More great economic news- Will dupes get it? Manufacturing, housing. Obama raping country? lol

I can't begin to express how bored I am with attempts to substitute personal insults with facts, logic, or well-thought out opinions. As far as I am concerned you might as just post a confession to being a dipshit

Certain threads call for facts, logic, or well thought out opinions. Francodreck posts call for none of these.

It's like jumping into a cage fighting match where everyone has mini sharks with lasers lashed to their hands.

That's fricken sharks with fricken laser-beams attached to their heads.

Franco you despise this country so much I thought you would have moved out of the US by now. Whats wrong, afraid to live the life you preach about?
Mud, isset you? Lol.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

My pic is on my profile page.
Several of them in my photo album.
Es. War. Ein. Witz.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

Ich weiß......hahaha


Fortschritt!!! Mit der Zeit werde ich einen waschechten Liberalen aus Dir machen!!!
Oh, Horror!

Ich bezweifle, dass aber Sie versuchen können.
Mud, isset you? Lol.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

My pic is on my profile page.
Several of them in my photo album.
Es. War. Ein. Witz.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

Ich weiß......hahaha


Fortschritt!!! Mit der Zeit werde ich einen waschechten Liberalen aus Dir machen!!!
Oh, Horror!

Ich bezweifle, dass aber Sie versuchen können.

Du, ich werde mich diesbezüglich bemühen!
Dein Deutsch ist auch ganz schön respektabel, lob, lob, lob.
(Mach ich nur mit Leuten, die ich mag.... Politik beiseite gelegt)

My pic is on my profile page.
Several of them in my photo album.
Es. War. Ein. Witz.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

Ich weiß......hahaha


Fortschritt!!! Mit der Zeit werde ich einen waschechten Liberalen aus Dir machen!!!
Oh, Horror!

Ich bezweifle, dass aber Sie versuchen können.

Du, ich werde mich diesbezüglich bemühen!
Dein Deutsch ist auch ganz schön respektabel, lob, lob, lob.
(Mach ich nur mit Leuten, die ich mag.... Politik beiseite gelegt)

Danke. Mein Deutsch ist Scheiße

Oh, und viel Glück versucht, mich zu ändern.
The only celebrating is being done by the Chinese since they are now the number one economy in the world.
Since they have 4x our population, not surprising. They're a great market for our goods, our companies' factories are coming home, and they're not the commie threat they used to be.

Guess you aren't aware of our massive trade deficit with the Chicoms.

What Is the U.S. Trade Deficit with China?

The U.S. trade deficit with China was $318.7 billion in 2013 This is a new record, up slightly from last year's record of $315 billion.

The trade deficit exists despite the fact that U.S. exports to China were also the highest in history, at $121.7 billion. However, imports from China also set a record -- $440.5 billion, more than the $425 billion imported in 2012. The deficit keeps growing because imports are rising faster than exports.

US China Trade Deficit Causes Effects and Solutions

Notice how this post was ignored?
The drop in median family income has accelerated under Obama and the Democrat Congress.

Yea, those factory workers that lost their relatively good paying jobs FINALLY went back to work at a lower pay scale and you are surprised the median family income has dropped?

And those lower paying jobs are somehow Obama's fault? Why don't you explain the right wing logic in that idea. If you can.
Liberals, displaying their partisan hack ignorance. Owned, again in their own thread.

Love these threads. Love them.

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