More Rush...why the left is envious...

The Stuttering LimpBoy's "say so" actually proves him a liar! :eusa_liar:

In 2011 he claimed his audience was over 40 million per day, but after his slut rants he claims his 22 million audience is the largest it's ever been. So basically he's a pathological liar who lost half his audience while claiming his audience has grown.:eusa_liar:

The Doctor of Duplicity is the perfect contrarian indicator, whatever he says the opposite is true!!! :lol:

May 26, 2011
RUSH:. According to reports at the peak of The Oprah's popularity, her show had 40 million weekly viewers. Now, that's not bad. That's almost as many as we have every day here. So our hat's off to The Oprah, 40 million viewers a week, not bad.

March 28, 2012
RUSH: We haven't lost any audience in this program.* The audience is larger than it's ever been... But the advertisers who've really been hurt are the ones who've abandoned here. I just assume everybody understood that. Let me tell you: We have 22 million people here who have stopped patronizing these people, stopped patronizing them. It's major in many instances, the harm that has been inflicted.

You know, I've seen Rush trashed and bashed on numerous threads and on myriad message boards. He is accused of being the leader of the Republican party, which is absurd considering the track record as I have explained earlier, and also of being inconsequential, which as you have pointed out is an oxymoron if he is also influential :).

He has been descxribed in the most hateful and despicable terms and probably most of the other negative or derogatory adjectives in the English language. (Maybe in other languages too, I don't know.) He is denounced and blasted for how he phrases something, for the metaphors and terminology he uses, etc. etc. etc. Sometimes the criticisms are valid. Most often they are not. Probably more red herrings, straw men, non sequiturs, and flat out lies have been written about Rush Limbaugh than any other figure except for maybe George W. Bush.

But I don't believe I have ever seen a progressive/liberal/leftist/Democrat actually take a statement or point of view that Rush has expressed and articulate an objective argument for why he was wrong or off base.

Is there a progressive capable of doing that? I wonder.

I have made a fool of your MessiahRushie with his OWN contradictory statements so often on this board that most of the DittoNutzis here now deny ever listening to the pathological liar. Just check the above post from this very thread, he was either lying about the 40 million per day or he was lying about his audience never being larger than the 22 million after his slut rant. :eusa_liar: Both statements can't be true!!!

Yes, I often wonder about that one. And why are his ratings such a closely-guarded secret?

Closely guarded? Hardly. Arbitron is the largest and most respected radio rating group and tracks Rush's (and everybody else's) audiences in every major market every 15 minutes. It has consistently shown Rush as #1 in almost every one of those markets along with a breakdown for exactly how many listeners are listening who are in their teens, young adults, middle age, seniors, etc. You can look them up on line.
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I have made a fool of your MessiahRushie with his OWN contradictory statements so often on this board that most of the DittoNutzis here now deny ever listening to the pathological liar. Just check the above post from this very thread, he was either lying about the 40 million per day or he was lying about his audience never being larger than the 22 million after his slut rant. :eusa_liar: Both statements can't be true!!!

Yes, I often wonder about that one. And why are his ratings such a closely-guarded secret?

Closely guarded? Hardly. Arbitron is the largest and most respected radio rating group and tracks Rush's (and everybody else's) audiences in every major market every 15 minutes. It has consistently shown Rush as #1 in almost every one of those markets along with a breakdown for exactly how many listeners are watching who are in their teens, young adults, middle age, seniors, etc. You can look them up on line.
Why don't you post them if they are so freely available? Could it be that they are available to subscribers only?

You're Obcessed about Limbaugh Edith.​
But I don't believe I have ever seen a progressive/liberal/leftist/Democrat actually take a statement or point of view that Rush has expressed and articulate an objective argument for why he was wrong or off base.

Is there a progressive capable of doing that? I wonder.
OK, here's another one.

Not one molecule of CO2 in the entire universe has ever come from H2O!!!!!!!

Is that articulate and objective enough for you as to why your MessiahRushie is wrong or off base?????

April 3, 2007
RUSH: Mark my brilliant words on this. That's how this stuff starts. Now, the question is: is CO2 even a pollutant? Is it an air pollutant? Because if it is, then all the water vapor on this planet is a pollutant. The vast majority of CO2 that's in the atmosphere comes from water vapor.
i guess that was too articulate and objective since you didn't reply.

Maybe you'd like to take a shot at this one. Now CON$ know their lies go against science so they know they have to discredit real scientists for their sheep to swallow their bullshit, so the below quote is your MessiahRushie's attempt to discredit physicists.

He starts with the lie that the Big Bang violates the FLoT. It doesn't! Nowhere does the Big Bang say that the universe came from nothing as the pathological liar claims. He then says that physicists had to invent new physics to rationalize this nonexistent violation, they didn't. But then the scientifically ignorant asshole slips and admits that the Big Bang says that a "tiny little speck of ALMOST NOTHING" exploded. Now ALMOST NOTHING is not nothing, it is SOMETHING!!! And that tiny little speck of SOMETHING is ALL THE ENERGY OF THE UNIVERSE!!!!!!!!!

So to recap, the pathological liar tries to discredit physicists by accusing them of making up new physics to cover the Big Bang violating the FLoT, and then slips and reveals that the Big Bang didn't violate the FLoT. What DOES violate the FLoT is Creation which says that no thing (God) created everything from nothing, but then suddenly violating the FLoT isn't so important.

December 20, 2007
RUSH: The Big Bang violates the best-known law of science, the first law of thermodynamics. The first law of thermodynamics says that you cannot create something out of nothing. Hello, Mr. Pascal. He wasn't even a scientist. He was a philosopher. It's easier to believe that something that has been can be again than it is to believe that something that has never been can be. Yet, the Big Bang violates the first law of thermodynamics. That law says you cannot create something out of nothing. But cosmologists, who are physicists that study the evolution of the universe, have to invent new physics to explain the Big Bang: physics that have never been observed. So is this science or is it faith? The Big Bang crowd, nobody was there to see it. We're just told that this tiny little speck of almost nothing exploded one day and became the universe?

What law of physics explains that? We don't have one. They've had to create it because they haven't observed it.
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More Rush...why the left is envious...

"They ... resent the very existence of a program that’s been wildly successful for 24 years and spawned a powerful conservative talk industry which reaches an overall weekly audience of more than 40 million and which more than 1 in 8 Americans describe as “very credible

Limbaugh’s critics seem unable to accept the fact that many of their fellow citizens actually appreciate the opportunity to listen to his opinions on a regular basis, so rather than persuade those poor benighted souls to listen to something else, they mean to take away the broadcast that they enjoy."

"Rather than continuing to compete in the open marketplace, lefties merely yearn to shut down the other side with sponsor boycotts."

May 21, 2012

Significant Ratings Hit

"Limbaugh's detractors attribute the losses to a rejection of the show following his controversial comments about the Georgetown law student.

"Clearly Sandra Fluke isn't the only one who didn't like Rush calling her a 'slut' given how many viewers that comment incinerated," one radio insider said.

A spokesperson for Limbaugh declined to comment."


When is the last time that Rush Limbaugh was interviewed by a journalist? doesn't even TAKE a journalist, to rattle his cage.

Without a "screener", Porky's SCREWED!!!!!!!

[ame=]A Bully Gets Bullied - YouTube[/ame]​

Rush Riffs on CNN Reporter’s ‘Leaf Blower’ Tweet

"Hearing the roar of the federal government coming to life. Our WH crew tells us NPS employees are back w[ith] their leaf blowers."

10.17.2013 |Truth Revolt


“I look around, and I find all kinds of things to laugh at in this. For example, Jim Acosta, CNN. He went to work today, and he was so excited!

He was so excited that the government's not shut down anymore. He was so excited. Here's what he tweeted, and I'm not making this up. This is word-for-word, is a verbatim quote for a CNN info guy. This is Jim Acosta. He's a senior White House correspondent.

"Hearing the roar of the federal government coming to life. Our WH crew tells us NPS employees are back w[ith] their leaf blowers."

Aw. Be still my beating heart! All is right with the world.

A CNN info guy is rejuvenated, life is worth living again because the federal government has come back to life, as typified by leaf blowers being used by the National Park Service. Right. They're probably aiming them at World War II vets as they try now to get into the World War II Memorial. They probably turn off the leaf blowers when the illegal aliens show up to protest the World War II vets.

Can you imagine, folks? This guy's dead serious. Can you imagine that kind of life?

Rush Riffs on CNN Reporter?s ?Leaf Blower? Tweet | Truth Revolt

Rush Riffs on CNN Reporter’s ‘Leaf Blower’ Tweet

"Hearing the roar of the federal government coming to life. Our WH crew tells us NPS employees are back w[ith] their leaf blowers."

10.17.2013 |Truth Revolt


“I look around, and I find all kinds of things to laugh at in this. For example, Jim Acosta, CNN. He went to work today, and he was so excited!

He was so excited that the government's not shut down anymore. He was so excited. Here's what he tweeted, and I'm not making this up. This is word-for-word, is a verbatim quote for a CNN info guy. This is Jim Acosta. He's a senior White House correspondent.

"Hearing the roar of the federal government coming to life. Our WH crew tells us NPS employees are back w[ith] their leaf blowers."

Aw. Be still my beating heart! All is right with the world.

A CNN info guy is rejuvenated, life is worth living again because the federal government has come back to life, as typified by leaf blowers being used by the National Park Service. Right. They're probably aiming them at World War II vets as they try now to get into the World War II Memorial. They probably turn off the leaf blowers when the illegal aliens show up to protest the World War II vets.

Can you imagine, folks? This guy's dead serious. Can you imagine that kind of life?

Rush Riffs on CNN Reporter?s ?Leaf Blower? Tweet | Truth Revolt
It figures that the Friends Of Hamas would find an America-hater like your MessiahRushie entertaining!

December 10, 2008
DEMINT:** Americans are not stupid.
*RUSH:* Yes, they are.

June 28, 2013
RUSH: I was just telling Mr. Snerdley, "I hate this." I hate this, folks, and you know it. I've been doing this for almost 25 years, and for most of those years people would call here and say, "Rush, what you don't get is most people in this country are stupid," and I would always argue with them. I would say, "No."

July 23, 2013
RUSH:* The country is stupid.*
More Koshergirl...why the right seeks validation of their worth in the ratings of the radio show of an overweight, sexist drug addict who is constantly wrong about the direction in which American is headed.

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