Most Divisive President Ever: Class, Gender, Race, Party...what else?


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
Is Barack Obama the most divisive president of all time? Look at the "wars" he and his followers have helped flame recently!!!

Gender: Stay at home moms, birth control, abortion
Class: Rich vs Poor
Race: Need I explain?
Party: Again, need I explain?
Citizenship: Citizen vs non-citizen

He has done more to divide our 300,000,000+ people into smaller groups opposed to each other than any president or leader I've ever seen.
I have just never seen our population so divided, so against each other. Now, to be fair, the internet fuels a lot of that, so under Carter or Reagan, pre-internet days, maybe this woulda been true then also.

But my God, the constant "wars" and fueling the flames of gender, class, race, citizenship,'s non-stop under this guy.
Is Barack Obama the most divisive president of all time? Look at the "wars" he and his followers have helped flame recently!!!

Gender: Stay at home moms, birth control, abortion
Class: Rich vs Poor
Race: Need I explain?
Party: Again, need I explain?
Citizenship: Citizen vs non-citizen

He has done more to divide our 300,000,000+ people into smaller groups opposed to each other than any president or leader I've ever seen.

He was selected to tie the ribbons on what happened under Wilson and the Progressives in the early 1900's.
Is Barack Obama the most divisive president of all time? Look at the "wars" he and his followers have helped flame recently!!!

Gender: Stay at home moms, birth control, abortion
Class: Rich vs Poor
Race: Need I explain?
Party: Again, need I explain?
Citizenship: Citizen vs non-citizen

He has done more to divide our 300,000,000+ people into smaller groups opposed to each other than any president or leader I've ever seen.

And what are you willing to compromise on, in order to work with the 'other side' and not be divisive yourself?
I have just never seen our population so divided, so against each other. Now, to be fair, the internet fuels a lot of that, so under Carter or Reagan, pre-internet days, maybe this woulda been true then also.

But my God, the constant "wars" and fueling the flames of gender, class, race, citizenship,'s non-stop under this guy.

Statists at work...
Is Barack Obama the most divisive president of all time? Look at the "wars" he and his followers have helped flame recently!!!

Gender: Stay at home moms, birth control, abortion
Class: Rich vs Poor
Race: Need I explain?
Party: Again, need I explain?
Citizenship: Citizen vs non-citizen

He has done more to divide our 300,000,000+ people into smaller groups opposed to each other than any president or leader I've ever seen.

And what are you willing to compromise on, in order to work with the 'other side' and not be divisive yourself?

Working with the radical left means "bend over and grab your ankles"... fuck that shit. There's no compromising with the radical left.
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Is Barack Obama the most divisive president of all time? Look at the "wars" he and his followers have helped flame recently!!!

Gender: Stay at home moms, birth control, abortion
Class: Rich vs Poor
Race: Need I explain?
Party: Again, need I explain?
Citizenship: Citizen vs non-citizen

He has done more to divide our 300,000,000+ people into smaller groups opposed to each other than any president or leader I've ever seen.

And what are you willing to compromise on, in order to work with the 'other side' and not be divisive yourself?

Working with the left means "bend over and grab your ankles"... fuck that shit. There's no compromising with the radical left.

And thus why I loathe the term bipartisan...
Is Barack Obama the most divisive president of all time? Look at the "wars" he and his followers have helped flame recently!!!

Gender: Stay at home moms, birth control, abortion
Class: Rich vs Poor
Race: Need I explain?
Party: Again, need I explain?
Citizenship: Citizen vs non-citizen

He has done more to divide our 300,000,000+ people into smaller groups opposed to each other than any president or leader I've ever seen.

And what are you willing to compromise on, in order to work with the 'other side' and not be divisive yourself?

Fair question.

I'm willing to concede that I must show an ID, and wait a few days, to buy a pistol, although it's a 2nd amendment right, if they'll agree that 1 vote for 1 person can only be done through an ID. Fair enough.

I'm willing to move on from racism, to live my life in a way that race NEVER matters, ever. A person skin color should not be a factor in ANYTHING. MLK dreamed of that. I'm willing to do that, and already am. Are they?

I'm willing to pay for my own condoms. Are they willing to say both men, and women, should pay for their own birth control? Or that gender should never matter? Does a woman wanna become a NAVY SEAL? Go ahead. Send her through BUDS. Treat her just as another recruit. Treat all genders, and races, alike, in ALL things.

I'm willing to grant mass amnesty if they're willing to lock down the border with absolute force (like Mexico does their Southern border).

I'm willing to make ALL Americans "pay their fair share" in all Americans, all 300 million, pay the same % of income. ALL of them. Every single one.

I doubt the left is willing to begin compromising.
Is Barack Obama the most divisive president of all time? Look at the "wars" he and his followers have helped flame recently!!!

Gender: Stay at home moms, birth control, abortion
Class: Rich vs Poor
Race: Need I explain?
Party: Again, need I explain?
Citizenship: Citizen vs non-citizen

He has done more to divide our 300,000,000+ people into smaller groups opposed to each other than any president or leader I've ever seen.

I have never felt such a divide in this country like we have now.
Is Barack Obama the most divisive president of all time? Look at the "wars" he and his followers have helped flame recently!!!

Gender: Stay at home moms, birth control, abortion
Class: Rich vs Poor
Race: Need I explain?
Party: Again, need I explain?
Citizenship: Citizen vs non-citizen

He has done more to divide our 300,000,000+ people into smaller groups opposed to each other than any president or leader I've ever seen.

I have never felt such a divide in this country like we have now.

Obama was going to calm the divide...Untie...Calm the trouble seas...lower them...

Direct 180 degree opposite.

In other words? He lied...and continues to lie.
white people are the most divisive race by far white people are just the worse and the history of race relations prove that .
Is Barack Obama the most divisive president of all time? Look at the "wars" he and his followers have helped flame recently!!!

Gender: Stay at home moms, birth control, abortion
Class: Rich vs Poor
Race: Need I explain?
Party: Again, need I explain?
Citizenship: Citizen vs non-citizen

He has done more to divide our 300,000,000+ people into smaller groups opposed to each other than any president or leader I've ever seen.

In my lifetime GW has been the most divisive president a huge margin
Is Barack Obama the most divisive president of all time? Look at the "wars" he and his followers have helped flame recently!!!

Gender: Stay at home moms, birth control, abortion
Class: Rich vs Poor
Race: Need I explain?
Party: Again, need I explain?
Citizenship: Citizen vs non-citizen

He has done more to divide our 300,000,000+ people into smaller groups opposed to each other than any president or leader I've ever seen.

I have never felt such a divide in this country like we have now.

Obama was going to calm the divide...Untie...Calm the trouble seas...lower them...

Direct 180 degree opposite.

In other words? He lied...and continues to lie.

T....we're not the only folks who know that.

To paraphrase a candidate from 2004, not red states, not blue states...but the people of all the states now know the real Obama.
Is Barack Obama the most divisive president of all time? Look at the "wars" he and his followers have helped flame recently!!!

Gender: Stay at home moms, birth control, abortion
Class: Rich vs Poor
Race: Need I explain?
Party: Again, need I explain?
Citizenship: Citizen vs non-citizen

He has done more to divide our 300,000,000+ people into smaller groups opposed to each other than any president or leader I've ever seen.

In my lifetime GW has been the most divisive president a huge margin

Can I put you down as 'objective'?
Is Barack Obama the most divisive president of all time? Look at the "wars" he and his followers have helped flame recently!!!

Gender: Stay at home moms, birth control, abortion
Class: Rich vs Poor
Race: Need I explain?
Party: Again, need I explain?
Citizenship: Citizen vs non-citizen

He has done more to divide our 300,000,000+ people into smaller groups opposed to each other than any president or leader I've ever seen.

I have never felt such a divide in this country like we have now.

Obama was going to calm the divide...Untie...Calm the trouble seas...lower them...

Direct 180 degree opposite.

In other words? He lied...and continues to lie.

He has united a lot of people..

There is a certain section of people in the US - who are a minority, but also well represented on this board - who will never like Obama no matter what he does. He could be the second coming and you guys would still dis him....Excuse me while I barf at your assumptions that don't stack up...

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