Mods and Admins Getting Scarce Around Here...

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Charter Member
May 8, 2004
Podunk, WI
... I've been seeing quite a bit of time now where there's no mod at all on the board.

Now if you look RIGHT NOW, there's not only no mod, there's NO ADMIN either. There is NO ONE here to moderate ANYTHING on the board. It's a FREE FOR ALL.

I see a LONG LIST of admins and mods... what are they mods or admins for if they're hardly ever here?
Could just be a convergence of calendars, [MENTION=1322]007[/MENTION] - we are in the Christian Holy Week right now and people have extra to do.

And other than the FZ, where the shit flings regularly, and it's allowed, I find that most of the threads stay relatively calm - well, most of the time.

If anyone is giving you a hard time, I can bore them with stats until they beg for mercy and leave the adults in the room alone.

Could just be a convergence of calendars, [MENTION=1322]007[/MENTION] - we are in the Christian Holy Week right now and people have extra to do.

And other than the FZ, where the shit flings regularly, and it's allowed, I find that most of the threads stay relatively calm - well, most of the time.

If anyone is giving you a hard time, I can bore them with stats until they beg for mercy and leave the adults in the room alone.


I used to be a mod here, Stat, and I see things that need to be done here and they're not getting done. If the mod lineup is such that isn't adequate to cover morning, mid day and evening, then it's my opinion that a couple different or additional mods are needed.

And, when I see a list of about 8 or 9 admins, but you rarely if ever see but the same one, c_k, ever here, then what are all these people an admin for? Are they just honorary admins? Do they have a financial stake in the board? What's the point?
Hey, [MENTION=1322]007[/MENTION], is it possible that a mod or two is running without his headlights on? Did you ever do that?

I do agree, it is probably a good idea to have at least on mod on all the time, no matter what, but maybe it's just a tight squeeze right now.

As for the number of admins, I only personally know of two - the rest, I am not really aware of at all.

I am impressed that the mods don't overmoderate, that they step in only when necessary. But that's just my feeling on the issue.
People sleep, people have jobs...

I'm pretty sure being a mod around here doesn't pay well enough to quit a day job...

Lots of people here are retired or have a job where they're on the computer all day.

You're posting... how is it you have time for it?
I thought we had two admins. CK and Connery and then Connery left so that left CK. I didn't know USMB had 9 admins. First I've heard of it.
I thought we had two admins. CK and Connery and then Connery left so that left CK. I didn't know USMB had 9 admins. First I've heard of it.

The bolded in blue is a mischaracterization and must be qualified, that I cannot do on the open boards.

Best way to say it is: I have never left anything and resent even the inference that I did!

Now I am going to lift weights......
...I will see you folks later.
People sleep, people have jobs...

I'm pretty sure being a mod around here doesn't pay well enough to quit a day job...

Lots of people here are retired or have a job where they're on the computer all day.

You're posting... how is it you have time for it?

I have time for it but I would not be a good moderator because I have very strong opinions about Israel, 007. I would not want others thinking I used such a position to further my own agenda or gave my own friends a free pass. Irregardless of whether or not a person deserved a ban - it would always be in the back of someones mind - was the motive pure? By not putting myself in such a position I'm avoiding any misunderstanding and preventing those who would appoint me to such a post from being misunderstood as well.

Moderating is a VERY difficult job. It isn't for the faint hearted. Speaking for them - members on board who have never moderated, been admin, can be tough on the staff but the worst are ex admin and ex mods who see what others don't see and feel we have to give them a heads up with our past expertise! lol... Imo a board that feels as if the moderators are not there is a sign of a healthy board.. ( they are present but not felt ) If they show up in moderator mode - its fast and its over with... it isn't lingering on like an axe waiting to drop from overhead.... that is the atmosphere you DON'T want. imo.
I thought we had two admins. CK and Connery and then Connery left so that left CK. I didn't know USMB had 9 admins. First I've heard of it.
[MENTION=40540]Connery[/MENTION] left?

As in, left the board, left the country, left his USMess babysitting, er, uh, I mean, mod job?
... I've been seeing quite a bit of time now where there's no mod at all on the board.

Now if you look RIGHT NOW, there's not only no mod, there's NO ADMIN either. There is NO ONE here to moderate ANYTHING on the board. It's a FREE FOR ALL.

I see a LONG LIST of admins and mods... what are they mods or admins for if they're hardly ever here?

I've heard that some grade schools don't have hall monitors on duty at all times either.

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