Mother Mary is here to stay

So god doesn't have control over his creation and what he creates? Is that your final answer? ;biggrin:
God’s power is best defined as purpose. If what he created through sheer omnipotence defeated his purpose then it would not be a sign of power but of weakness. Bigger Grin.
Does that even mean anything? :dunno:
Sure it does.

That which defeats God’s purpose - even if it was something he did himself - would not be a sign of power.

That’s probably why God hides himself from you.
Do you make this shit up as you go along? :lol:
That’s what you are doing. You keep waiting for magic to happen.

Sorry. You are pretty much on your own. By your own choice.
SOMETHING should happen.
be that as it may--------I NEED THE TERM FOR FEASIBLE-------the possible flaws SHOULD HAVE BEEN determined
Why do you need the term for feasible?

Why should the possible flaws have been determined?

a diagnosis is nothing more than a PREDICTION
What does that have to do with the questions I asked?

Why do you need the term for feasible? Feasible effectively means practicable. Which means whenever possible it should be that way.

Why should the possible flaws have been determined?

Again what we are discussing is what is possible.

in REALITY ----in the world that science knows----anything that CAN
HAPPEN---WILL. The construction which is MAN (or even the entire
body of LIFE ------contains all kinds of tragic possibilities)-----the construct
is very flawed--------like a building put together with spit and chewing gum
That is a half glass worldview which ignores the reality of our situation.

By any objective standard life is a rare and precious gift. We have literally hit the cosmic lottery. Anyone who looks at what we have been given and doesn’t fall down to their knees in thanks and praise is an ignorant imbecile.
A fetal alcohol syndome is for example a main reason for problems of babies in such a context. So lots of things in this context are not out of control.

If you are speaking now about something what had happened in your own life or in the life of your family or friends then it is now here the totally wrong place to discuss about this. The internet is not a protected space. And you are no one who is familiar with the own weakness. Try to find professional help and/or a self-help group.

Most deformed babies and retarded babies aren't due to alcohol. God made such deformities possible.

Again, God did not orchestrate this but from things like this good arises.

So god only has to do with good stuff? God didn't create an environment where bad things could happen? Then who did?

What God created is good. It is up to us whether we live up to it.

It’s called free will. Bad things can happen to good people, Taz.

It seems you can only believe in a God who won’t let that happen.

What god created has bad in it. Deformed and retarded babies.

Have you personally had a deformed or mentally handicapped child?
God’s power is best defined as purpose. If what he created through sheer omnipotence defeated his purpose then it would not be a sign of power but of weakness. Bigger Grin.
Does that even mean anything? :dunno:
Sure it does.

That which defeats God’s purpose - even if it was something he did himself - would not be a sign of power.

That’s probably why God hides himself from you.
Do you make this shit up as you go along? :lol:
That’s what you are doing. You keep waiting for magic to happen.

Sorry. You are pretty much on your own. By your own choice.
SOMETHING should happen.
Tell me what you did to make something happen?
Most deformed babies and retarded babies aren't due to alcohol. God made such deformities possible.
Again, God did not orchestrate this but from things like this good arises.
So god only has to do with good stuff? God didn't create an environment where bad things could happen? Then who did?
What God created is good. It is up to us whether we live up to it.

It’s called free will. Bad things can happen to good people, Taz.

It seems you can only believe in a God who won’t let that happen.
What god created has bad in it. Deformed and retarded babies.
Have you personally had a deformed or mentally handicapped child?
Just you. :biggrin:
Does that even mean anything? :dunno:
Sure it does.

That which defeats God’s purpose - even if it was something he did himself - would not be a sign of power.

That’s probably why God hides himself from you.
Do you make this shit up as you go along? :lol:
That’s what you are doing. You keep waiting for magic to happen.

Sorry. You are pretty much on your own. By your own choice.
SOMETHING should happen.
Tell me what you did to make something happen?
I opened my heart to god and invited him in. Was that the wrong thing to do?
Again, God did not orchestrate this but from things like this good arises.
So god only has to do with good stuff? God didn't create an environment where bad things could happen? Then who did?
What God created is good. It is up to us whether we live up to it.

It’s called free will. Bad things can happen to good people, Taz.

It seems you can only believe in a God who won’t let that happen.
What god created has bad in it. Deformed and retarded babies.
Have you personally had a deformed or mentally handicapped child?
Just you. :biggrin:
Do you have any testimonials of parents who have had deformed babies and mentally handicapped children who believe as you do, that they should never have been born?
Sure it does.

That which defeats God’s purpose - even if it was something he did himself - would not be a sign of power.

That’s probably why God hides himself from you.
Do you make this shit up as you go along? :lol:
That’s what you are doing. You keep waiting for magic to happen.

Sorry. You are pretty much on your own. By your own choice.
SOMETHING should happen.
Tell me what you did to make something happen?
I opened my heart to god and invited him in. Was that the wrong thing to do?
Not if you are telling the truth.

How exactly did you open your heart to God?
So god only has to do with good stuff? God didn't create an environment where bad things could happen? Then who did?
What God created is good. It is up to us whether we live up to it.

It’s called free will. Bad things can happen to good people, Taz.

It seems you can only believe in a God who won’t let that happen.
What god created has bad in it. Deformed and retarded babies.
Have you personally had a deformed or mentally handicapped child?
Just you. :biggrin:
Do you have any testimonials of parents who have had deformed babies and mentally handicapped children who believe as you do, that they should never have been born?
Yes, one guy killed his heavily handicapped daughter because she was in constant pain.
What God created is good. It is up to us whether we live up to it.

It’s called free will. Bad things can happen to good people, Taz.

It seems you can only believe in a God who won’t let that happen.
What god created has bad in it. Deformed and retarded babies.
Have you personally had a deformed or mentally handicapped child?
Just you. :biggrin:
Do you have any testimonials of parents who have had deformed babies and mentally handicapped children who believe as you do, that they should never have been born?
Yes, one guy killed his heavily handicapped daughter because she was in constant pain.
Is that it? What about all the others? How many more do you think there are? Millions?

Did he say he wished she was never born?
Not surely anymore you don't. How we got from the NT to confessing your sins to priests and worshipping Mary is anyone's guess.
Simple! People used the threat of eternal damnation to control other ignorant, illiterate people,giving priests power. And Christianity came about in an environment of abject ignorance and polytheistic,ignorant people.

Now, these traditions carry on out of momentum, but their power is greatly reduced where secular enlightenment has taken more of a foothold.
Not surely anymore you don't. How we got from the NT to confessing your sins to priests and worshipping Mary is anyone's guess.
Simple! People used the threat of eternal damnation to control other ignorant, illiterate people,giving priests power. And Christianity came about in an environment of abject ignorance and polytheistic,ignorant people.

Now, these traditions carry on out of momentum, but their power is greatly reduced where secular enlightenment has taken more of a foothold.
So not only is eternal damnation not mentioned much in the Bible, it isn't mentioned at all in the HRCC. It just isn't what you make it out to be at all.

By any objective measure Christianity has been the greatest force for good in the history of mankind.

Clearly you must not believe in Darwinian principles.
Counterquestion: How often a day calls you someone "idiot" and why are the people so stupid to do so?

So you have no death list. Got it.

A Nazi told me he once that they have a death list and that he will write me on it. I don't doubt that this is true. In death arithmetics Nazis are always on top of the iceberg.

You're too gullible. You even thought you could take Russia. :lol:

I fear you need help from a psychiatrist.

I bet you have Herman Goring on speed dial.

Göring? What has Göring to do with anything here except that he was a totally irreal man and you have psychological problems which you don't discuss with anyone? What have you to do with the theme here nor any other theme in this forum? You do not think - you are only a blind agitator. Your theme is to try to destroy truth, faith and respect. That's all. So possibly you never was in contact with true reliable people or faithful and loving people. If so: Poor USA! Otherwise: Try to find professional help for your psychological problems, before you continue to break German laws, which are made to protect victims of genocides.

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So lots of things in this context are not out of
And therefore, lots aren't. You should say so.

"Is everyone an idiot in the English speaking world?" is my only spontanous reaction when I read such a nonsense now. What do you really like to say to me? May it be that nowhere anyone on this planet respects the USA any longer, beause the citizens of the USA respect nowhere anyone any longer?

What do you like to say? I said only that not everything is out of control in this context adn I gave an example, so you are able to know that this thought is not without substance. Indeed is nothing ever out of control, because we can change everything. We let it only be out of control - and only because something is not always hundred percent in our hands this means not everything is hundred percent out of our control.

A modern myth is for example that modern medicine was the reason why Europe was victorious in fighting against the cruel pestilences of former times. Indeed the progress of medicine came to late for this problem. We had won against this mysterious plague before medicine was able to explain what kind of problem it was. And afterwards was possible the real progress of medicine. And now medicine for example takes care that we do not have to make some bad experiences, which we do not like to make. But to know this is as important as to know that we can reach much more. "Ora et labora et lege" is one of the magic formulae of the Christian Civilisation, which made us great. And it's not over yet.

So back to the "Theodicy-interpretation" of atheists. I do not speak now about people who suffered and lost their belief in god because of this. I do not say anyhting about whether this is okay or not okay. I respect all decisions in this context. But it is also clear that the Christian community never lost the belief in god although the times were often less than only not very comfortable in history. It's not a joy for Christians when someone is suffering. We suffer in this case too. Who loves is always happy ... and suffers sometimes too.

For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us. For the creation waits with eager longing for the revealing of the sons of God. For the creation was subjected to futility, not willingly, but because of him who subjected it, in hope that the creation itself will be set free from its bondage to corruption and obtain the freedom of the glory of the children of God.
For we know that the whole creation has been groaning together in the pains of childbirth until now. And not only the creation, but we ourselves, who have the firstfruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly as we wait eagerly for adoption as sons, the redemption of our bodies. For in this hope we were saved. Now hope that is seen is not hope. For who hopes for what he sees?
But if we hope for what we do not see, we wait for it with patience. Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness. For we do not know what to pray for as we ought, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words. And he who searches hearts knows what is the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints according to the will of God. And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.
For those whom he foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, in order that he might be the firstborn among many brothers. And those whom he predestined he also called, and those whom he called he also justified, and those whom he justified he also glorified.
What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us? He who did not spare his own Son but gave him up for us all, how will he not also with him graciously give us all things? Who shall bring any charge against God’s elect? It is God who justifies. Who is to condemn? Christ Jesus is the one who died—more than that, who was raised—who is at the right hand of God, who indeed is interceding for us.
Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or danger, or sword? As it is written, “For your sake we are being killed all the day long; we are regarded as sheep to be slaughtered.” No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.

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So you have no death list. Got it.

A Nazi told me he once that they have a death list and that he will write me on it. I don't doubt that this is true. In death arithmetics Nazis are always on top of the iceberg.
You're too gullible. You even thought you could take Russia. :lol:

I fear you need help from a psychiatrist.
I bet you have Herman Goring on speed dial.

Göring? What has Göring to do with anything here except that he was a totally irreal man and you have psychological problems which you don't discuss with anyone? What have you to do with the theme here nor any other theme in this forum? You do not think - you are only a blind agitator. Your theme is to try to destroy truth, faith and respect. That's all. So possibly you never was in contact with true reliable people or faithful and loving people. If so: Poor USA! Otherwise: Try to find professional help for your psychological problems, before you continue to break German laws, which are made to protect victims of genocides.

Douchelanders aren't even allowed to talk about Goring? What a bunch of pussies you folks are.
A Nazi told me he once that they have a death list and that he will write me on it. I don't doubt that this is true. In death arithmetics Nazis are always on top of the iceberg.
You're too gullible. You even thought you could take Russia. :lol:

I fear you need help from a psychiatrist.
I bet you have Herman Goring on speed dial.

Göring? What has Göring to do with anything here except that he was a totally irreal man and you have psychological problems which you don't discuss with anyone? What have you to do with the theme here nor any other theme in this forum? You do not think - you are only a blind agitator. Your theme is to try to destroy truth, faith and respect. That's all. So possibly you never was in contact with true reliable people or faithful and loving people. If so: Poor USA! Otherwise: Try to find professional help for your psychological problems, before you continue to break German laws, which are made to protect victims of genocides.

Douchelanders aren't even allowed to talk about Goring? What a bunch of pussies you folks are.

Go to a doctor!

You're too gullible. You even thought you could take Russia. :lol:

I fear you need help from a psychiatrist.
I bet you have Herman Goring on speed dial.

Göring? What has Göring to do with anything here except that he was a totally irreal man and you have psychological problems which you don't discuss with anyone? What have you to do with the theme here nor any other theme in this forum? You do not think - you are only a blind agitator. Your theme is to try to destroy truth, faith and respect. That's all. So possibly you never was in contact with true reliable people or faithful and loving people. If so: Poor USA! Otherwise: Try to find professional help for your psychological problems, before you continue to break German laws, which are made to protect victims of genocides.

Douchelanders aren't even allowed to talk about Goring? What a bunch of pussies you folks are.

Go to a doctor!

Give me Dr. Mengele's number.
I fear you need help from a psychiatrist.
I bet you have Herman Goring on speed dial.

Göring? What has Göring to do with anything here except that he was a totally irreal man and you have psychological problems which you don't discuss with anyone? What have you to do with the theme here nor any other theme in this forum? You do not think - you are only a blind agitator. Your theme is to try to destroy truth, faith and respect. That's all. So possibly you never was in contact with true reliable people or faithful and loving people. If so: Poor USA! Otherwise: Try to find professional help for your psychological problems, before you continue to break German laws, which are made to protect victims of genocides.

Douchelanders aren't even allowed to talk about Goring? What a bunch of pussies you folks are.

Go to a doctor!

Give me Dr. Mengele's number.

I'm sure for this sentnce you had to pay much more than 10,000 Euro in Germany now, because you said so to a descendant of victims of the Holocaust. Here I had to call only the police - what I never did in my whole life, because never anyone in Germany was as impertinent as you are. What is the US-American law which you break here continuously? Mobbing? Stalking? Defamation? Calumny? ...

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I bet you have Herman Goring on speed dial.

Göring? What has Göring to do with anything here except that he was a totally irreal man and you have psychological problems which you don't discuss with anyone? What have you to do with the theme here nor any other theme in this forum? You do not think - you are only a blind agitator. Your theme is to try to destroy truth, faith and respect. That's all. So possibly you never was in contact with true reliable people or faithful and loving people. If so: Poor USA! Otherwise: Try to find professional help for your psychological problems, before you continue to break German laws, which are made to protect victims of genocides.

Douchelanders aren't even allowed to talk about Goring? What a bunch of pussies you folks are.

Go to a doctor!

Give me Dr. Mengele's number.

I bet you have Herman Goring on speed dial.

Göring? What has Göring to do with anything here except that he was a totally irreal man and you have psychological problems which you don't discuss with anyone? What have you to do with the theme here nor any other theme in this forum? You do not think - you are only a blind agitator. Your theme is to try to destroy truth, faith and respect. That's all. So possibly you never was in contact with true reliable people or faithful and loving people. If so: Poor USA! Otherwise: Try to find professional help for your psychological problems, before you continue to break German laws, which are made to protect victims of genocides.

Douchelanders aren't even allowed to talk about Goring? What a bunch of pussies you folks are.

Go to a doctor!

Give me Dr. Mengele's number.

I'm sure for this sentnce you had to pay much more than 10,000 Euro in Germany now, because you said so to a descendant of victims of the Holocaust. Here I had to call only the police - what I never did in my whole life, because never anyone in Germany was as impermntoinetn as you are. What is the US-American law which you break here continuously? Mobbing? Stalking? Defamation? Calumny? ...

It's called free speech.

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