More Muslims Demand Sovereignty, Steal Other People's Land

Actually, we've had very very few Islamic terror attacks and attempts here. The vast majority of terrorist incidents here have been by domestic home grown terrorists.

Non-Muslims Carried Out More than 90 of All Terrorist Attacks on U.S. Soil Washington s Blog

That's an excuse. Of course, every country is going to have it's share of nuts! This is not comparable to the ideology of Islam which has millions of followers and there are multiple terrorist attacks done in it's name every day. EVERY DAY throughout the world. We have people who voluntarily leave our country and train in foreign terror camps and then attempt or plan to attempt attacks on our country in the name of Islam. Some of these are coordinated attempts with large and well-funded networks of terrorist organizations.

It's not an excuse. It's a fact, supported by data.

How many?
Ok, lets look at populations:

West Bank
Arab (Palestinian): 83%
Israeli Jewish and other: 17%

Shouldn't the Israeli Jews in the West Bank "accept it or leave" then?

They did in gaza, they did in lebanon, syria, iraq, egypt, yemen, afghanistan, and elsewhere. How many other nations must jews leave? Or are you one of those who just wants them all at the bottom of the ocean?

And when other people live as minorities (usually oppressed ones) in muslim nations, they do not push for sovereignty in their region - why do muslims have to have self-rule in someone else's country? You seem as one-sided as most of these other pro-muslim posters.
Again, as is the case throughout the WORLD, it isn't the Muslims fault. It has to be the Jews. Anyone but the Muslims is to blame. :rolleyes-41: The Muslims are tolerant, friendly and peaceful bunch.
Your right its mainly the Jews spreading propaganda, and using weapons of mass destruction.

OH nose picker, the first tank battle with Egypt the Israel Army lost, then the US gave them some Hellfire bombs and they blew up every Egyptians tank, Egypt never seen anything like it. The Jews used those on Palestine, they are hot shot behind us weapons. I'd like to see the IDF go hand to hand in combat with Isis, I know they are use to fighting unarmed woman and children, they are so scared of kids they even shoot them.

And thank YOU for reminding me of another atrocity, the use of child soldiers in war. WHERE is the condemnation???!!! Why are people SO accepting of this "religion" and it's followers and their activities? It's stunning.

Child soldiers are a HUGE problem in wars around the world.

Where is YOUR condemnation?

I just did condemn it. It's well known that the Palestinians frequently use children to fight their battles, OR they use them as shields. They also brainwash them to hate the Jewish people from the time they are born in some instances. Even the Human Rights organizations have condemned them for this. It's documented.
Actually, we've had very very few Islamic terror attacks and attempts here. The vast majority of terrorist incidents here have been by domestic home grown terrorists.

Non-Muslims Carried Out More than 90 of All Terrorist Attacks on U.S. Soil Washington s Blog

That's an excuse. Of course, every country is going to have it's share of nuts! This is not comparable to the ideology of Islam which has millions of followers and there are multiple terrorist attacks done in it's name every day. EVERY DAY throughout the world. We have people who voluntarily leave our country and train in foreign terror camps and then attempt or plan to attempt attacks on our country in the name of Islam. Some of these are coordinated attempts with large and well-funded networks of terrorist organizations.

It's not an excuse. It's a fact, supported by data.

How many?

How many? Seriously? Lol! How can anyone know that? You wouldn't know until after they are caught.
It has nothing to do with "closed eyes" or PC nonsense. It's about not accepting emotional or bigoted nonsense when it isn't backed by facts. That's how hate groups gain followers.

That is pc nonsense. The muslims are ethnically cleansing dozens of groups out of the middle east and asia, while refusing to assimilate into countries they immigrate to. You can continue to run interference for them, or you can leave your fantasy world and stop embarrassing yourself, thats up to you.
But they can't oust Hamas. The most they can do is work with those who wish to lessen Hama's control.

And now the Palestinians of Gaza are doing just that. This last war changed much.

Well, hopefully you're right because they really need to something about it, as do a LOT of countries, but some of these terrorist cells are very well funded and they are able to bribe, cheat and steal their way into governments AND sometimes ingratiate themselves into the hearts of the people. A lot of these people have been brainwashed since babies to hate, hate, hate everything.

Here's the thing Chris. This means they are all talking. If they're all saying that they didn't say what was said? In the ME that's good news because it means they're all talking.

Instead of killing.

Egypt is making the right moves even if they're not admitting it to the press. They don't want to get their constituents (and I use the term loosely) angry.

Israelis warm to a Palestinian state... carved out of Egypt

Israel’s Army Radio caused a stir here Monday when it reported that Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sissi had proposed ceding parts of his country's territory in the Sinai Peninsula to create an autonomous, demilitarized Palestinian state. The plan, according to the radio report, was rejected last month by Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas.

The report was brief and it was attributed to anonymous sources. It was also flatly denied by all parties involved, with Egyptian state media quoting Sissi as saying “no one can do that” and Palestinian presidential spokesman Nabil Abu Rudeinah releasing a statement saying no such proposal had ever been discussed.

In a few more years, who knows...


You know, it's an intriguing concept.

Here's what the encyclopedia says about it's geography: Sinai Peninsula peninsula Egypt -- Encyclopedia Britannica

If Gaza could expand into it, there is much potential for a state.

What about the West Bank though? You can't forceably relocate people.

If there's agreement. You may well be too busy with your cants for a recant. :D



The Partition of India

And that was one of the bloodiest most idiotic decisions ever made by people who have no idea about the cultures and regions their dividing up...we should be beyond those strategies.

Forceably relocating people against their will has always resulted in a humanitarian nightmare, in this case some 2,600,000 Arabs living in the West Bank.

But that was at a time when things were messier and they were killing each other while it was going on. People did not want to be moved. There has to be a committed agreement by both sides and the people of both sides.

I don't know Ropey. There are times when I look around the world at what is happening - whether it is the Balkans, the ME, Africa - ethnic groups/religious sects/tribal divisions - and I doubt that times are any less messy. People are people - they are tied to their lands, heritage and custom. You can't relocate all that with out being "messy".

I have greater hopes for the Palestinians and Israeli I suppose. I hope they can work things out so that Israel maintains it's security and the Palestinians gain a contiguous State that they can then flesh out into a life for their people.

That's what it's all really about, isn't it.

It's not a comparative, it's a prerogative of both sides and hopefully while peace (Western Style) reigns.

I think there is potential...I think if they have a state - and like you point out, contiguous is key - they have something to strive to keep and build. I also think at that point Hamas could be marginalized. Few terrorists/freedom fighters/revolutionaries transition to good governors. IMO? If West Bank becomes Israeli territory, citizens could be given a choice - stay and accept Israeli citizenship and responsibilities or move to the new state.

Haven't figured out how I feel about all this because, what can the Sinai support?
It has nothing to do with "closed eyes" or PC nonsense. It's about not accepting emotional or bigoted nonsense when it isn't backed by facts. That's how hate groups gain followers.

That is pc nonsense. The muslims are ethnically cleansing dozens of groups out of the middle east and asia, while refusing to assimilate into countries they immigrate to. You can continue to run interference for them, or you can leave your fantasy world and stop embarrassing yourself, thats up to you.

"Refuse to assimilate?" - depends on the country. According to a Pew Research Poll, British Muslims are well assimilated and "more British than the British".

No. It's nothing to do with PC. It's trying to stick with claims that can be supported.
Some of these people on the left who insist upon defending this Muslim ideology are some of the same who attack relatively SMALL groups of Christian conservatives in America (such as the Mormons), for the same things on a MUCH smaller and less violent scale. It is UNBELIEVABLE that anyone can defend this stuff. It is a religion that is proven to be oppressive and exceptionally cruel to women, whether or not some are "misinterpreting" their holy books or not, it seems to be rampant throughout the world, and especially seems to take hold in more vulnerable areas of the world. It pisses me off that other women would defend this crap too!

Eventually the radical Islamists will learn that if you threaten & or attack the USA & or Israel, the USA & or Israel will be paying you a little visit. The funnyy part is the Islamists & their supporters then bitch about how many of them were killed in retaliation.

Really the only thing I heard PM Bibi say about 911, is this is good, this is good for Israel, now the US will know what we go through. And we blamed it on the wrong people. Bibi has long hatred of Muslims, got it from his Dads knee, and Pals even killing his older brother. His father , in the nineties said he knew the Muslims would fly planes in the twin towers, same as he foreseen the holocaust. What a man. What out for your friends, don't turn your back on them.

Where was his brother when the Palestinians killed him?
He was in a mission due to Pals hijacking a plane (which you know) So we have lots of hate there.
US, UK, Scandinavia and Canada have few problems with Muslims other than fear mongering spread by hate sites. So much for EVERY country...though I'm not sure what you consider "mass immigration".

Norway, Britain and France have "few" problems with muslims? Are you for real?

France has problems - not entirely because they are Muslim, but also because there are economic factors as well.

Britain and Norway don't much (unless you listen to Pam Gellar and her ilk) - the problems are more of the non-Muslim attitudes towards Muslims and a handful of extremists on the Muslim side that get used to tar the entire population.

For example, Norway

Muslims mobilize against extremists

Muslims Protest Islamic State In Norway
STOCKHOLM (AP) — Norway's prime minister and other politicians have joined Muslim leaders and thousands of other people for a demonstration in Oslo against radical Islamists.

Monday's rally was an initiative by young Norwegian Muslims who wanted to show a united front against Islamic State militants in Syria and Iraq and their sympathizers in Norway.

Mehtab Afshar, head of the Islamic Council in Norway, told the crowd: "They stand for terrorism, they stand for terror ... and we condemn that in the strongest terms."
A small radical group in Norway has expressed support for Islamic State militants, angering moderate Muslims in immigrant communities in the country.​
This quoting is messed up mostly because of the saving of our quotes in the input. @cereal_killer

This is very hard to work with. Can you disable that saving of quotes?

Coyote said:
I think there is potential...I think if they have a state - and like you point out, contiguous is key - they have something to strive to keep and build. I also think at that point Hamas could be marginalized. Few terrorists/freedom fighters/revolutionaries transition to good governors. IMO? If West Bank becomes Israeli territory, citizens could be given a choice - stay and accept Israeli citizenship and responsibilities or move to the new state.

Haven't figured out how I feel about all this because, what can the Sinai support?

It's not so important. What will happen will happen. You don't even have a dog in that race. So, your feelings are (imo) a bit misplaced and not centered in neutrality, but then I've said that to you before.

You spend a lot of time minimizing Muslim acts and Maximizing Palestinian potentials.

But, when push comes to shove, it will either be massive deaths or a workable method for both. And "Occupied Territories"? That means all of Israel to many people who want to see no Israel. So, it's a fight for the life of the country itself.

You don't see that?


Is Real?
Last edited:
Some of these people on the left who insist upon defending this Muslim ideology are some of the same who attack relatively SMALL groups of Christian conservatives in America (such as the Mormons), for the same things on a MUCH smaller and less violent scale. It is UNBELIEVABLE that anyone can defend this stuff. It is a religion that is proven to be oppressive and exceptionally cruel to women, whether or not some are "misinterpreting" their holy books or not, it seems to be rampant throughout the world, and especially seems to take hold in more vulnerable areas of the world. It pisses me off that other women would defend this crap too!

Eventually the radical Islamists will learn that if you threaten & or attack the USA & or Israel, the USA & or Israel will be paying you a little visit. The funnyy part is the Islamists & their supporters then bitch about how many of them were killed in retaliation.

Really the only thing I heard PM Bibi say about 911, is this is good, this is good for Israel, now the US will know what we go through. And we blamed it on the wrong people. Bibi has long hatred of Muslims, got it from his Dads knee, and Pals even killing his older brother. His father , in the nineties said he knew the Muslims would fly planes in the twin towers, same as he foreseen the holocaust. What a man. What out for your friends, don't turn your back on them.

Where was his brother when the Palestinians killed him?
He was in a mission due to Pals hijacking a plane (which you know) So we have lots of hate there.

So, the Palestinians just hijacked a plane?

What happened?
This quoting is messed up mostly because of the saving of our quotes in the input. @cereal_killer

This is very hard to work with. Can you disable that saving of quotes?

Coyote said:
I think there is potential...I think if they have a state - and like you point out, contiguous is key - they have something to strive to keep and build. I also think at that point Hamas could be marginalized. Few terrorists/freedom fighters/revolutionaries transition to good governors. IMO? If West Bank becomes Israeli territory, citizens could be given a choice - stay and accept Israeli citizenship and responsibilities or move to the new state.

Haven't figured out how I feel about all this because, what can the Sinai support?

It's not so important. What will happen will happen. You don't even have a dog in that race. So, your feelings are (imo) a bit misplaced and not centered in neutrality, but then I've said that to you before.

You spend a lot of time minimizing Muslim acts and Maximizing Palestinian potentials.

But, when push comes to shove, it will either be massive deaths or a workable method for both. And "Occupied Territories"? That means all of Israel to many people who want to see no Israel. So, it's a fight for the life of the country itself.

You don't see that?


Is Real?

I see what you are saying but don't agree - Israel is a country, and has a state. I "don't have a dog in the race" but neither do 99% of those here who join in the argument - unless you are an Israeli or a Palestinian. But when it comes to humanity - the treatment of people - we all have a dog in the race because often, the repercussions are global these days.

I do think the Sinai is an interesting and very surprising proposal with potential.
This quoting is messed up mostly because of the saving of our quotes in the input. @cereal_killer

This is very hard to work with. Can you disable that saving of quotes?

Coyote said:
I think there is potential...I think if they have a state - and like you point out, contiguous is key - they have something to strive to keep and build. I also think at that point Hamas could be marginalized. Few terrorists/freedom fighters/revolutionaries transition to good governors. IMO? If West Bank becomes Israeli territory, citizens could be given a choice - stay and accept Israeli citizenship and responsibilities or move to the new state.

Haven't figured out how I feel about all this because, what can the Sinai support?

It's not so important. What will happen will happen. You don't even have a dog in that race. So, your feelings are (imo) a bit misplaced and not centered in neutrality, but then I've said that to you before.

You spend a lot of time minimizing Muslim acts and Maximizing Palestinian potentials.

But, when push comes to shove, it will either be massive deaths or a workable method for both. And "Occupied Territories"? That means all of Israel to many people who want to see no Israel. So, it's a fight for the life of the country itself.

You don't see that?


Is Real?

I see what you are saying but don't agree - Israel is a country, and has a state. I "don't have a dog in the race" but neither do 99% of those here who join in the argument - unless you are an Israeli or a Palestinian. But when it comes to humanity - the treatment of people - we all have a dog in the race because often, the repercussions are global these days.

I do think the Sinai is an interesting and very surprising proposal with potential.

It's dead in the air as it stands. What it means is that they're talking. :)

The treatment of people.

But the Boston Bombings were a clear indication that war is on and that the war is not centered. I mean 9-11 was an attack on the US's financial system which was housed in the twin towers.

That was an attack with the hopes to destroy the US Financial system.

Yeah, that's a war.

Regarding Israel and the Palestinians.

They're talking. That's good.

We're talking. That's good.

But the war is still on.
This quoting is messed up mostly because of the saving of our quotes in the input. @cereal_killer

This is very hard to work with. Can you disable that saving of quotes?

Coyote said:
I think there is potential...I think if they have a state - and like you point out, contiguous is key - they have something to strive to keep and build. I also think at that point Hamas could be marginalized. Few terrorists/freedom fighters/revolutionaries transition to good governors. IMO? If West Bank becomes Israeli territory, citizens could be given a choice - stay and accept Israeli citizenship and responsibilities or move to the new state.

Haven't figured out how I feel about all this because, what can the Sinai support?

It's not so important. What will happen will happen. You don't even have a dog in that race. So, your feelings are (imo) a bit misplaced and not centered in neutrality, but then I've said that to you before.

You spend a lot of time minimizing Muslim acts and Maximizing Palestinian potentials.

But, when push comes to shove, it will either be massive deaths or a workable method for both. And "Occupied Territories"? That means all of Israel to many people who want to see no Israel. So, it's a fight for the life of the country itself.

You don't see that?


Is Real?

I see what you are saying but don't agree - Israel is a country, and has a state. I "don't have a dog in the race" but neither do 99% of those here who join in the argument - unless you are an Israeli or a Palestinian. But when it comes to humanity - the treatment of people - we all have a dog in the race because often, the repercussions are global these days.

I do think the Sinai is an interesting and very surprising proposal with potential.

The treatment of people.

But the Boston Bombings were a clear indication that war is on and that the war is not centered. I mean 9-11 was an attack on the US's financial system which was housed in the twin towers.

That was an attack with the hopes to destroy the US Financial system.

Yeah, that's a war.

Regarding Israel and the Palestinians.

They're talking. That's good.

We're talking. That's good.

But the war is still on.

What "war" do the acts of individual terrorists create? A war of extremism?
What "war" do the acts of individual terrorists create? A war of extremism?

So, you see the twin towers and the necessary intelligence to setup and follow through with such an act as simply some individual terrorists?

Such an attack was coordinated with intelligence and funding at the State levels. In the same way that ISIS just didn't occur spontaneously.

Or Hamas for that matter.

Now you stand a better chance defending the Boston bombers as individual terrorists though.
OH nose picker, the first tank battle with Egypt the Israel Army lost, then the US gave them some Hellfire bombs and they blew up every Egyptians tank, Egypt never seen anything like it. The Jews used those on Palestine, they are hot shot behind us weapons. I'd like to see the IDF go hand to hand in combat with Isis, I know they are use to fighting unarmed woman and children, they are so scared of kids they even shoot them.

You like to lie, little monkey? What tank battle was that, chimp? Hellfire missiles did not even exist in 1967 you fucking idiot.

AGM-114 Hellfire - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

And chimp, you claim the IDF fights unarmed civilians, yet no mention of all of the thousands of terrorist attacks by arab muslims against civilians, sbarro, dolphinarium, ma'alot massacre, coastal road massacre, and countless bus bombings and shootings like the Hatuel family. You're a complete fucking idiot.
So, you see the twin towers and the necessary intelligence to setup and follow through with such an act as simply some individual terrorists?

Such an attack was coordinated with intelligence and funding at the State levels. In the same way that ISIS just didn't occur spontaneously.

Or Hamas for that matter.

Are you claiming that the 9/11 were a conspiracy performed by the US government? Are you mentally ill?
Some of these people on the left who insist upon defending this Muslim ideology are some of the same who attack relatively SMALL groups of Christian conservatives in America (such as the Mormons), for the same things on a MUCH smaller and less violent scale. It is UNBELIEVABLE that anyone can defend this stuff. It is a religion that is proven to be oppressive and exceptionally cruel to women, whether or not some are "misinterpreting" their holy books or not, it seems to be rampant throughout the world, and especially seems to take hold in more vulnerable areas of the world. It pisses me off that other women would defend this crap too!

Eventually the radical Islamists will learn that if you threaten & or attack the USA & or Israel, the USA & or Israel will be paying you a little visit. The funnyy part is the Islamists & their supporters then bitch about how many of them were killed in retaliation.

Really the only thing I heard PM Bibi say about 911, is this is good, this is good for Israel, now the US will know what we go through. And we blamed it on the wrong people. Bibi has long hatred of Muslims, got it from his Dads knee, and Pals even killing his older brother. His father , in the nineties said he knew the Muslims would fly planes in the twin towers, same as he foreseen the holocaust. What a man. What out for your friends, don't turn your back on them.

Where was his brother when the Palestinians killed him?
He was in a mission due to Pals hijacking a plane (which you know) So we have lots of hate there.

So, the Palestinians just hijacked a plane?

What happened?

Actually it was 2 germans and 2 pals that hijacked a plane from tel avi going to Uganda.
Some of these people on the left who insist upon defending this Muslim ideology are some of the same who attack relatively SMALL groups of Christian conservatives in America (such as the Mormons), for the same things on a MUCH smaller and less violent scale. It is UNBELIEVABLE that anyone can defend this stuff. It is a religion that is proven to be oppressive and exceptionally cruel to women, whether or not some are "misinterpreting" their holy books or not, it seems to be rampant throughout the world, and especially seems to take hold in more vulnerable areas of the world. It pisses me off that other women would defend this crap too!

Eventually the radical Islamists will learn that if you threaten & or attack the USA & or Israel, the USA & or Israel will be paying you a little visit. The funnyy part is the Islamists & their supporters then bitch about how many of them were killed in retaliation.

Really the only thing I heard PM Bibi say about 911, is this is good, this is good for Israel, now the US will know what we go through. And we blamed it on the wrong people. Bibi has long hatred of Muslims, got it from his Dads knee, and Pals even killing his older brother. His father , in the nineties said he knew the Muslims would fly planes in the twin towers, same as he foreseen the holocaust. What a man. What out for your friends, don't turn your back on them.

Where was his brother when the Palestinians killed him?
He was in a mission due to Pals hijacking a plane (which you know) So we have lots of hate there.

So, the Palestinians just hijacked a plane?

What happened?

Actually it was 2 germans and 2 pals that hijacked a plane from tel avi going to Uganda. It was this guy who went against Israel so really the Palestinians had little to do with it. Idi Amin Dada (/ˈdi ɑːˈmn/; c. 1925 – 16 August 2003) was the third President of Uganda, ruling from 1971 to 1979
But PM Bibi has rabid hatred of Muslims from childbirth. Not the Pals fault his brother got killed.
So, you see the twin towers and the necessary intelligence to setup and follow through with such an act as simply some individual terrorists?

Such an attack was coordinated with intelligence and funding at the State levels. In the same way that ISIS just didn't occur spontaneously.

Or Hamas for that matter.

Are you claiming that the 9/11 were a conspiracy performed by the US government? Are you mentally ill?

No, and I don't know where you got that idea from. Saudi Arabia helped setup the Twin Towers attack in the same way the Pakistani's protected bin Laden while extracting many hundreds of millions of dollars from America in order to help find him.

That's pretty sneaky insanity....

If you guys actually called each other by name and stopped the stupidity and childishness of name calling, then I'd be able to agree with a lot more here.

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