MSM lies beyond doubt


Diamond Member
Sep 1, 2017

2 black TEENS murder white 71 year old----racists/hate
but Starbucks is in the news for weeks
...and DM has no mention of race in the headline [ not even front page ] as they do when a white TALKS to a black
the MSM bullshit is beyond doubt..the MSM lies--beyond doubt
blacks hatred/racism/violence is beyond doubt
black hypocrisy is beyond doubt



Two Arkansas teens 'kidnapped and murdered 71-year-old woman' | Daily Mail Online

2 black TEENS murder white 71 year old----racists/hate
but Starbucks is in the news for weeks
...and DM has no mention of race in the headline [ not even front page ] as they do when a white TALKS to a black
the MSM bullshit is beyond doubt..the MSM lies--beyond doubt
blacks hatred/racism/violence is beyond doubt
black hypocrisy is beyond doubt



Two Arkansas teens 'kidnapped and murdered 71-year-old woman' | Daily Mail Online

So, not mentioning something is lying?

I didn't tell you lots of things in this post, does this mean I'm lying?

You didn't tell me lots of things, does this mean you're lying?

2 black TEENS murder white 71 year old----racists/hate
but Starbucks is in the news for weeks
...and DM has no mention of race in the headline [ not even front page ] as they do when a white TALKS to a black
the MSM bullshit is beyond doubt..the MSM lies--beyond doubt
blacks hatred/racism/violence is beyond doubt
black hypocrisy is beyond doubt



Two Arkansas teens 'kidnapped and murdered 71-year-old woman' | Daily Mail Online

So, not mentioning something is lying?

I didn't tell you lots of things in this post, does this mean I'm lying?

You didn't tell me lots of things, does this mean you're lying?
hahahahhahahahaah--bullshit and you know it
you are just deflecting crap
Are you ok, sounds like you are having a meltdown.
again, I enjoy pointing out yours/MSM/etc crap/lies
and I use facts/links/etc when most of you use your opinions only
it's enjoyable

2 black TEENS murder white 71 year old----racists/hate
but Starbucks is in the news for weeks
...and DM has no mention of race in the headline [ not even front page ] as they do when a white TALKS to a black
the MSM bullshit is beyond doubt..the MSM lies--beyond doubt
blacks hatred/racism/violence is beyond doubt
black hypocrisy is beyond doubt



Two Arkansas teens 'kidnapped and murdered 71-year-old woman' | Daily Mail Online

So, not mentioning something is lying?

I didn't tell you lots of things in this post, does this mean I'm lying?

You didn't tell me lots of things, does this mean you're lying?
hahahahhahahahaah--bullshit and you know it
you are just deflecting crap

Firstly, I know MSM lies.

Secondly, this thread is crap. It doesn't prove shit for what you want to prove.

You don't prove LYING when you're talking about them IGNORING stories that they don't want to publish.

2 black TEENS murder white 71 year old----racists/hate
but Starbucks is in the news for weeks
...and DM has no mention of race in the headline [ not even front page ] as they do when a white TALKS to a black
the MSM bullshit is beyond doubt..the MSM lies--beyond doubt
blacks hatred/racism/violence is beyond doubt
black hypocrisy is beyond doubt



Two Arkansas teens 'kidnapped and murdered 71-year-old woman' | Daily Mail Online

So, not mentioning something is lying?

I didn't tell you lots of things in this post, does this mean I'm lying?

You didn't tell me lots of things, does this mean you're lying?
hahahahhahahahaah--bullshit and you know it
you are just deflecting crap

Fox thought Obama saying men get on my nerves lately thought that was news as well.

I kept waiting for them to talk about McFaul , but nope. When they do they will put their spin on it.

2 black TEENS murder white 71 year old----racists/hate
but Starbucks is in the news for weeks
...and DM has no mention of race in the headline [ not even front page ] as they do when a white TALKS to a black
the MSM bullshit is beyond doubt..the MSM lies--beyond doubt
blacks hatred/racism/violence is beyond doubt
black hypocrisy is beyond doubt



Two Arkansas teens 'kidnapped and murdered 71-year-old woman' | Daily Mail Online

Yes, the MSM sells racial hatred all day, everyday. However, one skin tone is no more culpable than any other for acts of violence, despite statistics strategically delivered into our minds. What is to blame are violent cultures and cultures forced to exist together which are by their own nature, drastically incompatible. Unfortunately, we Americans--all of our skin tones--are compelled to exist between the layers of a grand narrative that is a benighted umbrella spread out far above all our heads. Let me repeat: incompatible culture, not race, is to blame. Second in line behind the grand racially divisive narrative fed us all our lives by the MSM and bad actors in our government; namely those who practice identity politics.

The most notorious incompatibility in American cultures is between the law abiding culture, and the criminal culture. The deep and justified rift between these two subdivisions of American citizens can be further broken down and compartmentalized without too much imagination.

Other noteworthy incompatible American cultures are mainly economic ones, but only in so far as the MSM narrative perpetuates them and we obey them generationally. The poor are led to despise the rich, as the rich are handheld into fear and loathing of the poor.

Lastly, where perhaps a vital level of cultural discrimination needs be illustrated, is where immigrants in large numbers, whose culture embodies the moral and traditional antithesis of the native cultures, are forcibly settled among the generations established peoples and refuse to be assimilated or attempt counter assimilation. In this particular case, a policy of very direct and strong resistance must be considered, or one's native culture and tradition could be forever lost.
MSM often promotes racism, I do notice corporate ads are changing. 'The racist, misogynist, authoritarian strain has always been there, but Trump’s candidacy has brought it into the mainstream. And media have helped.'

"To lay all of this at Trump’s feet would be to give him too much credit. As I’ve argued before, the misogynist, racist, nativist, anti-LGBT right wing that took over the GOP in 1980—of which Perkins himself is evidence—has much to answer for, not least of all, the rise of Donald Trump as the party’s standard-bearer. Trump may not have been the first choice of right-wing leaders, but they created the conditions that cleared his path to the nomination, and most have lined up behind him since he won it."

The Normalization of Evil in American Politics

"Hypocrisy is the mother of all evil and racial prejudice is still her favorite child." Don King

Race is not real: what you see is a power relationship made flesh | Aeon Essays

"I'm here because our republican values are number one, standing up for local white identity, our identity is under threat, number two, the free market, and number three, killing Jews." Sean Patrick Nielsen, Charlottesville [Video on Washpo]

I Know Why Poor Whites Chant Trump, Trump, Trump

Great great read: White Rage: The Unspoken Truth of Our Racial Divide by Carol Anderson

'Dear Friend, I am black.''

"I am sure you did not realize this when you made/laughed at/agreed with that racist remark. In the past, I have attempted to alert white people to my racial identity in advance. Unfortunately, this Invariably causes them to react to me as pushy, manipulative, or socially inappropriate, Therefore, my policy is to assume that white people do not make these remarks, even when they believe there are no black people present, and to distribute this card when they do.

I regret any discomfort my presence is causing you, just as I am sure you regret the discomfort your racism is causing me."

Adrian Margaret Smith Piper
Are you ok, sounds like you are having a meltdown.
Maybe you forgot what a meltdown is.....

A meltdown is what the Democrats and their corrupt media friends are doing this week.

All thanks to the Potus bending on the knee to Putin, traitor.
Yet another media fabrication.
You and I both know Trump did nothing wrong, but it's important enough to you to lie and say he did.
I think it's likely that there are foreign agents on this busy forum lying about this just like you are doing.
That makes it very difficult for me to trust anything you say.
Are you ok, sounds like you are having a meltdown.
Maybe you forgot what a meltdown is.....
A meltdown is what the Democrats and their corrupt media friends are doing this week.
All thanks to the Potus bending on the knee to Putin, traitor.

You forgot to mention what a Nazi Trump is. Meantime, without a doubt, there is clearly a bias so wide in the MSM you could fly a plane through it to over-report white on black crimes no matter how small while shoving black on white crimes to the sports section, and not report black on black crime at all. Deliberate or not, this gives people a very skewed perception of reality all in an effort to sell diversity.
And the suspects are in jail, and are going to be tried. So what is the problem? Oh I know. The MSM didn’t run out and scream all those dirty darkies are bad. So you are left with your fringe twitter rants, and the We are superior because we have .00001% variance in our DNA than the blacks.

You remain the heir to the throne of the kingdom of fools.

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