More record temps

WE DIDN'T FREAKING DO IT. AMERICA DIDN'T CAUSE IT. THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE FOR FOSSIL FUEL America is in hock up to it's ears to oil producing countries. There is no substitute for fossil fuel. Windmills are a joke and a roof full of solar panels might give you a couple of hot showers but you won't get back the money you invested for twenty years. If you lefties really care about the US, can the global warming crap, buy a Chevy Volt and shut the fuk up while the rest of us concentrate on getting the US back on it's economic feet.

Duh, wut duh fuk do fuktards care about?

You think of yourself, as some kind of wingnut, I see. You introduced how "THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE FOR FOSSIL FUEL," but then you run off and rant, "America is in hock up to it's (sp) ears to oil producing countries," and China, Russia, Japan, and others.

"There is no substitute," for brains, asshole. Get a brain and play with it. Duh, shut duh fuk up while duh fuktards doodly-doo-doo a shitload and charge for it, duh, like fuk-hos, getting money, fo fuking.

Shut duh fuk up, you stupid, ranting, trashy asshole.


Do we have a CURSING forum??:D
Ah Chris, it is all doctored data, you know. After all, the folks back east are just participating in mass hysteria when they think it is hotter than normal, when they believe that a thunderstorm has done as much damage as a hurricane. And those alarmists out West. Bitchin' about a few small bonfires. People are just so gullable.

Look, we will just have to have Senator Inhofe wise them up. Just their imagination.

Here's the deal, a spike in the temperature, up or down, used to be recorded as a single incident in NOAA's National weather log. The extortionists in the global warming fraternity and the media hypes in the weather business now record every town and village that has access to a thermometer as a "weather record event". In other words when a single record was once set in New York City back in the 30's now we have a thousand records set based on every thermometer reading from Westchester to Suffolk County. Statistics are wonderful ain't they?
According to the agency’s data, 41 records have fallen or been tied in the past seven days, and the same number in the past 30 days. Over the past 365 days, 233 all-time records have fallen.

The numbers are equally impressive when it comes to just daily records. On Wednesday, 196 daily high temperature records were topped, increasing the past seven days’ worth of records to 1,133. When looking at the past 30 days, the number of broken daily records climbs to 2,359 and -- like mercury breaking through the top of a thermometer -- hits 34,294 over the past 365 days.

Heat wave rolls through the U.S., toppling records -

Turn off your computer, you're melting the planet!!!

Turdsterbugger, you are heating up the planet:


Nightlife, in Chi-town:

According to the agency’s data, 41 records have fallen or been tied in the past seven days, and the same number in the past 30 days. Over the past 365 days, 233 all-time records have fallen.

The numbers are equally impressive when it comes to just daily records. On Wednesday, 196 daily high temperature records were topped, increasing the past seven days’ worth of records to 1,133. When looking at the past 30 days, the number of broken daily records climbs to 2,359 and -- like mercury breaking through the top of a thermometer -- hits 34,294 over the past 365 days.

Heat wave rolls through the U.S., toppling records -

Turn off your computer, you're melting the planet!!!

Turdsterbugger, you are heating up the planet:


Nightlife, in Chi-town:


Come on Bob, just tell your Mom that you're gay. You'll feel better.
And it's not like she hasn't known for years.
It's local and means nothing, just like the heatwaves in the 30's amiright?

No, Frankie Boy, it is not local. Three quarters of the last 12 months in La Nina conditions, yet the lowest that the average temperature for this period is higher than the highest average temperature for any period prior to 1998.

UAH Global Temperature Update for June, 2012: +0.37 deg. C « Roy Spencer, Ph. D.

Again, it's beyond idiotic to think that you can have an average temperature within .01 degrees for a planet.

What the average temperature for Mars? Jupiter?

And if you're discounting the Dust Bowl of the 30's as "local" you must also discard these results.
It's local and means nothing, just like the heatwaves in the 30's amiright?

No, Frankie Boy, it is not local. Three quarters of the last 12 months in La Nina conditions, yet the lowest that the average temperature for this period is higher than the highest average temperature for any period prior to 1998.

UAH Global Temperature Update for June, 2012: +0.37 deg. C « Roy Spencer, Ph. D.

Again, it's beyond idiotic to think that you can have an average temperature within .01 degrees for a planet.

What the average temperature for Mars? Jupiter?

And if you're discounting the Dust Bowl of the 30's as "local" you must also discard these results.

Look, Frankie Boy, we really don't expect an idiot to understand a simple graph. Go back to your hollow moon.:badgrin:
I think the AGW peddlers should kill themselves and save the planet.

Come on Bob, just tell your Mom that you're gay. You'll feel better. And it's not like she hasn't known for years.

Let me introduce you two queer ratbags. Why don't you run off and 69 each other, and don't forget to bite!

TokeARetroButt, meet Turdsterbugger. Turdster, meet Toker. You can suck each others' ass and balls and watch Idiocracy, on TV.

What is it, with you punks, so you like to parade around, write downlow queer shit, at environment threads, but you never fuck each other?

You are a lot like the dead fags, who shot speed and tricked, to shove their doses of HIV, all the way, through AIDS, to death. So quit trying to spread your shit.
Holy shit!! I REALLY own this clown's brain!!

And he doesn't even charge me rent for living in it.

You should run for boss of the Idocracy, rat-patroller. Yeah.


Fucktards will breed with rats, to control the America, of the future. Shoot to kill:

how sad that sceince means nothing to so many here in this country


WTF sweets:wtf:...........THANK GOD nobody cares. Hardly sad. If the k00k alarmists had any decisionmaking authority, we'd all be fucked. Thankfully, they are kept far, far away from having any impact on public policy outside of a cheesedick EPA ruling here or there. They helped come up with this whole Cap and Trade scam that thankfully withered on the vine and has officially died. And what are the k00ks left with? DICK. Now thier shit is like whistling past the graveyard in 2012.:fu::fu::fu: People found out they were going to get clobberred with a doubling of their electric rates and told their representatives to go scratch.

Thankfully for me and my denier pals on here, the extreme nutters still file in here daily to make asses of themselves with the same bomb throwing links people have been seeing for ten years. Ive seen that "Greenhouse Effect" link posted up here 4 billion tmes in the past 4 years and even Obama didnt even mention "climate Change" in his most recent SOTU address..............which when it ended I couldnt help but think of all the k00ks on this board sitting home sucking on another poopsickle and scratching their heads saying, "What the Fuck s0n?":D:D:D:D


And come this November, all this climate crap gets mothballed as America goes full balls into fracking and use of cheap natural gas for energy while solar and wind continue being this fringe element of the energy industry kept alive by the brilliant money chasers taking the k00ks for a ride.

Its called fAiL and it is epic.............

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(CNN) -- The mainland United States, which was largely recovering Monday from a near-nationwide heat wave, has experienced the warmest 12-month period since record-keeping began in 1895, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration said Monday.

High temperatures during June also contributed to a record-warm first half of the year, the agency said in its monthly analysis. The heat during the last half of June broke or tied 170 all-time high temperature records in cities across the lower 48 states.

"Temperatures in South Carolina (113 degrees) and Georgia (112 degrees) are currently under review by the U.S. State Climate Extremes Committee as possible all-time statewide temperature records," NOAA said.

The average temperature for the mainland in June was 71.2 degrees -- two degrees above the 20th-century average and the 14th warmest June on record.

Officials: Past 12 months warmest ever for U.S. -

It doesn't matter. It is either a trend or it is not. If it is not, you have nothing to worry about. If it is, nothing is going to be done about it so you might as well sit back and enjoy the ride.
Back when I was growing up in Brooklyn NY we called weather like this...


Really? You mean when you were growing up more than half of the US was in a moderate to severe drought every summer? I wonder why that wasn't happening in the rest of the country.

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