Moroccan police to patrol Paris streets to tackle Muslim migrant gangs in no-go zones


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

Wow! The French can’t control their own streets?

After all the reports of crimes and violence including burning parked cars, it’s clear they can’t.

Following an agreement between France and Morocco, several Moroccan police officers are scheduled to be sent to Paris to help deal with young delinquent migrants.

A total of four officers from the North African country are set to patrol the Goutte d’Or neighbourhood of Paris — where many migrants live on the streets — alongside their French counterparts to combat the growing problems with violence, drugs, and prostitution, BFMTV reports.

According to police, the number of crimes since 2017 in the neighbourhood has increased drastically due to the presence of the young Moroccans and police had made 813 arrests of migrants in Goutte d’Or in the past year.

The Moroccan police will not only be supporting French officers but also attempting to identify migrants for deportation back to Morocco.

More @ Moroccan police to patrol Paris streets to tackle Muslim migrant gangs in no-go zones
"Jihadwatch". :lmao:

I realize you have been trained to salivate to the dinner bell, but this isn't the only place to report it.

Moroccan news reported it, too.

But it IS what the OP used as a "source" in his daily narcissistic quest to dominate the New Thread column with anything he can dredge up.

IOW the post isn't about the story or the source nearly as much as it is about the poster. I didn't even bother to read it.


Some of us want credibility with what we post so we use credible sources. Others of us have no such standards.
"Jihadwatch". :lmao:

I realize you have been trained to salivate to the dinner bell, but this isn't the only place to report it.

Moroccan news reported it, too.

But it IS what the OP used as a "source" in his daily narcissistic quest to dominate the New Thread column with anything he can dredge up.

IOW the post isn't about the story or the source nearly as much as it is about the poster. I didn't even bother to read it.


Some of us want credibility with what we post so we use credible sources. Others of us have no such standards.
Whereas, my own concern is whether or not something is true.

We are very different, you and I.
"Jihadwatch". :lmao:

I realize you have been trained to salivate to the dinner bell, but this isn't the only place to report it.

Moroccan news reported it, too.

But it IS what the OP used as a "source" in his daily narcissistic quest to dominate the New Thread column with anything he can dredge up.

IOW the post isn't about the story or the source nearly as much as it is about the poster. I didn't even bother to read it.


Some of us want credibility with what we post so we use credible sources. Others of us have no such standards.
Whereas, my own concern is whether or not something is true.

We are very different, you and I.

Not on this basis we don't actually.

If you want to report something "true" ---- you can't do it with a Jihadwatch. You'd do it with a link like you had.

But once AGAIN --- that's not on you or me. That's on the OP. The one who's not even reading any of this because he's busy looking for more whatever stories to get his name on the page.

Personally I'm hoping he finds another "World Toilet Day". That was one of his more memorable ones and, when you think about it, not that different from Jihadwatch.

So while "whether something is true" is of course vital, and on that we agree, I'm equally interested in what the reporting poster's agenda is in how he reported it.
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That's just silly, pogo.

For you first statement to be true, then everything jihadwatch posts would have to be false. Since it isn't, your statement only reveals your bias rather than any concern for the truth. That you don't WANT what they report to be true is simply a product of your indoctrination.

Wow! The French can’t control their own streets?

After all the reports of crimes and violence including burning parked cars, it’s clear they can’t.

Following an agreement between France and Morocco, several Moroccan police officers are scheduled to be sent to Paris to help deal with young delinquent migrants.

A total of four officers from the North African country are set to patrol the Goutte d’Or neighbourhood of Paris — where many migrants live on the streets — alongside their French counterparts to combat the growing problems with violence, drugs, and prostitution, BFMTV reports.

According to police, the number of crimes since 2017 in the neighbourhood has increased drastically due to the presence of the young Moroccans and police had made 813 arrests of migrants in Goutte d’Or in the past year.

The Moroccan police will not only be supporting French officers but also attempting to identify migrants for deportation back to Morocco.

More @ Moroccan police to patrol Paris streets to tackle Muslim migrant gangs in no-go zones
Pretty smart, really. The Moroccan officers will be more familiar with language, customs, and people.

Wow! The French can’t control their own streets?

After all the reports of crimes and violence including burning parked cars, it’s clear they can’t.

Following an agreement between France and Morocco, several Moroccan police officers are scheduled to be sent to Paris to help deal with young delinquent migrants.

A total of four officers from the North African country are set to patrol the Goutte d’Or neighbourhood of Paris — where many migrants live on the streets — alongside their French counterparts to combat the growing problems with violence, drugs, and prostitution, BFMTV reports.

According to police, the number of crimes since 2017 in the neighbourhood has increased drastically due to the presence of the young Moroccans and police had made 813 arrests of migrants in Goutte d’Or in the past year.

The Moroccan police will not only be supporting French officers but also attempting to identify migrants for deportation back to Morocco.

More @ Moroccan police to patrol Paris streets to tackle Muslim migrant gangs in no-go zones
Pretty smart, really. The Moroccan officers will be more familiar with language, customs, and people.

Moroccans in Paris were plentiful even four decades ago when I lived there. As were Algerians and those from anywhere else that was a French colony. They have legal rights to work on that basis. I very much doubt these are the first to be gendarmes.
That's just silly, pogo.

For you first statement to be true, then everything jihadwatch posts would have to be false. Since it isn't, your statement only reveals your bias rather than any concern for the truth. That you don't WANT what they report to be true is simply a product of your indoctrination.

Jihadwatch has zero credibility. And they worked hard to earn that zero. So does a stopped clock, and yet --- twice a day.....

That said though, congratulations on finally figuring out the quote function after six years.
That's just silly, pogo.

For you first statement to be true, then everything jihadwatch posts would have to be false. Since it isn't, your statement only reveals your bias rather than any concern for the truth. That you don't WANT what they report to be true is simply a product of your indoctrination.

Jihadwatch has zero credibility. And they worked hard to earn that zero. So does a stopped clock, and yet --- twice a day.....

That said though, congratulations on finally figuring out the quote function after six years.
If I have an opening at my company for a hall monitor, I will certainly let you know, pogo. It sounds like a dream job for you.

As far as jihadwatch is concerned, what have they ever posted that was false? I realize that as a card carrying regressive, you have been trained to defend Islam automatically, but something is or is not true simply because you want it to be true or untrue.

You are venturing close to solipsism in that.
That's just silly, pogo.

For you first statement to be true, then everything jihadwatch posts would have to be false. Since it isn't, your statement only reveals your bias rather than any concern for the truth. That you don't WANT what they report to be true is simply a product of your indoctrination.

Jihadwatch has zero credibility. And they worked hard to earn that zero. So does a stopped clock, and yet --- twice a day.....

That said though, congratulations on finally figuring out the quote function after six years.
If I have an opening at my company for a hall monitor, I will certainly let you know, pogo. It sounds like a dream job for you.

As far as jihadwatch is concerned, what have they ever posted that was false? I realize that as a card carrying regressive, you have been trained to defend Islam automatically, but something is or is not true simply because you want it to be true or untrue.

You are venturing close to solipsism in that.

Really? You need Captain Obvious to take you by the hand, or you genuinely don't know what JihadWatch is?

Muslima [sic] Nurse Practitioner Beheads her 7-year-old Son near Rochester, New York

--- a story that, even it JW's own link admits that there's, and let's quote it directly, "“Zero indicators of anything religious, zero indicators of anything cultural,” said Monroe County Sheriff Todd Baxter."-- text which, tellingly, cannot be cut and pasted from their site, because that would make it easier for those not trafficking in mendacity to call it out.

In their mouth-frothing hate quest JW uses the same fallacy so infamously popular on this site --- Ass-ociation Fallacy. And here, one based on an additional fallacy of ass-sumption:

>> No evidence has been released to the public identifying what Mouhib’s religious beliefs are, and the claim that she is Muslim appears to be based solely on the fact that she has an Arabic-sounding name. << -- Snopes
Get that? They have no clue whether she practices Islam (and if so what kind, as if they're all alike, which is yet another their favorite fallacies) --- or if indeed she practices any religion at all. They just took a name they thought they could sell and ran with it, producing the adjective "Muslima" [sic] Even though neither "Muslima" [sic] nor "nurse practitioner" (which is actually true) had a damn thing to do with the event.

That's baiting, that's blatant fallacy, and that's unreliable source. JW is a fallacy-hunter's wet dream, milking the emotions of the gullible, and as I said I didn't bother to read the OP's link but if I did as a fallacy hunter I have no doubt I'd soon need to wash my sheets.

You're welcome.
Care for a second helping?

This one doesn't mention "Jews ******* spics gooks" "Muslims" (or "Muslimas") in its headline:

Maine: House Democrats Vote to Allow Female Genital Mutilation

--- but it does say right in the first paragraph, again we quote: "FGM is mandated in Islamic law" -- which is not only one of their favorite mythologies (and mine to shoot down) but complete bullshit. FGM has long been known to be a social, not a religious, construct, which far predates Islam, Christianism, Hinduism and any other coincident without causative religion. It's literally thousands of years old. As is "honor killing", yet another of their favorite mythologies. Same thing. FGM has no religious function, not in Islam, not in Christianism, not in Hinduism, not in Sikhism, not anywhere. In Mecca it's is considered barbaric, even if there are cultures elsewhere --- who also happen to be Muslim, just as they might also drive a Toyota -- who do practice it. Oh and it's already a federal crime in the US so passing such a bill would be impossible.

Again --- Ass-sociation Falalcy-R-Them. Leading the gullible to the snake oil. And only the gullible buy it.

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