We should make a very sincere promise to Egypt that if the Pyramids are destroyed, so will every fucking structure in that country be no matter how long it takes.
Really now? And who's gonna make that threat, AND carry it out? Sounds like you haven't grown up emotionally past the age of 12.
What do you mean "not known as"?

I believe it was Kevin Rudd (former PM) who first referred to Australia as either a multicultural country, or a secular country. I can't recall which. I haven't heard of Australia being referred to as a Christian country - except from Christians themselves.
The Egyptians own the Pyramids.

So they can do anything they want with them.

It's no one else's business.

Why is this so hard for people to understand? :cool:

Thats fine but if their gonna do stuff like that they shouldn't expect anymore aid money from the West.
Consider the source of this piece Raymond Ibrahim is the associate director of the Middle East Forum. He is currently a Shillman Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center.
An article Ibrahim wrote on taqiyya that was commissioned and published by Jane's Islamic Affairs Analyst on September 26, 2008,[5][6] was later characterized by another author in Jane's Islamic Affairs Analyst as being "well-researched, factual in places but ... ultimately misleading"
Raymond Ibrahim - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia is a neo-conservative magazine founded by ex-Marxist (Trokskyite) turned neo-conservative activist David Horowitz. FrontPage's output ranges from old-fashioned red-baiting and neocon punditry, to pushing pro-Likud zionist propaganda. - SourceWatch
David Horowitz’s Corrosive Projects
FrontPage (FP) is primarily a platform for extreme Zionists to smear leftists, to attack academics who may be critical of Israel or the current US imperial proclivities, and to hurl ritual abuse against "jihadists" * in reality, a thinly-veiled racist attack on Muslims or Arab people. Denigrating and insulting labels are flung around in FP, and its writers often brand anyone near the left with such labels as "racist", "jihadist", "anti-semite", etc.
"A smear is among the simplest of propaganda techniques. It can take the form of repeated, unapologetic, systematic name-calling, or otherwise implying or asserting that opponents are bad, evil, stupid, untrustworthy, guilty of reprehensible acts, or part of some undesirable category.

A smear might be conducted subtly or vaguely so the target cannot seek legal action against a slander or libel, which must be specific and believable to be legally actionable. False implications can be masked by otherwise truthful statements."
David Horowitz’s Corrosive Projects » Counterpunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names
Consider the source of this piece Raymond Ibrahim is the associate director of the Middle East Forum. He is currently a Shillman Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center.
An article Ibrahim wrote on taqiyya that was commissioned and published by Jane's Islamic Affairs Analyst on September 26, 2008,[5][6] was later characterized by another author in Jane's Islamic Affairs Analyst as being "well-researched, factual in places but ... ultimately misleading"
Raymond Ibrahim - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia is a neo-conservative magazine founded by ex-Marxist (Trokskyite) turned neo-conservative activist David Horowitz. FrontPage's output ranges from old-fashioned red-baiting and neocon punditry, to pushing pro-Likud zionist propaganda. - SourceWatch
David Horowitz’s Corrosive Projects
FrontPage (FP) is primarily a platform for extreme Zionists to smear leftists, to attack academics who may be critical of Israel or the current US imperial proclivities, and to hurl ritual abuse against "jihadists" * in reality, a thinly-veiled racist attack on Muslims or Arab people. Denigrating and insulting labels are flung around in FP, and its writers often brand anyone near the left with such labels as "racist", "jihadist", "anti-semite", etc.
"A smear is among the simplest of propaganda techniques. It can take the form of repeated, unapologetic, systematic name-calling, or otherwise implying or asserting that opponents are bad, evil, stupid, untrustworthy, guilty of reprehensible acts, or part of some undesirable category.

A smear might be conducted subtly or vaguely so the target cannot seek legal action against a slander or libel, which must be specific and believable to be legally actionable. False implications can be masked by otherwise truthful statements."
David Horowitz’s Corrosive Projects » Counterpunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names
Eh don't sweat it, douchebag. This is the same leader who has said 9-11 is a fake amd called for an "investigation", and on his first day in office has asked for the release of the a terrorist, the Blind Sheikh who was involved in the first WTC bombing attempt, on grounds that he's an Islamic freedom fighter. Therefore, it's not a giant leap of insanity for an Islamic animal like him to make such a statement.

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