Mmm. I love the smell of debunked Conservative bullshit in the morning!

4.5 million jobs added under Obama's term. Unemployment could be lower, especially if Obama wasn't under pressure to keep government spending (i.e. government employment) and recockulous levels. Doubled DOW Jones average. We've now recovered jobs to the point they were at four years ago when he took office.

Now, let's talk about what Mitt Romney's fiscal policies will be, how closely they relate to Bush's and whether the American people trust Bushonomics. Yeah?

^^^^^^^^^^Baldfaced lie ^^^^^^^^^^

^^^^^^^^^^^Accusation of lie without any evidence to prove accusation, therefore it's total and complete bullshit and not worth spending any more time on than to point out its an empty accusation^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Quoted for emphasis/reiteration.
4.5 million jobs added under Obama's term. Unemployment could be lower, especially if Obama wasn't under pressure to keep government spending (i.e. government employment) and recockulous levels. Doubled DOW Jones average. We've now recovered jobs to the point they were at four years ago when he took office.

Now, let's talk about what Mitt Romney's fiscal policies will be, how closely they relate to Bush's and whether the American people trust Bushonomics. Yeah?

^^^^^^^^^^Baldfaced lie ^^^^^^^^^^

^^^^^^^^^^^Accusation of lie without any evidence to prove accusation, therefore it's total and complete bullshit and not worth spending any more time on than to point out its an empty accusation^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

^^^^liar boo hooing^^^^^


^^^^^^^^^^Baldfaced lie ^^^^^^^^^^

^^^^^^^^^^^Accusation of lie without any evidence to prove accusation, therefore it's total and complete bullshit and not worth spending any more time on than to point out its an empty accusation^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

^^^^liar boo hooing^^^^^


^^^^Intellectual lightweight still not actually making any points, or pointing out any actual lies^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
^^^^^^^^^^^Accusation of lie without any evidence to prove accusation, therefore it's total and complete bullshit and not worth spending any more time on than to point out its an empty accusation^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

^^^^liar boo hooing^^^^^


^^^^Intellectual lightweight still not actually making any points, or pointing out any actual lies^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

^^^^the lie was in the OP, the rest is just fluff and fun^^^^^
Wasn't this the same idiot who posted that retarded "chart" that showed that left wingers commit more acts of terror than right wingers?

That was classic.
^^^^the lie was in the OP, the rest is just fluff and fun^^^^^

Oh really? What is that lie again?

That anyone was debunked by your pretend, unsourced chart.

I've given the source of the chart's data about a million times already, but just for interest of shutting you the fuck down (again, because you suck at this):

There's nothing VAGUE about it. When you account for inflation, the percentage of the tax hikes in the ACA amount to .49% of the GDP, nowhere near the biggest in American history.

I am about helping the less fortunate, doesn't mean I can't call you out for being an idiot. Show me anywhere that I said you or any other poor person who truly needs help should not get it. You can't, because I didn't. Learn the difference. Or wait for your corporate masters to tell you the difference.

if YOU are all about helping the less fortuante, get your lazy self-righteous ass out of the fuckign chair and go help. Stop asking someone else to do it by force. You get no fucking moral credit for voting to have someone else do it for you by stealing from someone else at gunpoint. Ya fucking puke.

I'm not asking someone else to do anything. I am voicing my opinion on how I want my tax dollars spent. Cry me a river hypocrite. Maybe if you weren't spending your life online bitching about the evil government and "mooching" poor people (not you of course, you're the exception, hahahah) you would actually be able to make something of your life. Novel thought I know.


Seriously. You're not very bright. I'm doing just fine in my life with my goals. Regardless of how many times you envious LOLberals want to keep reaching in my pocket for some more. You are too asking the govt. to intervene in the healthcare industry, which is the reason prices are so high in the first place, to do more. You're not only a hypocrite, you're fucking stupid to boot. You dont even know what is going on. Like I said, you want to help the less fortunate? Get your lazy ass off the chair and go do it. Stop asking for more from everyone else by voting a politician to intervene based on your belief.

Now make sure you come back with some personal attack about how Im a poor bottom feeder and that you want to help poor. you're a re a fucking liar. You have nobodies interests at heart but your own, or else you'd leave peoples wallets to them and go help those who need it. Fucking marxist scumbag.
Here's the thing, genius...the source belongs with the ORIGINAL posting.

That's the way the big boys do it, and that's the way the rules dictate we do it on this site. You pulled this bullshit with the other retardochart too. More proof of your dishonesty, bordering on criminality.
So I followed your link.

Your chart is based on an opinion piece..this is why you didn't source it. It's a bullshit piece of garbage based on your own opinion, which in turn was based on the opinions of others, and which has no basis in fact.

In fact, I'm going to flag it, you dishonest douchebag.
Here's the thing, genius...the source belongs with the ORIGINAL posting.

That's the way the big boys do it, and that's the way the rules dictate we do it on this site. You pulled this bullshit with the other retardochart too. More proof of your dishonesty, bordering on criminality.

So...all that banality disproves my chart and this link, right below, again for your reference?
So I followed your link.

Your chart is based on an opinion piece..this is why you didn't source it. It's a bullshit piece of garbage based on your own opinion, which in turn was based on the opinions of others, and which has no basis in fact.

In fact, I'm going to flag it, you dishonest douchebag.

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. You're a fucking idiot. Please do flag it. Flag the living fuck out of it. Do you need a lesson in what is? It's not an opinion piece you dumb fucking twat. They are non-partisan and call out Obama all the time.

This, right here is my crowning achievement here so far. I've gotten you to show that you have no idea what an opinion piece is. They source all their data. You just don't agree with it, so you think it's a lie.

Again, please, I URGE YOU to report this thread. I'm BEGGING you to flag this thread.
You bet it does. It shows you for the dishonest piece of shit you are.

You do realize it's against the law to attribute fake information to real literary sources, right? You do know the paper would object to that sort of chicanery. Right?

Just embrace your stupidity and admit these charts are your own when you post them, instead of lying that they come from anywhere but your own sadly depleted brain pan.
You bet it does. It shows you for the dishonest piece of shit you are.

You do realize it's against the law to attribute fake information to real literary sources, right? You do know the paper would object to that sort of chicanery. Right?

Just embrace your stupidity and admit these charts are your own when you post them, instead of lying that they come from anywhere but your own sadly depleted brain pan.

HA HA HA HA HA. Holy shit. Please, turn me into whatever government agency you think is going to prosecute me. Oh fuck, I can HEAR the stupidity in your posts.

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