve and clean up.

Oh hello Fox Noise. Were your ears burning?
Yeah ... I am pretty sure it doesn't have anything to do with fact the other news agencies are progressive talking heads that throw around baseless accusations and forget the population is split around 50/50 between progressives and conservatives.

I mean they do stupid shit like sling mud while ignoring simple facts involving available resources.
It isn't hard to understand that if you divide half of the viewing population by 6 progressive news agencies ... And the other half of the population watches 1 or 2 conservative agencies ... Then chances are the conservative agencies are certainly going to have more viewers.

Progressives and liberals just have trouble with math in thinking their half means more than the other half ... It is all about their fear and lies.

Let's face it -- nobody in the history of television has ever tuned in for "facts". Facts don't sell. At least not in pure form.
Bloated and engorged and hyperdistorted and perverted and ghoulishly dressed ex-facts.... they sell like hotcakes.

It's a corollary to Mencken's Law: "Nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public".

Btw I've been on this site for two-plus years now and have yet to receive, ever, anywhere, a definition for "Progressive" that wasn't a hundred years old. Just to let you know where the empty words are. :)
HAHA!!! 145, 00!? Some NASCAR stadiums hold more than that.

In 2016 more people will attend the Tennessee vs Virginia Tech football game at Bristol than will watch Rachael Maddow.

6 months of racism and cop hate will sink a network.
Let's face it -- nobody in the history of television has ever tuned in for "facts". Facts don't sell. At least not in pure form.
Bloated and engorged and hyperdistorted and perverted and ghoulishly dressed ex-facts.... they sell like hotcakes.

It's a corollary to Mencken's Law: "Nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public".

Btw I've been on this site for two-plus years now and have yet to receive, ever, anywhere, a definition for "Progressive" that wasn't a hundred years old. Just to let you know where the empty words are. :)

You are right about that. Media is basically a whore. ANYTHING to generate ratings.

If people were hungry to see stories about great cops and happy endings and charitable acts and optimistic predictions....the media would push that.

But we like drama. We like being mad. We're a fucked up species.
HAHA!!! 145, 00!? Some NASCAR stadiums hold more than that.

In 2016 more people will attend the Tennessee vs Virginia Tech football game at Bristol than will watch Rachael Maddow.

6 months of racism and cop hate will sink a network.

More people follow sports than politics?

I'm stunned. Stunned I tellya.
Somehow I just cannot accept that cleaning the tables in the break room in a left-wing LPFM equates to a career in broadcasting that might provide some insight into rating systems.
Let's face it -- nobody in the history of television has ever tuned in for "facts". Facts don't sell. At least not in pure form.
Bloated and engorged and hyperdistorted and perverted and ghoulishly dressed ex-facts.... they sell like hotcakes.

It's a corollary to Mencken's Law: "Nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public".

Btw I've been on this site for two-plus years now and have yet to receive, ever, anywhere, a definition for "Progressive" that wasn't a hundred years old. Just to let you know where the empty words are. :)

You are right about that. Media is basically a whore. ANYTHING to generate ratings.

If people were hungry to see stories about great cops and happy endings and charitable acts and optimistic predictions....the media would push that.

But we like drama. We like being mad. We're a fucked up species.

Zackly -- happy endings don't sell (well, except in massage parlors) -- charitable acts and feelgood doesn't sell. Feelgood sells a little in sparse quantities but what really sells is angst and conflict and fear and loathing. And they'll go to the ends of the earth to find any new way to exploit those same old things.

Ratings though are only a measure of how well you're doing that particular kind of exploitation. They have no significance except to those who buy or sell advertising.
Somehow I just cannot accept that cleaning the tables in the break room in a left-wing LPFM equates to a career in broadcasting that might provide some insight into rating systems.
All the radio stations made you do janitor duties if you worked at night....except the NPR college stations..
Btw I've been on this site for two-plus years now and have yet to receive, ever, anywhere, a definition for "Progressive" that wasn't a hundred years old. Just to let you know where the empty words are. :)

As far as a definition for "Progressive" ... It isn't like I would be foolish enough to think you would agree with my definition ... But here goes anyway.

To me ... Progressives are politically driven individuals who are intent on fixing everything they feel is wrong with the world/country by getting rid of what exists and replacing it with a newer, shinier, and in their opinion, better plan. They also often cannot wait for the evidence to play out, nor can they wait for the public to gradually accept their enthusiastic approach ... So they often resort to government to mandate any change they deem necessary.

Btw I've been on this site for two-plus years now and have yet to receive, ever, anywhere, a definition for "Progressive" that wasn't a hundred years old. Just to let you know where the empty words are. :)

As far as a definition for "Progressive" ... It isn't like I would be foolish enough to think you would agree with my definition ... But here goes anyway.

To me ... Progressives are politically driven individuals who are intent on fixing everything they feel is wrong with the world/country by getting rid of what exists and replacing it with a newer, shinier, and in their opinion, better plan. They also often cannot wait for the evidence to play out, nor can they wait for the public to gradually accept their enthusiastic approach ... So they often resort to government to mandate any change they deem necessary.

:eusa_clap: This marks the first time anyone's even attempted such a task, so ... huzzah for that.

It does still sound rather vague I have to say though -- after all isn't fixing what's wrong with the world with a newer shinier better plan what everybody wants? Sounds like a matter of degree at the least if not a distinction without a difference. Or perhaps we're nudging toward a collective group of "leftists/rightists" as opposed to "Liberals"... :eusa_think: ? "Activist" as opposed to "laissez-faire"?

On a whole different note --
I thought of you the other day in the store. You know about my affinity for cashews; you may not know I'm also a cereal killer. Always loved my grains, though I quit cow milk long ago for soy, almond, coconut milk and the like. So the other day I'm in the stupormarket and suddenly staring at me is THIS...


Yyyyyesss! :rock:
:eusa_clap: This marks the first time anyone's even attempted such a task, so ... huzzah for that.

It does still sound rather vague I have to say though -- after all isn't fixing what's wrong with the world with a newer shinier better plan what everybody wants? Sounds like a matter of degree at the least if not a distinction without a difference. Or perhaps we're nudging toward a collective group of "leftists/rightists" as opposed to "Liberals"... :eusa_think: ? "Activist" as opposed to "laissez-faire"?

On a whole different note --
I thought of you the other day in the store. You know about my affinity for cashews; you may not know I'm also a cereal killer. Always loved my grains, though I quit cow milk long ago for soy, almond, coconut milk and the like. So the other day I'm in the stupormarket and suddenly staring at me is THIS...

Maybe it is vague because I didn't identify all the pitfalls and advantages associated with being Progressive.
Take for instance what you mentioned about the desire to always move to something newer, shinier or better ... Especially when some of that is based in opinion.

Try an analogy ... I have Remington 870 shotgun I use for duck hunting when in Louisiana.
Now anyone could say ... And make a number of practical and valued judgments ... That there are newer, shinier and better shotguns on the market.
That doesn't mean there is anything wrong with the Remington 870 ... And I could counter with fact there are still advantages it has.

For instance ... You can drop it while maneuvering through gumbo mud relocating in a soggy bottom.
You can open the breech and swish it back and forth in swamp water ... Then charge a shell and it shoots just as good as it would if you hadn't dropped it.
Some of the newer, shinier, semi-auto better shotguns aren't going to be able to do that.

Maybe you can start to see that newer doesn't necessarily mean better.
Maybe you can understand the necessity to make judgments as to what you are giving up for someone else's opinion of what is better.

As for shinier ... That is really my way to refer to the Fuzzy-Bunny CareBear aspect of the Progressive agenda.
No matter what you do to better the conditions ... If you in turn neglect the principles ... You are not really helping anyone and jeopardize everyone.

Yay ... You like the cashew milk?

We haven't tried anything like that ... But cashews have some pretty serious beneficial properties.
I will have to do a little research on how they process it ... And see what properties could be effected.

They have a much lower fat content and most of the fat content is oleic acid (omega 9 fatty acid).
We have made a few advances distilling the myricetin, delphinidin, rhamnetin and quercetin from both the cashew apples and seeds.
All of them are being used in breast cancer research ... And it seems to be producing favorable results.

:eusa_clap: This marks the first time anyone's even attempted such a task, so ... huzzah for that.

It does still sound rather vague I have to say though -- after all isn't fixing what's wrong with the world with a newer shinier better plan what everybody wants? Sounds like a matter of degree at the least if not a distinction without a difference. Or perhaps we're nudging toward a collective group of "leftists/rightists" as opposed to "Liberals"... :eusa_think: ? "Activist" as opposed to "laissez-faire"?

On a whole different note --
I thought of you the other day in the store. You know about my affinity for cashews; you may not know I'm also a cereal killer. Always loved my grains, though I quit cow milk long ago for soy, almond, coconut milk and the like. So the other day I'm in the stupormarket and suddenly staring at me is THIS...

Maybe it is vague because I didn't identify all the pitfalls and advantages associated with being Progressive.
Take for instance what you mentioned about the desire to always move to something newer, shinier or better ... Especially when some of that is based in opinion.

Try an analogy ... I have Remington 870 shotgun I use for duck hunting when in Louisiana.
Now anyone could say ... And make a number of practical and valued judgments ... That there are newer, shinier and better shotguns on the market.
That doesn't mean there is anything wrong with the Remington 870 ... And I could counter with fact there are still advantages it has.

For instance ... You can drop it while maneuvering through gumbo mud relocating in a soggy bottom.
You can open the breech and swish it back and forth in swamp water ... Then charge a shell and it shoots just as good as it would if you hadn't dropped it.
Some of the newer, shinier, semi-auto better shotguns aren't going to be able to do that.

Maybe you can start to see that newer doesn't necessarily mean better.
Maybe you can understand the necessity to make judgments as to what you are giving up for someone else's opinion of what is better.

As for shinier ... That is really my way to refer to the Fuzzy-Bunny CareBear aspect of the Progressive agenda.
No matter what you do to better the conditions ... If you in turn neglect the principles ... You are not really helping anyone and jeopardize everyone.

Yay ... You like the cashew milk?

We haven't tried anything like that ... But cashews have some pretty serious beneficial properties.
I will have to do a little research on how they process it ... And see what properties could be effected.

They have a much lower fat content and most of the fat content is oleic acid (omega 9 fatty acid).
We have made a few advances distilling the myricetin, delphinidin, rhamnetin and quercetin from both the cashew apples and seeds.
All of them are being used in breast cancer research ... And it seems to be producing favorable results.

It's sounding like this Progressivism thing is a kind of "modernism".
Which starts to lose me, since posters here -- who, granted, will not or can not say what they mean by the term -- like to lump me in with this group, and I'm anything but "modernist". Perhaps an example from real-world politics might clarify .... but I'm of the strong suspicion that nobody has ever properly defined it, that it's just a vague disconnected slur which AFAIK was dreamed up by Glenn Beck. But you're the first one who's even tried to pin it down.

I love the cashew milk, yes. You know how when you first taste almond milk or coconut milk your taste buds are wondering if you'll detect almond or coconut flavor, and you don't? I feel like I do sense some cashew aroma in this, if it's not wishful thinking, and that is not at all unwelcome in my cereal. :)

Haven't yet tried cooking with it or making an omelette, just cereal so far. And I love that I was able to find the unsweetened version at first glance.

Will be in NOLA next week btw...
It's sounding like this Progressivism thing is a kind of "modernism".
Which starts to lose me, since posters here -- who, granted, will not or can not say what they mean by the term -- like to lump me in with this group, and I'm anything but "modernist". Perhaps an example from real-world politics might clarify .... but I'm of the strong suspicion that nobody has ever properly defined it, that it's just a vague disconnected slur which AFAIK was dreamed up by Glenn Beck. But you're the first one who's even tried to pin it down.

I love the cashew milk, yes. You know how when you first taste almond milk or coconut milk your taste buds are wondering if you'll detect almond or coconut flavor, and you don't? I feel like I do sense some cashew aroma in this, if it's not wishful thinking, and that is not at all unwelcome in my cereal. :)

Haven't yet tried cooking with it or making an omelette, just cereal so far. And I love that I was able to find the unsweetened version at first glance.

Will be in NOLA next week btw...

Meh ... I was really just sharing my ideas on what I think Progressive means ... And initially stated it was my definition.

Of course I couldn't rule out modernism as a facet of Progressivism ... But I wouldn't necessarily say that they are exclusively connected.
I don't think Progressives are restricted to modern policies and new initiatives ... Sometimes I think their direction is just as archaic as mine.

I think most objections people have are centered on the fact they don't want to be pinned down to anything ... Especially when someone else can point out flaws in their philosophy.

I am a Conservative with strong Strict Constructionist leanings ... But I know other people define those principles as archaic and outdated.
It doesn't bother me because I know my principles work ... They provide the environment necessary to evolve and adapt regardless their opinion.
My principles and how I apply them also don't cause problems nor burdens on others ... In a lot of cases, I don't even need approval from others to do what needs to be done.

Modernism is not bad in itself ... I embrace new technologies, policies and initiatives all the time.
What I don't embrace is the stupid idea that any policy or initiative is better than what exists simply because it is new.
Just because the proposed policy or initiative may offer a benefit to someone ... Doesn't mean that it is either necessary nor appropriate.

What a crying shame as well ... I was in New Orleans last weekend.
The pollen and traffic were terrible ... But the City Park, Friends and food were worth the trip.

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It's sounding like this Progressivism thing is a kind of "modernism".
Which starts to lose me, since posters here -- who, granted, will not or can not say what they mean by the term -- like to lump me in with this group, and I'm anything but "modernist". Perhaps an example from real-world politics might clarify .... but I'm of the strong suspicion that nobody has ever properly defined it, that it's just a vague disconnected slur which AFAIK was dreamed up by Glenn Beck. But you're the first one who's even tried to pin it down.

I love the cashew milk, yes. You know how when you first taste almond milk or coconut milk your taste buds are wondering if you'll detect almond or coconut flavor, and you don't? I feel like I do sense some cashew aroma in this, if it's not wishful thinking, and that is not at all unwelcome in my cereal. :)

Haven't yet tried cooking with it or making an omelette, just cereal so far. And I love that I was able to find the unsweetened version at first glance.

Will be in NOLA next week btw...

Meh ... I was really just sharing my ideas on what I think Progressive means ... And initially stated it was my definition.

And ah 'preciate that. It's the first time anyone has ventured a response at all, but by the same token there doesn't seem to be any established definition (and we're talking the noun of course, not the adjective) .... it seems in the greater world to be a demagogue code-word for disparagement-without-definition, apply as needed without fear of being pinned down to "what one means by that".

I suppose ultimately my objection/curiosity is linguistic. I take a dim view of labels, but if one's going to use them they have to carry some kind of common meaning first, else it is not communication. Hence my perpetual challenge.

Of course I couldn't rule out modernism as a facet of Progressivism ... But I wouldn't necessarily say that they are exclusively connected.
I don't think Progressives are restricted to modern policies and new initiatives ... Sometimes I think their direction is just as archaic as mine.

I think most objections people have are centered on the fact they don't want to be pinned down to anything ... Especially when someone else can point out flaws in their philosophy.

Ironically, "pinning down" is exactly what I try to do with this definition. Nobody wants to play that way. Except as you did here, but most posters here aren't in smelling distance of your rhetorical integrity. You carry a distinct fearlessness, and I greatly respect that. Around here it's like an oasis. :thup:

I am a Conservative with strong Strict Constructionist leanings ... But I know other people define those principles as archaic and outdated.
It doesn't bother me because I know my principles work ... They provide the environment necessary to evolve and adapt regardless their opinion.
My principles and how I apply them also don't cause problems nor burdens on others ... In a lot of cases, I don't even need approval from others to do what needs to be done.

I agree wholeheartedly with that personal sentiment. As well as the next one. :beer:

Modernism is not bad in itself ... I embrace new technologies, policies and initiatives all the time.
What I don't embrace is the stupid idea that any policy or initiative is better than what exists simply because it is new.
Just because the proposed policy or initiative may offer a benefit to someone ... Doesn't mean that it is either necessary nor appropriate.

What a crying shame as well ... I was in New Orleans last weekend.
The pollen and traffic were terrible ... But the City Park, Friends and food were worth the trip.

Ah well, we cannot control those circumstances that dictate our movements, at least I can't from this distance. I'll be in for a week, but sadly will be committed elsewhere at the end of the month when Festival International comes up in Lafayette. I used to never miss that when I lived in NOLA - it's outstanding. That too will have to await another time....
Explanation's simple enough:

"The truth is always an insult or a joke, lies are generally tastier. We love them. The nature of lies is to please. Truth has no concern for anyones comfort" - Arturo Binewski

Highest ratings go to those who tell us what we want to hear.
So Americans are finally coming to their senses and are tired of Obama worshipping? Just like msnbc does.

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