More Trumpian Filth: Clean Water Rules Being Gutted


Diamond Member
Sep 16, 2012
The Trump administration is expected on Tuesday to unveil a plan that would weaken federal clean water rules designed to protect millions of acres of wetlands and thousands of miles of streams nationwide from pesticide runoff and other pollutants.

Environmentalists say the proposal represents a historic assault on wetlands regulation at a moment when Mr. Trump has repeatedly voiced a commitment to “crystal-clean water.” The proposed new rule would chip away at safeguards put in place a quarter century ago, during the administration of President George H.W. Bush, who implemented a policy designed to ensure that no wetlands lost federal protection.

Trump Prepares to Unveil a Vast Reworking of Clean Water Protections

Like Algae in your waters, Floridian Trumpists, prepare for more.

More cancer causing chemicals will be allowed to flow into our waters.

Pubs love filth. Filth in the water. Filth in the air. Filth everywhere.

Pubs dreams are coming true as filth will flow.

But hey these Trumpists are pro-life. Pro-lifers who could give a damn if these chemicals cause abortions, birth defects and cancer. Hypocrite = Trumpists
Last edited:
The Trump administration is expected on Tuesday to unveil a plan that would weaken federal clean water rules designed to protect millions of acres of wetlands and thousands of miles of streams nationwide from pesticide runoff and other pollutants.

Environmentalists say the proposal represents a historic assault on wetlands regulation at a moment when Mr. Trump has repeatedly voiced a commitment to “crystal-clean water.” The proposed new rule would chip away at safeguards put in place a quarter century ago, during the administration of President George H.W. Bush, who implemented a policy designed to ensure that no wetlands lost federal protection.

Trump Prepares to Unveil a Vast Reworking of Clean Water Protections

Like Algae in your waters, Floridian Trumpists, prepare for more.

More cancer causing chemicals will be allowed to flow into our waters.

Pubs love filth. Filth in the water. Filth in the air. Filth everywhere.

Pubs dreams are coming true as filth will flow.

But hey these Trumpists are pro-life. Pro-lifers who could give a damn if these chemicals cause abortions, birth defects and cancer. Hypocrite = Trumpists

No, moron....what is being stopped is having the government tell you that the sitting water on your property because it rained last night is a designated WetLand, and now you can't improve your property or sell it because it is now a designated Wetland....

You doofus.
Like Algae in your waters, Floridian Trumpists, prepare for more.

Which rule did Trump weaken to allow algae in Florida?

Polllutant runoffs is what is causing the burst of algae blooms in Florida. Those run off regs already weak will only get weaker.
The Trump administration is expected on Tuesday to unveil a plan that would weaken federal clean water rules designed to protect millions of acres of wetlands and thousands of miles of streams nationwide from pesticide runoff and other pollutants.

Environmentalists say the proposal represents a historic assault on wetlands regulation at a moment when Mr. Trump has repeatedly voiced a commitment to “crystal-clean water.” The proposed new rule would chip away at safeguards put in place a quarter century ago, during the administration of President George H.W. Bush, who implemented a policy designed to ensure that no wetlands lost federal protection.

Trump Prepares to Unveil a Vast Reworking of Clean Water Protections

Like Algae in your waters, Floridian Trumpists, prepare for more.

More cancer causing chemicals will be allowed to flow into our waters.

Pubs love filth. Filth in the water. Filth in the air. Filth everywhere.

Pubs dreams are coming true as filth will flow.

But hey these Trumpists are pro-life. Pro-lifers who could give a damn if these chemicals cause abortions, birth defects and cancer. Hypocrite = Trumpists

No, moron....what is being stopped is having the government tell you that the sitting water on your property because it rained last night is a designated WetLand, and now you can't improve your property or sell it because it is now a designated Wetland....

You doofus.
Dumbass...runoff rules are being gutted. Love the filth. That is what you Pubs want.
Like Algae in your waters, Floridian Trumpists, prepare for more.

Which rule did Trump weaken to allow algae in Florida?

Polllutant runoffs is what is causing the burst of algae blooms in Florida. Those run off regs already weak will only get weaker.

Polllutant runoffs is what is causing the burst of algae blooms in Florida.

When did Trump do anything to allow runoffs?
The Trump administration is expected on Tuesday to unveil a plan that would weaken federal clean water rules designed to protect millions of acres of wetlands and thousands of miles of streams nationwide from pesticide runoff and other pollutants.

Environmentalists say the proposal represents a historic assault on wetlands regulation at a moment when Mr. Trump has repeatedly voiced a commitment to “crystal-clean water.” The proposed new rule would chip away at safeguards put in place a quarter century ago, during the administration of President George H.W. Bush, who implemented a policy designed to ensure that no wetlands lost federal protection.

Trump Prepares to Unveil a Vast Reworking of Clean Water Protections

Like Algae in your waters, Floridian Trumpists, prepare for more.

More cancer causing chemicals will be allowed to flow into our waters.

Pubs love filth. Filth in the water. Filth in the air. Filth everywhere.

Pubs dreams are coming true as filth will flow.

But hey these Trumpists are pro-life. Pro-lifers who could give a damn if these chemicals cause abortions, birth defects and cancer. Hypocrite = Trumpists

No, moron....what is being stopped is having the government tell you that the sitting water on your property because it rained last night is a designated WetLand, and now you can't improve your property or sell it because it is now a designated Wetland....

You doofus.
Dumbass...runoff rules are being gutted. Love the filth. That is what you Pubs want.

You mean like the run off the EPA caused from the gold mean like that? Poisoning the river without mean like that?
Obama's rule was overreach...all they are doing is removing EPA bureaucratic BS for farmers to be able to get on with what they

The rules being gutted go back to the G HW Bush Administration.

“They’re definitely rolling things back to the pre-George H.W. Bush era,” said Blan Holman, who works on water regulations with the Southern Environmental Law Center. Wetlands play key roles in filtering surface water and protecting against floods, while also providing wildlife habitat.
Like Algae in your waters, Floridian Trumpists, prepare for more.

Which rule did Trump weaken to allow algae in Florida?

Polllutant runoffs is what is causing the burst of algae blooms in Florida. Those run off regs already weak will only get weaker.

Polllutant runoffs is what is causing the burst of algae blooms in Florida.

When did Trump do anything to allow runoffs?

A huge part of Florida's problem is residential lawn care.
Obama's rule was overreach...all they are doing is removing EPA bureaucratic BS for farmers to be able to get on with what they

The rules being gutted go back to the G HW Bush Administration.

“They’re definitely rolling things back to the pre-George H.W. Bush era,” said Blan Holman, who works on water regulations with the Southern Environmental Law Center. Wetlands play key roles in filtering surface water and protecting against floods, while also providing wildlife habitat.

Yep, as they should be
The Trump administration is expected on Tuesday to unveil a plan that would weaken federal clean water rules designed to protect millions of acres of wetlands and thousands of miles of streams nationwide from pesticide runoff and other pollutants.

Environmentalists say the proposal represents a historic assault on wetlands regulation at a moment when Mr. Trump has repeatedly voiced a commitment to “crystal-clean water.” The proposed new rule would chip away at safeguards put in place a quarter century ago, during the administration of President George H.W. Bush, who implemented a policy designed to ensure that no wetlands lost federal protection.

Trump Prepares to Unveil a Vast Reworking of Clean Water Protections

Like Algae in your waters, Floridian Trumpists, prepare for more.

More cancer causing chemicals will be allowed to flow into our waters.

Pubs love filth. Filth in the water. Filth in the air. Filth everywhere.

Pubs dreams are coming true as filth will flow.

But hey these Trumpists are pro-life. Pro-lifers who could give a damn if these chemicals cause abortions, birth defects and cancer. Hypocrite = Trumpists

No, moron....what is being stopped is having the government tell you that the sitting water on your property because it rained last night is a designated WetLand, and now you can't improve your property or sell it because it is now a designated Wetland....

You doofus.
Trump to end decades-old Clean Water Act protections for wetlands, seasonal streams

Cheered by golf course owners.Trump to end decades-old Clean Water Act protections for wetlands, seasonal streams

the sooner Trump is out of the WH is not soon enough.
The Trump administration is expected on Tuesday to unveil a plan that would weaken federal clean water rules designed to protect millions of acres of wetlands and thousands of miles of streams nationwide from pesticide runoff and other pollutants.

Environmentalists say the proposal represents a historic assault on wetlands regulation at a moment when Mr. Trump has repeatedly voiced a commitment to “crystal-clean water.” The proposed new rule would chip away at safeguards put in place a quarter century ago, during the administration of President George H.W. Bush, who implemented a policy designed to ensure that no wetlands lost federal protection.

Trump Prepares to Unveil a Vast Reworking of Clean Water Protections

Like Algae in your waters, Floridian Trumpists, prepare for more.

More cancer causing chemicals will be allowed to flow into our waters.

Pubs love filth. Filth in the water. Filth in the air. Filth everywhere.

Pubs dreams are coming true as filth will flow.

But hey these Trumpists are pro-life. Pro-lifers who could give a damn if these chemicals cause abortions, birth defects and cancer. Hypocrite = Trumpists
Congress is delegated the power to provide for the general welfare, not the general malfare. A patent system and a commerce clause should be preferred.
Obama's rule was overreach...all they are doing is removing EPA bureaucratic BS for farmers to be able to get on with what they

The rules being gutted go back to the G HW Bush Administration.

“They’re definitely rolling things back to the pre-George H.W. Bush era,” said Blan Holman, who works on water regulations with the Southern Environmental Law Center. Wetlands play key roles in filtering surface water and protecting against floods, while also providing wildlife habitat.

Yep, as they should be

From the link:

"The Obama rule, developed jointly by the E.P.A. and the Army Corps of Engineers under the authority of the 1972 Clean Water Act, was designed to limit pollution in about 60 percent of the nation’s bodies of water, protecting sources of drinking water for about a third of the United States. It extended existing federal authority to limit pollution in large bodies of water, like the Chesapeake Bay and Puget Sound, to smaller bodies that drain into them, such as tributaries, streams and wetlands.

But it became a target for rural landowners, an important part of President Trump’s political base, since it could have restricted how much pollution from chemical fertilizers and pesticides could seep into water on their property."

Seriously, how much chemical fertilizers and pesticides should be allowed into our waterways? Florida already has a big problem with it, it will only get worse now.

Remember when DeSantis and Scott were running for office they said they will fix these algae blooms. Let us see what they do now.
The Trump administration is expected on Tuesday to unveil a plan that would weaken federal clean water rules designed to protect millions of acres of wetlands and thousands of miles of streams nationwide from pesticide runoff and other pollutants.

Environmentalists say the proposal represents a historic assault on wetlands regulation at a moment when Mr. Trump has repeatedly voiced a commitment to “crystal-clean water.” The proposed new rule would chip away at safeguards put in place a quarter century ago, during the administration of President George H.W. Bush, who implemented a policy designed to ensure that no wetlands lost federal protection.

Trump Prepares to Unveil a Vast Reworking of Clean Water Protections

Like Algae in your waters, Floridian Trumpists, prepare for more.

More cancer causing chemicals will be allowed to flow into our waters.

Pubs love filth. Filth in the water. Filth in the air. Filth everywhere.

Pubs dreams are coming true as filth will flow.

But hey these Trumpists are pro-life. Pro-lifers who could give a damn if these chemicals cause abortions, birth defects and cancer. Hypocrite = Trumpists

Let's talk about Obama's EPA, faggot:


Press Releases and Updates for Gold King Mine Response | US EPA
Obama's rule was overreach...all they are doing is removing EPA bureaucratic BS for farmers to be able to get on with what they

The rules being gutted go back to the G HW Bush Administration.

“They’re definitely rolling things back to the pre-George H.W. Bush era,” said Blan Holman, who works on water regulations with the Southern Environmental Law Center. Wetlands play key roles in filtering surface water and protecting against floods, while also providing wildlife habitat.

Yep, as they should be

From the link:

"The Obama rule, developed jointly by the E.P.A. and the Army Corps of Engineers under the authority of the 1972 Clean Water Act, was designed to limit pollution in about 60 percent of the nation’s bodies of water, protecting sources of drinking water for about a third of the United States. It extended existing federal authority to limit pollution in large bodies of water, like the Chesapeake Bay and Puget Sound, to smaller bodies that drain into them, such as tributaries, streams and wetlands.

But it became a target for rural landowners, an important part of President Trump’s political base, since it could have restricted how much pollution from chemical fertilizers and pesticides could seep into water on their property."

Seriously, how much chemical fertilizers and pesticides should be allowed into our waterways? Florida already has a big problem with it, it will only get worse now.

Remember when DeSantis and Scott were running for office they said they will fix these algae blooms. Let us see what they do now.

I read it and understand what is being done.

You don't and have the vapors again
The Trump administration is expected on Tuesday to unveil a plan that would weaken federal clean water rules designed to protect millions of acres of wetlands and thousands of miles of streams nationwide from pesticide runoff and other pollutants.

Environmentalists say the proposal represents a historic assault on wetlands regulation at a moment when Mr. Trump has repeatedly voiced a commitment to “crystal-clean water.” The proposed new rule would chip away at safeguards put in place a quarter century ago, during the administration of President George H.W. Bush, who implemented a policy designed to ensure that no wetlands lost federal protection.

Trump Prepares to Unveil a Vast Reworking of Clean Water Protections

Like Algae in your waters, Floridian Trumpists, prepare for more.

More cancer causing chemicals will be allowed to flow into our waters.

Pubs love filth. Filth in the water. Filth in the air. Filth everywhere.

Pubs dreams are coming true as filth will flow.

But hey these Trumpists are pro-life. Pro-lifers who could give a damn if these chemicals cause abortions, birth defects and cancer. Hypocrite = Trumpists

No, moron....what is being stopped is having the government tell you that the sitting water on your property because it rained last night is a designated WetLand, and now you can't improve your property or sell it because it is now a designated Wetland....

You doofus.
Trump to end decades-old Clean Water Act protections for wetlands, seasonal streams

Cheered by golf course owners.Trump to end decades-old Clean Water Act protections for wetlands, seasonal streams

the sooner Trump is out of the WH is not soon enough.
Great point. Trump will personally profit from these new rules. Trump using his office to make money. Corrupt SOB.
What he gutted moron was the false leftist lies used to fill you idiots and your guilt trip meters which were used to make big corporations rich off assholes who like you fell for it all.

There is one reason we are seeing such severe weather this or that and leftist pukes like you refuse to believe it even though it is mentioned in EVERY SCIENCE BOOK there is just about . Esp. if it is a book not written by leftist retards.

You asses can't see what happens above your heads 24 hrs a day 7 days a week.
The Trump administration is expected on Tuesday to unveil a plan that would weaken federal clean water rules designed to protect millions of acres of wetlands and thousands of miles of streams nationwide from pesticide runoff and other pollutants.

Environmentalists say the proposal represents a historic assault on wetlands regulation at a moment when Mr. Trump has repeatedly voiced a commitment to “crystal-clean water.” The proposed new rule would chip away at safeguards put in place a quarter century ago, during the administration of President George H.W. Bush, who implemented a policy designed to ensure that no wetlands lost federal protection.

Trump Prepares to Unveil a Vast Reworking of Clean Water Protections

Like Algae in your waters, Floridian Trumpists, prepare for more.

More cancer causing chemicals will be allowed to flow into our waters.

Pubs love filth. Filth in the water. Filth in the air. Filth everywhere.

Pubs dreams are coming true as filth will flow.

But hey these Trumpists are pro-life. Pro-lifers who could give a damn if these chemicals cause abortions, birth defects and cancer. Hypocrite = Trumpists

No, moron....what is being stopped is having the government tell you that the sitting water on your property because it rained last night is a designated WetLand, and now you can't improve your property or sell it because it is now a designated Wetland....

You doofus.
Trump to end decades-old Clean Water Act protections for wetlands, seasonal streams

Cheered by golf course owners.Trump to end decades-old Clean Water Act protections for wetlands, seasonal streams

the sooner Trump is out of the WH is not soon enough.
Great point. Trump will personally profit from these new rules. Trump using his office to make money. Corrupt SOB.

No he wont' gawd ur a moron.

NY TIMES lmfao . that explains it.

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