More Slings And Arrows For Jews From Progressives

Jews aren't special. I'm tired of my tax dollars being given to a nation that isn't in need. That's all.

I didn't ask for any Democrat anti-Semites to verify the thanks for your initiative.
Steve Scalise attended and spoke at european white supremacists organization.

Louie Gohmert:
“George Soros is supposed to be Jewish, but you wouldn’t know it from the damage he’s inflicted on Israel,” Gohmert said. “And the fact that he turned on fellow Jews and helped take the property that they owned. It’s the same kind of thing.”

This ludicrous and anti-Semitic claim that Soros helped “take the property” of fellow Jews during World War II has been repeatedly and thoroughly debunked. Soros, for the record, was 14 years old at the end of the war.

Matt Gaetz invited the notorious Holocaust denier Chuck Johnson to be his guest at the State of the Union.

Steve King retweeted a neo-Nazi. He sat on a panel with white nationalists. He praised both the German and Austrian far right. According to the ADL, he even “denigrated the Jewish history of the Holocaust.”

Paul Gosar is so brazen in his conspiratorial, anti-Jewish bigotry that his own family has felt the need to publicly denounce him. “We are aghast that Paul has sunk so low that he now spews the most despicable slander against an 87-year-old man without a shred of proof,” a letter signed by seven of his siblings said in October 2017. “It is extremely upsetting to have to call you out on this, Paul, but you’ve forced our hand with your deceit and anti-Semitic dog whistle.”

In October 2018, Gosar’s brother David went even further, describing the representative’s rhetoric as having “helped feed the anti-Semitism that just resulted in the murder of 11 people in a Jewish synagogue and an attempt on Mr. Soros’s life.”
Yay, Jews.

Boo, Progressives.

Put a little effort into your posts, new guy.

Have a thought, and be articulate.
Yay, Jews.

Boo, Progressives.

Put a little effort into your posts, new guy.

Have a thought, and be articulate.

I was stunned almost senseless by the loveliness of your avatar's image.

Pardon me if it takes a few minutes.

From a distance it reminds me of Susan Sarandon. I don't care for her politics, but she is very pleasing to my eyes.

Thanks for the prod.

She's a Korean fifth columnist. She used to just love all over Ann Coulter until Ann said bad things about her King of Gods, Don Trump.
….with a theological basis.

Progressive….meaning ‘progress’? Seems, instead, they’ve devolved to that ol’ time religion to attack Jews.

1.The Democrat Party et al is well known to be anti-Semitic….here, tons of proof:

Jews and Democrats….Oil and Water ...which includes this warning…

“America’s Democratic Party is failing to purge from its own ranks agitators against the Jews. It’s even elevating them to important committees.

“Some of the most fashionable, high-profile progressives in the country at the moment — the leaders of the Women’s March, groundbreaking politicians celebrated for shattering glass ceilings — are the ones who hold deeply disturbing views …

We are in the early stages of an election where anti-Semitism is likely to emerge as one of the issues…” A Pasionara Against Progressive Anti-Semitism

2. From the Jewish magazine, The Tablet, an erudite explanation of the Progressive Theology (Why the Left Is Repeating Christianity's Most Dangerous Historical Mistakes, and Why It's Bad for the Jews)

The author provides an impassioned attempt to explain Progressives hatred of Israel as in " the early history of Christianity….What we’re seeing right now, then, is the strange spectacle of progressives pursuing the same thorny theology that much of Christendom abandoned long ago, the theology of supersessionism. Also known as replacement theology, this idea developed early on in the history of Christianity, …[if] Christians were God’s new chosen people, what, then, was to be done about the chosen people of old, the Jews? …the Jews had forfeited their right to their special status…

3. …it was Augustine …the early Christian theologian was, as ever, the smartest person around, and he offered his fellow Christians a better alternative. The Jews, he argued, were Christianity’s witnesses: “But the Jews who slew Him,” he wrote, referring, naturally, to Jesus, “are thus by their own Scriptures a testimony to us that we have not forged the prophecies about Christ.” See things this way and the Jews are no longer worthy of eternal servitude. Instead, they become intimates of their Christian brothers and sisters. “For in the Jewish people was figured the Christian people,” Augustine wrote.

4. While the Celts and the Druids and the other tribes who came under the church’s rule could be slaughtered or assimilated or otherwise made to disappear, the Jews continued to pose a special problem: Christian civilization, it seemed, often couldn’t live without them, and even more often couldn’t live with them. And so, the Jews were mocked, discriminated against, relegated to narrow ghettos, forced to convert, tortured by the Inquisition, expelled, accused, despised. But they persisted, because all but the most maniacal bigots understood that they were the children of God, and that their covenant with the Creator, even if you believed it to have expired, was still meaningful enough to respect, however begrudgingly.” Why the Left Is Repeating Christianity's Most Dangerous Historical Mistakes, and Why It's Bad for the Jews

So....according to the most atavistic of Christians.....who were the new 'chosen people'???

“Supersessionism, also called replacement theology or fulfillment theology, is a Christian doctrine which asserts that the New Covenant through Jesus Christsupersedes the Old Covenant, which was made exclusively with the Jewish people.” Supersessionism - Wikipedia

No longer Christian doctrine…..but useful to Progressives.

Next….how and why Christianity gave replacement theology up.
quite a reach. What has the right wing done, other than resort to our exorbitantly expensive secular and temporal, superpower?
Yay, Jews.

Boo, Progressives.

Put a little effort into your posts, new guy.

Have a thought, and be articulate.
Yay, Jews.

Boo, Progressives.

Put a little effort into your posts, new guy.

Have a thought, and be articulate.

I was stunned almost senseless by the loveliness of your avatar's image.

Pardon me if it takes a few minutes.

From a distance it reminds me of Susan Sarandon. I don't care for her politics, but she is very pleasing to my eyes.

Thanks for the prod.

She's a Korean fifth columnist. She used to just love all over Ann Coulter until Ann said bad things about her King of Gods, Don Trump.
she really just needs a full body massage with happy ending, to be Happier.
Yay, Jews.

Boo, Progressives.

Put a little effort into your posts, new guy.

Have a thought, and be articulate.
Yay, Jews.

Boo, Progressives.

Put a little effort into your posts, new guy.

Have a thought, and be articulate.

I was stunned almost senseless by the loveliness of your avatar's image.

Pardon me if it takes a few minutes.

From a distance it reminds me of Susan Sarandon. I don't care for her politics, but she is very pleasing to my eyes.

Thanks for the prod.

She's a Korean fifth columnist. She used to just love all over Ann Coulter until Ann said bad things about her King of Gods, Don Trump.
she really just needs a full body massage with happy ending, to be Happier.
Probably....But you are messing with a real Tokyo Rose...Who is a devout Christian, one who curses people on the Sabbath...
Yay, Jews.

Boo, Progressives.

Put a little effort into your posts, new guy.

Have a thought, and be articulate.
Yay, Jews.

Boo, Progressives.

Put a little effort into your posts, new guy.

Have a thought, and be articulate.

I was stunned almost senseless by the loveliness of your avatar's image.

Pardon me if it takes a few minutes.

From a distance it reminds me of Susan Sarandon. I don't care for her politics, but she is very pleasing to my eyes.

Thanks for the prod to expound.


Thank you for the kind....nay, gracious....words.

I look forward to your posts in the future.
Jews aren't special. I'm tired of my tax dollars being given to a nation that isn't in need. That's all.

I didn't ask for any Democrat anti-Semites to verify the thanks for your initiative.
Steve Scalise attended and spoke at european white supremacists organization.

Louie Gohmert:
“George Soros is supposed to be Jewish, but you wouldn’t know it from the damage he’s inflicted on Israel,” Gohmert said. “And the fact that he turned on fellow Jews and helped take the property that they owned. It’s the same kind of thing.”

This ludicrous and anti-Semitic claim that Soros helped “take the property” of fellow Jews during World War II has been repeatedly and thoroughly debunked. Soros, for the record, was 14 years old at the end of the war.

Matt Gaetz invited the notorious Holocaust denier Chuck Johnson to be his guest at the State of the Union.

Steve King retweeted a neo-Nazi. He sat on a panel with white nationalists. He praised both the German and Austrian far right. According to the ADL, he even “denigrated the Jewish history of the Holocaust.”

Paul Gosar is so brazen in his conspiratorial, anti-Jewish bigotry that his own family has felt the need to publicly denounce him. “We are aghast that Paul has sunk so low that he now spews the most despicable slander against an 87-year-old man without a shred of proof,” a letter signed by seven of his siblings said in October 2017. “It is extremely upsetting to have to call you out on this, Paul, but you’ve forced our hand with your deceit and anti-Semitic dog whistle.”

In October 2018, Gosar’s brother David went even further, describing the representative’s rhetoric as having “helped feed the anti-Semitism that just resulted in the murder of 11 people in a Jewish synagogue and an attempt on Mr. Soros’s life.”

Is this your attempt to shield the anti-Semite party, the Democrats???

If so, it fits with the absurdity of all of your other posts.
Yay, Jews.

Boo, Progressives.

Put a little effort into your posts, new guy.

Have a thought, and be articulate.
Yay, Jews.

Boo, Progressives.

Put a little effort into your posts, new guy.

Have a thought, and be articulate.

I was stunned almost senseless by the loveliness of your avatar's image.

Pardon me if it takes a few minutes.

From a distance it reminds me of Susan Sarandon. I don't care for her politics, but she is very pleasing to my eyes.

Thanks for the prod.

She's a Korean fifth columnist. She used to just love all over Ann Coulter until Ann said bad things about her King of Gods, Don Trump.
she really just needs a full body massage with happy ending, to be Happier.
Probably....But you are messing with a real Tokyo Rose...Who is a devout Christian, one who curses people on the Sabbath...
probably just needs the g-spot focus work therapy.
5. When earlier Christian theologians preached animus for Jews, there were consequences that may or may not have been anticipated.

WWII was one such consequence.

“…then came the Holocaust. The systematic murder of 6 million Jews marked an endpoint not only to Jewish life in much of Europe, but also, significantly and in a way that many Jews may still not appreciate, to the old problem Christianity had with the Jews.

Having neither enshrined supersessionism in doctrine nor rejected it outright—it continued, throughout the centuries, to play a role in the thoughts and teachings of many Christians.

The earlier doctrine was addressed:

6. —the Catholic Church, in its Second Vatican Council, drew a line in the sand that rejected the harshest aspects of replacement theology. In Nostra aetate, Latin for In Our Time, a declaration focused on the church’s relations with other religions, Rome made it clear that times have changed.

The Jews,” the statement read, “should not be presented as rejected or accursed by God, as if this followed from the Holy Scriptures. … Furthermore, in her rejection of every persecution against any man, the church, mindful of the patrimony she shares with the Jews … decries hatred, persecutions, displays of anti-Semitism, directed against Jews at any time and by anyone.”

The declaration was passed by a vote of 2,221 bishops to 88, and was officially released by Pope Paul VI in October of 1965. Fifteen years later, Pope John Paul II went even further when, visiting the synagogue in Mainz, he called the Jews “the people of God of the Old Covenant, which has never been abrogated by God.”
Why the Left Is Repeating Christianity's Most Dangerous Historical Mistakes, and Why It's Bad for the Jews

There is a contemporary Christian group that is the best of friends of Jews…bet you can guess who.

Last edited:
Jews aren't special. I'm tired of my tax dollars being given to a nation that isn't in need. That's all.

I didn't ask for any Democrat anti-Semites to verify the thanks for your initiative.

Conservatives march down the streets wh torches chanting “Jews will not replace us.”

We all know which party is the anti semites.
Not the Republicans who support Israel...Barry Sotoro supported PLO...Democrats have a hajib wearing idiot in the House.
Jews aren't special. I'm tired of my tax dollars being given to a nation that isn't in need. That's all.

I didn't ask for any Democrat anti-Semites to verify the thanks for your initiative.

Conservatives march down the streets wh torches chanting “Jews will not replace us.”

We all know which party is the anti semites.
Not the Republicans who support Israel...Barry Sotoro supported PLO...Democrats have a hajib wearing idiot in the House.
why no peace in the Middle East, if the right wing "loves Israel" so much.
Then why do the Progressives like Trump and the GOP want to continue to oppress people through the Drug War?

You are such a dumb ass dip shit.....

It’s Trump that’s reforming the drug laws…..

Pull your head out of your Ass and quit watching cnn and msnbctard
Then why do the Progressives like Trump and the GOP want to continue to oppress people through the Drug War?

You are such a dumb ass dip shit.....

It’s Trump that’s reforming the drug laws…..

Pull your head out of your Ass and quit watching cnn and msnbctard
we have a commerce clause; why do we lose money on public policies?

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