Most Transparent Administration EVAH!!!!!11!!!!!eleventy!!!!!!!


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Obama’s Science Officer Defies Court, Keeps Private Emails Secret.

A federal appeals court ruled in July 2016 that Holdren must release to a lower magistrate all work-related emails on the account. The emails are being sought by the Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI), a free-market nonprofit foundation.

White House officials told the court there are no undisclosed work-related emails, but CEI disputes that contention. (RELATED: DOE Does Little To Stop Senior Officials From Using Private Emails)

“CEI contends that OSTP is attempting to re-litigate the issue on which it already lost in the circuit,” CEI said in a statement Wednesday. “Moreover, OSTP’s has provided no reason to believe that Holdren has in fact forwarded all of his relevant private emails.”

Laws are for the little people — at least until January 20.

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