Moon dust fired into space could help stop global warming


Diamond Member
Oct 4, 2021

Moon dust fired into space could help stop global warming​

Astrophysicists say the radical solution may reduce solar radiation by one to two per cent

Moon dust fired into space could help stop global warming

Moon dust could be fired into space to shade the Earth from the Sun’s rays and stop global warming, scientists have concluded.
The radical solution might sound extreme, but astrophysicists have calculated that it could reduce solar radiation by one to two per cent, enough to stop climate change.
Although launching vast quantities of dust from Earth would be too expensive, mining moon dust for the task could be achievable, they argue.
The proposal involves shooting lunar dust from a platform on the surface of the Moon towards the Sun. The team found that when fired at the correct trajectory, the dust would scatter effectively into space and work as a sun shield.
“It is amazing to contemplate how moon dust - which took over four billion years to generate - might help slow the rise in the Earth’s temperature, a problem that took us less than 300 years to produce,” said Scott Kenyon from the Harvard–Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics.
“It is astounding that the Sun, Earth, and Moon are in just the right configuration to enable this kind of climate mitigation strategy.”

‘Possible game changer for critical problem’​

The team stumbled across the idea while studying planet formation around distant stars.
Planet formation is a messy process that kicks up astronomical dust, forming rings around host stars, and partly blocking out the radiation.

Very interesting proposition they're making. Do you believe that it could reduce the solar energy reaching the earth?

Moon dust fired into space could help stop global warming​

Astrophysicists say the radical solution may reduce solar radiation by one to two per cent

Moon dust fired into space could help stop global warming

Very interesting proposition they're making. Do you believe that it could reduce the solar energy reaching the earth?

It has been COOLING for 8 years now:

From the NOAA website,



Moon dust fired into space could help stop global warming​

Astrophysicists say the radical solution may reduce solar radiation by one to two per cent

Moon dust fired into space could help stop global warming

Very interesting proposition they're making. Do you believe that it could reduce the solar energy reaching the earth?
Read part of it but hit a pay wall. What I read seems to point to some study group funded by some government climate change bureaucratic money pot.

Moon dust fired into space could help stop global warming​

Astrophysicists say the radical solution may reduce solar radiation by one to two per cent

Moon dust fired into space could help stop global warming

Very interesting proposition they're making. Do you believe that it could reduce the solar energy reaching the earth?

It is a stupid idea since there is no climate crisis and the slow warming is good for us and the biology/Botany of the planet.


Greening of the Earth Mitigates Surface Warming​




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With a current cooling trend and no climate crisis developing, it is better to drop this crazy idea.

Moon dust fired into space could help stop global warming​

Astrophysicists say the radical solution may reduce solar radiation by one to two per cent

Moon dust fired into space could help stop global warming

Very interesting proposition they're making. Do you believe that it could reduce the solar energy reaching the earth?
Since Global Warming isn’t all that serious, throwing moon dust into the air might lead to Global Cooling and a new Ice Age.

Missing politics and science leads to junk science.
Reflective confetti in space; where did I hear that again???


So many decades ago I'd almost forgotten about it!!! The idea was to put them into orbit closer to the sun so that they provided "shade".........

Google failed me this time. lol


Moon dust fired into space could help stop global warming​

Astrophysicists say the radical solution may reduce solar radiation by one to two per cent

Moon dust fired into space could help stop global warming

Very interesting proposition they're making. Do you believe that it could reduce the solar energy reaching the earth?

Dumbest idea ever to address a non-issue

We need to launch a gigantic pair of polarized, flippable sunglasses into orbit. Fuck off, Global Warming

We're already doing this with all the jet engines running in the lower Stratosphere ... or so it can be reasoned ...

Sept 11th through 14th, 2001 ... the United States shut down her airspace ... no airplanes in the air (except military and Saudi Arabian royalty) ... during this time, temperatures across the USA were 3-4ºF higher ... the theory is that without all the smoke and soot from the jets engines, more sunlight reached the Earth's surface ...

There's some ongoing research in Israel that partially confirms this ... so don't be investing in snow shovel manufacturing ...
Very interesting proposition they're making.

Only a moron would think so.
  1. Moon dust is mostly bauxite and elements high in albedo. The dust load sent into orbit would have to be weighed to balance against a constantly changing climate load. Soon as that load changes again, the dust could begin reflecting too much energy or not enough, sending the Earth into who knows what worse climate position?
  2. The dust would increase extinction of light intensity by a magnitude or two doing great harm to millions of ground based telescopes and research installations, some of which are hunting for asteroids which could collide with the Earth.
  3. Tampering with the climate by blocking the Sun would invariably have trillions of unforeseen, incalculable, irreversible effects on all life on this planet, risking a holocaust.
Only a moron would think so.
  1. Moon dust is mostly bauxite and elements high in albedo. The dust load sent into orbit would have to be weighed to balance against a constantly changing climate load. Soon as that load changes again, the dust could begin reflecting too much energy or not enough, sending the Earth into who knows what worse climate position?
  2. The dust would increase extinction of light intensity by a magnitude or two doing great harm to millions of ground based telescopes and research installations, some of which are hunting for asteroids which could collide with the Earth.
  3. Tampering with the climate by blocking the Sun would invariably have trillions of unforeseen, incalculable, irreversible effects on all life on this planet, risking a holocaust.

Not to mention cost ... moon dust is extremely sticky ... why we call the astronauts "The Dusty Dozen" ... the dust got into everything on board the capsule ... don't you remember the fits Mike Collins threw when Neil and Buzz came in tracking all that dirt into the nice clean cabin? ...

Mike never flew again ...
Not to mention cost ... moon dust is extremely sticky ... why we call the astronauts "The Dusty Dozen" ... the dust got into everything on board the capsule ...

Aside from the trillions of dollars it would cost in gathering and launching the crap somehow into orbit, stuff which commercially is worth a lot for mining of valuable minerals, the stickiness of that microfine dust comes largely from electrostatic cling and charge if I remember right, meaning that it could end up clumping in orbit rendering it useless, even falling back to Earth then.

Especially foolish a risk considering that climate change can be beaten for free and safely, simply by people having far fewer kids for a few generations.

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