More economic good news: Economy adds 223,000 jobs, unemployment drops to 5.3%

CON$ervoFascist. .

great so our Founders were fascist because they like freedom from big liberal govt?

Not surprising that our liberals spied for Hitler and Stalin!!
We have the word of a proven liar on that!
great so our Founders were fascist because they like freedom from big liberal govt?

Not surprising that our liberals spied for Hitler and Stalin!!
Repeating your bullshit lies do not make them any less bullshit lies.
of course if there was a lie the liberal would not be so afraid to tell us what it is. What does his fear teach us?
CON$ervoFascist. .

great so our Founders were fascist because they like freedom from big liberal govt?

Not surprising that our liberals spied for Hitler and Stalin!!
We have the word of a proven liar on that!
great so our Founders were fascist because they like freedom from big liberal govt?

Not surprising that our liberals spied for Hitler and Stalin!!
Repeating your bullshit lies do not make them any less bullshit lies.
of course if there was a lie the liberal would not be so afraid to tell us what it is. What does his fear teach us?
You were already told, so what does that teach you.
CON$ervoFascist. .

great so our Founders were fascist because they like freedom from big liberal govt?

Not surprising that our liberals spied for Hitler and Stalin!!
We have the word of a proven liar on that!
great so our Founders were fascist because they like freedom from big liberal govt?

Not surprising that our liberals spied for Hitler and Stalin!!
Repeating your bullshit lies do not make them any less bullshit lies.
of course if there was a lie the liberal would not be so afraid to tell us what it is. What does his fear teach us?

Here Ed, let me try and use liberal logic and see if I get it right; maybe we should try it, lol............

So here is the deal.............Prezzie Obysmal has 5.something unemployment rate. His administration does this by not counting people who can no longer get unemployment insurance, so in the world according to the left, they no longer exist I guess; and the term for this is participation rate.

So here is the liberal logic.................with the election coming up, they should just ELIMINATE all unemployment compensation through a Presidential edict. (because he has a pen and a phone don't ya know) This means, our unemployment rate will drop to 0; let me spell it for the libs, Z-E-R-O. For the 1st time in history, the United States will have FULL employment in the Shang-Ri-La land that Faun and RW live in, and all will be right....errrr I mean left....errr I mean correct in the world.

Just think of it, it will be just like the Wizard of Oz! Come to think of it, what RW and Faun are trying to tell everyone means we are already there in Oz......look at this number, ignore that number, it means nothing, nothing.
great so our Founders were fascist because they like freedom from big liberal govt?

Not surprising that our liberals spied for Hitler and Stalin!!
We have the word of a proven liar on that!
great so our Founders were fascist because they like freedom from big liberal govt?

Not surprising that our liberals spied for Hitler and Stalin!!
Repeating your bullshit lies do not make them any less bullshit lies.
of course if there was a lie the liberal would not be so afraid to tell us what it is. What does his fear teach us?
You were already told, so what does that teach you.

great so our conservative Founders were fascist because they like freedom from big liberal govt?

Not surprising that our liberals spied for Hitler and Stalin!!
Not surprising that our liberals spied for Hitler and Stalin!!

Special Ed has his broad brush out today.

No doubt he's referring to the Rosenbergs who were also Jewish so why doesn't he also say our Jews spied for Stalin?

It would make about as much sense.

Which Special Ed has very little of.
Here Ed, let me try and use liberal logic and see if I get it right; maybe we should try it, lol............

So here is the deal.............Prezzie Obysmal has 5.something unemployment rate. His administration does this by not counting people who can no longer get unemployment insurance, so in the world according to the left, they no longer exist I guess; and the term for this is participation rate.

So here is the liberal logic.................with the election coming up, they should just ELIMINATE all unemployment compensation through a Presidential edict. (because he has a pen and a phone don't ya know) This means, our unemployment rate will drop to 0; let me spell it for the libs, Z-E-R-O. For the 1st time in history, the United States will have FULL employment in the Shang-Ri-La land that Faun and RW live in, and all will be right....errrr I mean left....errr I mean correct in the world.
No, the term for that is Right-wing STUPIDITY!
Collecting UI has NOTHING to do with whether you are counted as unemployed or not, so any "logic" based on that premise is MORONIC, and of course, CON$ervative.!
great so our Founders were fascist because they like freedom from big liberal govt?

Not surprising that our liberals spied for Hitler and Stalin!!
We have the word of a proven liar on that!
great so our Founders were fascist because they like freedom from big liberal govt?

Not surprising that our liberals spied for Hitler and Stalin!!
Repeating your bullshit lies do not make them any less bullshit lies.
of course if there was a lie the liberal would not be so afraid to tell us what it is. What does his fear teach us?

Here Ed, let me try and use liberal logic and see if I get it right; maybe we should try it, lol............

So here is the deal.............Prezzie Obysmal has 5.something unemployment rate. His administration does this by not counting people who can no longer get unemployment insurance, so in the world according to the left, they no longer exist I guess; and the term for this is participation rate.

So here is the liberal logic.................with the election coming up, they should just ELIMINATE all unemployment compensation through a Presidential edict. (because he has a pen and a phone don't ya know) This means, our unemployment rate will drop to 0; let me spell it for the libs, Z-E-R-O. For the 1st time in history, the United States will have FULL employment in the Shang-Ri-La land that Faun and RW live in, and all will be right....errrr I mean left....errr I mean correct in the world.

Just think of it, it will be just like the Wizard of Oz! Come to think of it, what RW and Faun are trying to tell everyone means we are already there in Oz......look at this number, ignore that number, it means nothing, nothing.
Actually, that's not Liberal logic. Liberal logic dictates the method for calculating the unemployment rate is the same method used to calculate it for decades. And that method, which indicated the unemployment rate was 4.2% when Bush became president, was the same method to determine the unemployment rate was 7.8% when Bush left office; and is the same method to determine the current unemployment rate is 5.3%.

Conservative logic, on the other hand, is for the first time in U.S. history, factoring in the labor force participation rate into the unemployment rate. Conservative logic goes even further to assert that the job market is horrible because retirees, students, stay-at-home spouses, disabled folks, etc..., are not working.

Though I can't say for sure I expect someone as horrible at math as you will understand.
current unemployment rate is 5.3%.

dear, you mean U3 is 5.3%, U6 is 10.5%, highest in 20 years and incomes are down making this worst recovery since Great Depression even with 0% interest rates and the Republican fracking/horizontal drilling boon that Democrats opposed. 7 years in we still have not had Barry's "Summer of Recovery" Exactly what you'd expect from the moron anti business libcommie president whose green jobs of the future turned out to be jobs in Republican fracking/horizontal drilling.
current unemployment rate is 5.3%.

dear, you mean U3 is 5.3%, U6 is 10.5%, highest in 20 years and incomes are down making this worst recovery since Great Depression even with 0% interest rates and the Republican fracking/horizontal drilling boon that Democrats opposed. 7 years in we still have not had Barry's "Summer of Recovery" Exactly what you'd expect from the moron anti business libcommie president whose green jobs of the future turned out to be jobs in Republican fracking/horizontal drilling.
Poor, Crazy Eddie. Now he thinks the U6, at 10.5% is the highest it's been in 20 years. :cuckoo:

Poor, Crazy Eddie -- the U6 rate was higher than 10.5% when Obama became president.

U6 Unemployment Rate Portal Seven
current unemployment rate is 5.3%.

dear, you mean U3 is 5.3%, U6 is 10.5%, highest in 20 years and incomes are down making this worst recovery since Great Depression even with 0% interest rates and the Republican fracking/horizontal drilling boon that Democrats opposed. 7 years in we still have not had Barry's "Summer of Recovery" Exactly what you'd expect from the moron anti business libcommie president whose green jobs of the future turned out to be jobs in Republican fracking/horizontal drilling.
Poor, Crazy Eddie. Now he thinks the U6, at 10.5% is the highest it's been in 20 years. :cuckoo:

Poor, Crazy Eddie -- the U6 rate was higher than 10.5% when Obama became president.

U6 Unemployment Rate Portal Seven

highest in 20 years not counting Barry's recession of course.
current unemployment rate is 5.3%.

dear, you mean U3 is 5.3%, U6 is 10.5%, highest in 20 years and incomes are down making this worst recovery since Great Depression even with 0% interest rates and the Republican fracking/horizontal drilling boon that Democrats opposed. 7 years in we still have not had Barry's "Summer of Recovery" Exactly what you'd expect from the moron anti business libcommie president whose green jobs of the future turned out to be jobs in Republican fracking/horizontal drilling.
Poor, Crazy Eddie. Now he thinks the U6, at 10.5% is the highest it's been in 20 years. :cuckoo:

Poor, Crazy Eddie -- the U6 rate was higher than 10.5% when Obama became president.

U6 Unemployment Rate Portal Seven

highest in 20 years not counting Barry's recession of course.
Poor, Crazy Eddie. Now he thinks the Great Recession is due to Obama, though it started more than a year before he was even president. :cuckoo:
current unemployment rate is 5.3%.

dear, you mean U3 is 5.3%, U6 is 10.5%, highest in 20 years and incomes are down making this worst recovery since Great Depression even with 0% interest rates and the Republican fracking/horizontal drilling boon that Democrats opposed. 7 years in we still have not had Barry's "Summer of Recovery" Exactly what you'd expect from the moron anti business libcommie president whose green jobs of the future turned out to be jobs in Republican fracking/horizontal drilling.
Poor, Crazy Eddie. Now he thinks the U6, at 10.5% is the highest it's been in 20 years. :cuckoo:

Poor, Crazy Eddie -- the U6 rate was higher than 10.5% when Obama became president.

U6 Unemployment Rate Portal Seven

highest in 20 years not counting Barry's recession of course.
Poor, Crazy Eddie. Now he thinks the Great Recession is due to Obama, though it started more than a year before he was even president. :cuckoo:

Yes Faun, you are correct. But he was hired to fix it, and he didn't, no matter how hard you try to claim he did. Your weak attempt at blaming everyone else for CURRENT conditions is pathetic. Your feeble sleight of hand at showing how wonderful things are is laughable. For all of our treasure he has spent, we could have purchased a country or 3, don't you think? And why don't you explain to all of us "dummies" how in such a wonderful economic recovery, we have increased our welfare roles by almost 100%? Or, is he just giving money away? You explain. Which is it?

You don't have economic leg to stand on, and even liberals know it. You just prattle on trying to convince everyone of something that everyone knows is not true. You insist on everyone looking at YOUR FAVORITE number, but tell them to ignore the rest. Meanwhile, back at the ranch, all we here on the radio and TV is people telling us that 1 in 5 American children are going to bed hungry.

Yeah Faun, explain that away. How can this be, in an economy that is going so well? You are ridiculous, and something further left than a liberal.
Great Recession is due to Obama, though it started more than a year before he was even president. :cuckoo:

most importantly it ended 6 months after he was in office and U6 is still 10.5%, income is down, interest rates are 0%, and we have a huge Republican fracking/horizontal drilling revolution to help Barry.

Barry's a hero to liberals just like FDR was because both prolonged forever, with backward anti business socialist policies, what could have ended in a couple of months!!

Lets maintain the highest corporate tax in the world and then wonder why business is moving out!!
current unemployment rate is 5.3%.

dear, you mean U3 is 5.3%, U6 is 10.5%, highest in 20 years and incomes are down making this worst recovery since Great Depression even with 0% interest rates and the Republican fracking/horizontal drilling boon that Democrats opposed. 7 years in we still have not had Barry's "Summer of Recovery" Exactly what you'd expect from the moron anti business libcommie president whose green jobs of the future turned out to be jobs in Republican fracking/horizontal drilling.
Poor, Crazy Eddie. Now he thinks the U6, at 10.5% is the highest it's been in 20 years. :cuckoo:

Poor, Crazy Eddie -- the U6 rate was higher than 10.5% when Obama became president.

U6 Unemployment Rate Portal Seven

highest in 20 years not counting Barry's recession of course.
Poor, Crazy Eddie. Now he thinks the Great Recession is due to Obama, though it started more than a year before he was even president. :cuckoo:

Yes Faun, you are correct. But he was hired to fix it, and he didn't, no matter how hard you try to claim he did. Your weak attempt at blaming everyone else for CURRENT conditions is pathetic. Your feeble sleight of hand at showing how wonderful things are is laughable. For all of our treasure he has spent, we could have purchased a country or 3, don't you think? And why don't you explain to all of us "dummies" how in such a wonderful economic recovery, we have increased our welfare roles by almost 100%? Or, is he just giving money away? You explain. Which is it?

You don't have economic leg to stand on, and even liberals know it. You just prattle on trying to convince everyone of something that everyone knows is not true. You insist on everyone looking at YOUR FAVORITE number, but tell them to ignore the rest. Meanwhile, back at the ranch, all we here on the radio and TV is people telling us that 1 in 5 American children are going to bed hungry.

Yeah Faun, explain that away. How can this be, in an economy that is going so well? You are ridiculous, and something further left than a liberal.
Yeah, Obama's doing such a bad job, that's why America re-elected him. :lmao:

By the way, I'm talking about employment numbers because that's what this thread is about. :eusa_doh:

And since you seem to be so bad at math ... how much to you do you think Obama has spent?
Great Recession is due to Obama, though it started more than a year before he was even president. :cuckoo:

most importantly it ended 6 months after he was in office and U6 is still 10.5%, income is down, interest rates are 0%, and we have a huge Republican fracking/horizontal drilling revolution to help Barry.

Barry's a hero to liberals just like FDR was because both prolonged forever, with backward anti business socialist policies, what could have ended in a couple of months!!

Lets maintain the highest corporate tax in the world and then wonder why business is moving out!!
Poor, demented, Crazy Eddie. In terms of ownership, it doesn't matter when the recession ended. What matters is that you're so far off in the deep end, you think it was Obama's fault, even though it started more than a year before he became president.

That's almost as dumb as your claim that the U-6 rate hasn't been higher in 20 years than it is now. :eusa_doh:
, I'm talking about employment numbers because that's what this thread is about. :eusa_doh:

dear, the last time unemployment was 10.5% was in the early 90's so why would you talk about it?

See why we say the liberal will be slow??
it doesn't matter when the recession ended.

dear its considered a good thing when a recession ends but not a good thing when its followed by the worst recovery since the Great Depression that features 10.5% unemployment, reduced income, 0% interest rates, despite a fracking revolution!!
, I'm talking about employment numbers because that's what this thread is about. :eusa_doh:

dear, the last time unemployment was 10.5% was in the early 90's so why would you talk about it?

See why we say the liberal will be slow??
Uhh, no, poor, demented Crazy Eddie. The last time unemployment was around 10.5% was when it approached 11% under Reagan.

As usual, you're too retarded to know about that of which you speak.

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