MORE total Pubcrappe- the RW flames the Volt


Diamond Member
Sep 5, 2011
The lies, sabotage, and idiocy never stop- see also the Fiskerin THIS regard...

Inside, the mood was upbeat. A month earlier, the Volt had been named European Car of the Year. It was coming off its best sales month yet, with some 2,200 cars sold. Its problems with the government — which conducted a severe rollover test that caused a Volt to catch fire — appeared to be over; the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration had given the Volt its highest crash-safety rating.

Between bites of eggs and bacon, the Volt owners gushed about how well the car drove — and how much gasoline they were saving. They were early adopters, of course, willing to pay a high price ($40,000 before a $7,500 tax credit) to get their hands on a new technology. Many of them had become nearly obsessed with avoiding the gas station; for those with short commutes, it could be months between fill-ups.

“When you talk to people about the car,” said Eric Rotbard, a lawyer in White Plains, “the killer moment is when you tell them you are getting 198 miles per gallon.” An owner at another table chimed in, “Is that all you get?” Everyone laughed.

Yet there was also an undercurrent of nervousness at the breakfast. A reporter for Fox News had been prowling the auto show, asking nasty questions about the Volt. For months, the conservative propaganda machine — including Rush Limbaugh, Bill O’Reilly, and Neil Cavuto, the Fox News business editor — had been mocking the Volt, and linking it to President Obama, who has long touted the promise of electric cars. Cavuto, who has called the Volt “roller skates with a plug,” was rumored to be going on the air that very night with yet another Volt hatchet job.

What is the connection between President Obama and the Volt? There is none. The car was the brainchild of Bob Lutz, a legendary auto executive who is about as liberal as the Koch brothers. The tax credit — which is part of the reason conservatives hate the car — became law during the Bush administration.

“It’s nuts,” said Lutz, when I spoke to him earlier in the week. “This is a significant achievement in the auto industry. There are so many legitimate things to criticize Obama about. It is inexplicable that the right would feel the need to tell lies about the Volt to attack the president.”

In his regular blog at Forbes, Lutz has tried to counter what he has called the “rabid, sadly misinformed right.” But he has largely given up. The last straw came when his conservative intellectual hero, Charles Krauthammer, described the Volt as “flammable.” Krauthammer, Lutz felt, had to know better. Although he remains deeply conservative, Lutz told me that he has become disenchanted with the right’s willingness to spread lies to aid the cause.

At the breakfast I attended, many of the Volt owners wanted General Motors to fight back. But Chris Perry, a G.M. marketing executive, cautioned that that would only bring more attention to the Volt’s status as “a political punching bag.” He added, “We are looking at the long term, and we know this is going to pass.” Which it surely will — after November.

As it turns out, Cavuto went easy on the Volt when his show aired that night. He used a recent article in The New York Times — about how long it takes for electric cars to reap savings for their owners — to take a few jabs at the electric car movement. But his guest that night was James Lentz, the president of Toyota Motors, who wanted to talk up the Prius, so Cavuto politely soft-pedaled his criticism. “Toys for the well-to-do” was the worst he was willing to go on this night.

Not to worry, though. With seven months to go before the election, Cavuto and his Fox News brethren will have plenty of opportunities to denigrate an innovative car, employing American technology and creating American jobs, in order to besmirch a president who had nothing to do with it.

It is, after all, what they do.
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"Corporate Welfare sucks. Period, end of story."

Except if it's for Wall St, Big Oil, Big Pharma,Big health care,or the Koch Bros. So dumb and un-American...
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Except if it's for Wall St, Big Oil, Big Pharma,Big health care,or the Koch Bros. So dumb and un-American...

Did i stutter? I said Corporate Welfare sucks. And you should think so too. Either sell the fuckin Volt or don't. But don't whine about it everyday. GM got their Taxpayer Bailout, so now it's time for them to quit their bitchin,do their jobs, and say thank you. I'm so fuckin tired of all the GM/Obama-Bot whining.
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Except if it's for Wall St, Big Oil, Big Pharma,Big health care,or the Koch Bros. So dumb and un-American...

Did i stutter? I said Corporate Welfare sucks. And you should think so too. Either sell the fuckin Volt or don't. But don't whine about it everyday. GM got their Taxpayer Bailout, so now it's time for them to quit their bitchin,do their jobs, and say thank you. I'm so fuckin tired of all the GM/Obama-Bot whining.

*OR* They should go and DO the proper course and declare BANKRUPTCY like every one else, and NOT rip off the taxpayer.
"Corporate Welfare sucks. Period, end of story."

Except if it's for Wall St, Big Oil, Big Pharma,Big health care,or the Koch Bros. So dumb and un-American...
You and your ilk never quit do you? Stop the lying, the volt production was suspended because it is a bad car.
Except if it's for Wall St, Big Oil, Big Pharma,Big health care,or the Koch Bros. So dumb and un-American...

Did i stutter? I said Corporate Welfare sucks. And you should think so too. Either sell the fuckin Volt or don't. But don't whine about it everyday. GM got their Taxpayer Bailout, so now it's time for them to quit their bitchin,do their jobs, and say thank you. I'm so fuckin tired of all the GM/Obama-Bot whining.

*OR* They should go and DO the proper course and declare BANKRUPTCY like every one else, and NOT rip off the taxpayer.

Man seriously, i'm just so tired of all the GM/Obama-Bot whining. A fuckin thank you sure would be nice no? The Taxpayers bailed their sorry asses out, yet all they can do is whine incessantly. I'm so damn sick of it. They need to STFU and just do their jobs. The only thing i need to hear from them now is a thank you. Other than that, i'm just not interested.
"Corporate Welfare sucks. Period, end of story."

Except if it's for Wall St, Big Oil, Big Pharma,Big health care,or the Koch Bros. So dumb and un-American...
You and your ilk never quit do you? Stop the lying, the volt production was suspended because it is a bad car.

That's why it's car of the year everywhere and all the owners love it. Change the channel, moron.
"Corporate Welfare sucks. Period, end of story."

Except if it's for Wall St, Big Oil, Big Pharma,Big health care,or the Koch Bros. So dumb and un-American...
You and your ilk never quit do you? Stop the lying, the volt production was suspended because it is a bad car.

That's why it's car of the year everywhere and all the owners love it. Change the channel, moron.

Well then they'll buy it no? So what the fuck are you GM/Obama-Bots whining about? No one's stopping you or anyone from buying it. If everyone loves it, they'll buy it. It really is that simple. My God, even a programmed Obama-Bot should be able to understand that. SHEESH! :mad:
I'm tried of brainless talking points being used to try and cover up policies that have mediocre at best. Obama wanted a auto bailout he got it he wanted a massive stimulus package he got that the fact the results have been less than impressive given the money spent is on him and no one else. Instead of bitching about the right all the time some might consider that throwing money at problem does not always solve it.
GM and Chrysler? Problem solved. The recovery stalled when Pubs got filibuster 2/2010...

Half the country won't buy Volts because the Pub Propaganda Machine made it a political decision. A-holes and dupes. Also sabotaging alternative energy. "No compromise, un-American" (TIME) a-HOLES!

Car reviewers, hardly a liberal bunch, think you're a bunch of lying a-holes LOL
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GM and Chrysler? Problem solved. The recovery stalled when Pubs got filibuster 2/2010...

Half the country won't buy Volts because the Pub Propaganda Machine made it a political decision. A-holes and dupes. Also sabotaging alternative energy. "No compromise, un-American" (TIME) a-HOLES!

Car reviewers, hardly a liberal bunch, think you're a bunch of lying a-holes LOL
YOU are the lying A-HOLE! A-HOLE!!!!

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