Did Past GOP Investigations Into Bill Clinton Just Doom Trump?


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016
During the Watergate scandal special counsel, Leon Jaworski made his case for indicting a sitting president in a court brief (US v. Nixon Reply Brief.pdf). Nixon, rather than face inevitable indictment or impeachment, resigned with an agreement from Gerald Ford to pardon Nixon immediately after being sworn in as POTUS.

Ronald Rotunda, a prominent conservative professor of constitutional law, was hired as a consultant by Kenneth Starr during his partisan investigations trying to dig up dirt on Bill Clinton. Rotunda wrote a 56-page memo instructing Starr in the methods he had availble to him to indict a sitting president.

This is a memo the Mueller investigative team will find extremely useful, which spent nearly two decades locked in the National Archives. Thankfully, the New York Times found the memo using the Freedom of Information Act. The memo is, “the most thorough government-commissioned analysis rejecting a generally held view that presidents are immune from prosecution while in office.”

In the cases investigated by Jaworski and Starr, both men resolved to let congressional impeachment proceedings go forward, and in both cases, the proper outcome resulted. Nixon left office in shame, and Clinton resumed his duties as POTUS with little interruption.

However, Mueller and his team of investigators are finding evidence of crimes committed by Big Orange and his gang that are far more severe than those committed by Clinton or Nixon. And unlike Nixon and Clinton, the many crimes committed by Big Orange and his gang reach the level of treason.

The best part of the Rotunda memo, it was a result of the GOP’s obsession to “get” Clinton, and is now the best tool Mueller has to eradicate the repugnant odor coming from the White House ever since the Big Orange Idiot and his corrupt team took control.

Again, the Republicans’ grave lack of ethics has come back to bite them in their collective a$$. It is another example of how Republican stupidity is a very funny joke that never gets old.

Can the President Be Indicted? A Long-Hidden Legal Memo Says Yes



Yes, the Big Orange Idiot's gang are all scum.


Lock him up, what a great idea. He deserves it more than anyone. ANYONE.

Maybe..if Trump were doomed. But he is doing fine. MAGA


However, Mueller and his team of investigators are finding evidence of crimes committed by Big Orange
Such as? Cite the specific statutes violated.

They have nothing on him.

The lefties just sit around watching CNN repeat "collusion" a thousand times a day, they're brainwashed into believing he's guilty without a shred of evidence.

However, Mueller and his team of investigators are finding evidence of crimes committed by Big Orange
Such as? Cite the specific statutes violated.

They have nothing on him.

The lefties just sit around watching CNN repeat "collusion" a thousand times a day, they're brainwashed into believing he's guilty without a shred of evidence.

I wouldn't describe myself as a lefty but ...

I never believed he was guilty.

I just wanted him to shut up, sit back, and let the investigation take its course. Why's that so hard for him??

However, Mueller and his team of investigators are finding evidence of crimes committed by Big Orange
Such as? Cite the specific statutes violated.

They have nothing on him.

The lefties just sit around watching CNN repeat "collusion" a thousand times a day, they're brainwashed into believing he's guilty without a shred of evidence.

I wouldn't describe myself as a lefty but ...

I never believed he was guilty.

I just wanted him to shut up, sit back, and let the investigation take its course. Why's that so hard for him??
Because Mueller has become unethical in his investigation.

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