Mowing Your Lawn Is Now Racist! -NOT The Babylon Bee, this is a real article from Canada's biggest newspaper

Lucy Hamilton

Diamond Member
Oct 30, 2015
Okay so the Crazy Gang have now declared that mowing your lawn is racist :rolleyes-41: This Batshit Crazy declaration is not from the Satirical Babylon Bee, this is coming from Canada's biggest newspaper The Globe and Mail, the below is their actual headline, you will notice that mowing the lawn is not ONLY racist but it's also contributing to killing The Planet or whatever :rolleyes-41: It's disturbing how many what have to be considered mentally ill peoples - who in a NORMAL WORLD would ALREADY have been thrown into Psychiatric Institutions - are literally writing the below type of total horsecrap for MAINSTREAM news organisations.








Okay so the Crazy Gang have now declared that mowing your lawn is racist :rolleyes-41: This Batshit Crazy declaration is not from the Satirical Babylon Bee, this is coming from Canada's biggest newspaper The Globe and Mail, the below is their actual headline, you will notice that mowing the lawn is not ONLY racist but it's also contributing to killing The Planet or whatever :rolleyes-41: It's disturbing how many what have to be considered mentally ill peoples - who in a NORMAL WORLD would ALREADY have been thrown into Psychiatric Institutions - are literally writing the below type of total horsecrap for MAINSTREAM news organisations.

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but its illegal to not mow your lawn,,,
Okay so the Crazy Gang have now declared that mowing your lawn is racist :rolleyes-41: This Batshit Crazy declaration is not from the Satirical Babylon Bee, this is coming from Canada's biggest newspaper The Globe and Mail, the below is their actual headline, you will notice that mowing the lawn is not ONLY racist but it's also contributing to killing The Planet or whatever :rolleyes-41: It's disturbing how many what have to be considered mentally ill peoples - who in a NORMAL WORLD would ALREADY have been thrown into Psychiatric Institutions - are literally writing the below type of total horsecrap for MAINSTREAM news organisations.

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This is why American's see Canadians as faggots.
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Okay so the Crazy Gang have now declared that mowing your lawn is racist :rolleyes-41: This Batshit Crazy declaration is not from the Satirical Babylon Bee, this is coming from Canada's biggest newspaper The Globe and Mail, the below is their actual headline, you will notice that mowing the lawn is not ONLY racist but it's also contributing to killing The Planet or whatever :rolleyes-41: It's disturbing how many what have to be considered mentally ill peoples - who in a NORMAL WORLD would ALREADY have been thrown into Psychiatric Institutions - are literally writing the below type of total horsecrap for MAINSTREAM news organisations.

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but its illegal to not mow your lawn,,,

Oh they'll just DEMAND ALL laws are changed because of Muh Racism and Muh Global Warming.

Did you read the parts of the article I Screen Shot? ALL the things those maniacs are saying make them sound completely INSANE, which they very MIGHT well be completely INSANE.
Okay so the Crazy Gang have now declared that mowing your lawn is racist :rolleyes-41: This Batshit Crazy declaration is not from the Satirical Babylon Bee, this is coming from Canada's biggest newspaper The Globe and Mail, the below is their actual headline, you will notice that mowing the lawn is not ONLY racist but it's also contributing to killing The Planet or whatever :rolleyes-41: It's disturbing how many what have to be considered mentally ill peoples - who in a NORMAL WORLD would ALREADY have been thrown into Psychiatric Institutions - are literally writing the below type of total horsecrap for MAINSTREAM news organisations.

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“Decolonize” your lawn? I have to admit, it probably takes a degree in race theory to come up with this shit.

Yes, mowing your lawn is asserting control over the nature in your yard. But it's not racist, nor is it a bad thing. Overgrown lawns can be breeding grounds for lots of bugs, mice, and other critters.

Do I mow my lawn? Yes. I do it because I like having a decent looking property. Cities and towns in and of themselves are controlling nature, as they have cement, pavement, houses and buildings.

Does that make me racist for mowing my lawn? No, it does not. There are several different races living on my street (black, white, hispanic), and we ALL mow our lawns.
To say nothing of the fact that mowing your lawn makes it harder for snakes (we have copperheads) can harm pets and children.
Very disturbing. I was just out mowing my lawn, and even exchanged waves with a BLACK neighbor mowing his.


My neighbor's a racist, so am I, and we had NO idea! I even went to his wedding, ffs.
No problem here! We decided years ago to embrace the wild yellow flowers (dandelions) that show up early spring and white flowers that show up mid summer (clover)....the snow shoe hare rabbits love them! I've had as many as a dozen rabbits eating all at once those two weeds in the yard!!!

But seriously, the article seems like satire and ridiculous to me.... Nothing nicer than walking barefoot in a lush green yard.... we don't even have to water it here! Not once, spring, summer, or fall....we naturally get enough rain to keep it going and staying green! (And yellow, and white)
Does this mean that the LWNJ moonbats will unban lawn darts now? :dunno:

Sorry, but to play lawn darts properly, you need a well kept lawn. If the yard is overgrown with all sorts of weeds and such, you might end up losing one of the darts in the undergrowth.

As far as unbanning them? I think they should be allowed to be sold. If you are too stupid to get out of the way, then maybe you deserve to become a dart board. I played them as a kid, and knew enough to not get in the way of the shot, and stand well off to the side.
Okay so the Crazy Gang have now declared that mowing your lawn is racist :rolleyes-41: This Batshit Crazy declaration is not from the Satirical Babylon Bee, this is coming from Canada's biggest newspaper The Globe and Mail, the below is their actual headline, you will notice that mowing the lawn is not ONLY racist but it's also contributing to killing The Planet or whatever :rolleyes-41: It's disturbing how many what have to be considered mentally ill peoples - who in a NORMAL WORLD would ALREADY have been thrown into Psychiatric Institutions - are literally writing the below type of total horsecrap for MAINSTREAM news organisations.

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but its illegal to not mow your lawn,,,

Screwed if you do and screwed if you don't....... Sounds like progressive liberal logic to me.


Mine doesn't get longer than 4 inches. The second I think it's 4 1/8 inches I'm out there on the mower. Guess I'll have to ride around on the mower wearing a hood and a sheet from now on. Heh heh.
One of the things I like doing after I mow the lawn, is to sit out on the porch and watch all the birds come around, looking for food, since it's less dangerous for them if they can see the cats, and the bugs are all easy to see and eat. In the spring, it's also fun to see them grab up the clippings and fly off with them to go build a nest.
Okay so the Crazy Gang have now declared that mowing your lawn is racist :rolleyes-41: This Batshit Crazy declaration is not from the Satirical Babylon Bee, this is coming from Canada's biggest newspaper The Globe and Mail, the below is their actual headline, you will notice that mowing the lawn is not ONLY racist but it's also contributing to killing The Planet or whatever :rolleyes-41: It's disturbing how many what have to be considered mentally ill peoples - who in a NORMAL WORLD would ALREADY have been thrown into Psychiatric Institutions - are literally writing the below type of total horsecrap for MAINSTREAM news organisations.

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Call it what it REALLY is, it's an all out assault on European culture. It's European settlers who manicured their lawns and it's Europeans who think about "carefree kids playing in backyards, picnics in well kept parks when picturing a "lawn." What their attacking is our culture all around, every part of it. They are in OUR nations, and they're taking over those nations because we're allowing them to pick our accomplishments, all we have built, apart piece by piece. Want to know how ancient civilizations seemingly "vanished" into thin air? They didn't. What you're witnessing now is what happened to all those ancient civilizations. They we're subjugated from the inside and literally "erased" from history. This is what happens to a civilization under occupation.

Think about it.
Okay so the Crazy Gang have now declared that mowing your lawn is racist :rolleyes-41: This Batshit Crazy declaration is not from the Satirical Babylon Bee, this is coming from Canada's biggest newspaper The Globe and Mail, the below is their actual headline, you will notice that mowing the lawn is not ONLY racist but it's also contributing to killing The Planet or whatever :rolleyes-41: It's disturbing how many what have to be considered mentally ill peoples - who in a NORMAL WORLD would ALREADY have been thrown into Psychiatric Institutions - are literally writing the below type of total horsecrap for MAINSTREAM news organisations.

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Call it what it REALLY is, it's an all out assault on European culture. It's European settlers who manicured their lawns and it's Europeans who think about "carefree kids playing in backyards, picnics in well kept parks when picturing a "lawn." What their attacking is our culture all around, every part of it. They are in OUR nations, and they're taking over those nations because we're allowing them to pick our accomplishments, all we have built, apart piece by piece. Want to know how ancient civilizations seemingly "vanished" into thin air? They didn't. What you're witnessing now is what happened to all those ancient civilizations. They we're subjugated from the inside and literally "erased" from history. This is what happens to a civilization under occupation.

Think about it.

Yes I know, I and others obviously like you we ALL have known this is The Agenda from day one from these filthy dirty Cultural Marxist POS.
Okay so the Crazy Gang have now declared that mowing your lawn is racist :rolleyes-41: This Batshit Crazy declaration is not from the Satirical Babylon Bee, this is coming from Canada's biggest newspaper The Globe and Mail, the below is their actual headline, you will notice that mowing the lawn is not ONLY racist but it's also contributing to killing The Planet or whatever :rolleyes-41: It's disturbing how many what have to be considered mentally ill peoples - who in a NORMAL WORLD would ALREADY have been thrown into Psychiatric Institutions - are literally writing the below type of total horsecrap for MAINSTREAM news organisations.

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You find the weirdest shit to get bent outta shape over.
Okay so the Crazy Gang have now declared that mowing your lawn is racist :rolleyes-41: This Batshit Crazy declaration is not from the Satirical Babylon Bee, this is coming from Canada's biggest newspaper The Globe and Mail, the below is their actual headline, you will notice that mowing the lawn is not ONLY racist but it's also contributing to killing The Planet or whatever :rolleyes-41: It's disturbing how many what have to be considered mentally ill peoples - who in a NORMAL WORLD would ALREADY have been thrown into Psychiatric Institutions - are literally writing the below type of total horsecrap for MAINSTREAM news organisations.

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You find the weirdest shit to get bent outta shape over.


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