More Islamaphobia

Quantum Windbag

Gold Member
May 9, 2010
It seems the Washington Post was one of a few major papers that pulled a Sunday comic because they were afraid of the backlash from Islam.

"Non Sequitur" is a popular comic that runs daily in about 800 newspapers, including this one. But the "Non Sequitur" cartoon that appeared in last Sunday's Post was not the one creator Wiley Miller drew for that day.

Editors at The Post and many other papers pulled the cartoon and replaced it with one that had appeared previously. They were concerned it might offend and provoke some Post readers, especially MuslimsMiller is fuming. The award-winning cartoonist, who lives in Maine, told me the cartoon was meant to satirize "the insanity of an entire group of people rioting and putting out a hit list over cartoons," as well as "media cowering in fear of printing any cartoon that contains the word 'Muhammad.' " ...

"The wonderful irony [is that] great newspapers like The Washington Post, that took on Nixon . . . run in fear of this very tame cartoon, thus validating the accuracy of the satire," he said by e-mail.

What cartoon had the WaPo editors hiding in fear of Islam?

Arts & Living: Comics (

These are the same people who call me afraid because I am say the GZM is insensitive.

Just something to think about.
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It seems the Washington Post was one of a few major papers that pulled a Sunday comic because they were afraid of the backlash from Islam.

"Non Sequitur" is a popular comic that runs daily in about 800 newspapers, including this one. But the "Non Sequitur" cartoon that appeared in last Sunday's Post was not the one creator Wiley Miller drew for that day.

Editors at The Post and many other papers pulled the cartoon and replaced it with one that had appeared previously. They were concerned it might offend and provoke some Post readers, especially MuslimsMiller is fuming. The award-winning cartoonist, who lives in Maine, told me the cartoon was meant to satirize "the insanity of an entire group of people rioting and putting out a hit list over cartoons," as well as "media cowering in fear of printing any cartoon that contains the word 'Muhammad.' " ...

"The wonderful irony [is that] great newspapers like The Washington Post, that took on Nixon . . . run in fear of this very tame cartoon, thus validating the accuracy of the satire," he said by e-mail.

What cartoon had the WaPo editors hiding in fear of Islam?

Arts & Living: Comics (

These are the same people who call me afraid because I am say the GZM is insensitive.

Just something to think about.

Really? The Washington Post called you "afraid"?

When did that happen?
It seems the Washington Post was one of a few major papers that pulled a Sunday comic because they were afraid of the backlash from Islam.

"Non Sequitur" is a popular comic that runs daily in about 800 newspapers, including this one. But the "Non Sequitur" cartoon that appeared in last Sunday's Post was not the one creator Wiley Miller drew for that day.

Editors at The Post and many other papers pulled the cartoon and replaced it with one that had appeared previously. They were concerned it might offend and provoke some Post readers, especially MuslimsMiller is fuming. The award-winning cartoonist, who lives in Maine, told me the cartoon was meant to satirize "the insanity of an entire group of people rioting and putting out a hit list over cartoons," as well as "media cowering in fear of printing any cartoon that contains the word 'Muhammad.' " ...

"The wonderful irony [is that] great newspapers like The Washington Post, that took on Nixon . . . run in fear of this very tame cartoon, thus validating the accuracy of the satire," he said by e-mail.

What cartoon had the WaPo editors hiding in fear of Islam?

Arts & Living: Comics (

These are the same people who call me afraid because I am say the GZM is insensitive.

Just something to think about.

"Yale University is refusing to publish cartoons and images of the Prophet Muhammad in a new book about those very pictures, which inflamed anger in parts of the Muslim world in 2006 — even as a growing tide of writers and artists say they are ready to take such risks for free speech.

A spokesman for the Yale University Press said in an e-mail to that such worries weighed heavily on them.

"As an institution deeply committed to free expression, we were inclined to publish the cartoons and other images as proposed," Thomas Conroy said.

But the Ivy League university in New Haven, Conn., was wary of arousing anger, so Yale consulted security experts and religious scholars who "confirmed that the republication of the cartoons by the Yale University Press ran a serious risk of instigating violence," a press spokesman told

The book's author, Professor Jytte Klausen of Brandeis University, says she is disappointed that to see the institution "roll back our own principles" and faulted the school for relying on "various anonymous experts" in making their decision."

Fearing Violence, Yale Nixes Muhammad Cartoons in New Book - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News -

"The fact that Yale University, and Yale University Press, have failed to put the very cartoons that the book is talking about in the book is an outrage. And, to make matters worse, the publisher decided not to include a number of other images of Muhammad, including the one where he is being tormented in Hell in Dante’s Inferno."
Disgraceful Dhimmitude: Yale University Press Afraid To Publish Muhammad Cartoons In Book About Muhammad Cartoons! | How Can People Be So Stupid?
It seems the Washington Post was one of a few major papers that pulled a Sunday comic because they were afraid of the backlash from Islam.

"Non Sequitur" is a popular comic that runs daily in about 800 newspapers, including this one. But the "Non Sequitur" cartoon that appeared in last Sunday's Post was not the one creator Wiley Miller drew for that day.

Editors at The Post and many other papers pulled the cartoon and replaced it with one that had appeared previously. They were concerned it might offend and provoke some Post readers, especially MuslimsMiller is fuming. The award-winning cartoonist, who lives in Maine, told me the cartoon was meant to satirize "the insanity of an entire group of people rioting and putting out a hit list over cartoons," as well as "media cowering in fear of printing any cartoon that contains the word 'Muhammad.' " ...

"The wonderful irony [is that] great newspapers like The Washington Post, that took on Nixon . . . run in fear of this very tame cartoon, thus validating the accuracy of the satire," he said by e-mail.

What cartoon had the WaPo editors hiding in fear of Islam?

Arts & Living: Comics (

These are the same people who call me afraid because I am say the GZM is insensitive.

Just something to think about.

Exactly how is this Islamaphobia?

A phobia is usually being afraid of something for no reason.

We have plenty of evidence that it can indeed be dangerous to print Cartoons about Islam.
Exactly how is this Islamaphobia?

A phobia is usually being afraid of something for no reason.

We have plenty of evidence that it can indeed be dangerous to print Cartoons about Islam.

Whooo, whooo, whooo C_M... we have people in here all day long just humping our legs telling us how they want to WELCOME islam to America, that it's the RELIGION OF PEACE. Now you want to tell us it can be DANGEROUS just to print a CARTOON about them? No WAY man... that just CAN'T be TRUE!
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Exactly how is this Islamaphobia?

A phobia is usually being afraid of something for no reason.

We have plenty of evidence that it can indeed be dangerous to print Cartoons about Islam.

Whooo, whooo, whooo C_M... we have people in here all day long just humping our legs telling us how they want to WELCOME islam to America, that it's the RELIGION OF PEACE. Now you want to tell us it can be DANGEROUS just to print a CARTOON about them? No WAY man... that just CAN'T be TRUE!

Yeah I have this Nasty habit of stating the obvious :)
It seems the Washington Post was one of a few major papers that pulled a Sunday comic because they were afraid of the backlash from Islam.

"Non Sequitur" is a popular comic that runs daily in about 800 newspapers, including this one. But the "Non Sequitur" cartoon that appeared in last Sunday's Post was not the one creator Wiley Miller drew for that day.

Editors at The Post and many other papers pulled the cartoon and replaced it with one that had appeared previously. They were concerned it might offend and provoke some Post readers, especially MuslimsMiller is fuming. The award-winning cartoonist, who lives in Maine, told me the cartoon was meant to satirize "the insanity of an entire group of people rioting and putting out a hit list over cartoons," as well as "media cowering in fear of printing any cartoon that contains the word 'Muhammad.' " ...

"The wonderful irony [is that] great newspapers like The Washington Post, that took on Nixon . . . run in fear of this very tame cartoon, thus validating the accuracy of the satire," he said by e-mail.

What cartoon had the WaPo editors hiding in fear of Islam?

Arts & Living: Comics (

These are the same people who call me afraid because I am say the GZM is insensitive.

Just something to think about.

Exactly how is this Islamaphobia?

A phobia is usually being afraid of something for no reason.

We have plenty of evidence that it can indeed be dangerous to print Cartoons about Islam.

Why are you afraid of Islam?
Exactly how is this Islamaphobia?

A phobia is usually being afraid of something for no reason.

We have plenty of evidence that it can indeed be dangerous to print Cartoons about Islam.

Whooo, whooo, whooo C_M... we have people in here all day long just humping our legs telling us how they want to WELCOME islam to America, that it's the RELIGION OF PEACE. Now you want to tell us it can be DANGEROUS just to print a CARTOON about them? No WAY man... that just CAN'T be TRUE!

It seems the Washington Post was one of a few major papers that pulled a Sunday comic because they were afraid of the backlash from Islam.

What cartoon had the WaPo editors hiding in fear of Islam?

Arts & Living: Comics (

These are the same people who call me afraid because I am say the GZM is insensitive.

Just something to think about.

Exactly how is this Islamaphobia?

A phobia is usually being afraid of something for no reason.

We have plenty of evidence that it can indeed be dangerous to print Cartoons about Islam.

Why are you afraid of Islam?

Why do you ask stupid questions. Where did I say I was afraid of it?

Do you deny that in the past, the simple act of printing A Cartoon has led to calls for violence by radicals within Islam? I simply stated that is is not Islamaphobic for them to not print these cartoons, They do indeed have reason to fear a backlash if they do. We have evidence of such Backlashes in the past do we not?

What is it with you guys who have to try and twist everyone's words? I have never said anything even remotely close to something that would lead people to think I am afraid of Islam as a whole. Yet you have to ask silly questions. Grow up dude.
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Why do you ask stupid questions. Where did I say I was afraid of it?

Do you deny that in the past, the simple act of printing A Cartoon has led to calls for violence by radicals within Islam? I simply stated that is is not Islamaphobic for them to not print these cartoons, They do indeed have reason to fear a backlash if they do. We have evidence of such Backlashes in the past do we not?

Why deny the truth?

Do you deny that the more often that people back down because a bunch of idiots make threats, the more power they will have to control the debate? The point is not that these people are weird, but that they are taking away our rights if we give in to fear.

What is it with you guys who have to try and twist everyone's words? I have never said anything even remotely close to something that would lead people to think I am afraid of Islam as a whole. Yet you have to ask silly questions. Grow up dude.

How is asking a question putting words in your, or anyone's, mouth?

If you think they are justified in being afraid, would you be willing to do it yourself in order to take the heat off of them? If not, is it because you are afraid, or just worried? What, exactly, is the difference?
Why do you ask stupid questions. Where did I say I was afraid of it?

Do you deny that in the past, the simple act of printing A Cartoon has led to calls for violence by radicals within Islam? I simply stated that is is not Islamaphobic for them to not print these cartoons, They do indeed have reason to fear a backlash if they do. We have evidence of such Backlashes in the past do we not?

Why deny the truth?

Do you deny that the more often that people back down because a bunch of idiots make threats, the more power they will have to control the debate? The point is not that these people are weird, but that they are taking away our rights if we give in to fear.

What is it with you guys who have to try and twist everyone's words? I have never said anything even remotely close to something that would lead people to think I am afraid of Islam as a whole. Yet you have to ask silly questions. Grow up dude.

How is asking a question putting words in your, or anyone's, mouth?

If you think they are justified in being afraid, would you be willing to do it yourself in order to take the heat off of them? If not, is it because you are afraid, or just worried? What, exactly, is the difference?

Because the question was "why are you afraid of Islam" which implied I said I was afraid of Islam.

As to your first question, No I do not think they should have backed down. I simply stated I see why they did. After all in the past printing cartoons has caused a pretty big Backlash.

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